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Chapter 8: First Subordinate

"Uwahhh!" "Uwahhh!!"

'So noisy, let me sleep'


'Whose child is this, shut it up dammit. These irresponsible parents, wait wait, I think I reincarnated or something? Let's wake up first and see which brat is crying his shit out."

He slowly opened his purple eyes and came face to face with a white ceiling where a bulb like sphere was emitting light. He looked around and found himself laying down in a cradle. He looked at right through the gap in his cradle and saw his mother Sara singing a lullaby to an infant in her arms!!

He puffed his cheeks and thought 'Who the hell's that bastard? Her son's lying in a cradle and she's singing lullaby to another child!?'

[Stop whining host. That infant is your fraternal twin brother]

His mind slowed down to process what he just heard and when it settled, he asked his system

'Oye system, don't tell me he was beside me all that time when I was unborn?'

[Affirmative host, he was present when you killed the invaders. You were just too out of your mind to notice your surroundings.]

*knock* *knock*

"Lady Sara, lunch is ready and the baron awaits your presence"

"Understood, you mave leave now"

"Now my dear Jimmy, momma has to go for lunch now so she will come back later okay? After you wake up later, I will sing another poem for you. I just hope that Atheus wakes up soon, I wish to hear his voice too."


After kissing young Jimmy and laying him down inside the cradle, she failed to notice Atheus looking at her with a confused expression as she left the room for lunch.

'Atheus? Who is this Atheus now?'

[Information updated, your new name is Atheus]

'Who, me? Well it's quite good if think so myself. Anyways, how long was I sleeping for?"

[It's been 10 days after you entered the period of rest]

'Not too much time spent over it, fair enough. Now I need to check up those notifications and new skills, I think I can throughly access this system now. Show them up system.'

[Host has selected the skill Undying Rage. Boosting the skill]

[For using the *free boosted champion skill card* for thr first time, you have been gifted skill Bloodlust. Boosting the skill]

[You have slained an enemy]

[Triple kill]

[Level up ×4]

[*Summon Barbarians*×1 card recieved]

[Free stats received, will be stored in blank points section]

[Free champion choice recieved. For the first time you unlock a champion, you don't need a subordinate to impart the champion choice to, an ego with the desired champion will be created automatically upon unlocking]

[Free stats received, will be stored in blank points section]

[Used *Summon Barbarians* card, 10× barbarians summoned]

[Rewards track updated]


[Your barbarians have slained 2 enemies, and are now following your second order]

'Well, they are quite loyal, do they have loyalty meter too like subordinates?'

[No host, they are completely loyal]

'Perfect. Now then where was I, ahh yes. 4 levels gained, that's a lot. I don't regret taking Undying Rage as the situation demanded it, but Bloodlust was a surprise. Both are boosted huh, system show me their info.'

[(Boosted) Undying Rage- Turns the user immortal upon taking fatal damage, it's activation requires the user to be in a state of anger, rage or berserk. If not, turns the user into that state. Multiples the total damage dealt by the user × 100 during the state of immortality, which continues till user calms his mind.

(Boosted) Bloodlust- absorbs all the rage of user and heals him for the amount of rage absorbed. ]

'Wooohooo, so broken!!! 100 times the damage!!? Yahahahaha. Good, they complement each other, the only problem is that I need to be in the state of immortality and my rationality will be somewhat clouded. Ohh well it's good tho, with this I will only show my power in life-death situations. I should grow up first.'

'By the way, it's showing that the first champion I create with come with an in-built ego if I understand it correctly?'

[Correct host. It's a one time reward, next time you can only impart the champions as classes to loyal subordinates.]

'Another pain in the ass. Earning loyalty is way more complicated, not so much but I can only get a loyal subordinate after I grow up. My rise to Op'ness will be slowed if I wait that long. I can have loyal subordinates early on, but the process weighs down on my consciousness. So, I will decide that later someday. Now let's create a powerful subordinate and take over this entire world!! Muahahaha!! System, use my champion choice and give me Aurelion Sol!!!'


6 seconds later

[Error detected... Error detected...]

[Host can select a champion of his choice from a pool of champions, more powerful champions will be added to the pool later on as user levels up.]


'Oye you scammer!! Don't cheat me you bastard, why change this midway, you should have told me sooner. Can't you give me Aurelion?'

