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Chapter 37: Berzerker

The months went by very fast for Jaune. As it never seemed to be work but something he enjoyed. From meeting with Pietro who tested Jaune on mechanics, engineering, and energy systems in lieu of his formal education, as Jaune had already met and exceeded the required classes, in the morning. To the evening training with Qrow, Winter, Willow or Klein or a combination of them all. Jaune felt at home and quickly absorbed everything he could from those around him.

During the day he would visit Atlas and work with Pietro and Penny on the satellite that Pietro had dubbed, against Jaune's express disagreement, the 'Arc To The Stars' ATTS for short.

Jaune could not help feeling uncomfortable at this, but he knew he could not change the old man's mind on this. During this time Pietro was having his available A.I. assistants work on the battery problem with a lot of different materials that had no dust elements in them. From what he was told the process was going smoothly. Each day they had fewer and fewer things to test on. They would get to a suitable element soon Pietro was sure.

Pietro had also stated that Jaune, or Russ as he was known to the doctor, would be given a royalty's to all of the future creations such as; satellites, batteries, solar panel technology and rail guns that would be made when the planning was finished. Ironwood had agreed to this and even gave Jaune the rights to create other inventions funded by Atlas in the future with Pietro. As long as Atlas had the rights to the first few inventions created. As the satellites and everything Jaune worked with Pietro on was only in the planning stage this meant he didn't need to hand them over. He could come up with other creations and use them instead.

This only came about when Pietro spoke to Ironwood in a heated debate about Jaune/Russ after a month. Once he was so fed up he was nearly apoplectic Pietro looked at Ironwood with the most steel Ironwood had ever seen. "You will give him everything he wants or needs without any duplicity or I walk and take Penny with me. Try me Ironwood and see how fast Willow puts you down and the rest of the council."

Jaune could only agree begrudgingly when Pietro suggested that Jaune set up his own company with Pietro's support.

The first creation that Jaune made with the doctor was a handheld rail gun that could be powered by a person's semblance with electricity or polarity. Since there were only a limited number of people that could use such machinery Jaune offered it up to Ironwood as one of the first creations.

But the doctor did say that Penny could use this in the future with her abilities.

Jaune had sparred with Winter the second day and learned a lot about the glyphs from their spar. Winter is shocked at the abilities Jaune shows since at the end of their spar Jaune is neck and neck with her even though she was older and had more experience. Jaune's raw physical strength, nearly limitless stamina and ability to take a beating kept Winter on her toes at all times considering his style of combat was so different to hers.

Jaune would use the axe hammer as a weapon and shield as needed. The two sword guns that Jaune had were light in his hands and able to keep up with Winter's two sabers when she brought them out. It was a really close spar that Winter and Jaune got a lot out of.

James hearing of Jaune's abilities made a decision to add the newly created Atlas Ace-ops to be Jaune's training partners as well. They needed more skilled opponents to test their metal and Winter and Jaune would be suitable for that job. When he met the Ace-ops Jaune came to know the leader of the troop Clover. He learned that Clover had the semblance that made him lucky. Jaune didn't really understand but he felt in his body and soul, and from some talk from those in the Marble, that Clover was a perfect partner for Qrow. He decided to ask Qrow to meet Clover in the future and see if the two would hit it off like he felt they would.

Jaune also learned about glyphs from Willow when she had him sit in the tempering bath. Tama was excited to hear so much about the glyphs. Shirou was as well when he learned about the ability of glyphs to summon the defeated monsters. He immediately went searching and found the blueprint of beowolf that Jaune had defeated when he was five and the boartusk at six and a half followed by all those Jaune had come across in the last four months.

With these two in his mind badgering him all day long, Jaune folded and asked Willow if she would teach him glyphs. With an intrigued expression on her face she hesitantly agreed.

