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Chapter 30: A new school year. Part 2

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1 September 1995 Platform 9 3/4.

The huge locomotive, gleaming with fresh paint on all its metal parts, was still puffing away, preparing to take the assembled students to Hogwarts, but on the platform itself something had subtly changed since last year. Lord Black and Augusta Longbottom walked past, talking quietly and bowing politely to Lucius Malfoy, who had met them on the way. The students were still crowded on the platform, talking animatedly about the upcoming term, but many parents' faces were filled with concern and worry for their children - Skeeter's article, and the one that had followed it in the much less popular 'Priggler', had caused quite a stir.

- He's not coming, he wrote about it himself. - A dreamy smile fell for a moment from the lips of a short, slender blonde with a cork necklace around her neck and dreadlock earrings.

- I know, but I was still hoping. - The overweight guy looked at his friend with a serious face. - Without him in Gryffindor Tower, it would be somehow... not the same.

- Yes, he's already managed to become the heart of your faculty. - Luna Lovegood nodded in agreement. - Remember what he asked us to do?

- Why don't you tell them, Luna? You always manage to speak without arousing any suspicion, sorry. - Neville touched the girl's shoulder gently.

- 'You have nothing to apologise for, Neville,' the girl sighed. - Lovegood can say anything she wants, but no one takes her words seriously.

- I take you very seriously, though. - Neville said the words with complete confidence. - Over the course of our summer correspondence, I've begun to understand a little of what kind of person Luna Lovegood is.

- Are you sure you weren't interrupted by brainiacs? - Luna laughed, assuming her usual mysterious and detached look.

- 'It's all clear with you. - Neville grinned. - Meet Luna Lovegood in all her mysterious splendour.

The train gave a particularly sharp honk, indicating that departure was imminent. Neville, picking up both suitcases - his and Luna's - climbed into the carriage.

- Shall we go and look for our 'friends'? - Disengaging herself from everything external, Luna smiled.

Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were sitting in a four-seater compartment, somewhat alarmed by Harry Potter's absence.

- He can't not show up! - exclaimed the always poised Hermione once again, looking out the window. - He thinks we're his best mates and he can't just leave us at Hogwarts!

- But he's still not here, Hermie. - Ron, also slightly agitated, sat away from the window, and instead peered out into the corridor through the ajar door.

- Maybe he couldn't get across the platform again, like in second year....

- Mum said she heard Sirius reading out a letter from Harry from Dumbledore. He doesn't want to go back to school...

- But Hogwarts is the best school! No matter what Skeeter and the others say in the paper.

- He supposedly wants to make up for all the hardship he suffered at the hands of his muggle relatives. The most famous man in the magical world - and deprivation? Personally, I find that hard to believe. - The redhead snorted.

The train moved off, wheels clattering on the track joints. Ginny Weasley slid through the ajar door.

- That Potter isn't in any compartment! - she exclaimed indignantly. - I've been all over the train - no one's seen him.

- Hush, Ginny, maybe he'll still come to Hogwarts, he has time to come to his senses before the train gets to school. - Hermione looked at the distressed red-haired girl reassuringly.

- What am I hearing? - A mannered voice stretching out the words sounded from the side of the wide-open door. - Your Great Harry Potter has decided to drop out of school? A most appropriate decision for a scarred-headed freak.

- Shut up, Malfoy!" Granger exclaimed. - Otherwise I'll take your points off on the train. - The girl pointed to the lapel of her robes, where the copper badge of the Head of the Faculty gleamed.

- I wonder how you're going to take points off a Slytherin Head Girl. - Malfoy pointed with undisguised pleasure at the exact same polished badge on his chest.

- Then I'll just punch you in your honoured face, ferret. - A blushing Ron jumped up from his seat.

- Hmmm... Weasley, you finally managed to afford a decent robe? - Draco raised his eyebrows mockingly, as if surprised. - Krebb, Goyle, look at that - the red-haired ragamuffin finally got some good clothes on.

