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Chapter 8: When Trouble Calls

Five Years Later.....

Snow woke up to the sound of the ringing alarm by her bedside. She hissed and covered her ears with the pillow.

"Urrrgh!" She groaned as the alarm kept ringing. "Won't you stop?" She hissed.

Still wrapped under the quilt, she searched for the ringing alarm with her hand tapping the table until she found it and snoozed it.

She had only just gone to bed, how come dawn appeared so soon?

"Hmm..." She sighed in relief at the silence and she went back to sleep.

"Snow!!! A loud shrill was heard from down the stairs.

Snow didn't need to think further, she already knew who was calling. "Oh, Shit! Hell is calling."

Snow immediately jumped out of bed. who better than her knows that when Cynthia calls, trouble calls?

Cynthia is Alpha Felix's Luna. She is the devil in a woman's clothing. She has made Snow's life hell since she joined the pack as the Luna. Not that she had the best life in the pack though but with Cynthia's arrival her suffering intensified.

"I'm dead meat!" Snow muttered as she rushed straight to the bathroom to go brush her teeth and wash her face.

She rushed out of the room as soon as she was done. She rushed to Cynthia, taking the stairs two at once.

When trouble calls, who was she to ignore?

"Good morning," Snow bowed before Cynthia as soon she got to the pack house. "You called for me."

A tight slap landed on her face as soon as she spoke. The slap was so tight that Snow immediately saw stars.

She looked down and pursed her lips to stop her from making a sound, otherwise, incurring more slaps.

Snow was inure to Cynthia's slaps now, because it was a daily routine. Her days never begin without Cynthia's slaps.

"Didn't you hear me calling you for so long?" Cynthia barked. "Were you ignoring my calls?

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you." Snow explained with her head bowed.

"Then you must be deaf! Cynthia yelled again dealing another slap to Snow's face.

"I'm sorry," Snow muttered with her head bowed.

"You are to prepare rice with spicy chicken sauce, Felix is having some guests over!"

"Okay," Snow replied with a bow, her hand, still on her stinging cheek

"Why are you still there? Cynthia barked. "Get to work!"

"Yes Luna," Snow jumped at Cynthia's loud voice and she immediately rushed to the kitchen to prepare the food.

"Hi Snow," Seraphina beamed as she rushed to hug Snow, almost pushing her to the wall.

"Hi, Fina" Snow replied with a smile.

Seraphina is Snow's best friend and the only friend she has in the pack. She is the daughter of Felix's beta, Elvis.

Fina is Snow's best friend as well as her teacher. They are both of the same age and surprisingly they also share the same birthdays.

Fina helps Snow catch up on the part of life she is missing out on. Especially in her academics. Fina has taught Snow everything, she has missed since she became a slave in the pack.

Though Fina teaches Snow, she doesn't do it for free. Snow had t

o do her homework in exchange for that. Fina will teach her everything she learned from school and Snow will do all her homework.

"You are ready for school?" Snow stated the obvious.

"Of course, Snow," Fina rolled her eyes. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Oh yes," Snow nodded as she looked at Fina from head to toe. "You're already dressed."

"Yeah, I am." Fina shook her head again. "I only came to say goodbye to you. It's my last day at school," Fina beamed with joy.

"Yeah, you are now a big girl," Snow hugged her.

"Wrong," Fina pouted. "I'm not a big girl. we both are."

"Yes, we both are," Snow concurred.

"We'll celebrate when I get back," Fina hugged Snow again as she heard the hooting of the carriage.

"Okay." Snow nodded in agreement. "Make sure to enjoy your day. You only graduate once, you know?

Fina frowned and shook her head. "How can I enjoy it when you aren't there with me?

"I'm always there with you even though you can't see me, okay? Snow blew her a kiss.

"Hmm sure" Fina nodded and flashed a smile.

"Bye" Snow waved.

"What is that? Fina asked as she noticed the mark on Snow's cheek.

She went back to her and held her face so she could get a clearer view of it. "You already got today's slap?

"Undoubtedly," Snow nodded and forced a smile. "She never misses a day."

"That Cynthia is a witch! Fina cursed as her hand rubbed Snow's face. "One day I will make her pay for all she's done to you."

"It's okay, Fina," Snow patted her head and pointed outside. "You are going to be late if you don't hurry now."

"Oh, that's true" Fina tapped her forehead. She pecked Snow's cheek and she ran outside. "Bye Snow" She shouted as she scurried off.