Since he didn't focus on the different dust types of glyphs Jaune was able to get the basics down much faster. Due to his circuits Jaune was able to form the glyphs only after one time seeing and copying the designs. At the end of the first month Jaune finished learning enough glyphs to summon the beowolf from his childhood. Qrow was so used to being shocked around Jaune that he was just numb to his differences at this point. Willow, Winter, Klien, and Ironwood on the other hand were flabbergasted.

During the two months of time Qrow had returned multiple times taking Jaune to the specified clinics. Due to this the city of Atlas was the latest place to earn the miracle, which was the presence of the Night Angel.

Jaune at the end of the two-month period was given the chance to go with Qrow to the last site Willow had chosen. Jaune had finished the Schnee family tempering so Jaune's aura was so thick that it was nearly a full white coat covering his body at this point. His aura if put into numbers was five times a thick as it was when he appeared in Atlas. The normal amount this tempering of the aura caused was two to two and a half times the original amount. But due to Jaune's close connection with life magic and the heroes souls, he was able to exceed expectations and magnify the effects with Chiron, Shirou and Tama's help.

Before they left Jaune went to all of the weapon shops in Atlas. Jaune explained how he needed to find a suitable weapon for his siblings and cousins to return with. Qrow reluctantly agreed to this. Qrow knew that time was of the essence but he could not help but direct Jaune to a proper weapons shop. Jaune already had the hammer axe and the sword handguns so he didn't need another weapons.

Jaune used his aura to cover each weapon he held. Since Trace On was connected to his aura it had a glowed with lines of power over the weapon in his hand. He used the excuse of, "I am testing the weapon with my aura to see if it is suited for my family member's use." In each of the weapon shops he came across. This way Jaune was able to scan nearly every weapon he came across. To cover his actions Jaune made sure to buy some smaller weapons to appease the business owners after he looked at all their weapons.

Feeling he had made the best of his time went to Qrow, who had been waiting outside of the last weapon shop that Jaune had went to. "Have you finally chosen some weapons for your family?"

"Yes. I have." Jaune said as he pointed to the sled filled with crates with the weapons within.

Qrow only nodded as he led the way to their drop ship that would take them to the location. Jaune using his scroll sent the sled to the Schnee mansion.

On the flight Jaune tried to hold his stomach from releasing his lunch. He still wasn't used to the movements of the ship. They landed outside of the mine that they had to examine.

"Alright you stay out here as a lookout. I will go inside and find out what is going on. Keep communications open. Call if you see anyone or anything." Qrow said seriously.

"Understood." Jaune said as he prepared his axe hammer and short swords.

Qrow rushed into the mine looking for the miners and the superior who had been out of communication for a extended period of time. He went into the deeper tunnel of the mine and found blood on the ground. Qrow quickly pulled out his scythe and prepared for anything. Pressing the neck mic Qrow began to talk, "I have found blood. I will search for the miners. Anything up there?"

Jaune responded as he looked around. "Nothing up here. Any clues?"

"No. Will follow the trail. Stay sharp up there." Qrow said.

"Understood." Jaune responded in a serious voice.

Qrow continued down the tunnel and found more blood splattered all over the tunnel walls.

Qrow felt great apprehension at this sight. Even so he continued down. Qrow came to an opening that led into a large underground cavern. Within Qrow saw a group of people on a high ledge, cowering in the corner of the vast room. Within the rest of the room sabyr's were present as well as creep and other types of grimm. Qrow frowned and prepared for a fight.

"Jaune I found a cavern with the remaining miners and superiors. They are surrounded by grimm. Be prepared for incoming grimm." The only response to his hushed words was the sound of white noise. "Shit." Qrow was lost as to what to do. He couldn't leave these people nor could he leave Jaune at the mouth of the mine because he knew that there would be more incoming grimm. The only thing he could come up with was to clear out the grimm here and lead the people out of the mine.

Finding the right answer Qrow prepared for battle.

Jaune up top was looking out and saw a group of children come around a bend. Behind them were a group of older people who tried and failed to hold off the mass of grimm that followed the terrified children. Jaune not thinking at all rushed forward. Each of his steps covered meters in each stride.

