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Chapter 20: chapter 20

"So, you are Jeanne, the Maid of Orléans, and your faithful knight. I have heard of the legendary feats you accomplished, and I confess I was intrigued whether they were true." The man stroked his beard as he observed Rémy and Jeanne seated before him. It was Jeanne who promptly replied: "The rumors may have been exaggerated in some aspects, but what happened was real." The man seemed incredulous: "You are telling me that a young girl and a young man managed to defeat an entire army? Cough I mean, that a young man led the victory and a young woman defeated the army?"

"Yes, that's exactly what happened. I'm sorry if you don't believe it." Jeanne replied politely. The man frowned, and began tapping his fingers lightly on the table. After a long silence, he said, "Well, let's see if that's true, since I've received news that this city will also be attacked by an army. Show me that you're telling the truth."

Jeanne stood up from her chair and replied firmly, "I apologize if my presence in this city offends you in any way, but I didn't come here to prove anything to you. I came to help the people who need my help, regardless of what you or any other noble thinks. They're not rumors, they're facts, and the people I've helped know it very well."

The man gave a sarcastic smile. "Well, this is my city, and I decide who can help people here. Not you." Jeanne remained silent, knowing that the man was right. However, that wouldn't stop her from fulfilling her mission. She would help the people who needed her help, even if it meant going against the noble's will.

The man turned to Rémy, who was sitting next to Jeanne, and spoke mockingly, "And you, don't you have anything to say? I've heard that she's the one in charge of you. I don't want any trouble with kids, but I don't believe these rumors that people are spreading around. Frankly, I thought you would be bigger and more experienced. My advice? Get out of this war. This is not for you."

Rémy, who had been quiet in his chair before, finally spoke to the doubting man, "You should know that two English armies were defeated, but still, you doubt our ability?" His voice was firm and determined, showing the confidence he had in the young leader before them.

The man replied in a hesitant tone, "Yes, I've heard of that, but I wasn't there to witness it, so I'm not sure if it's true or not." It was then that Jeanne, with her strong and determined voice, interrupted the man, "What do you mean you're not sure? Someone important must have told you that! It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, but if the army is really coming, I'll lead my soldiers and defeat them!"

The man fell silent, while Jeanne continued, "Don't worry, none of my soldiers will be hurt in this fight, even if I have to do my best to ensure that. I am confident in my ability to lead and in the strength of my soldiers." Her voice was firm and full of conviction, making it clear that she was not afraid of anything that might come her way.

The man finally spoke, impressed by Jeanne's courage and determination, "Are you sure about this? You're putting your life and the lives of your soldiers at risk." He looked directly at Jeanne, trying to understand the young leader before him.

Jeanne replied with a determined expression: "Yes, I am sure of it. We will fight with all we have and win this battle. None of my soldiers will be hurt, I promise." She looked at the man with confidence, making it clear that there was no room for doubt or fear.

"Do you even know what you're talking about? You're going to kill those 80 soldiers that were entrusted to you. First of all, who gave you those soldiers? That person must be quite foolish to do so," said the man with irritation. Jeanne replied firmly: "They chose to follow me, they were not forced by anyone. So do not speak ill of others." The man, challengingly, said: "Alright, girl. Prove me wrong. If you do, I'll help you on your journey from now on, if you prove to be all that you're saying." "Done!" replied Jeanne, ready to face the challenge. She then turned and left the table.

Rémy, who had been silent until then, stood up and looked at the man with his blue eyes. "What's your name?" he asked. Although a little taken aback, Robert de Baudricourt replied proudly. Then Rémy gave Robert a deep look, who was sitting in his chair, and said: "For someone who doesn't believe in rumors, you're quite alert." He then turned and followed Jeanne towards the exit. Robert was surprised, as Rémy had noticed the sword that was hidden under the table. He didn't expect the boy to be so perceptive. Robert felt that if he tried to do anything with the sword, his head would fly off his body. However, he soon dismissed that thought, considering it only his imagination due to the rumors he had heard about the boy.

"Idiot, idiot," muttered Jeanne as she left the man's castle with whom she had just spoken, not caring that she was still on his property and in the city. Rémy, who had stayed behind for a moment, quickly caught up with her. "What happened while I was gone?" Jeanne asked, concerned. Rémy replied, "Nothing happened, I just thanked him for allowing us to speak to him." Jeanne frowned but decided not to comment any further on the matter. Together, they walked towards the castle's exit.

After a few minutes, already outside the castle, the soldiers who were waiting for them approached. Upon seeing Jeanne's irritated expression, one of the soldiers asked, "Was there a problem?" Jeanne quickly changed her expression to a cordial smile and replied, "No, everything's fine." The soldier was surprised by Jeanne's quick change of mood.

Jeanne led her soldiers towards the castle walls that surround the city, and they followed her promptly. Decisively, she deployed her troops in strategic locations visible from the walls to protect the city. It was already dark when the action was completed, and Rémy, somewhat worried, asked, "Aren't you going to sleep for a while? I can keep watch." Jeanne sat on the ground and rested her face on her legs, quickly falling asleep.