The two closeted Slytherins peered into the compartment and laughed. Ron bled with rage, but there was nothing he could do - the forces were too unequal.

- Tarantallegra! Silencio!

- Stupefy! Expelliarmus!

Two voices in the corridor chanted several spells almost simultaneously. Krebb, unable to understand anything, started dancing, unable to cope with his tap-dancing feet. Malfoy, turning around to face his attackers, was hit in the chest by a beam of Nemoth's spell and could only open his mouth helplessly before Disarming ripped his wand from him. Goyle, characterised by a similarly slow reaction time, received a Stunner and fell to the floor.

- Today they might be seeing green leprechauns, not allowed to realise that all humans deserved to be treated kindly. - The detached smile on Luna's face made it impossible for the stunned Gryffindors to believe that they had heard her voice casting spells a few seconds ago.

- Draco, Potter isn't receiving visitors today, come back tomorrow. - Neville stepped over the lying Goyle in the doorway and tossed Malfoy Junior his wand. - That's it, free to go.

The door slammed shut in front of the stunned Slytherins' noses. Luna furtively sent a slightly blushing Neville an admiring glance, giving him a look of confidence.

- Neville!!!! - Hermione's shriek could probably be heard throughout the carriage. - You're breaking the rules!!!

- Hermione, Malfoy would have put up a fight anyway and Snape would have taken points off us. You know that. - Neville responded surprisingly sensibly. - Besides, I have reason to be a little less afraid of Snape than usual. - He smiled slyly, taking a seat in the empty compartment.

Luna, unable to find a place to sit, casually pushed Neville out of the way and sat down, snuggling against his side.

- I got a letter from Harry the other day," she said casually.

- What does he say? - Ginny turned sharply to the girl.

- He says he's on holiday on a beach somewhere in America. The Nargles told him to relax. - Luna smiled, seeing the effect her reservations had on those around her. - He also says that since he has no family left except the Dursleys who hate him, he wrote a will....

(Author's note, since this question was voiced to me in the comments. Potter didn't write in his letters that the Dursleys were murdered. It's not such relevant information that he would write to his friends about it.)

- A will? - Ron was interested, too. It was obvious from the gleam in his eyes that the subject resonated with him.

- Yes, he said that since he'd been a virtual orphan his whole life, thrown out into the Muggle world, he'd bequeath all his money," Luna pulled a bottle of ginger ale from her purse and took a sip, stretching out the pause and giving Neville time to look at the faces of those present-the eager gleam in Ron and Ginny's eyes, Hermione's slightly more detached interest.

When the pause stretched long enough, she continued:

- He bequeathed all his money to the orphanages in England. Said that since he was almost an orphan, if the Dark Lord killed him, the money would go to those who needed it.

- I'm going to go change into my robes... The train will be arriving at the station soon. - Luna rose from her seat and left the compartment.

Neville, taking advantage of the moment while everyone's attention was focused on his girlfriend, got a chance to look at everyone present. And he didn't like what he saw too much. Weasley's greedy gaze, Hermione's curiosity and anticipation. No, these were not the emotions Neville had expected from Harry's friends, and it was a bit jarring for the descendant of an old family, raised by the imperious Augusta Longbottom on the old ideals of honour and loyalty to one's word. He also remembered the warmth of Luna snuggling close to him in a compartment full of students, which, fortunately, went unnoticed by anyone. Neville had been interested in her during the correspondence during the holidays, and her manner and ease of conversation made her stand out from the majority of Hogwarts students.

A short time later, the students who had changed into robes travelled by carriage from the end station of the express train to the school, while their younger counterparts travelled by boat across the lake, as was the tradition for all new students.

Luna Lovegood, accompanied by surprised looks, approached the empty space in front of the carriage and held out her hand as if stroking someone.

