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Chapter 9: Platform Pursuit

The train platform was dimly lit, a beacon of safety amidst the Hive's oppressive dark. Jameson, Alice, Matt, Rain, and Kaplan hurriedly arrived; the weight of their journey evident in every step. Matt, bearing the frail form of Rain, led the way. 


As they neared the train, an unsettling sight met their eyes: Spence's body lay in a crumpled heap by the train's entrance. His hand clutched a broken vial, the remnants of the cure shimmering ominously. His once bright eyes were vacant, his lifeless form eerily still. 


Jameson, always the observant one, crouched beside Spence's body. His brow furrowed as he studied the peculiar blood patterns and wounds on Spence's body. "This isn't the work of regular infected," he muttered. 


Alice, bending over to pick up the anti-virus, started to ask, "What do you mean by—" 


She never got to finish. Spence's body twitched, then jerked violently as he reanimated, lunging for Alice with a guttural roar. But Jameson and Alice had honed their reflexes in the hellish depths of the Hive. In sync, they dodged back, narrowly avoiding Spence's frenzied grasp. 


The damage to Spence's body rendered him more of a crawler than a threat. His movements were jerky and sporadic, making him an easier target. Alice, a storm of emotions evident in her eyes, grabbed a nearby fire axe. One could almost feel the weight of Spence's betrayal as she swung down, putting him to rest for good. 


But the Hive wasn't done with them yet. 


Then, an unsettling, alien-like scream filled the platform, sending shivers down their spines. From the shadows emerged the Licker. Its brain pulsed grotesquely from its exposed cranium, and its skinless, muscle-bound form rippled as it moved. It was a sight straight out of nightmares. 


Kaplan, with urgency in his eyes, ignited the train's engine. The noise rumbled through the platform, an echo of hope. "Get on!" he shouted. 


Without hesitation, Alice grabbed the anti-virus and vaulted onto the moving train. But the Licker, attracted to the noise, sprang into action. Its long, prehensile tongue lashed out, reaching for the departing vehicle. 


Jameson, acting on instinct, grabbed a heavy crate and hurled it at the creature. The Licker, caught off guard, was knocked away, its talons scrabbling for purchase. 


The dark and echoing train platform is left in silence after the train's departure, except for the heavy, ragged breathing of Jameson. 


Alone on the platform, Jameson's senses heightened. The oppressive silence was punctuated only by the distant hum of the departing train and the menacing breathing of the Licker. 


New Quest: Tongue-Tied: Frantic Fight for Survival 

Face the Licker in a desperate showdown on the platform. Every move counts in this lethal dance. 


Objective: Survive the encounter with the Licker 


Hidden Objective: ??? 


Success: 12,000 EP 


Hidden Success: ??? 


The creature circled him, muscles rippling beneath its skinless form, its tongue flicking out in anticipation. Jameson could feel the Licker's predatory presence, every movement deliberate, assessing its prey. 


Without warning, the Licker lunged. Its razor-sharp claws glinted in the dim light, aimed straight for Jameson's throat. Jameson barely dodged, rolling to the side and feeling the sharp sting as a claw grazed his arm. 


In the midst of the chaos, his hand instinctively went to Susan's locket around his neck. Feeling the cool metal and remembering the bond he shared with his team, a surge of determination filled him. Activating the locket's power, he felt a warmth envelop him. The room seemed to shift slightly, and for a fleeting moment, Jameson could sense the presence of his fallen teammates beside him, their spirits lending him strength. 


Empowered, Jameson sprang to his feet with newfound vigor, swinging his baton with even greater force. It connected with a thud against the Licker's side. The creature recoiled, its tongue whipping out with blinding speed. Jameson's enhanced reflexes allowed him to dodge more effectively, but the Licker's tongue still managed to wrap around his leg. Using his increased strength, he tore free, causing the creature to stagger back. 