As Jeanne slept, Rémy watched the area and noticed that the night was quite peaceful. He found it unlikely that an enemy army would attack at night, as had happened last time. However, he remained alert, knowing that an enemy cannot be underestimated. Hours passed without any sign of attack. Jeanne woke up and suggested that Rémy rest, but he refused. She insisted, and he eventually fell asleep, leaning on her legs.

After he fell asleep, his face began to contort with spasms, and Jeanne soon noticed. She put her hand on his head and a light began to shine, running through his body until the spasms ceased. Jeanne took a tired breath, aware that using her powers consumes a lot of energy. Thanking God, she went back to watch the area. The sky was beginning to clear, the sun was appearing on the horizon, but there was still no sign of the enemy army.

As Jeanne looked, she was suddenly awakened by a cloud of dust rising on the horizon. With a gentle touch on Rémy, who was napping against her legs, she alerted him: "Get ready." Rémy immediately jumped off the wall and gracefully landed in front of the main gate. Meanwhile, Jeanne ran to inform all the soldiers of the approaching enemy. With a firm and urgent voice, she warned everyone of the imminent threat.

Jeanne arrived at the main gate with her 80 soldiers and approached Rémy, asking, "Are you okay? If you prefer, you don't have to come with me." However, Rémy didn't hesitate and replied, "Don't think for a second that I will leave you alone. I will accompany you to the end." With a French flag in one hand and her sword in the other, Jeanne advanced towards the enemy army, which had stopped at a safe distance to avoid being targeted by arrows. With determination, she led her 80 soldiers towards the enemy, ready to face any challenge that came their way.

Meanwhile, in the enemy army, the commander heard a soldier asking, "Sir, there are no archers on the walls." Surprised by the information, the commander retorted, "What do you mean? Whenever we invade this city, there are archers defending it." The confused soldier pointed ahead and tapped the commander on the shoulder, drawing his attention to something he believed was a joke. The commander turned to see what was happening and was shocked by what he saw.

"That bastard must be mocking me," thought the commander, extremely irritated to realize that a small group was approaching, probably with the intention of facing his army. Angry, he shouted, "How dare they underestimate me? They will regret it bitterly. Archers, get ready!"

"Everyone in position! Get ready to fire!" shouted the commander, as more than 100 archers positioned themselves, pulling the strings of their bows and preparing to fire thousands of arrows at the approaching enemy group. The sky was filled with a rain of arrows, which flew towards the enemy with great speed and precision. The commander was sure that the small group would have no chance of defending itself against such a massive arrow attack.

Seeing the arrows coming towards them, Jeanne's soldiers took a deep breath, ready to defend themselves. However, Jeanne stepped forward, raising her flag with determination and speaking loudly, "Fear not, my soldiers! The Lord is with us!" Then she slammed the flag on the ground firmly. At that moment, an intense light spread through all the soldiers, forming a protective barrier around them, preventing the enemy arrows from causing any damage.

The arrows that were coming towards the soldiers collided with the barrier, but could not penetrate it. The soldiers, who were ready to receive the attack, were amazed by the miracle that Jeanne had performed. Those who were inside the barrier felt stronger, healthier, and more animated. Rémy was surprised, as he had no idea that Jeanne had such ability. He looked in admiration at the barrier that had protected the group from the enemy arrows.

The enemy commander was perplexed to see that the arrows had failed to hit the enemy soldiers, who now seemed stronger and more confident. He knew something extraordinary had happened and that his plans were threatened. As the commander watched the scene, Jeanne seized the moment to further motivate her fellow warriors.

"Soldiers, victory is ours! Believe in yourselves and our purpose. Together, we are invincible!" said Jeanne confidently and determinedly.

Inspired by Jeanne's words and her demonstration of power, the soldiers advanced with more courage and determination against the enemy lines. The battle, which had previously seemed uncertain, now took a favorable turn for Jeanne's soldiers.

The enemy commander, still dazed, asked one of his soldiers, "What happened? How did our arrows fail to hit the enemies?"

The soldier, unsure of what to say, hesitantly replied, "I don't know, sir. It was something I've never seen before. It seems like the girl who leads the enemy soldiers has some kind of magical power."

The commander, still incredulous, watched the battle more closely. He saw that his own soldiers were beginning to lose confidence, while Jeanne's soldiers seemed more determined than ever.

"This cannot be happening," thought the commander. "We cannot be defeated by a bunch of peasants led by a girl."

But despite his negative thoughts, the battle continued in favor of Jeanne's soldiers. They were brave, determined, and had the leadership of a young woman who seemed to have the world at her feet.

Seeing that the battle was no longer in his favor, the enemy commander became furious and decided he needed to do something. He pointed at Jeanne, who led the French soldiers, and shouted to his soldiers, "That girl is a witch! She uses magic to win her battles! We cannot allow her to continue leading the enemy. Capture her!"

The English soldiers were shocked to hear the accusation that France had a witch in its ranks. Some began to doubt whether it was worth fighting against such a powerful force. But Jeanne, firm in her belief and determination, was not shaken by the words of the enemy commander.

"I am not a witch," she said firmly. "I am a simple peasant, chosen by God to lead the French people to victory. And that is what I will do."


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