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Chapter 40: Intermission 1

(A/N: Integral to the story so please read.)

Title: A Flower For Atrocity


Elise, was a young countryside girl, living with her mother and working day after day to make sure that there would be enough to eat and drink the next time she woke up. To be honest, there was nothing really exceptional about her, one could easily find many in a similar or the same situation as her.

Her mother claimed her light brown hair and bright eyes made her cute and Elise had no reason to not believe that but, it wasn't really something she oft considered. She was a young ball of cheery energy.

Elise's life usually consisted of waking up, breaking her fast, looking after their animals, checking out the fields for any help she could give to those working there and rarely ever, going over to the famed Camelot of their saviour King Arthur along with one of the traders.

What else could one expect from a 7 year old?

Though, if one were to look for any peculiarities in her, it would be that she held a belief greatly contrasting with the common masses.

It was that Elise didn't know or understand why people so feared and detested Sir Aston, the Knight of Atrocity. He was a knight of common birth that had given everything for their nation, his 'atrocities' were only reserved for those that sought to oppress them were they not? Why then was he feared so?


Today was one such day where Elise had, after using her childish wiles (begging and crying), had managed to convince one of their neighbours, a nice older man endearingly called Old Jim by everyone, to take her along to Camelot.

The older man relented under the child's enthusiasm, understanding that Camelot was possibly the safest place in the Kingdom as of now.

Maybe it was because Elise was with him that there was not a cloud in sight, the Sun shone magnificently in a clear blue sky as a pleasant breeze wafted throughout the land, carrying with the scent of wet soil. The grass on either side of the dirt road seemed to dance in the breeze, making for a very beautiful day.

Elise curiously eyed the reins in Old Jim's hands, ones he would use to somehow slow down or make the horses drawing their wooden cart go faster after a certain amount of time had passed.

"What's on your mind?" The older man asked, noticing her gaze as he scratched the rough fabric of the plain shirt he wore, accompanied by haggard leather boots and pants made of a seemingly similar material.

Elise hummed in response, looking at the sky and mimicking his actions, "Why does everyone hate Lord Aston?" She spoke innocently, her large eyes giving Jim pause before he sighed and ruffled her hair with a smile.

"The saxons are living creatures, Elise. He's far too.." Jim sighed exasperatedly, it was only par for the course she'd ask this once she learnt they were heading to Camelot, "Too inhumane, cruel." His latest 'conquest' had seen him burn to the ground entire encampments, slaughter indiscriminately, crucifying the leaders, "I once had the misfortune of passing by one of his battlefields." The older man slightly paled, it would be better to call them slaughters, "Don't know why our King has him knighted still."

"But, they were bad people right?" Elise tilted her head confusedly, gently tugging at the hem of her navy dress, "Bad people that wanted to hurt everyone?" Why did they need to fear him? He did it for them right?

"Bad people are still people." That was all Jim replied with before returning his gaze to the road, there was no method to ascertain whether or not that monster would one day turn his tendencies their way.

Elise was only left more confused than before, the knight was spoken of as the sort of monster that children were afraid of encountering, stories of his horridness were told, she never really got them though.

Hours later, the pristine, highly developed capital of their nation came into view, encircled by beautiful walls that had knights in full plate armour stationed on them, dutifully observing all below them.

Despite being in a developmental stage, it still stood leagues beyond what one would expect. With tall refined brick houses, ornamented with paint and glass windows, with domesticated plants hanging down several.

"Woooah." Elise's eyes shone excitedly as she squirmed in her spot, getting ready to jump off the cart at the first opportunity to do so. Jim smiled at her behaviour, finding it adorable and pleasant.

With little to no hassle, they were through the gates.

Even if nobility had come to reside in the city, there were still the common folk and regardless of birth, everyone needed food and other resources to survive.

Elise put on a small straw hat her mother had made for her and happily got off the cart, following around Jim on foot as she curiously looked around, letting out a few 'Oohs' and 'Wows' at sights both old and new.

The knights patrolling the city seemed to smile at her excited behaviour, while others found it annoying. An older lady gave her a flower, calling her an angel, that she kept with her, holding it gently in her small hands despite her own hasty movements.

Hours passed as Jim went about selling the goods, accounting for the money made and jokingly taught Elise his methods, not knowing that she was sucking up all his words like a sponge.

Just as they found themselves about to leave, a loud commotion drew their attention as a crowd formed around the main gates with people cheering loudly and throwing flowers.

