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Chapter 56: Chapter 55: Final Oath

(Titus's (Ferdiad's) POV)

Scathach dropped the book at the sound of those words. She swiftly exited the room, the gate closing behind her automatically. Clutching my shoulder, she peered into my eyes with urgency. "Can you explain clearly? What's happening, Titus?"

"Hehe, your expression is priceless," I chuckled, then sobered, glancing downward. "Please, trust me. I'll go to any lengths to end your life. But if, by chance, I fail..."

It was the fail-safe plan I mentioned.

Meeting her gaze again, I added, "One year passing within this room equates to 2000 years beyond these walls."

She widened her eyes, stepping back with a shivering body.

'Dammit, she must be disappointed that I won't be killing her…' I grunted internally.

I sighed, "There's a possibility I might not succeed in severing the curses entrenched within your soul, preventing the termination of your existence. Hence, I constructed this room to spare you from enduring millennia of suffering."

According to my Odin's Eye and my overall calculation, there was a 20% chance that I would not be able to remove all the curses in Scathach's body that make her immortal and then end her life. So, I constructed this room using everything in my knowledge. Every brick of the room was enchanted with high-tier runes, controlling the gravity inside the room so that a body functions slowly compared to outside the walls.

"I promise that in due time, I will return and liberate you from this confinement," I earnestly tried to persuade, but Scathach kept her head bowed.

This place was destined to transform into a relic, severing the Land of Shadows from the external world. However, I possessed a means to re-enter this sanctuary in modern times.

"Are you upset?" I inquired of Scathach, who had been silent for several minutes, her locks concealing her eyes.

"I am not upset, Titus, my dear student," Scathach raised her head, revealing a captivating smile. "This is the first time someone has shown me any glimmer of hope, shedding light on my abyssal, dark fate."

Her words filled me with pride, and I nodded, brushing away a small tear. I felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing I had made a difference for her.

"And Titus—no, Titus Dusklock, today, you have earned me," Scathach declared.

I watched as she began to enact something profound. With grace, she unveiled a long skirt adorned with ancient Celtic script and donned a lengthy scarf upon her head. Finally, she gracefully knelt, bowing before me.

"I, Scathach, daughter of Árd-Greimne of Lethra and the queen of the Land of Shadows, hereby dedicate my life and soul to the individual known as Titus Dusklock, the enigmatic hero from the future, as my sole husband and beloved. I also declare my unwavering respect for this person for as long as this bond endures through every existence," her words resonated with resolute conviction. Her voice carried the allure of an enchanting maiden, her posture exuding reverence toward me.

Listening to her oath of love, my heart skipped a beat. After encounters with Tamamo and Nero, Scathach became the third woman to profess such a vow following her tradition.

To many, it might seem melodramatic, but to me, it evoked feelings of pride and honor. It signified not only respect but also bestowed upon me a sense of profound privilege and blessing.

"I understand," I smiled, lifting her gently and meeting her gaze. "Now that I've earned your trust, I believe it's time for us to take the next step."

"Hmm~ Hm~! Finally," Scathach chuckled.

The darkness enveloped us, and in an instant, reality shifted, placing us within a lavishly decorated bedroom.

"So, in this time, you've prepared the room as well. Impressive," Scathach remarked, surveying the surroundings. The ambiance exuded the perfect atmosphere for a honeymoon, with every detail meticulously set.

"Yes," I affirmed, then snapped my fingers.

In the next moment, everything adorning Scathach's body vanished, leaving her naked and exposed.

"Shishou, I've mentioned it before, but man, you look just fine," I remarked, arching a brow.

Every inch of her body was flawless. Her breasts held a perfect firmness while her waistline and legs resembling a work of art. Even her intimate area appeared akin to that of a virgin's, despite her having a romantic history.

While I had seen her naked form numerous times and thoroughly appreciated it, this instance felt distinct. I was prepared to consume the essence of pleasure without restraint.

Scathach chuckled at my comment, stepping closer and enveloping me in her arms, her gaze locking onto mine.

I maintained a smirk and drew her closer against my body with my left arm, while my other hand delicately moved to support her leg, allowing for some space as it began to caress her ass.

"I've really missed these pillows!" I smirked before exploring further.

My first finger breached her uppermost opening—it wasn't dry, yet lacked sufficient moisture. Simultaneously, my other finger ventured into her another cavity. Strangely, she felt slightly tighter today. To my surprise, she began to contract, drawing my fingers inward, creating a suction-like sensation.

"Surprise, right?" Scathach offered a seductive smile. "I've made some adjustments to my body, aiming to preserve as much of my maidenhood as possible."

"Thanks, shishou," I responded with a smile I couldn't contain.

"Although I can sense your touch, I won't be able to vocalize any sounds," Scathach added apologetically.

"I accepted you for who you are, so don't worry about a thing," I reassured her. "Let's skip the cringe and dive into action."

"You're right," Scathach smiled.

"But before that," I locked eyes with Scathach, "Thank you, Scathach, and I love you."

"So, you finally decided to call my name, eh? See, my name isn't that difficult to pronounce," she teased.

Well duh! Calling her name wasn't an issue now. I mean, my dear author has been typing her name for ten entire chapters already.

(AN: Thanks, mate (╥﹏╥) )

"I love you too, Titus," Scathach reciprocated, closing the distance between us, and our lips met.

In the fervor of our passionate kiss, I guided her to the bed, and what ensued were the endless echoes of clapping cheeks.