Jaune watched as a man was cut in half, a woman who stood nearby was pulled apart as a few grimm. Jaune was angered and he started to add aura to his legs. Jaune reached the first child and called out, "Head to the cave I will hold off the grimm!"

The children were screaming as they ran for the mine opening. Jaune reached the rest of the adults and began to swing his axe hammer in wide arcs. Jaune threw the handle of the axe hammer up to prevent a clawed hand of a beowolf from decapitating a woman. A shock ran up his arm as the claw was repelled. "Run I will hold them off!"

Jaune roared, with the aide of aura, at the grimm attracting their attention and their ire. From what Jaune could see there was a horde of grimm following the family. All he could do was move backward while swinging his sword killing a few grimm with each swing. Jaune's axe hammer seemed to have a mind of it's own covering his body and diverting blows from the surrounding grimm.

As he made his way to the cave entrance Jaune heard a scream from behind the grimm wall. It was the scream of a child in pain. Jaune's eyes fell upon a screaming child. A little girl had been left behind by the others and fell in a stone crevice. She was not able to move out before the grimm had reached her position. She was stuck in her position. The beowolf grimm was reaching in to get to the girl.

Jaune looked back and saw that the rest of the people had made it into the mine. Jaune could not find a way to get to the girl as he was still surrounded by the grimm and even more grimm were appearing. A humongous Megoliath was coming around the corner and made eye contact with Jaune before it turned its eyes to the little girl.

Jaune knew what the grimm was planning and screamed, "No!" Reacting as fast as he could Jaune infused aura into the axe hammer and jumped high into the air.

The Megoliath grimm ignored the human surrounded by its fellow grimm. It rushed forward and crushed the crevice the child was in. The next moments passed in an eternity as Jaune watched the area where the girl had been. The snow that surrounded the crevice began to turn red.

Jaune snapped. The canal of the liquid essence within the Reality Marble exploded. The blue liquid that had been within the canal, immediately flowed into the marble platform and the dragon core. As the dragon core was connected to Jaune's body through his soul the liquid flowed into Jaune's body and transformed his muscles and bones in an instant. Jaune's, as his body changed, aura glowed a pure white with circuits evident all over his body. The grimm surrounding Jaune all backed away at the light.

Falling like a meteor Jaune landed with a massive swing that bent the axe hammer out of shape, but not before landing with an earth shaking; BOOM!!!

The earth surround Jaune shattered and floated into the air before being swept away by the wind pressure.

The axe hammer shattered into pieces that flew out, along with the shatter ground and ice piercing the surrounding grimm killing them on the spot. Those that were further back and heading in the direction of the cave were punctured by a mass of stone spikes that appeared out of the ground in a split second. A stone wall a few feet tall blocked off the entrance of the cave.

Jaune roared at the grimm before him making the air reverberate with his rage. The grimm in front of him were even pushed back a little by the air pressure Jaune's roar gave off. Jaune's aura slowly dissipated revealing a hulking man with solid whipcord muscles that were hardened to an extreme degree. The armor on Jaune's body could hardly withstand the expansion of Jaune's body in all directions.

Jaune who was lost in his first ever blood craze was lost to the world. No one could hold him back from what he was about to do. What Jaune did next was something he was instructed to never do unless his life was in danger.

Jaune pulled out his soul sword and shield in his hand and planted his feet.

What happened next would be forever etched into the hearts and minds of the people who watched. Jaune pulled the sword across his opposite shoulder and swung with all his might while screaming. A white line of aura poured from Jaune's sword, forming a horizontal arc that cut down thirty or more grimm.

Everything stood still as the swing was completed. The grimm that were closest to Jaune backed away from the enemy before them. The only one not to do so was the Megoliath who turned to face the opponent it had disregarded at first. Jaune stopped screaming after the swing was completed. He raised his head to look at the Megoliath his azure blue orange tinted eyes blazed like an actual fire. Energy poured from his eyes, forming a flame like protrusion that stuck out of the corners of his eyes.

