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Chapter 2: Prologue 2


"…fuck" I cursed under my breath when I saw those floating blue boxes in front of me.

This was way beyond my imagination, I know for one that I am really here and alive in a world that I knew as a game. But that's no longer the deal here, if these dialogue boxes are really telling the truth, some kind of real magic is at work here. I don't know how I got chosen as an inheritor to some system that I've read on novels from the internet, but it just gave me a chance to live a new life and I don't know how to feel about it.

After all, I would've been thankful if I got this system and got reincarnated to some fantasy world where I could just go an enjoy the adventures of that world. But here, in the Fate/Grand Order Universe? Hell no! I'm not some freaking overconfident protagonist, I know my strengths. And although I've gone through some real nasty stuffs as an ex-soldier/mercenary from my previous life in my line of work, and had my fair share of experience on a battlefield. But in this new world where ghosts of heroes and legends are my allies and enemies, not to mention they can't be hurt by mere guns or firearms, or gods and demons seeking the annihilation of humanity? That's a whole different level of craziness even I'm not prepared to face.

"…Ahh! Forgive me senpai, then I won't bother you anymore..." I was so distracted in my train of thoughts that I didn't notice what I just said after this girl politely asked me a question.

"No! Please, I apologize… I was just talking to myself; I did not mean to offend you. You were saying?" I hurriedly tried to salvage the situation. The dialogue boxes were distracting me so I willed them to disappear for now, thankfully they did just as I wanted. Thankfully Mash didn't leave so soon as she fidgeted for a bit before looking cautiously at me.

"…Umm… You were asleep, but I don't see why you'd sleep in the hall. Can you not sleep unless you're on a hard bed?" She was a bit hesitant to ask right away unlike her usual calm manner earlier, it seems like I've really ruined my first impression thank to this system.

"Ahaha… Was I sleeping here?" I scratched the back of my head and noticed that my usual cropped short hair is now a bit luscious and wavy.

"Yes, like a log. It was such a deep sleep; it was almost textbook." Finally, she smiled. I tried my best to approach the conversation friendly.

"Fou! Kyuu! Kyao!" The game's mascot, the cute squirrel/fox? Made his presence known to us. His fluffy body especially the tail was so adorable and with a scarf tied around his body added to his already overflowing cute charm.

Although I know from the game the identity of their cute little fellow, my instincts didn't tell me it's real strength as a ridiculously strong monster, not to mention one of the "Beasts". Such a dangerous thing should have sent ringing bells in my head now, but it seems I can't trust my world's standards of danger anymore.

"…I completely forgot. I still haven't introduced you yet, have I Fou?

"This squirrel-like creature is Fou. He's a privileged life-form allowed to freely walk around Chaldea. Fou led me here, that's how I ran into you, Senpai." Mash introduced the cute little creature eagerly.

"Hahaha. Is that so? Well then I have to thank this little guy, huh?" I can't help but pick up Fou, it's fascinating to see this little guy in real life, and despite being the beast of calamity he's just too damn adorable not to cuddle. I rubbed his fur to my face adoringly and felt the softness of this gentle monster.

"Fou. Mmkyu, Fou!" The little guy seems be very docile which gladdens me as I continue petting it, sadly decided to break free when I keep on cuddling him.

"He ran off somewhere again. He does that sometimes, just walks around."

"He's adorable, that one. Can I pet him again?" I won't let this chance pass to have one of the strongest creatures in this world as my personal teddy bear.

"Yes, normally he doesn't go near anyone aside from me, but he seems to like you, Senpai. Congratulations. Now you shall be the second caretaker of Fou in Chaldea." I heartily laughed about her assigning me as one of the Beast IV caretakers, such a privilege.

Suddenly I noticed a sinister presence approaching us, seems like things still went according to the game as I see a man dressed in green with a long maned hair with a green hat walk towards us.

"Ah, there you are, Mash. That won't do, you know, wandering about without permission." I sensed the foul presence with him near me, it was worse aura I've felt to the most horrible murderers I've meet before. This wasn't just a foul presence, more like a demonic wretched creature that wears a human skin. I did my best to remain calm on the surface.

"Oh, someone's already with you? You're… I see… The rookie who just got assigned here. I'm Lev Lainur, one of the technicians employed here." I simply nodded right back as a reply while remaining neutral.

"And your name is?" Ah, shit! I don't know how I should answer. They should have my name in their system so I can't say my name from before. Thankfully I remembered I could see other people names above their head, same thing should also apply to me, right. I look at my reflection at the window glass of the hallways, and for the first time saw my new body.