- Luna, who are you stroking? - Ginny Weasley tried to ask her friend's question as gently as possible, so as not to offend the girl.

- Can't you see them, Ginny? - Lovegood's blonde eyes looked sadly at the red-haired girl. - Don't you see the festrals that drive our carriages every year?

- No... - Ginny shook her head in confusion, gingerly reaching out her thin fingers into the void. Her eyes rounded when the emptiness suddenly echoed with the feeling of soft hide.

- Ginny. - Hermione looked at the girl with some sympathy and patronisingly at the same time. - 'Don't you remember that only those who have seen death with their own eyes can see the Festrals? Hagrid told me that!

The girl recoiled from the objectified void in which she saw nothing. Her eyes crossed to Luna, who continued to stroke the invisible beast with an enigmatic smile. Her hair, illuminated by the setting sun, cast a halo of fire around her impenetrable face, which caused Neville, who was talking to Thomas, to stumble and have to grab his mate's shoulder to keep from falling.

The students gathered in the Great Hall of Hogwarts were discussing the events of the summer, the Gryffindor table was discussing Potter's absence, and Ron Weasley was in seventh heaven, once again recounting everything he had heard from his parents about Harry's letters. Neville Longbottom was looking at the lively redhead with carefully concealed disgust as he recounted his outrage that Potter had abandoned them.

At last, through the side door of the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall ushered in a small flock of first-years who were to be assigned to faculties. The Allocation Hat, lying on an old stool, belted out a short song, once again impressing the crowd with its complete lack of rhyme, but the call for unity between the faculties that she used every year was once again lost. The Slytherins, who had already learnt of Silver Prince Malfoy's recent humiliation, cast angry glances at Longbottom and Lunatique. Severus Snape, as Neville could see from his seat, was similarly gloomier than usual. Neville, noticing the glances Malfoy and his chaperones were giving Luna, made a mental note to keep a closer eye on the girl to protect her from Slytherin retaliation if necessary.

There were some changes at the faculty table as well. In addition to the usual line-up of teachers, two women had joined this year. One was rather short, chubby, dressed in some sort of wild pink blouse of coarse knitting, with a pink ribbon on her head. The pale face with slightly bulging eyes resembled something of a toad's face, perhaps a general expression of nastiness on it. The second woman, a much older woman, with a proudly straight back and a crown of grey hair on her aged head, looked much more personable in her blue and silver robe and the thin patterned hoop of silver that covered her hair. Catching Neville's gaze, the woman smiled at him, nodding her head.

The distribution of students had been fairly quick - there weren't too many new students this year. After waiting for the hat to be removed from Rose Zeller, who had been sent to Hufflepuff, Dumbledore spoke.

- 'I am delighted that there are a few more newcomers to this fine castle. Welcome! I am glad that those who have studied here before have returned to their home walls. I won't bore you with long speeches. - The headmaster grinned good-naturedly. - Eat!

The food that finally appeared on the long tables was appreciated by the students, who were hungry from the trip and began to eat according to their table manners. Some, like most Slytherins and some Gryffindors, behaved at the table as if they were at a dinner party, carefully using all the cutlery available and carefully tucking in their napkins. Ronald Weasley was the only one who ate with his hands on his fork, and Ronald Weasley was the only one who talked with his mouth full.

After waiting until all the students had had their fill, Dumbledore spoke again.

- By tradition, on your first night at school, it is my duty to introduce you to your new teachers.

The hall fell wary silent, once again scrutinising the new faces at the teachers' table.

- Dolores Umbridge, the Deputy Minister of Magic, and a member of the Magical Education Department. - A toad-like woman with a token smile waved a hand at the hall. - Madam Umbridge will be teaching all courses in Defence Against the Dark Arts.

