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Chapter 31: Lord of the Flies

In about ten hours Sky and the rest were in front of the red portal.

In the time it took to get there Jay tried using Betty. Sky had warned him of the huge recoil before he took a shot.

Jay ended up testing Betty only once and it broke his shoulder. Sky had to heal him which was not difficult but it was painful. Until Jay got stronger they decided it was best if Sky kept Betty in his

inventory. For now Jay relied on his two revolvers.

All Jericho did was bite her nails, and walked back and forward most of the time thinking of her family.

"We're here. Remember what Mr. J told us." Sky said.

The boat went through the portal. They found themselves in a huge room.

"Oh, this must be the room Mr. J said, the one with the bugs."

"At least it's not an irregular dungeon." Jericho took a sip of water from a bottle she carried, it was fresh which meant they were safe.

"There's the bed, the fridge, the books. But I thought this would be a small bedroom, not a luxury room."

The inside of the layout was completely different from how Sky and the others expected it.

The 'room' was more of a mix between all rooms combined into a large incompleted room. It was quite spacious and able to fit a lot of stuff.

It was incomplete because one side of the room wasn't filled in, because that side of the room is where Sky's ship appeared.

They all got down and inspected the room. Sky took his ship with him.

There was a living room set complete with modern furniture, no T.V. anywhere to be seen, a fireplace with a lit fire, rows of books stacked on a bookshelf, and a door and windows beside the door leading to the outside. The table was a wooden, rectangular table with food that was prepared for a family of four. The food had ingredients that most families use for a thanksgiving dinner which includes: turkey, soda's, wine, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, high quality napkins, utensils, gravy, white plates with interesting symbols on the edges.

One thing that was unordinary about the room was the door that was blocked by a bed and mattress, as if someone was keeping something out.

The windows had curtains. When Jay moved the curtains the windows were covered by wooden planks that were nailed. Taking a peek through the small cracks of the planks Jay could see nothing but a white world outside.

"Yeah, there's nothing outside of this room, we already knew that… but why are the windows and doors boarded like that? You think something wanted to break in?" Jay said.

"Mr. J didn't mention that. But I am more curious as to who was the one that did all this, because I can't sense anyone here but us."

"I'll open the door." Jay said.

Removing the bed and mattress Jay saw the door was also sealed shut because there were wooden planks nailed to the door.


Sky used his telekinesis to get rid of the door.

"Thanks, Captain."

Sky inspected the food on the table.

"It's still warm. It was as if they prepared this food just before we got here. This is very creepy."

There was something about this room Sky did not like, and it wasn't because he knew bugs would start to appear soon.

The house was grand, modern, but there was clearly a family living here but it looks as if they just disappeared moments before they arrived. There was something creepy about the atmosphere he did not like.

In front of the fireplace Sky saw on the floor a drawing of a little kid that was left unfinished.

The drawing had a family of four each with a word with an arrow pointing to them detailing who was who: mommy, daddy, big brother, me, but their eyes and mouths were dark as if they were hollow.

On the other side of the painting was a figure that was no human. It was colored in red and black with its eyes left untouched. The name the girl gave her was "Tony."

"This is very creepy."

"Sky, didn't you say books benefited you?" Jericho inspected the books.

Sky walked to inspect the books if any of them could be of use.

It was written in another language he did not understand. Some had picture books intended for kids. If it were the Dead language he could recognize some words but clearly this wasn't any language he knew.

Touching all the books did not give him a notification like the other books he has touched before.

"Sky, I also feel metal beneath the floorboards."

"Where? That might be a treasure chest."

Jericho walked to the other side of the room and pointed underneath her feet.


Sky took out his naginata and ripped the wooden floors apart.

{You have found silver treasure chest}

'Oh!' Sky hadn't seen a silver treasure chest in a while. The only other time he saw one it was on an island where he killed all those fishmen, the inside of that silver treasure chest had some money, and the gauntlets of vitality he was currently wearing.

"That's right! I can find treasure chests!" Jericho forgot about this fact.

Sky opened the silver chest to see what was inside.

{Received: 500,000 shells, Merchant scroll, fairy in a bottle}

Both the shells and the Merchant scroll were stored inside his inventory, except the fairy in a bottle.

