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Chapter 4: Lyndis & Bandits

"Ahhh!" Jules stretched as he got ready for the day. He went did a morning jog for 30 minutes and then returned for a bit of a hyper stretch. At one point, he grabbed a practice sword and went outside. Doing the suggestions his doctor prescribe to him. Jules started to do several reps of slashing and thrusting.

Time passed quickly as he realized he spent an hour doing shadow sword play at one point. Stopping, Jules went inside to bathe and think about the day.

"I should have recorded the sword practice. Could have put in the free content section for my clients." Setting at the kitchen island he rembered that he did have a set up near that area for yoga. "Might as well just add it on. It was just basics anyway."

It took only five minutes to load the video, label it, and add correct tags to it.

"Time for medicine then a meal." Jules took his medicine and noticed it tasted a lot better. As well the fact his food did to. "Guess everything is finally showing results."

"Bring, bring!" The house phone not to far from him went off. Answering, he found out he missed a call from Silent Echo.

"Oh, he already came in during my run. Wonder what the voicemail said?" Jules clicked and listened to the message.

Silent Echo: Everything checks out. Even put in a better security number for you to call. Time has changed. You need to keep up. Anyway, hope to see you online when I can. I am heading to Tucson for a bit.

"Guess I am behind the times." Jules mumbled. Seeing as he was on vacation he spent another hour getting reacquainted with his gear as well new safety procedures. He then checked on the security company that was recommended. "All the work is done. Time to play a little."

Sitting in the chair, he activated the full log in. No reason to go to his dashboard since no one he knew was online.

-Sacaen Fields-

"Just wait here. I will go and take care of them." A green-haired female said. It was Lyndis. A young teenager and the first main character of the Fire Emblem Game set in Elibe. Sword wielder of great skill and excellent Bow user. In the future anyway. At the current time, she could very well get killed with a single mishap. "Just stay and recover." She spoke softly to the young man she found in the fields. Which was Jules in this case.

"Fwap." She walked through the tent flap and left. A little bit of trouble was outside.

"Urgh!" With a groan, Jules received the information about what transpired. He was walking from the ruins when he collapsed. Lyndis found him in the fields, she gave a little treatment since he was gravely injured. Seeing no weapons made it easier to offer aid. The bandits must have followed him to the location. 'Doesn't the Tactician get saved by her in the grass?' Shaking the thought away, Jules made it a point to check it out when he logged off next. He still had the game for the Gameboy Advance. Buying it off Netbay when he was young.

"Tch, I am not that helpless!" Jules lept out of the bed. Despite personal injuries he had. 'I will not just have the role of the Tactician!' His thoughts fueling him to move on. It was good that he did so. Outside were several more bandits than the game originally had in place. Whether it was for a more realistic effect or for the change in the immersion of the game. It would be tough for her to win.

"Hiya!" Lyndis cried out as she swings her sword. The iron sword found home in the bandit's neck. "Splurt!" With a twist, a geyser of blood flew out. So much Lyndis ducked to the side to keep from getting covered. Another bandit tried to attack her from the side.

"Flux!" Jules triggered the spell and fired. The dark ball of magic sailed through the air hitting the next bandit that ran up on Lyndis. His tome and Sword appeared instantly once he was in a combat zone.

"Ahhh!" The bandit screamed in pain. The blast sent him tumbling into the dirt. They had no resistance to magic. Why would they? When the only thing they fought were soldiers and other bandits.

"I will kill you!" A bandit charged at Jules yelling. Since the man was yelling Jules decided to let him get close. With a duck, he evaded the first strike. "Stay still you rat!" The terrain advantage from his location helped wonders for his footwork. He surmised these were mountain bandits. Or bandits use to the urban areas. "Filthy barbarian!"

"Rude much?" Swinging his sword, Jules cut straight up. The bandits arm flew off into the air. Before he could scream at his new stump, A shot from Flux caught his mouth. "Bye now!"

"Uggh!" The bandit groaned and fell face first dead.

"Hah!" Lyndis grunted at the bandit and pushed him to the side. She spared a glance at Jules shocked. 'He has Sacaen Swordsmanship?' With a tap of her foot, she engaged back with the bandit. "You should have never come back!"

"Oh but there is such a fine pretty before us." The bandit looked at her. He licked his lips sensuously. "There are some people who would pay top dollar for you."

"Schlik!" Lyndis lashed out faster than you could blink. Her sword cut right across the bandits brow. The man was tenacious as he still came at her. "Ching!" Sword met axe in a deadlock of strength and skill.

"Flux!" Jules fired at another bandit. Seeing the magic wrapped the bandits arm before crushing it he smiled. "Man you guys are pretty weak and pathetic."

"What did you say punk!?" The bandit yelled so loud a vein threatened to burst in his face. "I dare you to say that again.!"

"Fwoosh!" The bandit swung fast and deadly. He missed and almost lost the grip of his axe. Jules stepped forward and stabbed the man in his exposed ribcage. He made sure to turn it flat to drive in deeper. "Schlik!" The bandit only had a shirt for defense. The sword went all the way through and poke out from the other side.