Upon seeing the eyes of this enemy the Megoliath stopped in its tracks. This Megoliath had been around for a long time and seen a lot of huntsman and huntresses. But what it remembered from long ago was an enemy who faced a horde by itself. This being also had blazing eyes and had decimated the horde it was apart of at the time leaving only a couple survivors. If it had the senses to the Megoliath would feel fear for the second time in its 'life'.

Jaune seeing the grimm were not going to attack him anymore decided to go on the offensive. Jaune's boots dug into the ground before he disappeared from everyone's sight. The next moment a second arc of energy was released upon the grimm. This time a group of twenty grimm were cut apart in the arc. This process repeated multiple times as Jaune moved with inhuman speeds and cut apart the horde of grimm that had appeared following the family. Jaune didn't lose all of his sanity and made sure to eliminate the grimm that were closest to the mine entrance and work backward. He worked his way toward the Megoliath who he had his eyes on. Releasing one last arc of aura, Jaune stood in front of the Megoliath.

Jaune rushed toward the Megoliath and swung his sword at the enemy before him. Jaune's sword was met by the massive tusk of the grimm. A sharp cracking sound rung out as Jaune was pushed back a few yards. The the lower set of tusks had been sheared off.

The Megaoliath screamed in pain as the lower set of tusks flew through the air.

Seeing his weapon do such damage Jaune looked at them and came to a decision. 'This grim didn't deserve a quick end. He needs to feel pain!' Sending his weapons away again. Jaune stood before the Megoliath with his arms spread wide open.

The Megoliath seeing the dangerous weapon missing regained some of its confidence and charged the puny human before it.

A few steps later the two clashed.

A ripple of air flew out from their confrontation.

The impossible happened again.

The Megoliath was stopped by Jaune. With his hands spread out to hold onto the tusks of the grimm, Jaune's feet had sunken into the ground but this did not stop Jaune's next movement. Jaune used all of his strength and pulled inward. The two massive upper tusks of the grimm broke from the shearing force.

The grimm screamed out in pain. It lifted itself up on its hind legs. Jaune seeing an opportunity used one of the tusks and planted it right into the stomach of the grimm pinning it.

While it was laying on the ground Jaune walked up to the head of the beast and looked it in the eye. "You killed a child. For that you will not be forgiven. Die."

Jaune swung his fist wrapped in aura down on the head of the Megoliath. The bone plating that surrounded the Grimm's skull that had the strength to take on the rail guns of the robots in the Atlas fortress, shattered under the might of Jaune's aura infused fist.

Jaune let out a growl at the demise of the grimm and looked on to see even more grimm coming around the bend of the mountain. Jaune turned his head back to the mine entrance where he saw a haggard Qrow who looked on at him in horror from behind the stone wall.

Jaune's mind came up with the solution that the people would be safe and he could continue his hunt. Jaune put aura into his feet and disappeared leaving a crater where he had been standing.

The only sound that could be heard was Qrow's desperate cry for Jaune to stop.

Qrow finished off all of the grimm within the cavern. He was met with loud cheers from the remaining miners. "What happened here? How did this happen?"

"We were attacked by the White Fang. They set off explosions in some of the tunnels and cut us off from the surface. The rounded us up and led grimm to us here. They allowed a massacre to happen. Damn monsters." One of the miners said.

"Shit. Well we can't do anything here. We need to head to the surface and call in transport. Follow me!" Qrow called out and led the remaining miners up to the surface.

Halfway up the mine Qrow felt the tunnel shake and heard a primal roar. It wasn't the roar of the grimm but a human deep in rage. Qrow's face fell as he imagined what was happening on the surface. "I'm going on ahead catch up when you are able. Nothing was in the tunnels when I made my way down." Saying so Qrow disappeared from the miner's sight.