[No host]

'Fuck you'

[You too host, you too]

*Suspicious glare*

'Sigh.. leave it then. Show me the current pool of champions.'

[Here the current pool- Garen, Darius, Spy, Ezio, Teemo, Steve, Sage, Yoru, Jhin and Kuma]

'Is it random? Coz there are many more at their power level and aren't shown in pool'

[Correct host]

'Hmm. Currently, I don't need any powerful subordinate or someone for battles as there won't by any hopefully. I need intelligence and information about this world first, where I am, what kingdom is this, power structure and all. I might even need to establish some organisation to earn money and maybe power, so that I don't lack them later on. Well being baron's son is good and all but I don't want to be controlled, I will live as I desire. I need people working for me if I wish to create any organisation, so an undercover agent working for me is the best scenario possible. I also need to establish a base somewhere, a base of operations from which I can started working towards a direction. Whether it be controlling this world from behind or a hostile takeover. Maybe even power to defend myself is good tho, can't be too greedy.'

'So let's get over the champ selection first. Garen, Darius, Steve, Sage, Jhin and Kuma are a no go, since they can't escape from this mansion without getting caught. They might overpower them all and escape, but things will escalate quickly and I won't be able to communicate with them anytime soon due to increased security. I don't even understand the power level of this world, I have only seen mages and swordmen. Teemo needs bush to hide and escape and this mansion won't have any except outside. I think Ezio is cut out mostly for assassinations, and is less likely a choice to gather informations and intels much less establish a base of operations than Spy and Yoru.

Let's go with Spy then. Yoru can escape more safely but Spy can create multiple personas in the outside world with his shapeshifting and disguise mastery. Illusions and invisibility are a plus too with his mastery of assassinations even if he is fragile and less acrobatic than Ezio. System, I need Spy as my first champion.'

[Processing host's command, please reply continue to proceed further]


[Initiating ego creation, creating the Spy.... 10%]



[100% Procedure completed]


A golden light shone beside his cradle and took the form of a thin humanoid. The light slowly receded and the Spy came into view. Wearing a blue suit and trousers and a white shirt underneath the suit with black gloves on both the hands, he wore a blue mask with openings for eyes and mouth. He bowed down in an elegant way and greeted the infant.

"Bonjour, Mon Seigneur" (Hello, my Lord)

'Huh? Is that french? Well I can understand it since I have watched all those shows, but I would prefer if you communicate with me in english. You see my skill translates languages of Danum, not earth.'

"Compris, my lord"

'Ahem, good. System, is his behaviour as in the Team Fortress 2 lore?'

[Correct host]

'Show me his status, he should have one right?'

[Yes host. Showing the status of subordinate "Spy"]


Name - Spy

Class - Spy

Level - 1

Skills -

High intelligence

Complete expertise in assassination

Disguise mastery




Hobby -

Making love with women.


Insulting those he kills.

Drinking wine.


Living in Luxury.

Gentlemanly demeanor.

Note - Further skills will be unlocked as the subordinate progresses on his levels.

Next reward unlock at lvl 5 - Invisibility


'That explains his behaviour. But that's quite the amount of skills that came pre unlocked. By the way, what's his levelling requirement?'

[Spy needs to do what's he is best at, spy. The levelling bar increases as the Spy spies or assassinates the enemies with higher the difficulty, higher the progress]

'Ok. Now then Spy, let me brief you on what you have to do after escaping this mansion without killing anyone or getting caught'

"All ears I am my lord"

Atheus instructed him for about 10 minutes before the Spy bowed, and then proceeded to hide behind the large door.

'Let's do it Atheus!! I had to do this sooner or later anyway.'


'So embarassing'


Upon hearing the cries of the baby, a brown haired maid waiting outside the door, who was also the maid in waiting of the two brothers till they grew up opened the door and rushed towards Jimmy to check why he was crying.

"Young master Jimmyyyyyy" saying which she looked down at his cradle and saw him smiling and sucking on his thumb. Initially confused by why was there no tear mark or wet eyes, she checked whether he had wet himself or not. Upon seeing no such things, she got more confused as to why he cried.

"Young master was fed like 40 minutes ago by Lady Sara herself, why is he crying then. Ohh, he mustn't have seen lady Sara when he woke up and got anxious alone. Don't worry young master!! Your maid Misty is here!!!"

