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Fulfilling Harry’s Need Fulfilling Harry’s Need original

Fulfilling Harry’s Need

Author: Markus_Ellis

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Harry's eyes drank in the fiery red hair of his beautiful fiancee as she laughed with her teammates. Ginny only grew more stunning as the days went by, and Harry was the only one who could enjoy that in full. He was the only one that had the privilege to hear the breathy gasps as he nipped at her perky breasts. The startled moans that escaped her red lips when her tight arse was smacked red. How her brown eyes begged for release when Harry brought her to the edge. And most importantly, how much of a filthy slut Ginny was for him whenever he wanted her to be.

Harry would be the only one to see his beautiful Ginny like that, and he intended to keep it that way. That's why, as the muggles would say, he put a ring on it.

Harry glanced around the engagement party and didn't see anyone he particularly wanted to speak to. Practically anyone that was important in the wizarding world was here. After all, the star chaser of the Holyhead Harpies and the Man-Who-Won were engaged.

Harry had no desire to speak to people he barely knew, and as for friends and family, he had even less of a desire to face them. That was because Harry was having a bit of an issue. In the same way Voldemort had a bit of a temper.

There was something seriously wrong with him.

What he thought about Ginny wasn't strange. In fact, it was almost expected that Harry would think of her like that, even though it was more possessive than usual. What wasn't expected was that when Harry was in front of other women he found objectively attractive, he often imagined them in sexual fantasies that bordered on depraved. The worst part was that the most attractive witches were either in the Weasley family or would be part of it.

Harry's usual source of help, Hermione, certainly wasn't an option this time. Not when she starred in too many of those inappropriate fantasies, often with Ginny right beside her. Harry wondered if he was experiencing some sort of late puberty because of how messed up that period was in his life. Harry made a mental note to check himself at St. Mungos for any lust potion that he might unknowingly be ingesting.

He and Ginny had an active sex life but never had Harry thought of other women that way, at least this often. His desire had always been to have a family he could call his own, and Ginny was more than enough for that dream to come true.

"What're you standing around for, mate? You know most of these blokes are terrified to come talk to you, right?"

Harry glanced at Ron and smirked, "Good, I don't really want to make small talk. A bit of quiet sounds great to me."

Ron snickered, "Should have thought about that before you invited half of the country."

"That was clearly your sister," Harry rolled his eyes, "I would have been happy to just have our friends over."

"You could have said 'No.' Suck it up and stop brooding, Harry."

"Sure, I could have stood my ground," Harry nodded sagely, "But then Ginny would get all pissy. She'd stop doing that thing with her tongue and…."

"Oi!" Ron covered his ears and glared, "That's my sister you're talking about!"

Harry smirked, "And your sister is one sexy witch."

"How would you feel if I talked about Hermione like that?"

"Oh?" Harry's eyes lit up, "I wouldn't mind. Hermione's right up there with Ginny."

Ron looked at Harry like he had grown a second head. A small part of him wouldn't mind getting some pointers from the raven-haired wizard with how… glowing Ginny was all the time. Plus, Ron had accidentally overheard his sister raving about Harry to her girlfriends. It was too much information for him, but Ron wouldn't mind letting Hermione experience some of that… With Ron himself doing it to her, definitely not Harry.

Before the hesitant Ron could say anything, Harry recoiled in horror and muttered an apology before rushing off to Ginny.

He wasn't sure why he said that to Ron. Harry had previously told him while they were on the run that he thought of Hermione like a sister. It had been complete BS and something Harry had said in a panic to calm Ron down.

First of all, Harry didn't know what it was like to think of someone like a mother or father, let alone a non-existent sister. And second, he was well aware that Hermione was an attractive girl, one he guiltily imagined in a wank session once or twice. Harry was sure that wasn't very brotherly.

Now Ron had to be very aware that Harry felt some sort of attraction to Hermione. What the wizarding hero wanted to do right now was pull Ginny into a room and fuck all of his frustration into her tight body. Get all these ridiculous thoughts of Hermione on her knees, or Fleur bent over the table, and the worst of all, Molly Weasley screaming her lungs out while Harry fucked her brains out.

Harry shuddered purposely to try and keep his erection down. Magical folk were known to age slower, and Molly Weasley still looked to be in her prime. If by prime, it meant to be an absolute MILF of a woman with her youthful face and curvy body. But Molly Weasley looking fuckable wasn't important. It was how depraved Harry's thoughts were getting every day.

