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For The Hidden Leaf For The Hidden Leaf original

For The Hidden Leaf

Author: Prankedddd

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Shisui of the Body Flicker!

I think I knew this day was coming. Maybe I didn't envision the end to be so peaceful, and myself to be so willing. However, here I am at my final moments. I hear the raging strait underneath me crashing, I feel the moisture of the droplets that are spraying on me. Quite odd is the fact that time seems to be moving slower as I near the water. I always had good hearing, but I heard everything right now. I heard Itachi's silent sobbing, I heard the animals in the forest, I heard the root shinobi probably looking for me. Death is a weird thing. You'd think that you'd be terrified to die in your final moments. However, all that came to me was peace at my passing and regret at the outcome. I never minded dying but leaving the village and my clan the way they are is something I can never forgive myself for. I've done all I can on my part, I leave the rest to you Itachi. The death I'd been anticipating doesn't come for me, but I hear the water getting even louder.

I'm getting closer to the water, that I can tell. I can't see anything, but I can hear it and I can smell the damp, humid smell that's associated with most bodies of water. Thinking about it, maybe if I'd trained more and mastered my Sharingan even further I'd have defeated Danzo. Then maybe I'd have the strength to stop my clan and stand up to the hidden leaf. I'm torn between 2 things I love, but I know which side I'd choose if things came to an unreconcilable point. I begin to feel my face, and specifically, my eyes itch. I don't have my Sharingan, but strange enough I feel like something is present in my eye socket.

I open my eyelids to a world with no color. Not black and white, just pure white as if everything's faded out of existence. You'd think that I'd have no idea what to do but everything has never been so clear. I see the flow of things all around me. The connection between people, events, why things happen, and why things don't. I wonder is this how God sees things? Everything is suddenly so much simpler. I just sit there until I spot a thin green line waving around. One would almost miss it if they didn't focus on it. For some reason, this singular green string was the only thing with color in this vastness of white and nothingness. I move closer, floating through an immaterial space around me. I don't try to comprehend much; I'm just following what my heart is telling me.

I grab on to the green line and I'm suddenly pulled at speeds I've never thought possible. Reality warps around me until everything goes black and I wake up holding a green string tied to the heart of a young boy. He looked to be around 4 years old. Trained, but still ignorant to the world and its horrors he laid asleep under a tree, a happy smile on his face. He had deep black hair with short bangs framing his face, tear troughs on his cheeks, and seemed to be a regular old kid. He sported a black shirt with the ever so recognizable Uchiha fan on his shirt. Hold up, is this me? What am I doing here? I look around, remembering this compound. Itachi and I used to spend a lot of our time here, I can't believe it! I walk up to the tree, the one that'd get cut down soon to clear some space around here. I place a hand on it. I missed this tree, the number of times I've monkeyed on it, and the memories held here. But the question comes, what am I doing here exactly?

I look down again to the string held in my hand before I tug it. I feel a deep pain in my heart, and I hear the younger version of myself cry in pain and turn in his sleep. Are we connected? I begin to notice that my vision began to disappear again from the corners of my eyes. Not much unlike a burning photo, the darkness slowly encroached upon my vision. I had a feeling that the moment I went blind is the moment it's too late. I was here for a purpose, but I don't know what. I look down at the green string again before I grip it tightly in anxiousness. I notice the younger version of myself grip his fist and flex his jaw in anxiety. Wait. Maybe this thing connects us on a deeper level, maybe he can feel what I feel. Is this a chance for me to fix the future? That's too optimistic in my opinion, but my knowledge and time is limited here, so I'll go with that theory. If I'm here to send my dying words to my past self, then I have to make them count. I have to tell myself something so profound, that the effect it causes changes the future. But what can I say? I think of my message until I realize that only a small portion of my vision remains, sort of like looking through a small hole. I grip the string tightly before I convey all my emotions. My grief, my happiness, my pride, my shame. Everything about me I send through that string, and I leave behind one final message before my vision disappears. Now everything is over.


A young Shisui Uchiha opens his eyes slowly, tears flowing down his face as he remembers one vivid thing from his dreams.

"No regrets this time around." He whispers as he gets up and wipes his tears. "I wonder what all that was about anyways, it's not like me to cry. How embarrassing." He begins to laugh slightly. Shaking his head, he returns back to his house to his mother humming a song with her beautiful voice. As he closes the door and takes off his shoes to go upstairs, he hears his mom shout.

"Shisui go take a bath and come down for dinner, okay?"

"Yes mother!" he responds before running upstairs and jumping to his bathroom. There he sits in front of the mirror washing himself before he spots something glowing in the mirror. Surprised, he slips and falls on his back. Standing up groaning in pain, he gets closer to the mirror and focuses on his face. Where his deep black eyes usually lied, he spotted glowing red orbs with a tomoe swirling around his pupil. Taking a couple of steps back, he shouts.

