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Chapter 45: Chapter 44: The Queen of Dún Scáit

(Titus's (Ferdiad's) POV)

I found myself standing before the formidable queen of the Land of Shadows, Scathach. Surprisingly, she didn't dismiss me; Cu must have convinced her to let me stay. Her gaze pierced mine as she asserted, "You are under my guidance now. Behave accordingly."

"Yes, shishou!" I replied, saluting her.

"Indeed, teach!" Cu echoed, showing his respect.

I decided to call her 'Shishou', which means 'a master, an instructor'. Why would I use some cringe anime term? Because Scathach was literally the Shishou of Animeverse. You can search 'Shishou' on Google, and the first few images will pop her images.

Scathach didn't mind our chosen titles as long as we showed respect.

"Now, run until I instruct you to stop."

Following her command, Cu and I started running. Initially, I thought it was a beginner-level exercise, a test of our stamina. But the ground beneath our feet was unyielding, as solid as steel. We soon found out that our hellish training had already began.

"Damn it! Why do my feet hurt so much?" Cu exclaimed, but he didn't halt his pace.

"Keep going!" I encouraged him, mustering my own determination.

What seemed like a simple exercise escalated into a grueling ordeal. We ran ceaselessly for an hour, our feet growing numb and bloodied. We pleaded with Scathach to end the torment, but she remained unmoving at the center.

[HP: 396/406]

Even my health points were depleting. The temptation to stop, to rest, to quench my thirst and abandon this training, overwhelmed me.

The memories of Nero's and Tamamo's final moments flooded my mind, replaying the scenes of their sacrifice before my eyes. I saw how they endured the cruel twists of fate, their brave actions taken to protect me. They willingly laid down their lives so that I could forge ahead, unburdened by the weight of their sacrifices. All of this happened because of my own weakness. The realization struck me like a thunderbolt, fueling my determination to become stronger, to honor their sacrifice, and to ensure that no one else I cared about would suffer the same fate due to my shortcomings.

"Nero, Tamamo… I won't run away! I promise!" I gritted my teeth and pressed on, refusing to succumb. I had sworn never to run away, even in the face of the most arduous challenges. I had already faced death multiple times; there was nothing that could deter me.

[HP up 4!]

My health began to recover thanks to Amaterasu's skill, filling me with gratitude for Tamamo. I no longer feared injuries.

"Ah!" Cu's cry cut through the air. I glanced back to see him collapsed on the ground.

Scathach noticed Cu's struggle but urged him, "Get up and keep going!"

I felt Scathach was pushing us to our limits, but I didn't question her methods. She was one of the few instructors who had molded warriors in proper human history. There must be a reason for her every action.

I approached Cu, offering my shoulder for support, and we continued running together.

"Boss, you're exhausted too... You don't have to..." Cu attempted to dissuade me from carrying him, concern etched on his face as he noticed my bleeding feet. I shook my head.

"We will grow stronger together!" I replied firmly.

I could have abandoned Cu, leaving him behind, but I wasn't the type to abandon a friend. Besides, having a strong partner motivated me to become even stronger. Cu smiled, acknowledging our shared determination.

Together, Cu and I continued our run, supporting each other in case one of us faltered. We persevered for another two hours until Scathach signaled for us to stop. Gasping for air, we collapsed onto the ground, utterly exhausted. Our bodies were wracked with pain after enduring the grueling challenge of running five kilometers on solid steel-like ground.

Every inch of my body throbbed with agony, but amidst the pain, I felt a sense of exhilaration I had never known before.

[Agility +1]

A surge of energy coursed through me as I gained a stat point. It dawned on me that I could now enhance my stats without solely relying on leveling up.

Scathach approached us, her arms folded. I noticed her without her armor, clad in her trademark tight full-body outfit that accentuated her curves, metallic shoulder pads gleaming. Despite my exhaustion, I couldn't help but feel a pang of arousal, and even my Stand started to stir.

Her piercing gaze demanded my attention, so I sank to my knees, too drained to stand.

"Do you still lust after my body, or should I knock some sense into you?" Scathach's voice was cold, her eyes unyielding.

Cu remained seated, his concern evident as he watched me. Scathach's question lingered in the air, the weight of it settling on my shoulders. The logical choice would have been to apologize, bury my feelings, and avoid any further discussion of my confession. But that wasn't me.

Defiance burned within me. I refused to back down, to let go of my desire for her. I met Scathach's gaze with unwavering determination, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Shishou, you are a gorgeous woman and a formidable warrior. I respect you deeply. However, I also have my pride. I won't give up on my feelings for you. I am going to pursue you no matter what." I declared boldly, my words hanging in the air, confessing my resolve without a hint of hesitation.

"Boss..." Cu's eyes sparkled with admiration. Despite the cringy lines, it felt empowering to be looked up to.

