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Chapter 2: Welcome

'The visuals are incredible' Reywd couldn't help himself as he took in the world. He seemed to be in some kind of way point. "Welcome travelers." A voice boomed overhead seemingly from no where. The area was filled with different types of players it was completely white but with an aura that made it seem like clouds however it was endless in every direction. The other players were moving and jumping, the chat filled with endless jarble of invites and questions. The voice continued, "The portals will open shortly once the servers are up. Players will be asked to review the in game dm for game information as well as a beta tester kit that has been tuned to your charecter. For those of you interested in game lore etc there is also information included in that aspect as well please enjoy the game as your feedback will be essential to the process. As always have fun!" The announcement ended and a 10 minute timer appeared over the portal platforms where the entrances had yet to be activated.

"How come there is more than one portal?" Reywd looked at the player who had appeared. "I guess there is more than one server?" Reywd surmised. "Yea I guess that could be." Reywd glanced over the stats of the player. 'mage' "Hey you want to party up? I can tank if you wanna cover dps?" Reywd inquired. "Sure if your not gonna be weird about me being a girl! Otherwise no thanks I don't wanna deal with any thirsty dickheads while I'm trying to level." "Yea that makes sense, I'm Tietor. What's your name?" "Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you...Makes sense that your playing a tank I guess." She teased as she pointed to her gamer tag displayed above her charecter. He hadn't noticed that feature yet. "Hey! I didn't notice that! Besides that's got nothing to do with my skill level..." "Yea fine whatever rookie. Listen though, seriously. If we are going to group you should probably familiarize yourself with the lay out of things check your inventory, look at your stats and figure out your basic skills. Maybe take a look around too while your at it get used to the atmosphere here too. I'm a mage but from what I can tell the stats are different for everyone they must have used some kind of balancing algorithm to even things out or something...Oh also I asked around while we've been waiting in this cue to get some idea about which stats effect what but nobody seems to know...Plus all the mages I talked to seem to have different skills and abilities...Its like totally unique to each player somehow! Which is super cool programming... I wonder how they did it!" Reywd stared at the mage. 'Lind' Her gamer tag displayed. "You always ramble on like that?" Reywd teased her back. "Jerk!" Lind jeered playfully. 'Lind joined the group' "We should find an Assassin to group with that way we have all of our bases covered for now." Reywd calculated. "We can try, again no dickheads. Besides weren't you listening the stats are all wonky we might get someone weak." "Well how do you know I'm not weak?" "Well are you?" "I don't know...Kinda hard to tell without knowing what peoples stats are..." "True...Okay fine!" They were set. Time to find someone playing an assasin.

"Oh look theres few players over there who don't seem grouped yet!" Lind was observing the crowds looking for lone players. "Let's go check." They arrived sending a dm to each potential teammate. It wasn't long getting responses. 'solo sorry' 'waiting on team sorry' 'leaving after launch no time' Then finally "Hey thanks new here." 'Daemon joined the group' "You better not be a dickhead!" "Lind seriously he just joined! Relax will you he's new too! Sorry buddy just girls get alot of attention at times for uhhhh you know certain um qualities...and Lind here, she just wants to enjoy the game without the extra fuss you know?" "Makes sense to me...Names Chad what's your name?" "Dude! No irl gamer tag only!" Lind chastised "Yea man big no no you never ever break the digital wall...You really are new huh?" Reywd looked at Daemon. "You played the mon games back in the day? At least he knows how to make a proper gamer tag." "Yea it's my little cousins I thought it was cool so I used it..." "This guys a noob and a douche can we drop him please." "Deal, we don't need cannon fodder day one...How the hell did you get a beta pass man?" "Oh it's my cousins I got hurt so I'm stuck at home till I recover and he said he didnt have time because of his studies." "Well good luck Chad but no room for dead weight in this party." Daemon was kicked from the group. "Common we gotta keep looking." 10..9...8..7..6.5.. "Shit! It's to late quick to the portals!"

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