She was a brown haired women with similar coloured eyes and was in her 20s. She was a personal maid for Sara since her teenage years and recently switched her job to watch over the two newborn young masters. She usually watched over the young Jimmy for past 10 days and was always at the beck and call of the child. She always checked the room every 20 minutes and jumped in when she heard him cry.

"Owww, you are so cute young master, when you grow up you will surely be surrounded by many girls wherever you go. Such green eyes, just like lady Sara's!! Koochi koochi ko-!!"

She was teasing and playing with the young Jimmy when she felt goosebumps all over her. She could feel something or someone dangerous watching her. She started sweating and her thoughts started running wild 'Did someone sneak inside the mansion, inside the young master's room too? Who might it be, a thief? Or an enemy of baron? Maybe those who destroyed the Rime town! What should I do now! No Misty, you cannot back down!! Master Jimmy's life is yours to protect, I won't let lady Sara down!'

With such thoughts in her head, she slowly turned to look all over the room. She first saw the door which was obviously open, then she started looking at every corner of the room, still unable to find the hidden person watching her. At last, she couldn't handle the pressure so she kept Jimmy back in the cradle and turned to shout when she saw something at the corner of her eyes, the person who was watching her till now!!!

She slowly turned and came face to face with an infant with purple eyes, glaring down on her with disdain. She forgot that the child was the another son of Sara's and watching those deep purple eyes, she couldn't think of anything else and shrieked on top of her lungs.


Hearing her loud shriek, many maids and servants cam rushing in the room but saw her trembling and pointing towards the cradle containing Atheus with him look through it "He..he was glaring at me!!

The butler came through running at the same time she said those words and saw her pointing towards the now awake Atheus, seeing whom awake and looking at him innocently, tears formed in his eyes and he announced loudly in an aura filled voice for the whole mansion to hear ""MASTER ATHEUS IS AWAKE!!!""

Hearing which the entire mansion jolted awake, with many servants rushing towards the baron's office to inform him, but Martin responded earlier by running towards the room. Sara, who was already on her way to the room sped up and reached the room. Without stopping for a second, she ran towards Atheus' cradle and saw him looking at her with his deep purple eyes. She took him out from the cradle and hugged him while tearing up "Atheus!! My child is awake" *sob*

Misty replied in a daze "Uhh, Atheus?"

Another maid tapped her from the back and whispered in her ears 'Uhmm, you didn't forget that Lady Sara had twins and the older one right? And he literally almost died in the attack on Rime town, you literally took upon yourself to become their caretaker. You remember that right?'

"Huhh!?? Wh.. what?"

Her friend look at her a stupid expression and without saying anything facepalmed herself. Seeing which Misty woke up from her daze and realised her mistake, all the time she was searching everywhere, it was actually Atheus!! She nearly forgot him everytime since he was always uncouncious from the attack earlier. She didn't even thought that he would cry and didn't even realise his existence till her friend woke her up.

All their conversation was heard by the teary eyes butler whose eyes turned serious but he didn't said or intervened since it was a joyous occasion. Soon the baron arrived and hugged with wife and child without a second thought of the onlookers. The atmosphere remained joyous and continued till the night.

At night in a dim light chamber, Sara was sitting on her bed holding Atheus. She looked at Misty with a calm gaze and asked "Did you ever meant to leave him alone?"

"No my Lady"

"Then why are you sad? I know you forgot about Atheus but it was because he was uncouncious. So relax Misty, I won't hold you accountable."

"But my Lady"

"No buts, it's such a minor incident, don't blow it up. Now go"

"Yes, my Lady"

"I told you to always call me Sara when we are alone since childhood, didn't I?"

"Yes lady Sara"

*Sigh* "You are always like this, anyways go have some sleep. I need to sleep too"

"Goodnight Lady Sara"

With that Misty left the bedchamber and ran through the corridors excitingly to her room.

When the entire town was sleeping, in a desolate place which was in ruins of it's former state, the ruins of Rime town.


Hundreds of ravens and vultures were circling the once town and many others were feasting on the leftover carcass and chunks of meat which the other knights couldn't get rid of. Caw..Caw..?

One of the ravens saw something shining beside it and pecked that shiny thing in a curiosity.

*Roll* Caw??!!

It suddenly started rolling from the impact of it's beak, surprisingly the raven picked it up and flew off with it away from the ruins. It was flowing towards the south west when it mistakenly entered a mana beast's territory.