Scathach's expression remained unchanged, but something in the air shifted subtly. A feeling of anger emanated from her, though not physically perceptible.

'Wait, I think there is a misunderstanding here…'

A sudden realization struck me, dispelling the confusion. Scathach had likely misunderstood my intentions, assuming my desire was purely physical. While I did find her attractive, my feelings ran much deeper. I envisioned a genuine relationship, one that extended beyond mere physical desire, a connection profound enough to warrant the commitment of marriage.

However, doubts gnawed at me. Did Scathach even comprehend the concept of marriage? I knew so little about her, apart from her role as a god slayer and protector of the Land of Shadows. She had nurtured warriors like Cu and me, yet her personal life remained shrouded in mystery.

"Get up and start running. Let's see if you can maintain your statement after that," Scathach challenged, folding her arms. "I will break your spirit."

With unwavering determination, I rose, a defiant grin on my face.

"Hah! I won't back down!" I declared, channeling a healing spell into my legs before resuming the demanding run. Despite the agony that coursed through my body, my iron will propelled me forward.

In that moment, I silently vowed to myself. Woman, strength, power—I would attain everything life had to offer. Not just to prove my worth to Scathach, but to prove it to myself. Each step I took, each drop of sweat that fell, carried the weight of my determination. I would stop at nothing until I had achieved all that I desired in this life.

Another reason was why I needed Scathach to open her heart to me was because it was required to fulfill the mission.


(Third Person's POV)

"Teach! I beg you, please stop him, boss will die!" Cu pleaded desperately with Scathach, but the determined maiden warrior remained resolute.

Of all the things Scathach despised, disrespectful students lusting after her body topped the list. She was well aware of her attractive physique; countless men had shown their desire for her over the ages. However, most of them, after enduring her grueling training, would abandon their lust, realizing the depth of their folly.

Yet, something was different about this brown-haired teen, Ferdiad. As Scathach observed his face, she was shocked. His bleeding heels left a trail of red marks, yet he didn't once glance at her. His expression remained steadfast, his determination unyielding.

In that moment, Scathach saw something more than lust in his eyes. It wasn't a desire to bed her; it was a hunger for strength, a determination to fight for something he had already lost—his need for revenge.

Yes, that must be it.

'Perhaps I misjudged him…' Scathach thought, reconsidering her initial assessment. Ferdiad appeared far more dignified and mature than his age suggested. He had not shown any disrespect toward her; his goals stretched far beyond the superficial desires of youth.

"I'm going with boss too! HAA!" Cu roared, joining Ferdiad in his determination.

Scathach sighed and shook her head. One thing was certain—they were both stubborn fools.

Cu Chulainn, despite his outward appearance as an ordinary teen, was a demigod. Scathach, having slain countless deities in her lifetime, had already recognized Cu's identity. He possessed raw talent, a potential warrior far beyond anyone she had ever seen.

Indeed, Ferdiad was unlike the typical teenager she had encountered before. Despite his youthful appearance, Scathach perceived the presence of a mature man lurking within him, a person who had experienced both achievements and profound losses. His motivations extended far beyond the mere desire to be a hero or warrior for the sake of vanity. There was a depth to his aspirations, a purpose that transcended superficial notions.

Scathach recognized the immense willpower burning within him, fueled by the sacrifices of those who had guided him. He was no longer just fighting for himself; his battles were fought in honor of the memories of the two individuals who had sacrificed themselves to propel him forward. Their spirits lived on through him, shaping his determination and giving purpose to his journey. It was this unwavering resolve that intrigued and impressed Scathach, making her eager to teach and guide him further on his path to greatness.

"Let's put them to the test," Scathach felt a rare excitement at the prospect of teaching someone again.

Scathach motioned for them to halt and rest for a while before summoning them to the sparring ground. When they arrived, she offered them a choice of weapons for their spar.

Cu opted for the swords he had brought, while Ferdiad chose a simple-looking sword and shield from the shelf. At first glance, it seemed as if Ferdiad wasn't taking the spar seriously, but Scathach sensed that he desired to start from the basics.

In the end, their weapon choices didn't matter; they were both in for a beating today. They were already exhausted, and Scathach doubted either of them would last more than a few swings.

First up was Cu Chulainn.

"Here I come!" Cu roared, charging toward Scathach with lightning speed.

Scathach frowned at his immaturity. Skilled fighters didn't announce their moves; it only provided opponents with openings to counterattack. Predictably, she effortlessly avoided Cu's attack and struck her spear against the back of his knees.

"Ai! Ai! Ai! Ai!" Cu cried out in pain, collapsing to the ground. His legs were already strained, and Scathach had hit a vulnerable spot.

To her surprise, Cu quickly got back up. Scathach widened her eyes; while his immaturity disappointed her, Cu's raw determination shone through. An ordinary person would have passed out, yet he stood his ground, enduring several more hits before he couldn't rise again.

