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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: First Shift

The sun was already starting to rise. Confused, I got out of bed and got ready for the day. That was really strange. His voice was so commanding, yet somehow soothing. Was he really a god? If he was strong enough to get into my head, probably. But why me? And what did he choose me for?

Heading downstairs, I ran into a moody Ardor and Diana in front of their room.

"Morning Mila!" Diana greeted.

"Morning guys" I replied, debating if I should ask if everything's alright.

Ardor gave a quick glare to Diana, and then closed the door to her room.

"Is she alright?" I asked, against my better judgement. "I don't mean to pry", I quickly added when I saw the smile fade from Diana's face.

"Oh yes, she's just tired" she replied. I could tell there was much more to it but given that we met yesterday, I knew she didn't want to elaborate, they both seemed like private people.

"I like your hair" she commented, trying to change the subject. "I've never seen anyone with silver hair before. I mean, someone young"

"Oh, thank you, I, um, grew it myself?" I didn't know how to respond to compliments. She giggled, ignoring my awkwardness and made me feel much more comfortable.

We made our way downstairs and found Scanlin and Ume talking in hushed voices.

"I don't know when it's going to happen but be- oh good morning you two", Scanlin said nervously. "Where is the little gnome and the red head?"

"Their names are Kibbles and Ardor but I don't expect a numbskull like you to be able to remember that" Diana replied.

Damn, this guy was our boss and she already insulted him. How did she expect to get paid? She's been kind to me so far, why not him?

Before he could respond, Kibbles jumped on Ume's back from behind, his loincloth revealing too much as Ume struggled to release his hold.

"I'm right her Mister Scanlin and I'm ready to do whatever you need" Kibbles said, climbing off Plumeria's back as if nothing happened. Ume's hair was left disheveled.

"Alright, well I'll send those of you who are here to an area to watch for the meantime, your day ends at dusk, meet back here for some dinner and drinks when you finish"

After putting me through a small test to see my sword skilles, Scanlin put me in charge of an area at the edge of town that bordered a forest. It was right outside of the marketplace.

"Now, there's a lot of Kobolds in this area that will try to get in, I expect you to handle them if any try to get in and steal" he instructed.


"Yes, the little lizard people? Some are friendly but the ones around here have a thing for stealing and stabbing peoples shins"

That's oddly specific, I thought. I wonder if he's been stabbed before. I wouldn't put it past him, he seems like he's been through a lot.

"Anyway, the guards in this area are under your command so ask them for help if you need anything. I'll see you after dusk" he said.

"See you then"

A few guards stared at me from a distance, I entered the mind of one of them to hear what they were saying about me.

"She's so pretty"

"I know, you think she'd date me?"

"She's way out of your league, sport"

"I like her leather jacket"

"Who cares about clothes, I want to rip them off"

"Her hair's weird though"

"But she's tall"

Ugh, I hate it when men ogle at me. How rude.

"Stop staring at me and do your job" I shouted from a distance, I couldn't stand another minute of their gazes.

"Sorry princess, you're just so beautiful" one of the guards replied.

Who's he calling princess?!

"Excuse me, who do you think you're talking to?" I asked. Approaching them, I couldn't help but notice his deep blue eyes. Maybe I should let him call me "princess".

The other two guards quickly averted their gaze and made to walk to different areas away from us. The guard who called me princess ran his hand through his dark brown hair, reminding me of someone. What was I doing here again?

"Now you're the one staring at me" he noted.

"Oh, sorry. I mean, no I'm not! I'm waiting for you to apologize for your insubordination" Crap, was I staring? Can you blame me though, he's kind of gorgeous. Ugh, snap out of it.

"Insubordination? That's a big word for a little girl like you to know. Plus, you just got here and I'm supposed to follow your orders? I've been here for four years"

Ugh! I don't even know this guy and he already knows how to push my buttons. I'm not weak, why am I letting this continue?

I drew my sword and quickly made an attempt to hit his shoulder, hoping he would be fast enough to draw his own. He was, he was faster than I expected actually.

"Now now princess, I wouldn't want to hurt that pretty little face of yours". A mixture of shock and something else clouded his eyes, he was probably shocked that I'd resort to fighting so quickly. I couldn't tell what the other emotion was. Lust?

"I was just testing your reflexes, now go" don't go... "and finish the rest of your shift, and don't give me a hard time. My name's Mila, by the way, so no need to call me 'princess'"

"And my name is Kasha"

"Ah, you're just a human, huh?" I asked. He didn't have any innate magic, how could I let a human charm me so well?

"And what are you? Mila is an elven name but you don't look very much like a elf to me"

What am I was the question indeed. If only I knew.

"I'm just human" I replied.

"Ha. I'd believe you if your hair wasn't bright silver"

I ignored his remark and leaned against the wall of the market, settling into what I had thought would be a boring shift. Kasha might be able to make the time go by faster.

"So Scanlin brought you, huh? How'd you guys meet?". He seemed to be edging around the question he really wanted to ask.

"I found a flyer he put up and met him at the pub yesterday"

"Oh. So you're not from here?"

"I don't think so" I slipped up.

"You don't think so? What do you mean?"

Fuck, he caught on.

"Oh, I just meant no, I don't know why I said that" I nervously laughed.

"Well, do you need a place to stay while you're here?" Kasha asked.

Say no, say no, you can't just stay with a man you've just met... but you could save money, and he's cute...

"You'd let a stranger into your home?"

"You're not a stranger, you're Mila" he winked.

Oh boy.

"That'd be really kind of you but it's alright".

"I insist actually, you and I will be working together for awhile now since I'm a close friend Scanlin's. I take good care of my guests, don't worry"

How can I get out of this? Do I want to get out of this? Don't answer that question, I told myself.

"Well... if you insist..." I said tentatively.

"Great! I love having company"

What have I gotten myself into? This was the man who said he wanted to rip my clothes off...

Before I could fantasize about what he might do to me tonight, a couple of red kobolds came out of the forest. They snarled and took out the daggers from their pockets as they saw the two of us.

I quickly mind-linked with one of them, trying to see its intentions.

'Kill. Kill. Stupid, human'

"Turn around and leave now, you won't get a second chance!" I shouted. I thought these guys just stabbed shins, not killed people..

The kobold I had mind-linked with lunged at me. Dodging it's attack, I quickly cut it's head off.

"You see how this will end", I told the other kobold "now scram!"

"Bitch!" The kobold said as he ran away. I really didn't like unnecessary killing, but I felt if I made an example out of one of them, the others would get the hint and stay out.

"Impressive. Your lack of regard for life is astounding!" Kasha said with a smile.

"What would you have done, huh?". I hope he didn't think I was too harsh.

"I would've done the same"

Thank goodness.

We left the body of the kobold on the ground, as a sign to other kobolds to not attempt to make it into the tents that were being set up. The rest of the shift was really easy, we kept busy by talking, mostly me asking questions so that I wouldn't have to answer any about myself. Kasha grew up in the city here, he was just a soldier who was looking for more work since the kingdom doesn't have any main enemies right now. He was a really cool person, someone I could see myself falling for. But it'd be way too soon to start anything already.

"So, now that our shift is over, you wanna head to the Bearded Pig to meet Scanlin?" Kasha asked.

My heart fluttered, excited at the thought of spending more time with him.

"Oh, are you eating dinner with us too?"

"Yup, and I'm really hungry"

Boy am I lucky.

We walked together to the pub in tension-filled silence. I fought the urge to enter Kasha's mind and hear what he was thinking. He was too kind, too funny. I feel like something may be off.

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