Inside of the chest there was a small human inside a mason jar. It had holes on the top of the bottle lid for air to go through but not big enough for the tiny human to escape.

The human was glowing a pink color. It was a young girl with four see through wings, wearing a pink skirt, with freckles on her face, and her hair was short, brown and curly.



{HP: 100/100}

{Mana: 50}

{Str: 1 Dex: 1 Spd: 100,000 Int: 10 Mind: 10 Vig: 0}

{Known as a tiny sub-human species that live in enchanted forests}

'System, what is this used for?'

{The fairy can do one of two things: If you release it from the glass bottle it'll feel indebted to you and will give you a random surprise that is beneficial to you. Or you can kill it and use its wings and body for alchemy}

'What kind of things can I get from it?'

{Player has to find out on his own}


"Sky, what's that?" Jericho took a closer look at the fairy. None of them had ever heard of such a magical creature before.

"Guys, the bugs are here." Jay said loudly.

Very quickly they saw bugs come from all directions and were quickly covering the entire room. The nice, luxurious room was turning into a nightmare.

"Jericho, hold it and don't let it out. Everyone go outside of the room!" Sky gave her the fairy in a bottle

Once everyone was outside the entire room had already been covered entirely in bugs and insects.

Sky produced a ferocious wind inside the room to kill all the bugs. He could see the furniture and items were being destroyed by his wind alone.

{Killed cockroach}

{Received: 1 exp, 1 shell}


Sky was getting thousands of notifications telling him the same thing.

{Removing reward and killing notifications for the time being}

The noise stopped. All he could hear now was the sweet release of the wind pressure killing every single insect and bug inside.

{Level up}

{Sky Rouge}

{Lvl: 123}

{Stat points: 25}

{Mana, HP, and stamina have been fully recovered}

"Sweet. I haven't leveled up in a while."

While each thing he killed was worth one single exp and shell, there were tens of thousands of bugs and he was killing every single one.

"Captain, problem." Jay said.

Sky looked back and he saw a swarm of bugs above them. It looked as if it were a moving, dark cloud. But that cloud was full of flies. They appeared to have been there for some time while Sky and the others were searching the room.

"There's still that many left?" Sky was annoyed but also pleased to see so much exp and shells.

Using his wind runner ability was not going to reach the bugs that were high above.

"Lightning eagles! Help me destroy that swarm!"

Five majestic lightning eagles flew and proceeded to kill as many flies as they could.

Instead of using wind-runner, Sky produced a fire inside the house and burned it all down.

{Skill level up}

{Pyrokinesis: lvl 5: Control and create fire at a expert level}

"Good." Sky conjured a ball of fire from his hand and threw it at the swarm. A handful of the bugs were killed by his fireball.

{New skill learned}

{Fireball: lvl 1: Throw a ball of fire}

{Damage: 100. 10% chance for target to catch fire}

{Mana cost: 8}

"Convenient, but not good enough."

Sky conjured another fireball but did not throw it. The swarm of flies was getting bigger and no one but him could reach it.

'Wait, I think I have an idea.'

Sky conjured two fireballs using both hands then he fused them together to create a bigger fireball.

But that still wasn't enough.

Using what Mr. J taught him Sky injected as much mana as he could into the fireball. Placing all of his mana into this attack.

The fireball in question was getting bigger, and the area was getting hotter.

"Sky? Sky?! SKY!" Jericho was getting worried. Sky was creating a massive fireball of unimaginable size.

"Jericho, I think we need to stand back, like now!"

Sky could feel the fire and it was burning him.

{You are about to burn}

{Your worn items will get damaged and lose their durability}

Sky raised the fireball up high. He could see his mana was plummeting quickly.

{Mana: 3,000/3,945}

{Mana: 1943/3,945}

{Mana: 888/3945}

"Mana grace!"

{You have recovered and increased your max mana by 50% for ten minutes}

{Mana: 2,860/5,917}

{Mana: 0/5,917}

{Lightning birds have been un-summoned as player has run out of mana}

Once all his mana was depleted Sky could see he practically had a small sun above him.

He threw the sun towards the swarm killing nearly every single insect.

