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Game of Thrones: The Beggar King Game of Thrones: The Beggar King original

Game of Thrones: The Beggar King

Author: Courting_Death

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Daenerys I

I've grown accustomed to the ways of the Dothraki people. However, the same could not be said for my brother, Viserys. As each day passes, he grows angrier and angrier, demanding everyone their fealty and obedience. This was the longest I've seen my brother wait, he's not the most patient of all people. I was once scared of waking the dragon, however, as time passes it seems that the dragon has turned into nothing more than an exaggerated lizard.

But I still fear my brother, although he is not as scary as he was before, his beatings still feel the same, the searing hot pain on my skin.

"Khaleesi, it's time for your bath!"

But even if I was scared of my brother, the self-proclaimed King of the Seven Kingdoms, I cannot show fear in front of my people. The Dothraki are now my people, as Khaleesi, it would not suit me to bow down to another ruler with no lands and no power. As much as I like the weather here in The Great Grass Sea, I still wish to see the lands Viserys has always talked about in his stories.

The lush green fields of the Reach and the majestic Highgarden of the Tyrells, the beautiful Mountains of the Vale and their bloody gate, the Hot and Dry Deserts of Dorne, The Riverlands where my brother Rhaegar was said to have been slain by the Usurper Robert Baratheon, the Westerlands of the treacherous and scheming Lannisters with Ser Jaime the Kingslayer who killed my father, Aerys II, The Iron Islands with its savage culture of pillaging and rebellion, and the curious lands of the oldest and biggest kingdom, The North.

After taking a bath, the Dothraki girl leads Dany back to her tent and helped her dress up nicely for the Khal. Dany was not used to wearing the native clothes of the Dothraki, compared to the silks and comfortable fabrics Magister Illyrio gave her to wear, these animal skins are nigh uncomfortable. It was rough and sometimes itchy and irritating to the skin, it also revealed much more skin than was expected.

But compared to the rags she and Viserys used to wear as kids, it felt much more comfortable.

After dressing up, she spent a whole afternoon learning Dothraki. She has grown quite fond of the language and its sometimes wild pronunciation. After a while, the Dothraki girl has noticed something different about Dany and cupped her breasts.

"What's wrong?"

"You have changed Khaleesi"

"What changed?"

Seeing the awkward approach the girl initiated, Dany was perplexed. What changed? Apart from her reminiscing about the past, about the stories, Viserys used to tell, and the Red Door in Braavos, nothing much has changed. Dany often thought of the past and imagined what it was like to be when she was not Dany, not the princess.

Dany's moods, nostalgic reminiscing, and imaginations, and noticeably changed appearance led to one thing.

"You are pregnant Khaleesi!"

"Thank the Great Stallion for blessing our Khalasar!"

Dany was surprised, dumbfounded, and in overall happiness. So it turns out, this cycle of emotions of joy, melancholy, and nostalgia came from this little bundle of joy in her belly. Dany in all her life only felt happiness, although quick, in her home with the red door.

Ever since she was a child, life was difficult. Being chased around by assailants whom she never saw, running around from one place to another with not one place to stay for long, and a brother who even though was trying his best to keep them alive still hated her to his core. Dany always wondered how it was if she was just like those poor beggars in the streets with nothing to wear but rags, only worrying about what to eat, and not worried about being chased by an unknown killer. Dany wanted to let go, Dany wanted to be free, but now.. it didn't matter. Now, she was a mother, a responsibility that she has to take. Although sad all her life, she now found that nothing compared to the joy this baby gave her.

"Come with me, we shall tell my Sun and Stars of this joyous news!"

With news spreading of Daenerys' pregnancy, the whole khalasar had this jovial aura all around. Eventually, the news reached even Ser Jorah Mormont and of course her brother Viserys. The Dothraki girl asked Dany what she wanted to eat for dinner.

People were dancing, some men were even so wild as to be seen f*cking women out in the open. It was a crazy scene, it looked animalistic, but the atmosphere was festive. A celebration of her pregnancy. For once, people here were somewhat willing to even do anything she asked, and not just do it out of duty.

But she could see, out in that corner, there was Viserys, sullen as ever. It was obvious he was angry, he was trying to keep it in, but his bloodshot eyes told her what words couldn't.

She knew Viserys was jealous, no one ever celebrated him, the king! even once. And here in front of him, he could see his little sister, the whore he sold for an army being celebrated like a goddess. How could he not grow envious of such attention? He, the Prince of Dragonstone, the rightful King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men being put aside for his sister who he sold to a savage.

Dany, not knowing what to do, sent a Dothraki girl to fetch Viserys for dinner to appease his anger and not wake the dragon on such a joyous occasion. But she was mistaken, she never should have called him.

"You dare! Do you dare to order me around now sweet sister?! You send me some back alley whore just to order me around. Who do you think I am?"

"No, I wasn't ordering you around. I just wanted to invite you for dinner."

"Hmph, an invitation? Surely you didn't just call me here to mock me of your position! I am the King, and yet they are celebrating you! Tell me sweet sister, what is it if it is not mocking me?"

"You know you wouldn't want to wake the Dragon."

After Viserys said those very words, he put his hands on her and started preparing to beat her again. The same situation again has happened in front of her, she didn't know how many times it happened anymore. But today was different, compared to that meek little girl before, she was now a Khaleesi to a big group of people, she could no longer afford to be looked down upon by others even if it was her brother.

"The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands!"

Viserys was out of moves, he couldn't do anything in this situation. He knew! The moment he disobeyed her here would be the moment where he dies. Angry and with nowhere to vent his feelings, Viserys left the tent with a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Fire and Blood, I will have what's mine, whatever it takes!" Viserys whispered to himself.

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