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Chapter 48: Inconceivable

Vlad III was not having a good time of it. Even with his domain under his control he could not finish off the Lancer of Red no matter what he tried. He was enjoying it way too much.

Serpents made of stakes coiled and flowed through the air towards Lancer of Red sometimes catching him only to be melted by the flames he creates, while other times missing by scant hairs. They did not stop no matter if they were broken or shattered, they just regrew and shot after the flying servant.

As he was having his fun Vlad heard from his summoner Darnic. He learned of the new force of nightmarish monsters that was sweeping the battle field. Vlad clenched his teeth knowing he would have to finish this soon or call a cease fire to their fight.

A few moments later Vlad saw Lancer of Red hesitate just as Vlad received information from his master as well. Looking into one another's eyes they both spoke simultaneously, "Peace."

With a nod the two rushed to the battle field to find out the reason for the ceasefire.

Atlanta was running from the behemoth that was following her. As she had run from berserker she had taken pot shots at him to keep his ire on her. Dodging though the fallen golems and summons she kept an eye on the rampaging berserker. His body wasn't even human at this point. He had turned into an amalgamation of muscles eyes and bones that had no set shape.

She kept running in the direction of the two Rulers. When she was almost there she was given some information from her master. It seemed a new enemy had appeared. Her master wanted her to direct berserker to this new threat and let him go. Sighing as it was all she could do Atlanta ran in a new direction towards the horde of creatures with her own monster right behind her.

Artoria who had been watching for Atlanta saw her turn. Feeling a deep sense of crisis Artoria started running. Ruler followed right behind her as Artoria cleared a path with swings of her massive lance.

"What happened? Why are we moving now?" Ruler asked.

"Berserker is headed for the battle field which is in tline with the city. If we do not stop him he will blow up and wipe out the city along with the castle. It seems the priest doesn't want to talk but wants to keep fighting even though Jaune now has evidence of the outside party's involvement." Artoria said as she pushed herself to go faster.

"Oh no." Ruler said as blood drained from her face. "What can we do? How do we stop him?"

"Get his attention. Then keep attacking him till he blows. We are far enough away that our two noble phantasms can keep it from spreading to the city." Artoria explained.

Nodding her head Ruler followed Artoria towards the lumbering behemoth.

Jaune watched as his grimm army finished picking out all the homunculi from the combatants. The ground all around was liberally covered in their blood. Jaune shivered where he was. He was not used to so much death and pain. Sure he had seen some towns ransacked by the grimm but nothing to this scale.

Jaune could not stop his stomach from roiling. He felt bile at the back of his throat. He breathed deeply a couple of times before he was able to keep his stomach from turning inside out. But it was a near thing.

Right now his army of grimm was milling around a few hundred yards from the Yggdmillenia castle. They had already swept away the golems and summons. Now they were just waiting for their next order.

Jaune who was regaining his bearings heard from Shirou. 'I have the trucks ready. We can start loading them now. I just need help with moving them. I raided all the stores I could of blankets and other necessities. I also put it all on the Clock Tower's bill.' Shirou sounded quite smug about that last statement.

'Alright I have a cohort of beowolves that can help you load up the homunculi. Get them packed in. If you can find any that are awake, healthy and have the presence of mind to listen to you send them to our castle. They seem to follow orders fairly well so do what you can.' Jaune sent to Shirou.

'Got it. Once that is done I will head your way.' Shirou said.

'No first work with gramps Hassan and get those in the castle out while the masters and servants are out here. We may not get another chance like this. Once Sieg appears I will be bringing him with me to look over them and guide them.' Jaune ordered.

'Okay. Will do.' Shirou said as he got to work.

'Nobunaga you will watch over the homunculi until we return to the castle. You have the best capabilities to protect them.' Jaune said.

'Rodger.' Nobunaga said.

"Now lets see if--" Jaune was interrupted by a pink purple light in the sky. Turning Jaune brought up his shield and put it into it's third form. Jaune stabbed the shield into the bone plate of the Megoliath and activated the shield at full power. Scathach and Medusa didn't sit idly by as they both initialized their noble phantasms. A seven layered petal shield expanded in front of the shield covering a full twenty meters. Beside him a massive blood red spear appeared and shot towards the incoming light beam. Above Jaune's head an eye made of magic floated above the shield and gazed at the light.

