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Chapter 3: Birth and Planning

The two dragons looked a one another, then down to the soul spark before they too left in another portal to their own verse. The universe, where a hero of a different caliber was needed, to deal with the future of the very world. They had already spoken to one another about who they would send the soul down into.

A soul that in other verses had a somewhat stunted growth compared to the other heroes that surrounded him. He had an excess amount of power compared to his fellow heroes, but was not strong enough to access this power till much later than the others making him play catch up to the others. Though he eventually reached that point, it was slow going and a painful process, leading to heartbreak and a near fatal breakdown. He is a great leader who faced down the enemy with his allies on countless worlds. He was one of the constants.

Since he was so integral to the world, the dragon gods decided he would be the perfect vessel for the new hero especially after all the additions from Alaya. This would allow for fewer pushes from them across the world. Plus, it helped that their personalities and souls resonated with one another. Though the heroes' soul had others along for the ride, but these others would help to temper the hero allowing for a much faster growth rate than others allowing him to meet the same level as the others, if not exceed them. The two gods held their clawed hands over the soul spark and sent it down, toward the swollen stomach of a mother about to give birth to one of the worlds heroes. Though no one knew save for Oum, the Dragon gods and a certain Magic Marshal.

"Now for the final push. You can do it!" The Doctor called to the screaming woman.

What followed was birth of a hero one that would shake the foundations of the world with his might and love for his family and friends. With his first cry a wave of aura came from the child's body. With the wave a white glow covered the newborn. This white light converged in the form of magical circuits. They were present for a few moments before they disappeared and was replaced by the child's aura, which had the look of lake water in motion appearing as a pure white. These lines formed connections all over his body coming from his heart, where a dragon core sat.

Everyone was shocked at the aura released from the child. This was an extremely rare occurrence that had been documented only a handful of times in history. Each of them became great heroes that led the world to a more prosperous era. The father, Gole, was especially shocked, as he watched in wonder as the Doctor regained his faculties, proceeded to clean the baby and finished by wrapping him in light blue blanket. The doctor handed the newborn to the father. He held out his arms for the baby and cradled him, before he turned to his wife and smiled as he said, "He is just like his great, great, great grandfather. He also released his aura when he was born. He will be a great hunter one day."

After he finished speaking, Gole handed the swaddled baby over to his wife, Honeydew, who just smiled and reached out with shaking arms to cradle the newest addition to their family.

"Yes, he will be a great man whether he becomes a huntsman or not." She kissed the head of the still crying baby's forehead and smiled, "Won't you Jaune Arc?"

The father and mother smiled, as the baby seemed to cry in affirmation at the name he was given.

Within Jaune's Reality Marble/Soul four distinct heroes from another world congregated as they met for the first time in this new world. Each of them were given what Alaya had been told by the dragon gods, so they had a basic understanding of this world. From this they gleamed the need for such a hero to be in this place.

The oldest among them turned to the others and began to speak, "I, am Chiron. I was the martial trainer of the Grecian heroes Heracles, Jason, Achilles, Ajax and many others. I was asked to be the newly name Jaune Arc's trainer. I hope that we can decide what we will be training him in soon, so that we can set up a proper training regime for him to follow in the future. When I offered my soul shard I brought my training methods for training heroes as well as my skill with the bow, though I think that will transition into this worlds guns, plus my medical knowledge. I look forward to what kind of hero we can shape Jaune into in the future." Chiron bowed to the other heroes.

"It is a great honor to meet you, ancient one." A man bowed back to the great trainer as the others agreed and bowed as well. "I am known as Emiya Shiro I was the brother that Jaune had protected back then. I later became a hero then a counter guardian. I learned of Jaune's actions that day and my whole form changed I became recognized as the King of Swords. When I was offered the chance to help my brother I could not pass up the chance to help pay him back for his actions. I brought with my soul shard the reality marble we find ourselves in. Other than that I also brought my ability to copy weapons and use them outside in the real world. So long as Jaune has the aura or magic to utilize them, he can create any weapon he comes into contact with. I also have the shield you created with Ajax, Chiron. Rio Aias."

"Oho, you were able to gain that shield from my student? Well, that will work wonders here. If he can grasp the use of this shield he will be far safer in this world." Chiron said with his chin in his hand.

"Wow, that is a whole lot to give your brother, but after what I saw I understand the sentiment." Tamamo No Moe said, "I am Tamamo No Moe, more commonly known as the Nine Tailed Fox of Japanese legend. When Alaya called I only went to see the new hero and did not expect to hand over my essence and a soul shard. But what she told me about this world changed my mind. She told me that there is magic here but only a select few can utilize it. She also informed me that there is a separate species besides humanity here they call themselves the Faunus. They are all humanoid, but they all have some type of animalistic characteristic. After I heard this, I knew I could play a roll in the new heroes growth and jumped at the chance. I brought with my soul shard the training and utilization of magic as well as the ability to utilize my many tails. But from what I was told this power would be severely restricted at the higher numbers. Though he will still be able to control them they will not break reality or change time. I have also seen that Jaune has a complete set of high class magical circuits that will provide immense benefits in the future atop the dragon heart he received."

