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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Crisis

(3rd person's POV)

July 19, 64 AD

Somewhere in the grand capital of Rome, around four individuals could be seen making some kind of circle in the center of a torn-down castle.

"Lord Piso, the preparations are done." One of the four individuals addressed another man standing near the circle holding a book.

As the name suggests, he was Gaius Calpurnius Piso, the current Senator of the Roman Empire.

"Good!" Piso's face distorted into a cunning, evil smile as he praised himself for completing the summoning ritual he had been planning for the past few years.

"With this ritual, I will finally gain my rightful place in the empire!!" Piso howled. "Nero and her servant Tacitus, just you wait! I will bathe with your blood while tormenting you for the rest of your lives!"

That's right. Piso was performing this ritual to summon a demon from the underworld to overthrow Nero and Tacitus from the empire.

Piso never liked Claudius, the ruling family of Rome. While his hatred never came to the surface as he wanted to remain in authority, Nero's entrance cemented his purpose to overthrow Claudius.

He originally planned a continuous rebellion to exhaust Nero in her dictatorship, but Tacitus's entry turned the table against him.

Tacitus, the name of the man Piso underestimated. No matter what kind of conspiracy Piso employed, Tacitus was always one step ahead of Piso.

Senate, the highest house in the world, had become a laughing stock for the common people. No one takes them seriously, with Nero and Tacitus executing law and order proficiently. They had also crushed numerous rebellions over the course of four years.

Now Piso had nothing. Nero apprehended his men while his wealth was absorbed into the loyal treasury because of revolt accusations.

But Piso never stopped his struggle against the evil Claudius family. He found a grimoire to summon a demon a few years ago. Since the method to summon one was very 'unethical', he avoided contracting one but now air was different.

"Bring the stock."

Upon his order, a worker pulled a cage to the center of the ritual circle. Inside the cage trapped six children, the so-called 'stock.' Their eyes were void of life as they were put in a semi-hibernated state so they won't scream or cry for help.

Sacrificing these children was a requirement, according to the grimoire. Gathering the sacrifices was hard since Piso had to avoid the watchful eyes of Tacitus, but he was a man with connections.

Piso then began to recite a chant from the book.

Soon the circle began to glow crimson, and life from the children began to suck into the center.

The whole building began to shake as a figure started to take shape in the center of the circle.

"O great demon of fire, I shall hereby call to make a contract. I summon the great demon general Wraith!"

As soon as Piso completed his chant, a strong presence came into his view.


The soon-formed fire demon roared a greeting cry to his contractor, Piso.

"Hahaha! It's a success!" Not only was the contract successful, but information to control the demon was also being transmitted to Piso's brain. He soon understood what the last piece needed to begin his reign.

Piso ordered the Demon Wraith to devour Piso's men.

The four individuals could only look in horror before being turned into ashes by Demon Wraith.

"Come with me, o great friend. We need to settle a great debt." Piso grinned as he knew how to take down two thorns in his way, Nero Claudius and her advisor Tacitus.


(Titus's (Tacitus) POV)

"Hmm, I should just propose Nero." While carrying a bright smile, I walked towards Nero's chamber while looking at a bright diamond ring with Roman "one" written on the center.

The reason why I wanted to do so was that I wanted to complete the mission as soon as possible before I opened my heart to Nero.

Preparations were ready to face the great fire of Rome, so my only objective was to open Nero's heart.

For the past couple of years, I tried asking Nero what she truly wanted but didn't get any clue. So my only choice was to propose to Nero and wed her. Possibly also giving Nero an heir to the throne. I think it was a family that she genuinely sought.

"Family, huh…"

I felt an ache in my heart when I drafted such a disgusting plan.

Nero was genuinely in love with me and took good care of me no matter what kind of tyrant she was to Rome. Yet here I am employing the such tactic.

"I don't want to deceive her…." Looking at the drowning sun behind the mountains, I sighed.

There was an option in the system where I could skip time. It means my body will leave into an auto-act mode where my absolute consciousness won't be needed. All I had to do was set two dates I wanted to skip. Of course, I couldn't miss any significant event related to my mission.

However, I avoided such an option, and after spending five years with Nero, I came to like Nero.

"Maybe I also love her…."

As cringe as it sounds, I was talking to myself. I didn't know if my feelings were romantic, but I just felt good when I was beside Nero.

And to avoid further drama, I drafted a plan to propose to her.

Even though the great fire of Rome could be starting at any moment, I didn't want to wait.

For the time being, I put the ring in my pocket and entered Nero's chamber.

"Oh, Tacitus~! Come in. Someone gifted some sweet dates from the Middle East. Let's enjoy ourselves together." Nero greeted with a warming smile like a loving wife would upon seeing her husband.

When my eyes fell on Nero, I felt a heat in my body.

'Why am I feeling so hot? This is not good.'

Nero was standing in front of a mirror, combing her golden hair. She was in her traditional Roman nightie, which consisted of a single skirt and a loose blouse-type shirt.

(AN: 18+ warning.)

'Let's just do this day.' I smirked and walked behind Nero.

"Ah~!" Nero released a moan when I snuck behind her and started kissing her neck.

My right hand reached under her shirt and groped her breast. It was the first time I touched her breast with bare skin, and it felt just soo good~!

While doing so, my left hand went inside her skirt and began massaging her peach softly.

"Oi Tacitus, what's gotten into you...?! Ah~!" Nero asked, concerned since I never became so aggressive like that.

She was right. Yes, we did share some intimate time occasionally, but it was the first time I touched her directly.