Sometimes he thought that Ginny was partially to blame. The closer Harry got to making her a permanent figure in his life, the darker his urges became. That was silly, though.

"Harry! I was about to call you over!"

Harry said his hellos to the girls surrounding his fiancee before whispering in Ginny's ear, "I need you to come with me for a second."

Ginny's legs shook at the look Harry gave her. She recognized it because Ginny always ended up as a cum-filled mess after Harry was done with her. But she had to be strong and tell her stud that this wasn't the time. They couldn't disappear from their own engagement party.

"This wasn't a request, Ginny," Harry growled when she hesitated, "I need my little slut right now."

Ginny turned a flattering red as she waved at her giggling friends while Harry dragged her away like a savage. She looked around the party and hoped that no one saw them leaving. It wouldn't take much to come to the conclusion of what Harry was going to do to her.

Unfortunately for Ginny, someone did notice, and it might have been the nosiest witch at the party. Molly pursed her lips as her beautiful daughter was pulled away from the party by a stone-faced Harry. Her immediate thought was to go put a stop to what would undoubtedly happen to Ginny.

Molly recognized Harry's look. She had seen it on Arthur's face in rare occasions when he was much younger, and it always ended in the most fantastic sex.

When Harry and Ginny disappeared into the Burrow, Molly tore her eyes away and decided to give the couple some time alone. They were adults now, so who was she to tell them what to do?

"Lovely party, Mrs. Weasley. You must be proud of your daughter."

And there was also this. The Weasley family had unexpectedly started to gather power after Voldemort's fall. It was subtle initially, with more responsibility given to Arthur and her sons getting preferential treatment at the Ministry. But eventually, the thin veneer of subtlety was ripped away when Arthur was blatantly asked if Harry Potter was going to be his son-in-law. Molly had to reassure her husband that he got his promotions on his own merits, even though that might not be true.

Arthur was a hard worker who deserved it, but connections were more important. And who was more important than the Man-Who-Won? Molly was just thankful that her pretty little daughter was the one that captured Harry's heart. Besides, she knew that the poor boy wanted a big family, and with Ginny being a descendent of the Prewetts, Harry would have no problem breeding her daughter until he was satisfied. Molly had a feeling that Ginny wouldn't mind that either, especially if she was anything like her mum.

"Mrs. Weasley?"

Molly smiled stiffly since she forgot that people were talking to her. She didn't recognize who they were, so they must be some of the people Ginny invited for 'networking.' Molly didn't know anything about that, but since they were guests, she had to be polite.

A constant stream of people introduced themselves to her, and Molly was itching to escape meeting more. Luckily, she had a convenient excuse.

"Excuse me for a minute. I need to check on my daughter."

Those two had be have been done with whatever they were doing. Molly would be disappointed in her daughter if she couldn't get Harry to finish after almost thirty minutes of alone time.

Under the glances of far too many leering men, Molly left the party and closed the door behind her. She smoothed her acromantula silk dress and wondered why she agreed to wear it in the first place. Ginny insisted Molly must look the part as the Weasley Matriarch, but this dark blue dress was a bit much.

Molly was accustomed to being a mother first and a woman second for the past few decades, so she had taken to wearing extremely conservative clothes. Sometimes, Molly had even forgotten that under the motherly aura she had taken up, there was a woman that had been made to be bred by strong wizards and had the body to match. After all, the Prewett women were known for that trait.

The dark blue silk dress left nothing on Molly's body as a secret. Her large, natural breasts were practically bursting from the low neckline. The taper at her waist did nothing to hide Molly's unfairly tiny waist that ballooned out to wide hips and an arse that would clap if she wasn't careful of how she walked. It made her feel like a young woman again with all the gaping looks she had received, but Arthur seemed to have taken no notice, much to her disappointment.

There were older now, but they weren't muggles to lose their sex drive. It looked like Arthur just wasn't interested anymore, which was a shame. Oh well, Molly still had a trusty tool that could do the job in her drawer.

"Please, Harry! Forgive me!"

Molly froze at hearing her daughter's voice wail through the house.

"Did I say you could talk, slut?"

Molly blinked when she heard the unmistakable sound of an arse getting beaten red. The smacks of a hand landing on a firm arse were drowned out by Ginny's whorish moans. Molly realized that maybe she should leave before she was caught.