(AN: Lots of seggs inserted.)


"Man, sex feels good!" I exclaimed, gently caressing Scathach's shoulder as she nestled against my arm, holding me close.

It had been seven years since my last intimate encounter with Tamamo, and being with Scathach felt like a new chapter in my life. While I refrained from comparing my experiences with Nero or Tamamo, I relished the unique connection with Scathach.

Our sex was conducted in silence, devoid of vocal expressions by both me and Scathach. Despite the silence enveloping our interaction, Scathach put forth her best effort by engaging her body. Her silent dedication ensured so that I wouldn't miss the presence of emotions or humanly charm.

I couldn't have asked for more.

"Hm~ Hm~! I'm pleased you enjoyed it," Scathach purred while playing with my Stand, Anya D. Platinum.

"Yeah, I might just be the luckiest person on this planet, getting to savor the charms of beauties from different times," I added.

From Nero in ancient Rome to Tamamo in old Japan, and now Scathach from ancient Ireland—apparently, I was the only individual to traverse such timelines and engage intimately with these remarkable women. What seemed like a fantasy turned into reality.

"Yeah, who knows? Maybe I'm one of your descendants too," Scathach grinned.

Her words sparked contemplation. Presently, it seemed impossible for my generation to descend from Scathach. My children also perished alongside Nero and Tamamo. But what if my next mission occurred in an earlier era, predating these three's timelines, and they happened to be my descendants?

"Well, as long as I love any woman, I'm into this shit, haha!" I laughed, while Scathach shook her head with a helpless smile.

"Say..." The atmosphere shifted as Scathach raised her head, locking eyes with me. "I've been contemplating your harem plan."

Ah, the matter of my final life. The idea was to summon all the women at the conclusion of my missions, transform them into real humans with flesh, and then live out our lives together.

Scathach had initially opposed the idea of a harem, but against my entreaties, she agreed to consider it. Now, the moment of her decision had arrived.

"I won't be sharing you with any other women. You are mine and mine alone," Scathach grinned, licking her lips.

Well, she was undeniably possessive. What did I expect?

"Are you sure about that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Crystal," Scathach declared, then leapt on top of me, positioning herself against my Stand.

"Don't regret it later, considering I'm in a different league," I calmly stated, with my arms behind my head.

"As I said, I won't be needing any bed partner. This queen shall bear anything her husband comes with as a challenge." With those words, she slid down and thus, commencing the war games.


(3rd Person's POV)

"I really need a bed partner!" Scathach grunted, crouching behind a wall.

"Shishou! Where are you~?! Your lovely disciple requires your assistance. Are you hiding from me?!" From a distance, Titus called out to her, "Hehe, is that a new game?! Well, I am coming to find you~!"

The moment Titus turned, Scathach swiftly hid again.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?!

Initially, Scathach believed she could easily confront Titus's amorous sex frenzy. Being immortal, she didn't experience pain or stimulation, making it seem like a straightforward task to test Titus's limits. Despite Titus's repeated warnings, she had already resolved to face the challenge.

And man, was she so damn wrong.

It felt like minutes turned into hours, hours into days, and days into an entire month, yet Titus showed no signs of stopping the relentless pursuit.

Whether it was day or night, Titus would bang her none stop. His stamina never wavered; if anything, he seemed to gain energy with each passionate night. He could exhaust himself with physical activities, running miles, and still return to her bed, ready for another round.

Initially, she believed she could match his prowess, but she had grossly underestimated him. She had faced kings and deities, never once feeling the need to retreat from a battle. Yet Titus shattered her streak and compelled her to acknowledge defeat.

Truly, she should have accepted his harem plan. No rational woman could withstand this relentless force.

Scathach, feeling a lack of presence, decided to move, but as she turned, she faced the very person she had been trying to avoid.

"Found you~!"

There stood Titus, her once-cute student, now her husband, yet with a heart symbols in his eyes that indicated he was in the throes of his sex overdrive.

Scathach was fucked, quite literally.

"T-Titus… what are you doing here?" Scathach chuckled helplessly, instinctively stepping backward.

"I mean, weren't we playing hide and seek? Since I found you, isn't it natural for me to claim my reward, which is you, shishou~?" Titus replied.

"No, Titus… that's not it…" Scathach attempted to reason. "Aaha! How about this? I've agreed to your harem plan now. Are you happy? Why don't you return to your room and rest for a while?"

"Shishou, are you trying to evade me? Don't you love me anymore? Have I done something wrong?" Titus's voice trembled.

"No, it's not…" Scathach tried to explain, but tears welled in Titus's eyes.

"I see. Shishou must be fed up with me. I understand. But don't worry, shishou, I won't hate you. I'll still make your wish come true," Titus said, wiping his tears.


Scathach genuinely felt sorry for Nero and Tamamo. Even as an immortal, she was already defeated. She couldn't fathom the anguish those mortal women must have endured.

"Please don't cry," Scathach sighed, then smiled warmly. "I'm here for you."

"Yay~!" Titus cheered like a child, jumping with excitement. In the next moment, he lifted Scathach in a princess carry. "I'll make you happy, shishou."

Witnessing his innocent smile, Scathach couldn't help but melt in his arms. Somehow, she knew she would overcome this final trial.

(AN: I couldn't write a smut scene since I am already adding so much ecchi scenes. I just didn't feel the need. Besides, Scathach won't be moaning or releasing juices, what's the point? But well, if you like, I could make one. Comment down your horny requirement.)



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