"I don't need sweets when I have your majesty as a desert," I whispered in her ear before I lifted the fifth Roman Emperor like a sack of wheat and brought her to the bed.

I then sat on it and placed the blond girl on my lap.

I then lifted her shirt, and her bare melons became visible. Though I had seen her naked a couple of times, it was the first time that I was seeing them up close.

And they were fantastic. Sorry, my future kids, but Papa had to taste them before you.

Without further ado, I chomped Nero's melons with my lips.

"Ah~! T-Tacitus…!" Nero moaned as she called my name, still confused about what had gotten into me. However, again, she didn't stop my shots.

'Ah, man, she is too addicting.' My decision not to have sexual intercourse with Nero was right. I just can't stop liking her. Now, I was getting addicted to her.

She then said something that got me confused, "Tacitus w-wait! Nothing will come out no matter how you suck my breast…!"

Baffled, I lifted my head to see if Nero was being serious, and to my surprise, she just tilted her head in confusion. Did she think I was sucking her fun bags to obtain Vitamin from her milk?

"Nero, it is a way for a man to show affection to his woman."

"Oh…" Embarrassed, Nero averted her gaze. "Though I am happy you are showing your affection, but… are you sure? I am a king, and having a relationship with me, you will…."

"I love you, Nero," I confessed my statement. Though I knew I was revealing this cringe as 'I love you' for the sake of the mission, I felt oddly good, like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

"Tacitus…" Nero spoke, a little shocked by my sudden confession.

"This is bound to happen in some way or another. And I don't want to wait anymore."

Nero, after some confusion, finally smiled and caressed my cheek with a grin, "Hehe, I knew you won't be able to resist my charm for long."

"As much as I wanted to deny that statement, you are right, Nero." I also smirked.

We then got closer before finally becoming one with a kiss.

We had our eyes open, looking at each other while our tongues roamed. However, it was far from satisfactory.


Nero widened her eyes as I inserted my finger into her peach. Since she was still pure, I didn't go further.

That's right, guys. The perverted tyrant from the first century was still a virgin then, and I was going to get her virginity that night.

"Ahn~!" Nero ended the kiss with a moan as she hugged me around my neck. Her body jolted with a current as juices sprouted from her lower body.

Curious, I looked at the love nectar on my fingers and licked it.

"T-Tacitus, what the heck?! It was dirty!" Nero's face stiffed, seeing me licking something that came out of her body.

"Don't worry. I am not eating nuclear waste. Besides, a wise man once said, if you love someone, you also love their dirty stuff too."

"I have never heard of any such wise man. Also, that's disgusting." Nero raised a brow.

We looked at each other before we burst into laughter.

"Anyway, your majesty. It seems like you are also hungry for something." I smiled as I pointed towards Nero's hand, holding my little bro ready to roll.

"Umu! After all, this emperor can't let her subordinate be in domination~!" With those words, she wrapped her arms around my neck and looked into my eyes. "Even if my subordinate is my lover."

I smiled as I knew what she wanted. I was about to kiss her again, but something happened.


A ring on my left finger began to glow. It was a magic item that I constructed, and it would only shine when the opposite of another ring came into the contract with fire. And that second ring was in the city where the great fire of Rome began.

I widened my eyes since I also smelled something burning.

"Tacitus! Come here!!"

Nero called as she was already on the balcony. I also followed and saw the source of the fire.

Around five or so kilometers away from Nero's castle, we saw a place being lit by fire.

'But how is that possible? The fire shouldn't spread in such an isolated area….'

I questioned.

Though I knew the fire would spread in Rome, it was still confusing about what ignited the flames. The area around the fire was an isolated part of the city. What's more, nothing inflammable could cause such a vast fire break.

"Tacitus, let's go!!" Nero called me again, but she was fully dressed in her signature red dress while holding her trademark crimson sword.

"Right!" I nodded and followed Nero.


Nero and I deployed our tactics for the next couple of hours and soon cleared the area where the fire was spreading. Casualty remained bare minimum as the fire was spreading in an isolated part of the city.

However, I knew the situation wouldn't remain in our control if we couldn't find the cause of the fire spread.

"Tacitus, is my spell still working?!" While running around the fire, Nero asked.

"Thank you, your majesty! The spell is fine for now!!" I replied.

Since the capital had nothing flammable, we still didn't know the cause. So to find a clue, Nero and I searched for a spot where the fire spread fast. Thus, we were heading for the last location.

And to protect me from harm, Nero cast a high-ranking spell on my face so I couldn't inhale any smoke. It was surprising how Nero knew magecraft, but I didn't have time to ask.

I was also equipped with a spear and a shield while a sword hung on my back. I did train a little and knew my way with weapons thanks to training with Nero, but I still didn't know why Nero asked me to carry weapons.

"Your majesty!" Amidst our stroll, I found a person in the middle of flames.

Nero also halted her movement to identify the perpetrator of the fire.

"My~ oh my~! Look who I encountered just now~!"

When Nero and I heard that voice, we instantly identified the perpetrator. It was Gaius Calpurnius Piso, the mastermind of the Pisonian conspiracy.

I was well aware of that name since, in this timeline, I was the one who propelled his conspiracy. However, I was confused about how such a weak man could cause such a great fire.

And my questions were soon answered when a giant orb of flames took shape behind Piso.

"Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus and Publius Cornelius Tacitus. Today, I shall mark the end of your existence!!" Piso cried a cliché villain line before the grant fire orb behind Piso came towards us.

"That was not in the script."


(AN: Sorry, guys, for bad ecchi writing. I was out of color for a long time and forgot to write lewd stuff.)


I have already completed the first volume and now midway to volume two. You can read ahead here: www.patr

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