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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Wallflower and Roses

-Some people say that love is like a chocolate; it is a mixture of bitterness and sweetness, some say that it is like a thorny rose; so beautiful that can captivate anyone's heart, but the more you hold into it the more painful you will feel, but some also say that it is like an aged wine; it feels good every time you indulge it, but it makes you crazy. No matter what things that anyone of us can relate to the word "love" I can say that it brings pleasure and pain at the same time.-

The three boys just arrived at their condo unit. Ritmo immediately jumped on the couch, feeling tired because they needed to wake up early and attend a very long and tiring meeting.

"Hey Ritmo! Remove your shoes first, it is our rule to remove it and put it here!"

Zane shouted while pointing the shoe rack located beside the door, while Jayce is removing his own shoes to put it on the said rack.

"I'm toooooooo tired Zane. Please spare me some time."

Ritmo replied, you can say that he is really tired, but Zane don't want to believe it because he knows that Ritmo is good at acting.

"Nooooo! Get up, the dust on your shoes will not spare us time, it is not like you are the one who swipes the dust off afterward."

Zane drag Ritmo to the shoe rack to force him to remove his shoes and put it on the rack, even though Ritmo keeps on complaining while being dragged, he got no choice since he is not the one who cleans their unit frequently. Actually if they will be ranked in terms of being diligent in cleaning the house, Zane will be the first, Jayce who just started sweeping the floor right before he remove his shoes is the second; but in reality he is never that kind of a person when they live together on the first place, Jayce just adjusted his life style for Zane, because he keeps on nagging them during that time, which he understand because Zane is an introvert who loves to stay inside the house, on the third spot is Henry, not because he is not that industrious but because he is so busy with his works that he stayed inside his room almost all of the time, and of course the last is Ritmo, he has no excuse about it, he is just lazy.

Their unit is noisy and chaotic again as usual, while Zane is nagging Ritmo and Ritmo keeps on complaining to Zane, Jayce is minding his own business, busy sweeping the floor like he is on his own world. The chaos will usually remain for a long period of time but it all stopped when their phones started to ring; it is a notification that Henry just chatted on their group chat. Jayce opened their group chat named "The handsomeness of Ritmo" which Ritmo obviously named it like that and his friends stopped giving a damn about it since he keeps on naming it like that if they tried to rename it.

"'I will be staying on Lean's place for the weekend since my aunt insisted me to. -_-'"

Jayce read it out loud and looked at Zane after it, not because he knows that Zane likes Henry but because Henry is the one who supposed to bring a takeout meal for them, and now he is not going home, they will have to either buy outside or cook, and since it is already late at night and there will be no open restaurant at the moment they will have to rely on Zane, since he is the only one who knows to cook.

"Ok fine I will cook"

Zane said voluntarily since he knows what Jayce is thinking, that they were hungry, Zane let Ritmo's arm go and headed to the kitchen. After Jayce finished sweeping he settled himself on the couch and watch together with Ritmo who just put his shoes into the rack. You can hear the boiling water on the pot as the knife chops the cabbage on top of the chopping board; Zane carefully put all of the ingredients on the boiling water and waited a minute to finish the dish.

"It's done, time to eat!"

Zane said right after he tasted the dish he just made, Jayce and Ritmo quickly got up and headed to the table just right before Zane put the pot on top of it.

"It looks appetizing! Zane you're the best"

Ritmo excitedly said while looking at the pot.

"Don't overreact; it is just a noodle with cabbage and egg. You cannot fool me anymore Ritmo. I know that you and Henry compliment my cooking because you just don't want to cook."

Zane said with a bored tone, not moved by Ritmo's compliment. As they started to eat, no words can be heard on their unit, just a sound of slurps and gulping. Even though Zane's cooking is not that good compare to a normal cook; since he is just a master of instant noodles or other foods with preservatives like hotdogs, everyone on their unit will kneel to his seasoned noodles. But despite of the good noodles, Jayce just couldn't eat properly since he is worried with Zane.

"Zane are you sure you will not go home to our province for the whole sembreak just because of Henry's trip on monday?"