"Bye Fina" Snow waved as she watched Fina get into the car.

She rushed to the kitchen to go attend to her chores and cook the food as ordered by Cynthia.

"Is it done? One of the maids asked.

"Yes," Snow nodded. "I'll go inform the Luna."

She left the kitchen to go inform Cynthia that the food was ready.

"Good day Alpha, Luna." Snow greeted with her head bowed as she entered the room.

"What is it? Cynthia shouted.

"I have come to inform you that food is ready."

"You may leave! Cynthia yelled again.

"Do you have to shout? Felix raised his head from his phone.

"I get irked, whenever I see her face."

"And why is that? Felix dropped the phone and crossed his arms.

"Her face just gets me mad and I will surely place an inscription on her face one day soon."

"Why will you inscribe on her beaut.... face? He was able to stop himself from saying the wrong thing.

"I just hate to see her face! Cynthia hissed.

"You will do no such thing! Felix shouted.

"Okay... Okay," Cynthia raised her hand in surrender. "You don't have to yell so much."

"Good" Felix sighed in relief. He turned to Snow and signaled her to get up. "You will serve George, the entire day today."

Snow's heart sank as she heard that. She raised her head to speak but the words got stuck in her larynx as she met Felix's glare.

"Yes Alpha" Snow curtsied.

Though, serving Alpha Felix's guests wasn't new or surprising to her because it's been happening a lot in the past five years.

Felix took his time to train and educate Snow in the art of sex and seduction.

He would visit her room every night and he would educate her on everything she needed to know about pleasing a man.

He had promised to show her how to make sex pleasurable when she turned eighteen which is in a few days.

Snow has been praying fervently to the goddess every day and night, hoping that Felix forgets her birthday but deep down she knew that is an impossibility because everyone in the pack knows that she shares the same birthday with Fina.

Snow stood aside and listened as they discussed the coming full moon.

"There will be four major events coming up in the palace in a few days" George stated as he sipped his drink.

"Yeah, I heard it's the Prince's birthday."

"It's not just his birthday" George added.

"I thought it's just that..... "

"Get your facts straight, Cynthia" George snorted. He looked toward Felix before going on with his explanation.

"The palace is holding a party to celebrate the Prince's return after all these years. Then the Prince's birthday is coming up next. He will be crowned King on the day he clocks twenty-five."

"Oh," Cynthia nodded. "So what is the last event?

"It's the one for which I am here" George brought out an invite from his pocket. "Logan has to choose a queen as soon as he is crowned. Hence, the king has asked the four regions to send their most beautiful representatives over."

"Oh," Cynthia muttered. "It's good we already sent Fina's name over to them" Cynthia beamed.

"I'm sure she will get chosen by Logan" George ascertained.

"What makes you so sure? Felix asked.

"I have seen the kinds of girls Logan sleeps with and your Fina looks exactly like his type of girl."

"Is that so? Cynthia asked happily.

"There is no doubt about it" George sipped his drink again. "Logan is my cousin and I raised him. So, I know more about him than his parents do."

"I just hope you're right" Felix's Beta, Elvis stated.

His voice showed that he was worried about Fina, After all, she is his only child.

"I'm never wrong when it comes to Logan" George repeated surely.

"Let's make a toast to a new beginning" Cynthia shouted happily. Everyone picked up their glasses and raised them to toast.

"Cheers! They all clinked their glasses.

After discussing the events of the full moon, Felix invited George over to eat.

"Come, George, Snow here makes the best chicken sauce" Felix praised Snow, making Cynthia grit her teeth.

"Really? I would really love to see if she makes it better than the palace maids.

"You'll definitely love it" Felix stated again.

"Since it's all settled, let's go have something to eat" Cynthia cuts in to stop Felix from praising Snow further. "Why don't we hurry to the dining room lest the food gets cold."

"That's right. Let's go" Felix agreed and led them to the dining room where they all sat to eat.

Snow served the food and they all ate as they discussed some last minutes arrangements.

Snow noticed George's lustrous gaze on her the entire time. Her heart hit rock bottom that she has to serve a sex-hungry animal like him.

"If only there is a way she could escape this" She thought.

George finished his food before anyone else. He stood up and cleaned his mouth.

"The food was indeed great" He commented with his eyes locked on Snow.

He couldn't wait to taste her and confirm if she is as delicious as the meals she makes. He left the dining table and took Snow's hand.

"Show me to my room."

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