- And, at the urging of the Ministry of Magic and the Hogwarts Board of Trustees, a new subject is being introduced for all courses this year - Laws and Traditions of the Magical World. It will be taught by Professor Augusta Longbottom, who had graciously agreed to the request of the Board of Trustees to take on this difficult burden. - The Headmaster's face was impenetrable, retaining a 'kindly grandfather' expression, but Neville knew that Dumbledore had stood to the death at the Board of Trustees meeting, trying to prevent such a subject from coming up. As the old lady herself had commented on the Headmaster's reluctance to see Traditions on the syllabus, he was disadvantaged by the appearance of Muggleborns learning about the traditions of pureblood families. But against Bleek, Lady Longbottom and even the Malfoy party working together, the Headmaster alone was powerless - there were no Muggleborns on the Board of Trustees, and purebloods had never supported the Headmaster's policy. The Weasley family, on the other hand, eating out of Dumbledore's hands, had never had the influence or the means to support the Headmaster in this matter.

The grey-haired woman smiled at the hall, bowing her head in polite greeting. She was applauded by a few more people, even some Slytherins paying tribute to a teacher from an old pureblood family, albeit one that wasn't of the Dark.

- Neville, your grandmother is going to teach at Hogwarts! - Ron's surprise was unrivalled. - Why didn't you say so in the first place?

- Maybe you preferred telling everyone about how Potter dumped you this year, mate. - Neville tapped Ron on the shoulder, showing he was joking.

Dinner was over, and the crowd of students that had gathered on the way out began to gradually spread to the faculty dormitories, but there was still plenty of time to wander the corridors without fear of Filch or Snape. As luck would have it, Neville was sitting where he could see both the moon and Malfoy and his gorillas at the same time. And he didn't like what he saw. Malfoy, who was usually one of the first to leave the Great Hall, taking advantage of the fact that the Slytherin table was near the exit, remained seated this time, pretending that he was still full, even though there were only crumbs on his plate. Luna, however, was engrossed in a conversation with one of her classmates, whose name Neville couldn't remember, and was not about to leave, being one of the few people from her department who had not yet left the room.

Neville looked round his desk cautiously. The Weasleys, all four of them, had already left, as had Granger, but Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan remained nearby, discussing Muggle football, arguing heatedly and waving their arms. The young man had no choice, so he turned back to his mates.

- Dean, Seamus, how about we pinch the Slytherins' tails a bit?

Neville's eyes widened at Neville's words - they couldn't have dreamed such words from this soft, insecure man.

- What do you mean, Neville? - Thomas finally regained his speech.

- Malfoy and his gorillas are going to pick up Luna after dinner," Neville replied calmly. - His glee at being thrown out of the Gryffindor compartment on the train.

- Ron already told us about Malfoy's face when you threw him out of the compartment," Seamus laughed. - I didn't know you could do that.

- My grandmother hired me a tutor for the whole summer," Neville said, pretending to reveal a terrible secret. - I've learnt a few things. But besides me, Luna was scaring the Slytherins away, and the snakes decided to deal with her without delay.

- What do you suggest? - Neville had never shown any inclination to break the rules, let alone get into a fight.

- To follow Malfoy and Luna out into the corridor and see how events would unfold.

- And the points? - Thomas interjected mockingly. - Hermione will take our heads off if we get into trouble.

- We'll lose points in the first Potions class," Neville grumbled, eliciting chuckles from his classmates. - Snape will take points off me even if I turn out to be an unexpected Potions genius.

The young man shuddered. At that moment, Luna finally stood up from the table and walked with an easy, almost dancing gait towards the exit. Neville glanced at her, eliciting understanding smiles from Thomas and Finnigan.

- Neville, you've got a crush on her," Finnigan said, but Thomas slapped him on the back.

- I don't have a crush, but Malfoy and his tame gorillas aren't the best company for a lonely girl in the corridor at night," Neville said, his fear for Luna giving him courage. - Let's go.

The three Gryffindors followed the Slytherins who slipped out into the corridor, giving them time to reach the corner.