It was time to test Ferdiad's skills.

"Please teach me well, shishou!" Ferdiad said, his voice brimming with determination, as he took a serious stance.

Scathach was taken aback. She had initially wanted to break his spirit and instill respect in him, but he already regarded her with deep respect.

"Little guy, just last as long as you can," Scathach advised, smiling, as she also assumed a fighting stance, her hands gripping a plain-looking spear.

When the battle commenced, Scathach moved swiftly, her spear slicing through the air, but...


Ferdiad skillfully parried her attack with his own sword. Scathach was astonished that Ferdiad could block an attack aimed at his legs.

"You have a good foundation, young man," Scathach complimented, impressed by Ferdiad's grasp of the basics of combat.

"Hehe, someone very important taught me this," Ferdiad chuckled, his smile warm and genuine.

Scathach was surprised by the sincerity in Ferdiad's smile. Whoever this person was, Ferdiad must have held them in high regard and deep affection.

However, Scathach soon realized that Ferdiad was inexperienced. Unlike Cu, whose attacks carried the strength to lethally incapacitate even the most formidable warrior, Ferdiad's strikes were mediocre. It seemed he had never dedicated much effort to practicing combat.

Cling! Cling!

Scathach relentlessly swung her spear, not giving Ferdiad any chance to counter. He was already exhausted and would be collapsing any time.


With another swing, Scathach knocked the shield from Ferdiad's hands.

Huff* Huff*

Ferdiad panted, fatigue evident in his trembling legs. He could barely move.

'Let's end this,' Scathach decided, feeling pity for the exhausted young man. She prepared for the final attack, but her heel got caught in a tiny hole in the soil, throwing off her balance.

Seeing an opportunity, Ferdiad launched his first attack. Scathach anticipated avoiding it easily, as it lacked both power and precision.

However, something extraordinary occurred. It felt as if time froze for a mere second, and then...


Ferdiad's sword snapped the spear from Scathach's hand.

"..." Scathach was stunned. She couldn't discern whether time had truly stopped or if Ferdiad had moved at lightning speed. Had he been concealing this ability all along?

Scathach realized she had greatly underestimated this seemingly ordinary teenager, and Ferdiad had taken full advantage of that moment.

"You did exceptionally well, kid. I'm genuinely impressed," Scathach praised, acknowledging Ferdiad's unexpected prowess. She had gone easy on him, considering she could have defeated him easily had she been more serious, but she had severely underestimated him. Perhaps it was luck, or perhaps it was part of her own misjudgment.

"Huff* Thank you... shishou..." Ferdiad bowed respectfully.

Scathach was deeply impressed by Ferdiad's gentleness. If only he hadn't been ogling her body, she might have been even more lenient with him.

"Rest well; I will prepare something for us to eat," Scathach said, affectionately ruffling Ferdiad's hair, before she turned and walked back toward the castle.

"Boss! How did you do that?! Teach me!"

"Oi! I am tired! Get off from me!"

Scathach heard their conversation, but she continued walking, a smile playing on her lips.

"Perhaps this time, someone will be able to bring an end to me." She thought, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.


(Titus's (Ferdiad's) POV)

I found myself seated at the table with Scathach and Cu Chulainn, the alluring teacher, and Ireland's mightiest warrior. It should have been an honor to dine with such distinguished figures, but my enthusiasm quickly waned when I laid eyes on the contents of our bowls.

"What. Is. This?" I questioned incredulously.

"Food," Scathach replied nonchalantly.

"Is she serious?" I stared at her in sheer disbelief. Did she genuinely consider this concoction, resembling pig's dung dipped in thin liquid resembling nasal discharge, to be food?!

I had anticipated a delicious meal, but the contents of our bowls were anything but appetizing. It was neither food nor fit for human consumption. It shouldn't even exist! The sight and smell alone were nauseating, making it impossible to fathom how anyone could endure such a meal.

"Ugh… if this is how warriors train, then... I must also... ugh...!" Cu managed to take a sip, his face turning pale. Scathach, on the other hand, ate the abomination without any visible distress.

I couldn't bear it any longer.

"Enough!" I exclaimed, grabbing all three bowls and heading to the kitchen to prepare a proper meal.

I returned shortly with three bowls filled with fish meat soup and boiled potatoes, placing them on the table. I urged them to taste my creation.

Cu's eyes lit up after the first bite. "Boss! This is delicious! You can cook!" he exclaimed, devouring the food eagerly.

Scathach, however, ate the meal with her usual impassive expression.

"It's edible," she commented, a compliment that sounded forced. Perhaps she lacked the ability to discern taste in food.

I was about to eat when I realized I had to clear some misunderstanding with Scathach.

"Shishou… I…" I called her to talk but then everything turned hazy. Before I knew it, I slammed my head on the food and passed out.