"Woah! The Sharingan! I never thought this day would come, hahaha!" He begins to cheer as he studies them. They begin to sting as he realizes they've been activated for a while. Closing his eyes, he focuses on his chakra and severs the supply of chakra to his eyes, allowing them to revert. The feeling was weird, if he had to describe it, then he'd say using Sharingan felt like putting hot coal on your eyes, whilst reverting it felt like putting ice on your eyes.

Finishing up he goes downstairs to his family. His mom, attempting to be bright and cheerful for his and the family's sake continued to sing songs. However, the stresses of life have weighed down on her clearly. Her beautiful face is now adorned with wrinkles built from stress and a heavy workload and there was no need to mention his father. His father, barely acknowledging his family's presence, just sat there with dead eyes as he slowly ate. Shisui ate happily, as there was good news today that he couldn't wait to tell his family. He finished his plate and even asked for seconds.

"Wow, you never eat seconds Shisui, I wonder what it is that has you in such a good mood?" His mom says laughing.

"You won't even be able to guess!"

"Oh do tell me now." She says happy to see her son being cheerful.

She raised an eyebrow as he closed his eyes and opened them, revealing glowing red orbs. Unbeknownst to himself, a Sharingan generally didn't glow like that, and it's red usually wasn't that deep either.

His mom put her plate down as his father's mood soured.

"Oh my! Things have finally gone in our favor for once, thank you, Lord! She bends down and holds Shisui in an embrace. "Oh my beautiful son, now you can help us like you always wanted to!" She begins to comb his hair while hugging him tighter.

Now very confused, Shisui looked over to his father who now sported a hateful expression. He smacked his plate down breaking it and spit on the floor. He tried getting up, holding onto the table for support. Seeing this, Shisui broke from his mother's embrace before going to hold onto his father to help him walk. This earned him a slap which knocked him down on the floor.

"I don't need your stinking help you brat. You think you're a big man now? You have no idea what it takes to be a man, and no idea what you did by awakening that cursed eye. Don't ever treat me like a cripple again or I'll chop your leg like they did mine, understand?" His father yelled with a crazed look in his eyes, spittle flying out of his mouth as he grabbed his cane and trudged his way out to the backyard to smoke.

Shisui just sat there holding onto his red cheek with his eyes on the floor thinking before he felt his mother's warm embrace. "Oh don't worry about him sweetheart, he's just like that because of the war. Before it, I swear he was the sweetest man on earth, I know you don't remember but he was just like you." She takes a moment to swallow while looking up and breathing through her grief. "Don't blame your father, just try to work with him, he's not what he used to be, and he knows that more than anyone else." She said rubbing his head before she looked down feeling something warm on her shirt.

Now if one were to ask her if birthing and raising a child was hard, she'd have to say no. Many other women would think it would've been hard, but with Shisui nothing was ever a chore. He listened to every word, got along with everyone, and did well in everything. The kid was easy on the eyes, and every parent around knew him and loved the kid. Now during birth, he came out smoothly, with no complications, and right on time. The doctors had said that it was a perfect model of what the birth of a child should be, an occasion that didn't happen often. That's why she named him Shisui, meaning as still as water. Even in birth she felt minimal pain and had an easy time raising him as he never cried at night, and he was calming and kind just like his name implied. So seeing him cry here for one of the first times she'd seen tore something inside her as she began to cry.

"Why are you crying, my dear?" She asked holding back tears.

"I've never blamed father; I just don't know how to help him. He's always so sad I don't know what I can do for him. I thought maybe he'd be proud of me and it'd make him happy, but I guess that's not enough." He choked back sobs before wiping his tears and sporting a confident look on his face, one unbefitting a child of his age. "Don't worry mother," he wiped her tears as he steeled his resolve, "I'll find a way to heal father's leg, and I just know he'll finally be happy then." He said, prompting a sad smile from his mother as she nodded unenthusiastically, she knew that even the most accomplished medical ninja couldn't do something like that.

Soon the mess was cleaned and Shisui went to bed, but he couldn't sleep today.

'What's this nagging feeling in the back of my head…' He flipped around his pillow as he wrapped himself even tighter in his blanket.

'No regrets this time…. Just where did that come from?' He began to question.

'I don't know why, but it's important. I feel an itch in the back of my head like I should be doing something right now. I need to get stronger.' He reasoned.

'I can't explain the feeling, but it's there and I know I need to be stronger. Much stronger than I am right now!' He began to do hand signs with impressive speed for an academy student.

"Genjustsu: Sweet Dream Passover" He cast a genjustsu on himself to force his mind and body to fall asleep. The night passes.

Prankedddd Prankedddd

First chapter. I'll try and post the second and third tonight or tomorrow but no promises since I have schoolwork all week.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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