The spear confronted the beam for a few moments before it was knocked off course. The beam now weakened by a large amount slammed into Rio Ais. The magic eye flared as the beam was dissipated.

Jaune looked around him and saw the devastation the beam caused even when it was only a fraction of the power. The surroundings were vaporized. The ground was melting from the energy that the beam released. In a wide swath behind him and to the sides of where his shield had been dug out.

"Oh holy crap that was close!" Jaune's voice broke as he spoke to the women beside him.

"Indeed. We must stay vigilant or they could throw more attacks like that at us." Scathach said as she continued to look around.

"More like that?" Jaune asked as he looked at Scathach with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Yes. Servants are very powerful beings who are able to use magic in a fundamentally different way than the magus who summon them. This allows them to do great feats with their abilities." Medusa said.

"We never showed you our Noble Phantasms real abilities due to the lack of magic and no need to do so. Now that you are here in this world you are being flooded with more magic making it possible for you to do much more than on your home world. This also means that your magic can allow us to use our Noble Phantasms. With these weapons we can create attacks that can level a mountain if we so chose and had sufficient power." Scathach explained.

"Say what?!" Jaune asked in a high pitch voice.

"In simple terms we are like those magic girls on that show your sisters make you watch." Medusa said eyes sparkling. Medusa had had a blast when she watched from Jaune's Reality Marble.

"I would say we are more like the comic book heroes that you read about so often." Scathach said with a sniff.

"Hey don't diss the magic girls! They could wipe the floor with any of the heroes in those comics." Medusa said with some heat towards Scathach.

"Oh please. They couldn't handle the heroes from the comics they are far more well trained and have a broader scope of abilities to use. Plus they don't have to worry about love or friendship to get them through a fight." Scathach said back with just a much heat.

Jaune just looked on with a dumb expression on his face as the two powerful women started arguing about something so pointless right after being shot at by a beam of energy that wiped out a large majority of his summons. Come on they were in the middle of a battle and they had the time to argue about which fictional characters were stronger.

The two turned to him which made Jaune gulp in surprise. "So which one do you think are stronger?" They both asked at the same time.

"Do we have to do this now?" Jaune asked with hands on his head.

"Yes. It is very important!" Scathach said with no hint of amusement in her expression.

Jaune just sighed as he put his hands over his face plate. He had already gone through this argument with his sisters and came to an unlikely conclusion. "The magical girls are stronger."

Scathach pulled back with a aghast look on her face, "How can you say that?"

Pointing out the facts on his fingers Jaune began, "They can heal from life endangering wounds over a short amount of time. They have the ability to keep growing not stopped by their power set. They fight beings from other planets on a constant basis so they have plenty of fighting experience. Plus they become broken by the end of the series where they can bring back the dead, rebuild a planet or at their greatest heights obliterate and reform the universe. It's kinda a no brainer at that point."

Each point was like a physical blow to Scathach and her belief that comic book heroes were stronger than magical girls. At the end she was laying down held up by her arms, she looked on despondently as she came to terms with this unfathomable truth.

Medusa was standing proudly with her chest thrust out. She laughed happily.

"But I enjoy comic book heroes more." Jaune said in an after thought.

Medusa deflated while Scathach gained her life back. Medusa looked at Juane with watery eyes and asked, "Why?"

"Well I'm never going to be a magical girl, besides they are too flamboyant for my tastes." Jaune said as he shrugged.

The two women looked at one another before Medusa said, "You just tempted fate Jaune."

"Yeah that means you will eventually be a magical girl at some point in the future." Scathach said with a wicked smile.

Jaune paled when he heard this from the two women.

"Never say never Jaune." Medusa said while shaking her head.

Far away a certain Magic Marshal cackled madly.

Vlad and Karna who have made their way to the location given to them from their respective master's slow to a stop when they see the arguing trio. The army they had been told about seems to have been cut down by a large fraction. Seeing the still cooling ground they came to the realization that the Hanging Gardens had attacked them but they had withstood the attack.

And now they are acting like nothing had happened even with a majority of their creatures had been wiped out.

Vlad looked on and upon hearing what they were auguring over could only say one word, "Inconceivable."

Karna seemed to agree with the statement if his expression was anything to go by. His master was explaining how Semiramis had attacked with a powerful cannon from the Hanging Gardens and how the three had easily withstood the blow. Karna knew the power that the Hanging Gardens possessed due to being present when it rose into the sky. He had sensed the magic that was equal to the Age of the Gods. Even he a Demi god could not be so chipper after such a strike.

