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Chapter 3: Chapter 03 – Dinner and an unexpected offer

Ending another day's work Eddad Stark headed for the dining hall, while walking he met Gandalf who was guided by one of winterfell's servants.

''Good night Lord Stark. (Gandalf)''

''Good evening Mr. Gandalf, how are your accommodations so far? (Eddard)''

''And please call me Eddard or Ned. (Eddard)''

''If you wish Lord Eddard, and the accommodations are perfect, thank you for your generous hospitality. (Gandalf)''

''Only Eddard please Mr. Gandalf. (Eddard)''

''In that case Eddard call me Gandalf please my young friend. (Gandalf)''

The two moved on as they talked about little things in their lives until they reached the dining table where Eddard invited Gandalf to sit at his table where Catelyn Eddard's wife was already with some children, and watched her husband next to the old man whose servants informed him to call Gandalf sat down and continued to converse after a short introduction by his family.

Suddenly, Gandalf, who was talking to Eddard while drinking from a mug of Beer, turned towards the entrance to the hall. There walking through the door was a handsome young man with pale skin and cold gray eyes, whose long black hair. Gandalf, however, barely paid attention to the young man's external appearance, more important than anything else the young man exuded an impressive magical aura that, despite being untrained, exhaled from his young body steadily and brought back to his body a form of nature magic like a form of breath or magic cycle, such fact left Gandalf curious about the young man in front of him who, although he had Stark blood in his veins could not be Eddard's son as Gandalf felt no such connection between them.

Eddard realizing Gandalf's curiosity for his son, Jon decided to introduce him.

''Gandalf, this is my son Jon Snow, although I had out of my marriage I decided to raise him here in winterfell. (Eddard)''

Gandalf, although he noticed Eddard's lie, didn't mind and after a last look at Jon who was also watching him from his table in the corner turned to Eddard and spoke again.

''Young friend Eddard, an interesting and apparently talented son you have, if possible I would like to talk to him after dinner if you will allow me and can accompany us. (Gandalf)''

''In this case we will go after dinner, Gandalf. (Eddard)''

Jon, unaware of the conversation that took place at the main table, ate in his corner out of sight of Catelyn since he didn't want to have his dinner spoiled by the shrew that despite being beautiful was worse than any witch in the stories that were told to her. Even so, a child's curiosity still got the better of him, and between one spelling and the next, he stole glances at the strange old man dressed in white whose white beard and pointed hat that stood out but couldn't cover the once bright blue eyes. Or another turned in his direction.

Dinner ended, and Gandalf and Eddard walked towards Jon to leave the hall after dinner.

''Jon! Please wait. (Eddard)''

Hearing his father's voice, Jon turns around and is surprised to see Eddard in the Company of the old man who caught his eye during dinner.

''Lord Stark. How can I help you? (Jon)''

''Good evening Jon, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Gandalf the White an Istari Mage. (Eddard)''

''Gandalf asked me to speak to you, although he did not tell me why, so why don't we go to my office where we can talk in peace. (Eddard)''

''Good night young Jon I'm Gandalf the White, but just call me Gandalf as titles never made sense to me. (Gandalf)''

''Good night to Mr. Gandalf the White. (Jon)''

Watching Jon's serious gaze and formal tone, he left Gandalf no choice but to move on and wait until the young man was more relaxed in his likeness.

Jon on the other hand had his childish curiosity redoubled upon hearing the title by which his father Lord Eddard Stark addressed Gandalf, it should be noted that Lord Stark is a serious man and for this reason the use of the title Wizard only piqued the curiosity of young Jon, since only today he was talking to Maester Luwin about magic and the old maester always said that such a thing was mere inventions and fallacies.

When they arrived at the office, they all sat down and waited for Gandalf as the bidder for such a meeting to start the conversation.

''Young Jon, thank you for coming here, the reason I asked Lord Eddard to call you is simple. (Gandalf)''

Eddard and Jon approached the edge of their chairs as they waited for Gandalf to finish his explanation. Such acts only brought amusement to the eyes of the old wizard, who decided after a few seconds of unsettling silence to continue talking.

'' The reason gentlemen... (Gandalf)''

''The reason is that young Jon.... (Gandalf)''

''It has magic. And he apparently he's very talented at it, though he doesn't even realize what he's doing. (Gandalf)''

Eddard was at a loss for words to describe the thoughts in his head, while young Jon had those little eyes gleaming with even more curiosity than before, as it was impossible that the old wizard in front of him had called them just to tell him he owned magic, if so it could be said at the dinner table, and it would make no difference. And not knowing, but not betraying Jon's expectations, the old wizard continued to speak.

'' Lord Eddard Stark Lord of Winterfell and Lord Paramont of the North, I would like to take Jon Snow as a disciple if you will allow me and young Jon to agree. (Gandalf)''

Eddard lost in thought came back to his senses when Gandalf had finished speaking, Jon was his sister's son and although Eddard had promised to take care of him to the best of his strength, he knew he had failed that promise and so was tempted to allow Jon to follow Gandalf, he said however.

''Mr.Galdalf the White this is a decision that should be taken by Jon and he alone, any decision taken by Jon will be supported by me Eddard Stark and with that you have my word. (Eddard)''

After these words, both adult men will turn their faces and look at the ten-year-old lost in thought.

Curiosity and fear battled in Jon Snow's head, looking up and seeing two pairs of eyes waiting for his answer, Jon decided to speak.

''Mr. Gandalf, would I like to think about this matter and give you an answer tomorrow if possible? (Jon)''

'' There will be no problem young Jon, take as much time as you need to think about your answer and when your heart decides come to me. (Gandalf)''

The three said goodbye and as the two grown men went to their respective rooms, young Jon headed for one of the winterfell towers.

It's like this amidst the falling snow that our little Jon Snow thinks about everything he's lived so far and about what he's going to do now that his world is turned upside down.

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