Jayce asked with a worried tone, trying to convince Zane to reconsider his decision. Since Jayce know that Zane's family will be going on a vacation on Monday, and if he will not go home on time he will not be able to stay at their house since he don't have a spare key.

"If Henry will know about your family's trip he will surely cancel your schedule on Monday, why not just ask him?"

Ritmo asked while chewing the food on his mouth.

"Try telling Henry about it and you will be dead Ritmo!"

Zane said while pointing his fork to Ritmo, trying to threaten him.

"You really are the best and good friend. Congratulations, you convinced me once again. You have my respect bro."

Ritmo replied with a bowing gesture to show respect to Zane sarcastically. Zane just smirked as an answer and they continued eating just before they head to their respected rooms to take a rest after a long Saturday.

One day have past and now it's Monday, Zane is excited while sitting on the couch, watching the morning time news, specifically the weather forecast for today; making sure that it will be a good trip for them. Jayce and Ritmo just got out from their room with their luggages, since it is the day where they will go home to their respected provinces.

"Zane are you sure about this? Your parents will be mad, and they will not give you some allowance for the whole sembreak."

Jayce asked, trying his hard to change Zane's mind.

"Don't worry about that, I have saved some money for me to survive the whole break."

Zane replied with a bright smile. Since he is very eager to stay, Jayce just let him be and headed outside together with Ritmo. At the moment when Jayce and Ritmo shut the door, Zane hurriedly run to the kitchen and started cooking some snacks that he will bring to their trip.

"This is the best time to prepare this since Ritmo might eat it if he's still here."

Zane said. He started preparing the ingredients; egg, salt, oil and other things, since his knowledge in cooking is limited. Although his cooking is not that great, anyone can say that he putted some efforts to the snacks, since it took him a long time to prepare. After the cooking he started to choose the best clothes that he has, trying to imitate the fashion style that he saw on the internet when he is trying to browse for some best fashion trends that he can wear specially for this day. He then proceeded to the shower room to take a bath, and since he is the only living thing in their unit at the moment he was able to do his favorite activity while taking a bath, singing. Since his college life started he wasn't able to sing while taking a bath since the four of them live together, but now he can do it like he is on his own concert, dancing like an idol and singing while using the soap as a microphone.

After a very long preparation, Zane goes back to the couch and check his phone for Henry's message, since he wasn't able to go home for the whole week because of Lean's mom. But there is no message at all.

"Well it is still early so maybe I should just watch some random stuff."

Zane said to himself, trying to appease his excitement as he pressed the remote to turn on the television. They were supposed to head to their trip early and on time since Henry is the one who decided their departure time, for him to adjust, since he is not an early person, but it is five minutes before the time and Henry is still not in their unit or even texted Zane for an update. But since Zane knows Henry for a long time, he assumed that he is just late and panicking right know, and he thinks that – that is the reason why he can't send an update, because of too much panic. An hour has passed after another and still no presence of Henry, not even a single text from him. Zane is now bored to watch the television and tried calling Henry but his phone is unattended so he had no choice but to wait for him.

The noon have past and the sun started to meet the dusk, Zane fell asleep at the living room, trying to fit his whole body on the small couch, he waited too long that he fell asleep forgetting that he was trying his best not to ruin his well ironed outfit. It was just silent in the unit until the door started to open; Zane woke up because of the sound; since he is not a heavy sleeper. He stared at Henry confusedly while trying to gather his jumbled thoughts since he just woke up.

"You're late."

The only thing that Zane can say since he is still light headed from his sleep.

"I'm sorry Zane, I had an emergency and my phone is out of battery, I left my charger here and Lean doesn't have a charger fitted to my phone's model. I just got back here to get my-"

Right before Henry finishes his sentence Zane interrupted him.

"It's ok; we can just go right now and ride a bus from here."

Zane said, unaware about the time, He thought that it is still early and they can still go to the trip as planned, but the truth is, it is very late at the moment.

"Sorry Zane but it is already this late, I need to go home to my province too, I just headed back here to get my charger and my luggage."

Henry replied, worrying that Zane will be mad.