I seem to have the body of an eighteen-year-old young Japanese man, medium black hair, blue eyes, it was a fair face of a young man. It felt somehow strange that I felt very familiar with this new body, it didn't feel really different with my previous body. It was exactly the copy of the male counterpart of the main character in the game, and my new name was above; Ritsuka Fujimaru.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka." I introduced myself briefly, I can't bring myself to make good impression to this demon, especially after seeing his name above his head.

<Lvl??? Lev Lainur(??? Demon Pillar)> It was a level I could not see, no doubt something so far above my own, this was after all one of the demons from the Key of Solomon.

"Hmm, I see. Soo you're the last of the 48 candidates. Welcome to Chaldea. I'm glad you're here." He reached out his arm for a handshake and I bitterly returned it without showing it on my face.

"I heard you were selected out of many public applicants, how long was your training? A year? 6 months? 3 months?" His smile sends shivers down my spine, I felt a bit of his bloodlust seeped out from him, my instincts where telling me to return back the intent but kept it to myself.

"…I'll leave that to your imagination." Of course, I didn't have a single shit training on me as a mage, master or something. I just came here after dying after all, and this freaking demon seems to have an inkling of idea of me.

"I see that you already know how competitive it is in here. You're going to hide your info from your rivals?"

"Dr. Lev, Fujimaru-san's training was less than a few hours. I think it's from embarrassment." Thankfully Mash was there to save me. I scratched my cheek in embarrassment to act the part.

"Oh? Well, now… I see. We had an emergency opening for applicants to fill out numbers. So, you're one of them? Do forgive me, I was inconsiderate.

"But please don't be discourage because you're a public applicant. We need all of you for this mission. 38 elite mages, plus 10 talented public applicants… Somehow, we were able to gather all possible candidates.

"That's something to rejoice over. This year, 2017, all possible candidates capable of Spiritron Dives were brought to Chaldea. If there's something you don't understand, feel free to ask Mash or myself anytime…Hmm?"

Rejoice, my ass. You just want to make sure to kill all possible treats that would hinder your plans to incinerate humanity, but even so I kept my silence as he keeps on rambling.

"Come to think of it, what were you talking about with him, Mash? That's not like you. Did you know each other before?"

"No, I'd never met Senpai before. I saw Senpai sleeping here, so I just…"

"Sleeping? Fujimaru-san was asleep, here? Ahh, you went through the simulation when you entered right?" More like I freaking died and somehow transmigrated here by some powerful magic system I still don't know of.

"Spiritron Dives, can get to you if you're not used to them. After the simulation, the gate must've opened and you walked over here before you returned to consciousness. It's a type of sleep-walking. When you fell, Fujimaru-san, that was when Mash spoke to you." Ahh, this demon is now getting on my nerves, when will this bastard ever shut up?

"You seem to be fine, but I'd like to take you to the infirmary just in case… Sorry, hand in there a little longer. The Director's orientation is about to start. You should hurry over."

Finally. I don't know if I can keep myself from twisting this demon's neck before he stops on talking with his foul mouth, not that I can kill this bastard anyway… yet.

"Ahh! Then can I have Mash guide me there? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with this place at all."

"Hahaha. Since the director is not the type to forgive and forget, if you show up late, you'll be on her radar for the entire year. The orientation begins in five minutes, Mash can you please show him the way?"

"Understood, Dr. Lev. Fujimaru-san let us go then, we can't have you late on your first day." Thankfully, I can now get away from this foul demon. I thank Mash as I walk beside her leading me to the Central Command Room.

_ _ _

We rode an elevator that headed below, we were heading quite deep as the elevator keep descending. Thankfully the damn demon kept his silence throughout the whole ordeal. I was quite amazed as I saw the whole entirety of Chaldea's base of operation, it's imposing size considering being built on a coastal region of the world show beyond doubt its power as quite fitting for the organization entrusted with the preservation of Humanity.

We stopped at the door of the Central Command Room, as we entered, the full glory of CHALDEAS was laid before my eyes, it was surely a sight to see. Its miniature model of earth surrounded by rings rotating around its body was where I focused my attention. Not regarding the people gathered in inside the room, I continued to observe this structure as I follow behind Mash, with Dr. Lev behind me.

"This is the Central Command Room. Your Number, Senpai… Single digit, you're in the front row."

I was brought to reality as Mash pointed me to where I should sit. The sits were pretty much all occupied save for the sit Mash pointed out. Every single person turned their attention to me as Mash and I walked towards my seat.