Excitable as she was, being a child, Elise was quick to rush over as well. Ducking under people and using her small body to slip past the crowds and arrive at the front, with Jim tiredly attempting to follow her, a hand on his back as he moaned and groaned.

What she saw then made her gasp, jumping up and down while squealing excitedly.

"Hail King Arthur! Hail King Arthur!...."

The cries of the people should have made it obvious already but..

When one thought of Camelot, what came to mind was King Arthur and his Round Table of Knights and while Elise had been here several times before, it was her first time witnessing King Arthur and her knights.

Flowers were thrown from canopies and rooftops as men and women alike cheered for their glorious King, happy that he had returned sound and victorious from his latest conquest.

At the head, atop a white stallion akin to a beast rode King Arthur himself.

Wearing his usual blue and white armour, his countenance distant and cold as his gaze scoured the masses. Elise cheered along with numerous others as the King raised his hand, acknowledging their actions and presence.

What followed was a tall knight in purplish armour, a massive sword at his side as he followed behind the King. His face was one that made many maidens squeal in delight and throw at him flowers as he too smiled, pleased with the sight of a happy people.

Sir Lancelot Du Lac, Knight of the Lake, wielder of Arondight, and among the most skilled and strongest of the Round Table of Knights.

The next to enter was an individual that made all alarmed and instantly silenced, no longer cheerful but instead fearful. The crowd attempted to ignore his presence and cheer for the King but the knight's grim countenance supernaturally compelled them to acknowledge him even if his face was masked by his helmet.

Elise gasped and followed the crowd, going completely silent and looking down at the white flower in her hand. She hadn't gone silent because she was terrified no, it was complete and utter shock at meeting someone she thought she never would.

His armour was dark, several shades more so than Lancelot's, and the right side of his figure was concealed by a pitch black cape. His pointed helmet glowed softly in four different spots, spots one would think were for eyes and his sabatons were spiked, as were his gauntlets.

"I..It's him."

"Shhhh, h-he'll hear you!"

"Why's he here?"

Hushed whispers and jabs that would make one greatly disheartened were exchanged by the crowds and Elise smiled sadly, did they not know that this was the man who came back injured and on the verge of death for their sakes? Even Sir Lancelot and the knights coming from behind seemed displeased with the situation. Aston rarely ever came out like this and this was what happened.

She nodded to herself, making up her mind and rushed out to the Knight of Atrocity who hastily pulled the reins of his dark steed lest she be trampled. Behind her, Jim tried to stop her by grabbing her collar but failed miserably and drew in a sharp breath, thinking whether he should fall on his knees and beg for her life.

"M-My Lord!"

Elise stuttered, looking down at the paved road. He was terrifying, absurdly so, in person but, he was a good person, so she believed.

The Knight didn't budge but Elise knew he was looking at her, she could feel it!

Shivering, she held up the flower with both her hands, eyes shut and cast down but, she worked up the courage and slowly looked up, staring up at the Knight of Atrocity with mostly hopeful eyes, you couldn't blame her for being a little scared!

Much to her surprise however, the Knight froze up and none dared think he was shocked. They instead thought he was so angered he couldn't react.

The knight lowered himself and raised a hand and as many closed their eyes, not willing to see the sight of a child being ripped apart, he reached for the flower with a shaking hand, as if afraid.

Gently, he took it from her hands and brought it close to himself, grasping it with both hands just as she had and silently beckoned for his horse to move. It was plain for Elise to see that his gaze seemed completely fixed on the common flower.

Jim rushed forward and picked up Elise before running back into the crowd, afraid of drawing the knight's ire, failing to see the massive overjoyed smile on the girl's face, "I told you he wasn't a bad person." She spoke in a hushed manner, looking at her hands.

Lancelot bellowed with laughter, approaching Aston and throwing a hand over his neck, "It's not bad huh?" He grinned, happy for one he considered his dearest friend. Aston didn't react however, transfixed by the flower.

After they'd passed, Gareth passed by, carrying both her own and Aston's spears and following her was a knight with long, bright red hair and narrowed eyes, a melancholic expression on his face that contrasted sharply with his bright armour and cloak.

He stopped near Elise and Jim, looking down at them momentarily before speaking in a subdued tone, "Ah, such a beautiful sight. I thank you, young one." He lowered his head in thanks, flustering the commoners before riding away with a small but noticeable smile tugging at the corner of his lips as the cheers resumed once more.

Elise would later go on to learn that had been Tristan and while it was but one event of many that took place in her life, she would remember it always. Teaching her not to go by appearances alone and that people's beliefs were not always truth.

* * *

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