"Ow, o-k. I am actually getting ready to go home too"

Zane replied, trying his best to show that it's no big deal, and saving himself on the embarrassment.

"We can wait for the last bus together."

Henry suggested with a smile, since he was relieved about Zane not getting mad at him.

"No it's ok; my parents will come and fetch me up."

Zane replied, hiding the fact that he can't go back to their province anymore since his parents already headed to their trip and he don't have a spare key to their house.

"Oh ok, then I will leave now."

Henry said before Zane give him a nod and started to leave. And again, the silence ruled the whole unit, while Zane sat at the couch with disappointment.

"I waited for you for too long. I prepared some snacks for our trip. I even prepared this outfit. I even sacrificed my whole sembreak just for this day"

Zane said quietly trying to hold back his tears. He was looking forward to this day; he even starved himself for a month just to save some money for him to survive, since he knows that his parents will never give him some allowance for the whole break. He didn't expect that the special day his been waiting for will end up like this. In the end he can't hold back his tears because of the mix emotion he feels; anger that he cannot express, disappointment that it ended up like this and loneliness since he don't have someone to lean on at that moment.

The sembreak went so fast, every student are excited to go back to their units, bringing their own kind of story of adventure about how they spend their break. But with Zane, it is so slow, he feels suffocated during the break. Each day he is worried as he tries to budget his saved allowance for him to have a proper meal for each day. In the end he failed and didn't have money for the last day, luckily Jayce got back early and lend him some for him to eat at least for his dinner.

Few days have passed and as the classes start the life of all students returned to normal, continuing the cycle of their lives in college. It was their lunch break and the three of them; Ritmo, Jayce and Zane are sitting on their usual place at the cafeteria while waiting for Henry.

"Hey guys how's your day as of now?"

Henry asked as he put his meal on the table.

"Don't ever ask that question again, it's a bad joke Henry."

Ritmo replied while frowning. The days of this week is very long for each one of them because they are bombarded with school activities for the first week of new semester.

"By the way, who is she?"

Jayce asked, pointing at the girl who is with Henry.

"Ow, she is Jeraldine, my girlfriend. Like Lean she is a photography major and she will be joining us in our club"

Henry said with a smile, trying to introduce her. All of them were field with a smile because they will have a new member in the club. But Zane couldn't be happy during that time, he is forcing himself to smile, but to participate in their conversation is impossible for him. Jayce and Ritmo keeps on asking questions about the new couple on that table, throwing some jokes and other stuffs to set the mood for Jeraldine to not feel awkward.

"How do you find that beast attractive?"

Ritmo said, asking Jeraldine with a puzzled face, he is trying his best to act just to insult Henry with that question.

"I don't actually see him as a beast."

Jeraldine replied making Ritmo stunned since he failed to insult his friend, the worst is Jeraldine ends up complimenting Henry, making him smile.

"Ow so it is Beauty and the beast this time."

Jayce replied trying to save Ritmo's plan. In the end all of them laughed. On the other hand Zane thinks that this is the climax of his pain, trying his best to fake a laugh while his heart is breaking apart. He felt this many times before but he never get use to this kind of situation, all he can do is to predict when it will end based on his experience.

"No, in this case she is not Belle she is my rose, my life depends on her."

Henry replied after the laughter, accomplishing to throw a cringey line. Ritmo and Jayce were stunned because of what he said and in the end they were laughing about it.

"So how did you meet each other? Destiny is not a good answer ok?"

Ritmo asked with a smile, as he felt comfortable with Jeraldine.

"We met at a café on the first day of the sembreak. At first I am not planning to spend the day with him but we ended up entertaining each other and time passed by so fast."

Jeraldine replied, causing Zane to be shocked; because it is supposed to be the day of their trip, the day when he got neglected and his efforts were taken for granted.

"So she is your emergency?"

Zane asked Henry with anger on his face.

"Zane, first of all I'm sorry about that day and please calm down dude let me explain?"

Henry said trying to calm Zane.

"Wait did you just neglected Zane during that time?"

Jayce asked with confusion and with a frown to his face, ready to get mad at Henry.