That one attack caused a bright explosion and wiped out 98% of every single fly. The rest scattered away.

{New skill learned}

{Giant fireball: lvl 1: inject all your mana to make a giant fireball in ten seconds}

{Warning: This attack has a high chance to burn the caster if not careful}

{Damage: 1,000 + mana inserted: 10% chance to burn target}

{Cooldown: Thirty seconds}

{Level up}

{Level up}

{Sky Rouge}

{Level 125}

{Stat points: 35}

{All HP, mana, and stamina have been fully restored}

Sky did not give all this exp to Jericho or Jay for this reason. If he didn't level up he wouldn't have been left with any mana.

"Summon lightning birds. I mean eagles! Summon lightning eagles!"

Five eagles flew around Sky, he summoned them because the boss would spawn anytime soon.

Jay and Jericho ran towards Sky.

"Sky, are you okay?"

"AND THAT WAS AMAZING! You just killed the entire swarm by yourself, Captain." Jay said.

"Almost all of it. Oh, right on cue." Sky pointed behind them.

The fly swarm returned and they took the form of an entity. It did not look human. It had six skinny arms, two eyes like a fly, a huge pair of wings, and wore a long cloth over its legs, said cloth was also made of flies.


{Lord of the Flies}

{HP: 1,955/1,955}

{Mana: 1,955/1,955}

{Str: 195 Dex: 195 Spd: 195 Int: 195 Mind: 195 Vig: 195}

{Ability: }

{Personality: }

Sky thought its stats don't make sense. If it had a stat of 195 it should not have that much mana, at most it would have 975 mana.

'So I couldn't kill those 1,955 flies and with their strength combined they managed to make that. I am really glad I killed those flies otherwise…'

This is the reason this boss is known as the easiest boss to kill because of this, if one does not know what to do they'll be doomed. If they do nothing and let all those insects combine, the stats of the boss could very well be over 50,000 each.

But if one knew what to do, clearing the dungeon was rather easy.

"Kill it."

All five lightning eagles went for the kill. Sky stood in front of Jericho and Jay with his naginata on hand.

Jay began shooting it with his revolvers. Jericho controlled her knives at a distance to attack the boss.

The Lord of the Flies was not nearly fast or strong enough to take on the five eagles attacking him.

His HP was plummeting down fast.

"Dash! Super strength."

{Skill level up}

{Dash: lvl 9 has evolved → Super dash: lvl 1}

{Super dash: lvl 1: Speed increases by 55% for 10 minutes}

{Cooldown: 30 minutes}

This was great for Sky. Not only is he faster but instead of the skill being active for one minute it's active for ten minutes.

The only downside was the cooldown that increased from 10 minutes to thirty.

{Speed has increased by 55% for 10 minutes}

{Strength has increased by 25% for 10 minutes}

"Hmm… I guess I could have some fun."

Sky extended his hand and a big flame came out and engulfed the boss.

{New skill learned}

{Flamethrower: lvl 1: produce a breath of flame that burns and engulfs enemies}

{Damage: 20/s: 10% chance to burn target}

[Mana cost: 8/s}

"Oooh! I like this attack."

Sky continued burning the boss while everyone else attacked the boss. The Lord of the Flies stood no chance.

{Jericho Haydie has killed the boss: Final hit reward goes to Jericho Haydie}

{Quest: Clear 10 red dungeons: 1/10}

{Rewards received: 500,000 exp, 330,000 shells, 1x red scroll}

{Level up}

{Level up}

{Sky Rouge}

{Lvl: 127}

{Stat points: 45}

A chest appeared where the boss fell.

"Sky, where did this come from?" Jericho pointed to the ground an item that appeared in front of her and fell to the ground.

It was a small war-hammer.

{Heavy disgusting hammer}

{Damage: 1,800}

{Requirements: Str: 200 Dex: 140}

{Ability: Heaviness: Increases weight of weapon by 500%}

"I don't know. But it looks like it can sell well." Sky took the hammer and placed it in his inventory.

Jericho ignored the hammer and ran to see what the chest had.

"We got a few items and only 120,000 shells! We're still 15,000 short!"

"It's fine. We got more money from the silver chest you found."