"Thank you, Mash, for guiding me here. So uhh, catch up with you later?" Arriving at my sit not minding all the attention I was receiving; I did make sure to part ways positively with Mash.

"…Hmm? Ahh, yes, Senpai. See you later." She responded back with her face seemingly surprised at my statement.


Suddenly I felt a gaze burning through my back, as I turned to face the front, I saw the furious face of the director boring straight at me. I guess I was late after all, just like in the game, but thankfully I wasn't feeling sleepy or groggily. I didn't speak anymore and just nodded my appreciation to Mash who was heading to the back row.

"Well, that wasn't on time, but looks like we're all here now." I then turned my attention to the young woman in standing proudly in a platform in front of us. She wore a black sweater over a white-collared dress. She had long white hair tied into a small braid on her left side, her golden eyes still firmly glaring at me, as I helplessly returned with an apologetic one.

"Welcome to the Chaldea Security Organization. I'm the director, Olga Marie Animusphere. You have been selected, or discovered from each nation for your rare talent you possess. By talent, I mean the potential to do a Spiritron Dive. You possess magical circuits and qualifications to become a Master…."

I didn't bother to listen to her speech, I already know what the point of this orientation. Besides it was not the time for me to focus my attention in this orientation, the more pressing matter is how to go through the upcoming events that will soon to happen.

'Hey system… are you there?' I tried to talk internally inside my head to call out the system, but it didn't show those boxes as it did earlier. 'Oi… Don't go disappearing at me this time. Come on.' I got worried that it didn't appear itself, so I focused and willed it to appear as I did earlier.

Suddenly dialogue boxes appeared out of thin air, I looked besides me to see if other people can see it too, but that was not the case as their whole attention was to the director continuing with the orientation.

[Status Screen]

Name: Fujimaru Ritsuka

Level: 1

[Strength: 34] [Endurance: 30] [Agility:47] [Mana: locked] [Luck: D]

Stat Points:0

Experience: 0

Skills and Titles:

[****** Magic: Gamer]: After searching the host memories, the system found the most suitable way to help strengthen its host. The ****** magic, changed its core operations to that of a game like environment where the host can rapidly gain strength like a game character.

Main Quest:

[Restore All Seven Singularities]

Human order is being threatened by the Demon God King. Building seven singularities in each different era and collapsing the cornerstone of anthropic principle them would bring forth humanity's destruction. To prevent this calamity, retrieved each grails implanted in every singularity and destroy its cause.

Objective: Restore orders in each singularity.

Rewards: ?????

Failure: Humanity's Destruction, Death

Do you Accept? Y/N

So, this really is a system that I've read so much on novels online. This was the magic that brought me here to this world, and given me this chance to live a new life and be stronger than I've ever imagined. Those brats would be so envious if they get to hear of this, I laughed internally thinking of them making such envious faces at me.

Well back to the matter at hand, it seems like my body change to this world's standards, my previous body strength and this new one has become one, or so it looks like it. I know for certain the protagonist in the game does not have such high stats as I have here, and although it's locked right now I don't remember having Mana at all in my past life, I would have long notice this strange energy in my body before if that was the case, so this one's a combination of both. It was a good thing, as I need all the help I can get, considering the terrible things that are about to come.

And the Main Mission, this was something I have to face whether I like it or not. Having been transmigrated to this world, being the last master of humanity no less, I'll have no choice but to fight for the world, even if it means risking my life for something that is not my own world. Besides if I don't do this, I'll end up dead anyway considering I've just snatched the body of the supposedly savior of humanity of this world.

Seven singularities before heading up to fight the demon god, plenty of time and experience to get stronger and gather strong servants along the way. And the key that will help me achieve that strength lies with this system, I might even get strong enough to stand toe to toe with servants if my guess is right. The mere idea of fighting heroes of legends of old brings pure excitement to my blood as I look forward for that time to come.

For now, I've pressed the confirm button for the main quest, and willed the dialogue boxes to disappear. To my shock and disbelief, I was poking a soft and squishy mound of flesh as I look up at the raging red face of the director Olga Marie as she roughly backed up while covering her chest.

She took several staggering steps backwards while furiously pointing her finger at me, her mouth was agape opening and closing with no words coming out.

I realized my mistake and calmly showed her a sheepish smile while scratching the back of my head.

"Umm… Hahaha. That was a real accident, I didn't really intend to do that, I swear!" Damn! This was a really good way to start of my first impressions.

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