"I see that will be of great help in this world especially if they consider you as a legend here as well. Jaune will be able to use that as a gathering point for the Faunus. I am Saber more commonly known as King Arthur or King Artoria. I jumped at the chance to train someone so willing to protect the innocents, as he did for you Shirou, and the city. My soul shard brought with it the ability to use Avalon the scabbard of Excalibur as well as the famous sword. It has the ability to heal the owner as well as others with the use of aura. From what I can tell he has an aura that already has this aspect. I brought with me the training of the sword and my leadership skills from my time as king, as well as the dragon core of a legendary dragon from our world, which will increase Jaune's aura and magic production as well as increase the density of his aura and magic concentration." Saber/King Artoria explained to the group. As she explained Saber brought out the famous sword and its sheath Avalon.

Once it appeared something very strange happened within the reality marble.

From the ground appeared a marble stand for four weapons to be placed. One held the shrunken shield that appeared over Fuyuki and absorbed the taint of the broken Holy Grail. The second stand held the frozen spear. The third held the large flame and lightning covered axe hammer. The fourth stood unadorned as of yet.

Around the marble stand there flowed a circular canal. Within the canal flowed a green and blue viscous liquid. The liquid gave off a feeling of endless strength and stamina. Chiron's eyes widened as he felt this power and came to realize whom this power came from. He could only smile at his past student; this hero always had a soft spot for the young ones and did all he could to help them grow into strong warriors in his day.

Avalon, as if being called, vibrated making a long low tone, the tone was replied to by one that appeared on top of the marble stand. On top of the marble stand sat an exact copy of Avalon. When the empty scabbard came to rest a sword of pure black appeared above it. This sword was of simplistic design and no markings to designate it. Slowly the sword sank down until Avalon sheathed it. The sword and sheath both lay upon the last weapon stand.

With the completion of the weapon stand a sphere of pure gold appeared above the four weapons and flashed with brilliance. Underneath the sphere a opening appeared in the marble stand and the blue green essence liquid flowed like a fountain, pushing at the bottom of the golden sphere. Each time a single droplet of the liquid touched the golden orb, it strengthened the pulsing sphere of golden energy.

The reality marble seemed to awaken, as the very fabric that held it together seemed to stretch and shrink, as if it had breathed. The four heroes had watched bewildered, as they had also stretched and returned to their normal state. But there was a change; each of the heroes was now composed of Jaune's aura and magic of this new world.

"Well, that was different, not sure I want to go through that again. This world's magic is different to our old one, so I will have to take the time to examine and test it before I can give out my training methods to you Chiron. I will also have to learn about Jaune's aura and its connection to his magic circuits. You can all call me Tama. I'm off to figure this world's magic out." Tama explained to the other heroes. She turned and an ancient Shinto temple appeared within the Reality Marble. This would be her new home.

The Reality Marble, similar to the Throne of Heroes of the previous world, allowed the heroes to manipulate the environment. Each of the heroes was able to manipulate the environment into something they felt comfortable in.

"I will also have to figure out how this world's aura and magic will change the use of Trace On to copy weapons and other structures. As well as the changes the Reality Marble has gone through." Shirou said to the group as he headed to the skyscraper that appeared on a hill off to the side.

"Well, the information on this world's different plants and their properties was given to me. I will go see if there are more methods of healing in this world." As Chiron said this, a large building similar to the Pantheon of Greece, appeared off to the side where he could look into the flora of this world to find more healing methods graciously left behind by the dragon gods.

Saber who was the only one left turned toward the second Avalon and the weapon it held. Hesitantly reached her hand out to touch the weapon. There was no negative reaction from the sword as the King of Knights grasped it. Slowly she pulled the weapon from the second Avalon. Saber now holding the sword came to realize this weapon was nearly to on par with Excalibur in its power. The feeling of this power was raw and unrefined unlike the Fae type of magic used to create Excalibur.

This raw, unrefined power and structure did not take away from the sword and its immense power, as this power was taken from the Root and the child's soul. The sword held the rage and wrath of humanity in solidified form. Opposite to how Excalibur gains its power from the hopes and dreams of the people. She did not have a full understanding of the weapon but she came to realize that this weapon was created for a very specific reason. Though the reason eluded her, as she was not the true owner. She could become accustomed to it to help her future student fully unlock the sword, as well as his own potential. She would get Chiron and Shirou to examine and use the other weapons since they were not suited to her.

Carrying the weapon and sheath, she went off to another clearing with a large tree by a placid lake. There she would practice until it was time for Jaune's training. As she walked toward her chosen location the very air shimmered before the castle of her past life appeared before her eyes.

Unseen by all of the heroes below the stand, a magic circle appeared. It was this world's different use of magic. It was a circle of glyphs that when activated would allow for the summoning of the heroes present here in the Reality Marble. There was a restriction placed on this glyph that was unseen by anyone save for Jaune and the dragon gods. Similar to another famous Grecian hero a set number of trails needed to be passed before Jaune could summon each hero.

There was an additional circle of glyphs that were far more condensed that stated that, once Jaune was able to summon all the heroes, he could make them mortal once again, as long as he had the aura and magic to do so.

Hidden even from the two dragon gods were the presences of five soul shards beneath the marble pedestal. They waited for the time when Jaune grew enough to release them.

CultivatorDragon CultivatorDragon

Hello fellow readers how goes it?

Gifts on gifts on gifts. Now what is the price for such an amazing amount of gifts to be given? Immense suffering and torment? Nah. We will go with bigger and more dangerous objectives and adventures. Plus who is to say the wealth can't be spread around? Well one way or another it will be interesting to see in the future.

FYI The beginning of the series may be a little detail heavy and high on content over dialogue and action due to building of the character and the skill gains. Please follow through. I promise there will be plenty of good dialogue and action scenes in the future.

Peace my fellow readers.

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