What made the two even more shocked and worried was the fact they were told that the master had participated in the defense. And from what they could see he didn't seem to be drained or harmed in any way.

When the two got about a hundred yards away the two women who had been arguing stopped spun their heads around, got in defensive stances and stared at the two newcomers.

The stares of the two women froze the two powerful servants in their tracks. The purple armored woman stared at them with ruby red eyes. The other woman looked on with purple eyes. A pair of shadowy specters seemed to materialize behind the two.

The one behind the purple armored woman had a shadowy form vaguely humanoid, flickered in and out of reality. Its ruby eyes gave off a menace that threatened even gods, these two servants strong a they may be, could not return the stare of the shadow.

The second apparition was even worse in a way. The form was humanoid from the top down to the stomach. From the head came hair that flowed like snakes in the air. The eyes were only half open and glowed with violet light. This gaze froze the two servants in place keeping them from moving even as they tried with all their might to escape.

From the forest came Frankenstein who was holding her mace in a defensive stance. She walked forward in wariness, all the while staring at the sitting master who was looking in another direction. With her magic senses at full blast she was able to finally recognize a fellow soul who had gone through what she had. Frankenstein could not come to a decision on what to do. She was able to walk closer than a hundred yards but at some point one of the women looked in her direction from the corner of her eye and froze Frankenstein in place with fear and overwhelming power.

Frankenstein stopped moving and just stood there. After not moving for a few moments the gaze turned away from her. Frankenstein released a sigh as she slumped down to the ground her wedding dress billowing around her.

From the direction of the forest opposite Frankenstein came a figure who jumped and landed within the remaining mass of creatures the three servants looked on wondering who this person was. Frankenstein finally noticing the other creatures surrounding the master and servants. Some had the form of boars with extensive tusks that curled in a near full circle, they were sharper and harder than normal bone. From looking around they were strong enough to cut stone if the golems were anything to go by.

There was a single giant black scorpion covered in the same white bone plates. It was a third of the size of the only mammoth like beast. This mammoth had bone plates on its head and legs it had two sets of tusks that curved out, in, then out again.

All of the creatures were the things of nightmare due to their glowing red eyes and shadowy after images. This gave all of the servants a certain level of caution towards the master and his servants.

The man who had jumped stood up visible to the three servants. He was giant of a man equal to Spartacus. He was covered in furs and plate all over giving him an even more overbearing feeling. with his two lance like swords he gave off the threat of immediate violence.

"Hahahaha. That was a fine battle! That grecian hero was sone of the best fighters I have come across. I really wish to fight him again in the future." The viking roared in a loud boisterous voice. "Though that Archer was a pain with his meddling with my battle."

"Get over yourself. There will be a big enough battle that you can let loose during soon." The woman in purple armor said dismissively.

Waving a large hand the man called back, "Yeah, yeah. I know. Doesn't change the fact my blood is boiling for another fight."

"Hey you bastard! Where did you run off too?" Achilles called as he appeared not far away. He stopped when he saw the grimm and the servants within their encirclement. "I'm not done fighting you just yet!"

"Well I'm done with you for the moment. If my master gives me the order I will gladly fight you again. Until then our battle is on hold." The viking yelled.

"Tsk. Why the hell do you listen to your master when we were having such a good battle?" Achilles called out.

"Simple. We have a bigger battle to fight than this one and it is coming soon." The viking said.

"What?!" The servants all called out.

"My master has found the evidence that the two sides wanted. My fellow servant is coming this way with evidence in hand to show your masters. Once they get here this battle will be officially over." Beowulf called out.

The servants all had conflicted expressions on their faces. They had heard of an outside force trying to affect the outcome of the Great Holy Grail War but they had not really put much credence into the idea as they had believed they would have learnt about it sooner.

It seems they had not been vigilant enough. Though they were reserved in their judgment as this evidence had not yet appeared.

Suddenly the ground rumbled even as a woman with cat like features ran towards the gathering. Behind her came a behemoth of muscle, bones and organs.

Atlanta made a quick movement and edged around the group in hopes of putting as many enemies between herself and the behemoth following her.

Karna and Achilles both received orders to retreat leaving berserker behind to blow. The two servants hesitated before they quickly turned away.