The Slytherins, which confirmed Neville's fears, were not heading towards the nearest corridor leading to the dungeons, but further down a narrow, winding staircase that led to the floor where the Ravenclaw dormitory was located.

Neville, frantically clutching his wand in his pocket - he still hadn't taken his summer tutor's advice and ordered a wrist scabbard - remembered the spells he'd learnt over the summer in case the Slytherins risked attacking Luna before the girl was protected by the upperclassmen in the Ravenclaw dormitory.

As Neville pondered, cautiously following the Slytherins and Luna, the boys behind him looked at each other meaningfully - not much of the former embarrassed and crumpled, chubby Longbottom was left by the first of September. It wasn't to say that Neville had become a completely different person, but he had made progress.

- Expelliarmus! - Malfoy's exclamation from around the corner caused the Gryffindors to quicken their steps dramatically. - You're going to answer for everything now, you lunatic!

Turning from around the corner, Neville and the fifth years following him saw Malfoy bend down behind Luna's wand against the wall, with Krebb and Goyle blocking her escape route towards the Ravenclaw dormitory.

- Rictusempra-Diffindo! - The two spells that came off Neville's wand hit Malfoy in the arse, and while the first made the Slytherin scream in surprise, the second caused a long, deep scratch - Neville's skills weren't enough to make the blow outright crippling.

The Slytherin fell backwards, shuddering from the tickle, and Neville, Thomas, and Finnigan pointed their wands at Vincent and Gregory, who were confused.

- What's going on here? - came the voice of Filius Flitwick from behind the Gryffindors.

The Professor of Spells stepped gently between the frozen students, the half-goblin's wand still in its scabbard, but snatching it was a split second for the winner of the European Dueling Championship.

- What's going on here, I asked. - A sweep of the professor's hand, who hadn't even pulled out his wand, cancelled Neville's spell, causing Malfoy to convulse on the floor. Another swing and a layer of bandages was placed over the bleeding scratch.

- Those... Gryffindors attacked us! - blurted out a struggling Malfoy.

- Luna? - Flitwick turned to his student.

- Malfoy threw a disarming spell at my back, Professor Flitwick," Luna picked up her wand from the floor. - And Neville and his friends stepped in to protect me.

- She's lying! - Malfoy said indignantly. - She and Neville attacked us on the train!

- So were you attacked here or on the train? - grinned wryly at the half-goblin, whose knowledge of Legilimenship was enough to read the memories of those involved in the altercation. Only Longbottom's memory was hidden by some obscure defence, but the information from the younger Malfoy's memory was enough to see who the instigator was.

- Thirty points from Slytherin, Mr Malfoy. - Flitwick shifted his stern gaze to the Gryffindors. - Ten points from Gryffindor, Mr Longbottom. And say thank you that I didn't send you all to the Headmaster.

Obeying the half-goblin's demanding gesture, the Slytherins turned towards the nearest fork to go into the dungeons, giving Neville promising looks in farewell.

- Mr Longbottom, Mr Thomas, Mr Finnigan. - Flitwick's voice stopped the Gryffindors from leaving. - Thank you for protecting my student.

- It is the duty of any noble man, Professor Flitwick," Neville answered for everyone, surprised at the words of a professor who was supposed to be unhappy about a spontaneous duel in the corridors of the school.

- Thank you, Neville," Luna, who was inexplicably close to him, kissed him quickly on the cheek and disappeared down the corridor leading to the dormitory.

Flitwick grinned, looking at Longbottom, who had been in a momentary state of prostration, and followed his student out.

All the way to the Gryffindor dormitory, the boys remained silent, looking around carefully - it was close to dismissal time, and no one wanted to run into Filch or Snape and lose points again.

- Neville, Dean, Seamus," came several voices at once as the boys walked inside the common room. - Where have you been?

- We had an intense conversation with Malfoy that resulted in Malfoy getting his arse kicked! - Laughing Thomas laughed, surprising everyone gathered, who immediately demanded details.

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