It realised it's mistake soon when it saw a 3m tall black panther glaring and growling. It's most primal instinct, the instinct of fear took over it and the raven dropped the thing it was carrying without any second thoughts and scurried away to escape. The object kept falling down and within a few seconds..


Fell into the river which was flowing underneath it with a loud splash. Not many animals were there since it was the panther's territory and those who heard ignored it, since they were busy minding their own work. The panther glanced it at once but left it alone, since going after it was beneath it's dignity and time. It starting getting drifted further south along with the current and slowly disappeared off the horizon.

*Chirp* *Chirp*

"Wakey Wakey Atheus!!"


"Yes it's morning, now it's time for your breakfast!"


Atheus squirmed despite being wrapped with a small white cloth and had to endure the entire breastfeeding session throughout which tears came in his eyes. After it was finished, Sara kept in the cradle and said "It's mama's time to have breakfast, so play with Misty okay? And you too Jimmy."

She kissed both of them and walked outside the door, where she instructed Misty who came inside and starting making faces to make both the infants laugh.


"...." 'The hell, you are looking like a giant with a screw lost somewhere, so tight it first and stop looking at me like that!!!'

She succeeded in getting a laugh from Jimmy but failed to get a change of expression from Atheus who either ignored her or looked at her with a deadblank expression. After getting tired, she stood watch at the door when Jimmy fell asleep, with Atheus still silently looking at the ceiling.



Name - Atheus von Zimmerson

Age - 11 days

Race - Human

Class - The Gaming Guru

Talent - uncalculatable

Lvl - 4

HP - 4

Strength - 0.8

Agility - 0.4

Vitality - 0.4

Intelligence - 0.0

Dexterity - 0.3

Stamina - 0.6

Defense - 0.4

[1 blank point]



3rd PoV, Undying Rage


All speech of Danum, Bloodlust


'Why are some of my stats uneven?'

[Average stat increase per level is 0.1, bonus stats are only obtained by achieving accomplishments above your level. Whereas some of the stats are lowered because you have a lower aptitude in them. Like in the host's case, you have less innate dexterity]

'Oww, looks like I am better cut out for powerful attacks instead of precise. By the way, I have seen all these stats in games, but what does intelligence here signify?'

[Intelligence is directly related to the amount of damage you deal with mana related attacks. In simpler terms, it's the ability power or Ap as you call in league]

'But why it's zeroooo!!?'

[Because you used a rage based skill, so your mana circuit was destroyed to accumulate a rage based skill]

'What's this mana circuit?'

[It's an in-built circuit inside many of the natives of this world. People who are born with it can channel mana to use mana based attacks and can get mana related classes. Most common of which are the mages.]

'So other people also have system!!?'

[No host, each native of this world has a profile, which carries their stats info and class info, much like the system. But it can only be accessed by certain devices, information on which are currently unavailable on the system]

'You sometimes bring me information out of nowhere and then say you don't have available since I have to search them myself.'


'Show me the updated rewards track'


At lvl 5 - Free passive ability of any character

Lvl 6 - Free stats

Lvl 7 - Free champion choice

Lvl 8 - New Innate Skill- unlimited voice call

Lvl 9 - Free champion choice

Lvl 10 - Territory management and "builder hut" building and 'builder' minion


'This unlimited voice call, what is it's range?'


'So it's true to it's name. And personal territory means I can create a base or mansion or whatever I wish on it, like some RTS game right?'

[Correct host. Construction options will be unlocked and multiple blueprints will be spread throughout your levelling track rewards, with minion builders who can make the blueprint identical in real life.]

'Hooo, change of plans. I need to call Spy and relay to him the new plan.'

As he was lost in his thoughts, the door swung open and Sara walked in happily "Where are my babies? Your mama has arrived!"

'Ugh, let's think about that later, gotta go through the baby phase first.'

With that, the day soon passed with Atheus realising how embarrasing it was to wet himself, so he learned to shout to call Misty for cleaning up his shit. Soon the night arrived and everyone went to their sleep.

'I am too sleepy, this baby's body ugh *yawn*. Good night myself'

But not everyone shared the same sentiment. Outside the mansion, a person tied a small pouch containing a paper on a pigeon and it flew under the cloak of darkness towards the west.

Sleepy_Dreamwriter Sleepy_Dreamwriter

A very big chapter to enjoy and please vote for me. Btw, how did you like the spy? Comment to let me know you views.

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