(Third Person's POV)

Silence hung heavy in the room as Ferdiad abruptly collapsed onto the table, unconscious. Cu glanced at Scathach, his confusion evident.

"What should we do?" he asked, his brow furrowing.

"Take him to his room," Scathach instructed calmly. Cu nodded in understanding and gently lifted Ferdiad onto his back, carrying him away.

Scathach sighed, her gaze falling on the contents of the bowls before her.

"Bland as always."


(Titus's (Ferdiad's) POV)

I woke up in the middle of the night, the memory of passing out still fresh in my mind.

"Right, I passed out," I muttered to myself, recalling the incident at the dining table.

I glanced over to see Cu snoring on the other bed. It was the room Scathach had assigned to us, furnished with two beds and a shelf for our belongings.

Despite my weariness, I couldn't bring myself to sleep again. So, I decided to explore the castle. I grabbed a chocolate bar and a lamp, setting out into the dimly lit hallway.

As I walked, I heard eerie noises and whispers, but Scathach had warned us about the voices of the dead, so I pressed on without fear. The Land of Shadows itself was akin to an underworld in Irish Mythology, after all.

Eventually, I noticed a room emitting light from beneath the door. I knocked, and Scathach's permission reached my ears. Entering, I found her reading a book.

"It's been a while since I've seen proper manners in a man," Scathach remarked without looking up from her book.

"Is that so? Haha," I chuckled nervously, taking a seat on the side sofa beside her.

I didn't know how to start a conversation with her; she looked breathtaking. Currently, she wore a light single-piece nightdress, her legs bare. Even though her clothes were loose, they couldn't conceal her curvaceous body. My eyes couldn't help but wander, entranced.

Gulping, I couldn't help but admire her legs. They were divine, enough to make even Rin pale in comparison.

"So, do you have anything to say apart from staring at my tits and legs?" Scathach's voice brought me back to reality.

"I…" I stammered, feeling embarrassed at being caught. My gaze then shifted to the book she was reading; it appeared to be a martial arts manual.

'Oh, right, I need to clear up the misunderstanding,' I realized, gathering my courage. "Shishou, I have two confessions to make. Will you listen to me?"

Scathach nodded, setting the book aside. She crossed her legs and leaned back, indicating for me to speak.

"You may talk," she said.

Taking a deep breath, I knelt on the floor.

"Shishou, I apologize if it seemed like I desired your body out of lust alone. I am not that kind of person," I began. "I won't deny my attraction, but my feelings for you are genuine. I want to marry you; it's a sincere proposal from a man to a beautiful woman."

There was a moment of silence before Scathach smiled gently. "I appreciate your kindness, kid. But romance is something I left behind a few decades ago. Perhaps if you were born a little earlier, you might have had a chance. But not now."

Her rejection was firm, yet I wasn't disheartened.

"Haha! I'm also quite persistent. Until I graduate from being your apprentice, you'll have my utmost respect as my teacher. After that, I will pursue you. One day, you will fall for me, I'm sure of it."

"Hm, hm~! I won't. That day will never come," Scathach replied, chuckling lightly. "So, what is your second confession?"

I looked down at my knees, steeling myself. "Please train me as intensely as possible. Teach me everything that the legendary queen of Dún Scáith knows. Push me to my limits, break me, make me stronger. When I would leave this place, I want to be a person who can meet my opponents' gaze and emerge victorious! I want to be so strong that no one can ever take my family away from me! So please, train me and mold me into a warrior who will never lose his loved ones!"

I knew that what happened with Nero and Tamamo could not have been prevented, but it was a fact that I was weak. If I had fought a little harder, things might have been different.

I wanted to be strong so that the next time I faced Nero and Tamamo, I could stand proudly and declare that I would protect my future family with them. My resolve burned within me.

In that moment, I felt a warm palm on my head. Looking up, I saw Scathach with a genuine smile, a rare sight.

"Kid, no, Ferdiad, you have earned my permission now and also my respect. I admire courageous people like you. Not many would swallow their pride and ask to become stronger." She said, her smile warming my heart. "It seems you have lost a lot of people, but fear not, young man. Under my tutelage, you will become the greatest warrior."

Her hand was cold, but I felt a comforting warmth. She then ruffled my hair and gently caressed my cheek, her touch gentle and reassuring.

"I'm reading a book on war tactics. Would you like to learn some?" Scathach offered, tapping the space beside her.

"I would love to," I replied, settling down beside her. We spent the entire night discussing various war tactics and martial arts moves, marking the beginning of my formal training under the guidance of the warrior queen.

From that day onward, my training in the Land of Shadows began.

(AN: God, I hate her name. It took me extra hour just to write her name correctly.)


There are 114 PSs. How about we hit 200 PS in next 24 hours and I will hit with extra chapter!

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