Hoping to use the height advantage, Jameson swiftly climbed a pile of metal containers. The Licker, persistent as ever, leaped atop the containers after him. Their clash amidst the metal was intense; Jameson's strikes were fueled by the collective will of his team, each blow resonating with their memory. 


Despite his amplified strength, the Licker's agility and viciousness remained a formidable challenge. As Jameson narrowly avoided another strike, he stumbled, a claw finding its mark on his side. The ground beneath him became slick with blood. 


Spotting the electrical junction box below, he executed his plan. With the locket's power still active, he leaped down with precision, luring the Licker closer to the box. A well-timed strike sent sparks flying, momentarily stunning the creature. 


But the Licker was relentless. In a brutal counter, it shattered Jameson's baton. Gripping a jagged shard of the broken weapon, Jameson felt the locket's power wane. But with one last surge of energy, reminiscent of Susan's determination and the collective spirit of his team, he drove the shard into the Licker's brain. The creature's movements spasmed before it fell, defeated. 


As the immediate danger passed, the sensation of his team's presence faded, leaving Jameson with a mix of sorrow and gratitude. Touching the locket once more, he whispered, "Thank you," taking a moment to honor the memories of his fallen friends. 


Bloodied, bruised, and battered, Jameson took a moment to steady himself, his breathing echoing In the vastness of the Hive. He had faced down one of the T-Virus's creations and lived, but at a severe cost. 


Quest Complete: Tongue-Tied: Frantic Fight for Survival 

Face the Licker in a desperate showdown on the platform. Every move counts in this lethal dance. 


Objective: Survive the encounter with the Licker (X) 


Hidden Objective: Kill the Licker (X) 


Success: 25, 000 EP, Licker's Kusarigama, Echolocation Perk 


[EP Pool: 25,129] 


Gripping his head, Jameson was swallowed by an agonizing pain, a sensation as if every fiber of his being was tearing and reforming. Beneath him, the concrete platform seemed to pulsate with life, though it was not life he recognized. 


As the pain began to ebb, a confusing mix of his regular vision and something entirely alien flooded his senses. He felt as if he was looking at the world both through his eyes and from a vantage point above, a sort of overlay that revealed more than he could ever see before. 


Echolocation (Passive/Active) 

Amid the chaos of the Hive, the Gamer undergoes a startling mutation, endowing him with the extraordinary ability to sense his environment far beyond the natural limits of human sight. This unique sense layers a radar-esque perception over his regular vision, granting him an almost full-circle awareness. 


Passive: This power offers the Gamer a continuous, albeit less detailed, overview of his immediate surroundings up to 5 meters. 


Active: The Gamer can activate a deeper form of echolocation. This grants him a detailed insight up to 50 meters, unveiling the minutest crevices to distant obstructions. 

Cost: The Gamer must remain stationary while using Active Echolocation. 5 MP/sec. 


Conflicting emotions churned within him. There was undeniable awe at the scope of his new perception, but a chilling thought crept into his mind: "Am I still... human?" This new 'sight' felt so foreign, so animalistic. He envisioned himself as a creature of the dark, using sonar to hunt, and the thought made his stomach turn. 


Attempting to understand the limits of this ability, he pushed the sensation outward, trying to feel every nook and cranny of the platform. But this deep probe came at a price. Mental exhaustion quickly set in, and the appearance of a gauge in his peripheral vision showed his dwindling mental reserves. 


He leaned against a metal beam, trying to gather himself. This new sense could be a game-changer in the perilous environment of the Hive, but at what personal cost? "Am I trading my humanity for survival?" he wondered, the lurking dangers of the Hive clashing with his internal struggles. 


Starting EP Pool 

25,129 EP 


Melee Kills 

1 Licker kill = 2000 + 30% trap bonus = 2,600 EP 


Melee Total EP = 2,600 


Kill Total EP 



Survival Bonuses: 



Total Bonus = 0% 


Kill Total EP w/Bonuses = 2,600 


Finishing Total EP = 27,729 

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