"You've been traipsing around playing Quidditch for long enough. It's time to show you what I expect from you as my wife."

Ginny screeched in what Molly assumed was pleasure before the rhythmic clapping of bodies meeting each other echoed through the home. The older redhead peeked around the corner to see Ginny helplessly held in the air as Harry rapidly pumped his thick cock in her daughter's leaking pussy, with his heavy balls bouncing off Ginny's firm arsecheeks.


Molly begged to differ. She thought Harry was doing only what a man should do to his woman. She always thought Ginny needed to be tamed and was happy to find out that Harry was easily up for the job.

"Good!" Harry grunted into Ginny's drooling face, "Maybe I should get you pregnant so you'll stay home more often."

Molly knew her daughter well enough to see that she liked the thought of that. It made sense. Molly's greatest joy was getting a baby fucked into her, so her precious daughter shouldn't be too different.

"B-But," Ginny stuttered while getting used like a hole for Harry to pound his cock into, "My career! HNHH."

Harry didn't blink when the beautiful redhead squirted all over his legs and floor, making sure to completely fuck the thoughts out of her.

"Fuck all of that," Harry growled, "Have you seen your mother? That's what a true woman is supposed to look like."

Molly let out a small gasp, wondering why she was brought into this debauchery.

"I'm going to fuck baby after baby into your womb. Make your tits grow big to nurse our children and your arse fat so I can pound into it all day."

Ginny's tongue lolled out of her mouth as her whole body shook from the orgasm that hit her with the image of her future.


SLAM. Ginny shrieked as her womb was invaded by Harry's cock.


SMACK. Ginny arched her back when her arse got spanked. Harry leaned down to lightly bit the pink nipple calling for him before letting it pop out his mouth.

"Your MUM!"

Molly looked wide-eyed as her daughter absolutely creamed herself on Harry's cock. Her kitchen floor had puddles from the amount of femcum that Ginny squirted out of her pussy. Harry looked like he owned her daughter from how his face had an arrogant smirk as he looked at Ginny losing her mind on his cock.

Molly unconsciously circled her nipple through her dress as she imagined Harry's cock ripping through her pussy as he threatened to breed her.

"Harry," Ginny panted, "You such a Merlin-damned stud."

Harry lifted Ginny by her arse before dropping her back down his thick cock.


Molly backed away slowly from the sex-crazed couple.

"Oh, I plan to, sweetheart. I haven't fulfilled my promise to breed you yet. I'm going to make it my goal to send you back outside with my cum dripping down your legs."

Ginny's shrieks started again just as Molly slipped out of the Burrow. Her daughter had a more exciting sex life than she ever had herself. Molly could feel her pussy dripping at the memory of Harry's massive cock taking ownership of Ginny. Her tool was going to get used quite a lot tonight.

Another thing was that Harry used Molly as an example of a perfect woman. She wasn't vain enough to think that was literal, but she couldn't help but be flattered. It's too bad Harry was Ginny's. Molly might have given him a taste of what she could offer if he wasn't. Of course, it would have depended on if Arthur would have been alright with it… and Molly knew he would have. You can't be married to someone for decades without learning their deepest secrets and kinks.

It's a moot point since nothing would happen.

"Molly? Did you find Harry? I've been looking for him for the past hour."

Molly turned to see Hermione with a worried frown on her face and smiled, "He's inside with Ginny, dear. They're taking a break to… have some alone time."

Hermione blushed as she immediately got what Molly was saying. She rolled her eyes, "They've always been like that."

Molly let out an uncharacteristically girly giggle. She doubted Hermione knew what they were actually like. Speaking of, Molly was extremely proud of Ron being able to catch someone like Hermione. Her often underachieving son truly went above his league to get the stunning brunette. Then again, Ron showed that he had bravery and loyalty in spades at the end of the war. Maybe it wasn't too much of a surprise.

"Let's leave them to it. I'd rather not hear my daughter scream at the top of her lungs... again."

That was a lie. Molly thought it was beautiful that Harry and Ginny could share such depravity. In her opinion, that was true love.

Hermione's blush grew even brighter, "You walked in on them?"

Molly hummed, "On Harry talking dirty. It was quite a shock. But they are adults now, so I'm sure it's normal."

Hermione wasn't sure what to say about that overshare, but thankfully, Molly led her to the snack table while talking about when she and Ron planned to get married.

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