Qrow raced to the mine opening and found a family shaking in terror. Outside of the mine opening, over the newly appeared stone wall Qrow heard the sounds of combat. He rushed to the entrance and saw a terrifying sight. Jaune was in the middle of a horde of grimm. He was swinging his sword in one hand and killing dozens with each swing. What scared Qrow was the energy radiating off Jaune. It was a visible thing that left the snow around him melted revealing bare rock. Jaune was still in his armor but there was something missing; his axe hammer.

Qrow knew from Jesse and the rest of the Arc family that their weapon was their life and if anyone dropped their weapon then there were severe consequences. Only when it was time for an all out attack could he let go of his life saver. So it was evident the kind of situation Jaune must have found himself in. The weapons in his hands seemed to be made of aura, how that was possible Qrow didn't know, all he knew was that Jaune was burning through aura at a prodigious rate. His life would soon be in danger if he didn't stop using his aura like he was.

Instead of a controlled and measured response, what Qrow saw was a boy fighting with a ferocity unlike anything Qrow had seen in his long life. He had heard of it in long ago battles of the medieval times the fearsome berserkers.

Qrow watched as Jaune met the Megoliath and his aura sword broke apart into motes of light. Qrow was about to rush out and help Jaune but it was too late. Jaune rushed the Megoliath in a suicidal rush. Qrow knew Jaune was about to die and there was nothing he could do about it.

Qrow could only watch as his first student died before his eyes, "Damn my semblance! Damn my life."

But Jaune didn't die. Instead Jaune somehow stopped the Megoliath in its tracks. Qrow could only look on in wonder as Jaune roared again and broke the tusks off and proceeded to pin the grimm with its own tusk. Qrow watched as Jaune walked up to the dining grimm and spoke to it before he swing his fist down.

It was like an artillery strike landed as the head exploded from the impact.

A few seconds later Jaune turned his head toward the mine opening and met gazes with Qrow. Qrow who had only seen Jaune from the back had not seen the flaming eyes of Jaune.

Once he did Qrow came to realize that Jaune was just like the maidens in their use of magic. Qrow could also see that Jaune was caught in a mad blood haze and would not likely be coming out of it until he wore himself out. Even so Qrow called out to Jaune, "Jaune! Stop you did it you protected everyone. You can stop now."

Jaune didn't respond instead he looked in a certain direction. Qrow followed his eye and saw an area of snow stained red. Qrow knew he made a mistake in his words and he couldn't do anything save for call out to Jaune once again, "Jaune! Stop!" Before he even finished Jaune disappeared leaving a crater in his wake.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!" Qrow screamed as he took deep breathes to calm down. First he needed to call in air support and aid from Ironwood. Once he did that then he could go help Jaune. Qrow pulled out his scroll and made an emergency call to Ironwood.

"What do you need Qrow I am bu—" James started before he was cut off.

"Shut up James. I need your help. We are at a Schnee dust mine. The White Fang made a move here and caused chaos. A lot of miners are dead. Russ was defending a family from a huge group of grimm. He got lost in a battle rage and I can't calm him down and protect the miners and civilians. I need help! Send in a few airships and men." Qrow practically yelled into the scroll.

"Got it! I have a group that are in the air now I will send them your way. Just sit tight they will be there in a few minutes." James said as he responded in his military stoic voice.

"Thank you James. Make them hurry I need to save Russ." Qrow said as he hoped James could make due with his promise. But his hopes were dashed when the next words came from James.

James said. "Alright they are headed your way ETA is five minutes."

"Right. We will talk. Once everything is dealt with." Qrow said. "Thanks James." Qrow hung up the scroll.

The next five minutes were longest of Qrow's life as he worried for Jaune and what he was facing. Qrow could only hope Jaune survived long enough for Qrow to make it to his side.

CultivatorDragon CultivatorDragon

Hello Fellow Readers!

The Berserker shows himself at last! How did you guys like the battle?

What will happen next? We will see. Hope you enjoyed. Keep reading the next few chapters for some real game changers. See you next time on Fate/Remnant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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