"Grrkk, you .. bastard." The bandit turned causing the sword to slide inside his body. Right before he did to much damage to himself, Jules fired magic at him again.

"Flux!" The black dome formed and crushed the mans head this time. Several black orbs went into Jules. A few green going into Lyndis. "Interesting to say the least."

"Hah!" Lyndis yelled and broke her clash. She slid her left foot back and whipped her sword arm forward. Whither lighting speed she cut across the bandit's chest.

"Schlick!" The sharpness of the sword met no resistance. Leaving a long gash she was ready out of the way when the blood started out.

"Urgh!" The bandit groaned dead. The orbs mostly went to Lyndis with a single gray one going to Jules.

"That was something," Jules said as he walked around beheading each bandit. Once he was done, a big gray orb entered him. 'Literally exp or more to say there quintessence? No matter I received what I needed as well as getting some vulneraries.' Reaching down he found 2/3 of one. Applying it on his more serious wounds healed fully.

"Are you ok?" Lyndis held her sword at the ready. Blood dripping down her wrist. "You shouldn't be fighting In your condition."

"Maybe. But I am better. Oh, your injured yourself." Jules pointed at the cut on her shoulder. "Take the other bit of medicine." His hand outstretched towards her. Lyndis flinched back, her guard already up. "Ok.. I am just gonna leave this here on the ground. Thanks for helping me awhile ago. Oh before I forget, I think there was a pegasus rider looking for you around the neighboring village."

He thought it best if she gets to Florina ahead of time. She might actually be dead this time around with the increase in enemies. Jules walked away towards the mountains. There were bandits up there that needed killing. Once he was good bit away from Lyndis he received his quest.

(Warlord Quest: Bandit Crushing. Defeat, Subjugate, or Enslave the local bandits to build your forces. Growing Quest.)

Accepting he received additional experience and information.

(Level Up x1)

(Lyndis of Sacae has moved to the next village. Arriving to meet her friend Florina ahead of time. Awarding additional information)

'Neat.' Jules thought to himself. As he moved he found a few herbs around the mountain. 'Gonna need these to keep from dying. I do not have a Healer. Gonna need one soon I think.'

(Herb Picking acquired)

"Well, that is just prime. Gonna build the hell out of that.' Thinking to himself, Jules remembered he needed to keep track of game time. He spent more time working out this time, so he started playing later than he scheduled. He had a few appointments to keep socially. 'I will log out for now.'


"Haa that was fun." Leaning back in the digital chair he saw at a quick glance the game avatar was still picking herbs. "It would suck if I get attack while away. Time to check a few messages. Holycrap that is a lot! Might as well respond in Mass group email to most of them."

"Beep, beep, beep!" The digital phone rang. Answering, he saw it was the doctor on the other end.

"Mr.Gai time for your appointment."


For the next hour, they discussed his condition and any problems he may have experienced. It was a good session by Jules account.

"I am glad you are enjoying yourself. Did you feel anything when you fought the bandits?"

"Meh." Jules waved his hand a little bit. "About as much as I did when I worked at a slaughterhouse one summer. It is not like I could have talked them out of it or anything. Plus I was chained at one point and they were talking doing some very bad things doc."

"That's fine. But what about after? Did you feel you acted rashly or anything?"

"Hmm no. I did what I had to survive. That is what mattered to me doc." Seeing her nod and smile, Jules continued. "I am already on my way to the mountains to deal with some bandits. Well the remainder of bandits anyway. I gave Lyndis a heads up about her friend Florina in a neighboring village. I do not know if she will really be there though. Things are a bit different here and there."

"Keep up the good work. Oh, I enjoyed your sword display on your page. Giving it as free content is not bad. Add a little more in the future to help with your client base. I will spread the word for you if you want?"

"That sounds great doc. I might add it to my workout routine in the morings." Seeing the session was almost over, Jules wrapped up the conversation on his end. The doc informed him to take a break for about an hour. Do something besides remaining online or in his hub. Agreeing, the session ended and he logged off.

Jules did a low stretch. Then he went to fix a small snack while checking his mail. A few invites to some parties and a gala opening. It had been a long time he did either of those. The gala opening he didn't mind doing, statues and painting of places were always nice to look. Responding he was surprised to see the dlc code attached.

"Wonder what we have here?" Jules applied it to his account and read what it entailed. "Receive a regal outfit for fancy meetings as well as a ring and brooch. Ring adds a random function. The brooch does the same. Well, that is nice of them."

Remembering about the gba, he went to dig it out of the closet. It was buried under a lot of stuff. But he found it 40 minutes later. Grabbing a charging unit, he started to play a little. Just up until Lyndis met up with Florina again. He forget about Kent & Sain. As well as what happens at that village.

"She should be fine. There are a few days in between that happening." Jules turned the game off and decided to log back in. He stopped at the hub and applied the items to the game. Logging in, he was expecting a change. That did not happen. 'Maybe I have to fight first.' Leaving it to chance, he continued his time along the mountain

FrozenTide FrozenTide

02-04-2019 Updated

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