"Dude you're an asshole, do you know that Zane put so much effort just for tha-"

Before Ritmo finishes his sentence Zane stopped him by covering his mouth.

"N-no it's fine, I'm not that looking forward with that day anyway."

Zane replied with a stuttering voice, trying to hide his emotion even though he is about to explode. Jayce is looking at Zane with a worried face while he is covering Ritmo's mouth and Henry noticed it and it make him feel guilty about it.

"Ok I will make up with you, let's go to a café. I know a shop where they sell delicious cakes. I know you love sweets, it is far from our condo but I can assure you, you will enjoy it."

Henry offered trying to clear his name. But actually it doesn't make Zane feel better since he knows that Henry just said that, not because he is willing to, but because he is feeling guilty about it, in fact it makes Zane feel even worst.

"It's ok, uhm I-I need to go to the library, I forgot something."

Zane excuses himself, trying to escape the crowd because he knows that he can't hold back anymore. Before anyone could stop him, Zane hurriedly leave with his things. He's feeling ashamed of what he did as he walks while he is facing down the sidewalk.

"You're so stupid Zane. You almost endured all of it, why did you get mad?"

Zane talked to himself while trying to search for a spot where no one can see him. His tears are about to flow but someone pulled his arm.

"Zane wait."

A familiar voice said.

"D-do you know me?"

Zane asked unconsciously while trying to hide his face because he is about to cry.

"Of course I know you; the four of you is quite famous on the campus. Ritmo as the perfect womanizer heartthrob, Jayce as the dream oldest brother of all, you as the dream youngest brother and of course my boyfriend the genius. Plus, we just met a while ago."

Said by the familiar voice, that time Zane realized that it was Jeraldine. He tried to compose himself and face her, acting naturally.

"Ow h-hi Jeraldine, what's wrong, did you finished your lunch? How can I hel-."

Before Zane finishes his sentence Jeraldine stopped him.

"I would like to ask, can you stay away from my boyfriend? You know, because both of you are famous in the campus and you are so cute, some weird yaoi fan girls are making story about both of you. They say that since Henry is very good looking and you are too beautiful to be a guy, both of you are in a relationship."

Jeraldine said trying to act cute and innocent to gain Zane's approval. Zane was stunned by her request; of all of the girls that Henry met, Jeraldine is the first one who wants Zane to be not in the frame. Usually Henry's girlfriend will ask him if it is fine to treat Zane as their child sometimes when they act like a married couple, because he is so cute.

"Thank you for your consideration Zane."

Jeraldine said while holding Zane's hand. Zane was unable to reply since Jeraldine is quite hasty and as she finished asking the request she immediately concluded the conversation's outcome, not even hearing Zane's side. While Zane watches Jeraldine head back to the cafeteria he felt insecure.

"I guessed she's write I should just stay away. It is for the better, because she is the rose and I am just nothing."

Zane said to himself. For the whole day Zane felt worried because of what Jeraldine said, that is also the reason why he keeps on insisting to Henry that it's ok not to go to the café. But Henry keeps on bugging him for the whole week, in the end they decided that they will go on Saturday.

And when Saturday came Henry makes sure that he woke up early to show that he is repenting his wrong doing to Zane.

"Hey Zane are you still not ready? We are going to be late if you will not hurry up."

Henry shouted as he keeps on banging the door of Zane's room. A few second later Zane opened the door and looked at Henry with annoyance.

"It is a café; it will not close at 8:00 in the morning. And unlike you I follow the time schedule."

Zane replied as he headed to the shoe rack to prepare himself to go outside, without looking at Henry. Henry actually uses their club activities to persuade Zane to go with him, and that is the reason why Zane is not looking forward to this trip.

But in the end Zane finds it enjoyable as they get on the bus. Just because Henry shared his earphones during the trip, since Zane forgot his, and he wants to make sure that Zane will not get annoyed during the trip. Time really goes quickly when you are enjoying it, they arrive at the bus stopped. Zane think that he should never forget how it feels to share an earphone with Henry; it is a waste since it didn't last long but actually Zane is looking forward to this day, thinking that everything that will happen today will be a good experience and memory for him. It took them five minutes of walking just to be in front of the said café; it is a French style café, the wall of the building is covered with bougainvillea. They were about to enter the café but someone greeted them.