"Oppressors! You will meet your downfall this day! Hahahaha." The behemoth yelled maniacally laughing all the while.

"Oh. That's not good." Beowulf said as he stared at the ready to explode servant.

"Shit." Medusa said as she prepared to use her noble phantasm.

'Have Jaune trace Spartacus!' Shirou yelled telepathically at the surrounding servants.

'What?! Why?!' Beowulf asked with confusion.

'Spartacus can absorb magic! If Jaune learns how to do this he will be able to survive attacks from servants and magus. We can cut out the suicidal attack later! He will have a constant increase of magic!' Shirou explained.

'God this is a stupid idea.' Medusa said as she grabbed the staring Jaune.

"Huh? Rider what are you planning on doing?" Jaune asked hesitantly worry evident in his eyes.

Medusa smiled as she said, "We are getting you a new noble phantasm to play with." Without further ado she jumped with Jaune under her arm. On their downward fall arms formed and shot out towards them. Medusa humphed before she spun her scythe at an extreme speed. The arms were turned into minced meat as the two landed.

Jaune dropped to his hands as he initiated his magic tracing. Circuits flowed down from the top of the amalgamation. While Jaune was working Medusa kept up her defense as she cut apart anything that came close to Jaune.

It only took a full minute for Jaune to trace the whole of the amalgamation. When he finished Jaune felt the immense amount of magic within Spartacus and just as he felt it a large fraction of the magical energy flooded into him through Spartacus's manipulation.

Jaune screamed as magic was forcefully pushed into his body and soul. The Reality Marble noticing danger started to absorb the magic making the invading magic its own. The world grew by a large extent. The time dilation of the of the Reality Marble was increased. But it was the weapons on the stand and the Dragon Heart that calmed the quaking magic that entered Jaune's soul. The weapons, axe-hammer and spear, both gained a luster that they did not have before. They became more solid within the Reality Marble.

The Dragon Heart or Dragon Core gained the biggest benefit. The dragon will that had been left slumbering within was awoken by the influx of enemy magic. The dragon will started to suck in a deep breath pulling the remaining magic to surround and flow into the heart. The heart beat of the core deepened. As each heart beat resounded the Reality Marble gained more substance.

The Dragon core being connected to Jaune's physical body started injecting the magic that had been changed directly into Jaune's body strengthening it once again. Jaune received stronger bones, stronger tendons, stronger muscles, better instincts and an even better connection to magic. After this transformation Jaune could be labeled as a Demi-servant in strength and magical potential. The Dragon roared once before going back to sleep within the core.

This went on for a few moments but for Jaune it was an eternity. Jaune tried to stand but failed two times before his arm was grabbed by one of the newly created limbs.

Jaune reacted by reaching down grabbing one of the fingers and twisting, as he did that he twisted his other arm to escape the grasp.

Medusa grabbed Jaune once again and jumped all the while swinging her scythe.

"Oppressors you will be brought down!" Spartacus screamed. His body started to expand a light glow began to radiate from his body.

Jaune dropped down as immense mental and physical pain hit him. The grimm that were left behind began to evaporate. Jaune who was on top of the Megoliath fell before he was caught by Scathach.

Now the only remaining beings present were Jaune's servants and the servants of the Black Faction who had grouped up. Vlad created a huge wall of stakes with his noble phantasm.

Just as Jaune's three servants prepared to end the threat two golden radiances appeared in front of the behemoth between Jaune's group and the suicidal servant.

With a flick of her wrist the spear Ruler carrier unfurled into the flag she had carried since the beginning of her legend, "Luminosité Eternelle!" A wide barrier appeared and covered the surrounding area.

Artoria stood beside Ruler and pushed her light magic into Ruler. The barrier that was faintly glowing quickly blazed with power. Now the barrier had turned into a solid wall of golden light that quickly expanded to five times its original size.

"Die oppressors!!!" Spartacus yelled. His body started to turn red then white before all the magic exploded out of his body.

The world shook.

Light flashed in the darkness of night.

Silence followed.

CultivatorDragon CultivatorDragon

Hello Fellow Readers!

Hope all is going well! Plenty of stuff going on. Dont know where it will be going. It is wierd how the story I originally imagined is slowly taking on its own life. I hope you are all enjoying the story! See you next time on Fate/Remant!

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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