"Right. You're right." Jericho heaved a sigh of relief they had enough to pay the passage.

Sky collected the items from the chest and they all quickly left the dungeon. On the way they saw the luxurious room was in shambles.

Once on the ship Jericho didn't wait a second before setting course to her home.

"Sky, just letting you know I just need the money." Jericho stated.

Best case scenario her family has to pay what her father stole. Worst case scenario they were already executed for his crime. Jericho has high hopes they're still alive.

"I know. Everything we collect will go to helping your family." Sky didn't want to say how there's a chance her family's already dead until they were sure.

'If they're alive.'

Sky placed down the items he collected including the red scroll.

One red scroll, two green scrolls, one one-handed warhammer, one pants, and one fairy in a bottle.

"I don't know what's happening with Jericho's family but if they need money I do not mind giving her my share." Jay stated.

"You sure?"

"I mean we are now a crew. I feel like I should be doing this."

"Very well. But we need the items to become stronger so we are not selling everything, just the things we do not need. Since I'm captain I get first pick. I want to examine what the scrolls do and what this… fairy creature does."

Sky opened the bottle and released the fairy.

'You're lucky I don't know how to properly use alchemy.' Sky thought.

The little fairy looked at Sky. She gave him a little kiss on the nose and flew away in a flash.

{You have been gifted something from a fairy for freeing her}

{One skill has leveled up}

{Pyrokinesis: lvl 5 → MAX}

{Pyrokinesis: lvl MAX: Able to masterfully produce and control flames with the mind}

"Woah. I am so glad I didn't kill her." Sky was happy. He would have had to spend two or more weeks to grind it to max level.

He couldn't practice this skill on his ship before out of fear of him burning it down.

"Sky, what did you receive?" Jericho asked.

"Something amazing. Oh, that's right, the scrolls. Hmm… the red scroll increases your mana. And both green scrolls increase your speed… What is our luck? Not even a single ability?" Sky could not believe his luck.

{Red scroll: Increases Int stat by 19}

{Green scroll: increases spd stat by 13}

{Green scroll: increases spd stat by 12}

"What do the pants and hammer do?"

"The pants… it increases your mana regeneration rate by 400% as for the hammer it isn't that good.

It just has an ability that makes it heavy."

{Pants of the Mind: Red}

{500+ HP when worn. 500+ Mana when worn}

{Requirements: Mind: 200}

{Increases mana regeneration by 400%}

"Well I already got the fairy so Jericho it's your turn to pick."

"Which one is more expensive?" Jericho asked.

"I don't know but I think it's the red scroll."

Jericho had a hard time choosing. If it were before she would pick the red scroll to increase her mana, but now she needed money for her family.

"I'll take the red scroll to sell it. I heard it goes for a few million."

"I think it can go up to 100 million if the scroll is good enough. But it isn't that good, unfortunately." Sky said.

"That's okay."

"Your turn, Jay."

"I think I'll take the speed scroll. Which one gives me more speed?"

"They're both roughly the same, but that one gives you more speed."

{Jay Press}

{Lvl 24}

{Spd: 30}

"I'll take the pants. I needed a pair of pants since mine got destroyed in the explosion."

All this time he had been wearing casual grey pants that gave him no benefits at all.

Sky placed the pants in his inventory until his Mind stat could meet the requirements to wear it, as well as the gloves.

{Sky Rouge}

{Mind: 131}

{Stat points: 45}

{Galva glove requirements: Mind: 190 Int: 150

{Pants of the Mind requirement: Mind: 200}

'Hmm I could place the rest of the stat points into Mind right now or wait until later. Why not? At

least I can recover mana a bit faster on our way.'

{Stat points: 45 → 0}

{Mind: 131 → 176}

Sky couldn't wait to see what new ability he would get once he reached 200 points in Mind.

"Then I'll take the hammer to sell." Jericho had a bit of trouble carrying the heavy hammer.

"Then I'll take the last green scroll."

{Jay Press}

{Spd: 42}

Jay felt a great increase in his speed. If he grows stronger he'll be of use to the crew. He knows he couldn't do much because he's weak, but neither could Jericho do anything, until the boss took on his form.

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