"Henry! Zane! Hello, what a small world? I was about to go to your condominium."

Jeraldine said as she walk towards both of them. Zane and Henry were shocked since they were not expecting that they will meet Jeraldine there. Zane looked at Henry, trying to give him a "What is she doing here?" gesture. Henry just shrugs his shoulder giving the "I don't know." gesture to Zane.

"I want to go on a date."

Jeraldine said as she clings on Henry's arm causing Zane to be pushed away at the side.

"Sorry but we have an app-"

Before Henry finishes his statement Jeraldine started talking again

"Don't tell me you don't want to go on a date with me."

Jeraldine said while pouting her lips.

"I want a flower or else I will get mad at you."

She added right before Henry opened his mouth to give his own reply.

"Ok babe I will give you a flower. Just give me a second."

Henry said while pulling Zane away to have a conversation with him; making sure that Jeraldine will not hear them.

"Dude can you buy some flowers?"

Henry asked.

"Are you serious?"

Zane replied with a little bit of annoyance and shock on his voice.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't expect that we will meet her hear, just help me find a flower and I will settle this one for us to continue with the schedule."

Henry said making sure that his hands is glued to each other to make a praying gesture.

"Okay fine, just give me the money"

Zane replied without looking at Henry.

"Just pay for it for the mean time dude, I will pay you later."

Henry said as he taps Zane's shoulder and started to go to Jeraldine. Zane just let a deep sigh and started to search for a flower shop. It took him 15 minutes to just find a flower shop, and even though he spend all his money just to buy roses, he did, with a mindset that Henry will treat him for the whole day.

But when he goes back to the café to meet them again they were already gone. At first he waited for them, hoping that they will comeback; he don't actually have a choice since he don't have any money left, even his bus fare was spend just to buy flowers. To relieve his boredom he started counting people who passes by. After many hours of waiting he gave up and started to walk, since the day will soon end. He started walking, holding the roses he bought; it was a long journey for him just to go back to their condominium.

It is already dark, Zane stumbled several times on his way home, and his legs started shaking because of exhaustion. The only thing that light Zane's way are the vehicles that keep on passing the road. His mind goes blank a while ago, his mind was filled with many things; like he is so stupid to be on that kind of situation, and he don't have any place on Henry's heart. It was cold and silent but Zane started to feel numb, his body started to give up but he don't care anymore, the only thing that hurts him is the fact that he is just a friend for Henry and the worst is he can be thrown away anytime, just like whatt happened to him today.

In the end he arrived at their condominium at exactly midnight, but since it is Saturday, his three friends are still up, playing some video games.

"Dude where have you been? Why are you so late? I'm sorry, the moment you left, Jeraldine suddenly wanted to go somewhere and I didn't have a chance to inform you. My phone is out of coverage and when I got home here, we couldn't contact you."

Henry explained with a worried tone to his voice. Zane is still holding the roses which are already withered. His phone is lowbat and that is the reason why they couldn't contact him. At that time, Zane really wanted to slap Henry using the roses but he is so tired that he couldn't lift his arm anymore. All he did is to let go the roses causing them to fall. He headed to his room and locked himself there. He collapsed right before he locked the door. He is so tired, his whole body is shaking, and he couldn't hold back his tears anymore, because he doesn't have energy left to do it.

Henry is still knocking, feeling worried about Zane. He knows that what he did was wrong but he didn't know how worst it is. He didn't know that Zane needed to walk so far just to go back home and he didn't know that Zane loves him.

"I think you should let him rest first, maybe he is just tired."

Jayce said as he taps Henry's shoulder making him stop in knocking Zane's door.

On the other hand, Zane's thoughts is quite a mess. He thought that maybe he should accept Jeraldine's request, to stay away. That will save him from the pain. Indeed love is like a rose, but to a wallflower like Zane, it is more pain than pleasure. He thinks that he doesn't have a chance against a rose. For him giving up is a choice that will save him from all of his pain.

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