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8.33% Giving The World With entertainment! / Chapter 1: CH 1 Parallel world!?
Giving The World With entertainment! Giving The World With entertainment! original

Giving The World With entertainment!

Author: DlinkerNovel

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: CH 1 Parallel world!?

(here are the fonts used to differentiate and to help readers understand)
Thought or think
[digital or robot or digital communication voice]
Big or loud echoing voice.









"Alright," Victor muttered wearily, feeling the weight of the long day settling on his shoulders as he pivoted his gaze towards the screen of his computer, the glow reflecting off his glasses. His eyes flickered across the assortment of files laid out before him, each one representing a task that demanded his attention in the dimly lit office. Chris's voice cut through the quiet hum of the workspace, drawing Victor's attention away from the monotonous display of data on his monitor.
"Hey Victor! Can you help with this a bit?" Chris's tone held a hint of urgency, his outstretched hand offering a stack of papers that added to Victor's existing workload.
Turning his head towards Chris, Victor forced a weary smile, "Yeah, sure. What's up?" His steps were deliberate as he approached Chris, the papers exchanged with a resigned expression tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Help me with this," Chris requested, his tone betraying a hint of exasperation at the ever-increasing pile of tasks.
"Ugh, seriously? More?" Victor's voice carried a mix of exhaustion and mild annoyance, his shoulders slumping imperceptibly as he took in the sight of yet another addition to his to-do list.
"Well, looks like we're going to be here all night, huh?" Chris's chuckle rang in the air, a lighthearted attempt to alleviate the tension that hung heavy in the room.
Victor let out a sigh tinged with resignation, his tired eyes scanning the room as he contemplated the inevitable late-night stay. As the clock ticked closer to another hour past the end of the workday, Victor finally decided it was time to call it a night.
"Alright," he murmured softly to himself, the weariness evident in his tone as he prepared to pack up and head home, leaving behind the dull glow of the office lights for the darkness outside
Victor, a middle-aged man in his forties, boasts a sleek mane of black hair that complements his average, well-proportioned physique. Not overweight, yet not sporting defined abs either, he presents a balanced and typical appearance for his age and lifestyle.
As the day progressed into the late night, everyone at work was engrossed in their tasks until they finally glanced at the time. Victor, signaling the end of his work day, remarked, "Well, I suppose it's time to head home."
One of the coworkers eagerly suggested, "Anyone up for a drink? It's on me!"
Excitedly, another chimed in, "Absolutely! Count me in!" Gradually, more colleagues expressed their interest, gathering around as Victor got ready to leave.
Chris noticed Victor preparing to depart and asked, "Skipping out early again?"
Victor replied nonchalantly, "You know I can't stand crowded places."
Disappointed, Chris suggested, "It could be a great time, though."
Declining the invite, Victor explained, "No, thank you. I have some personal matters to attend to."
Understanding, Chris simply responded, "Alright then."
The group eventually dispersed, leaving Victor alone to make his way home.
The elevator descended with a soft ding, depositing him into the dimly lit parking garage. The overhead lights cast long shadows across the concrete floor, creating a somber atmosphere. His car sat there, waiting patiently, its sleek lines reflecting the faint light.
As he made his way towards his car, Victor's eyes trailed off to the distancd a figure, he noticed a 8 feet tall man in a white suit, his head replaced by a diamond, staring blankly at nothing. The lack of expression on the man's "face" unnerved him, and he found himself unable to tear his gaze away.
Shaking his head, he turns to his co-worker, Bob, and says, "Hey, you see that person over there?" But Bob just shrugs and says, "No, who?" Confused, Victor points again, his voice insistent. "No, really, there's someone over there..." But when he looks back, the man is gone. Vanished into thin air.
Victor was confused for a moment and he can't help but feel a chill run down his spine. Was he just exhausted?. Or was it sleepy? He glances around the garage, searching for any sign of the man in the white suit, but he's nowhere to be found.
Deciding it's best to just get home, Victor climbs into his car and pulls out of the parking spot. As he drives out of the garage and onto the empty streets, the chill feeling of being watch slowly disappear as he begins to relax. He turns on the radio, searching for something to take his mind off the strange encounter in the garage.
A few minutes into his drive, he is close to his house when a thought occurs to him. "Maybe I should listen some music to unwind," he thinks to himself. He fiddles with the radio, searching for something to listen to. His fingers pause momentarily on the volume knob, feeling a familiar sense of nostalgia wash over him as he remembers the days when he would listen to the same few songs on repeat, over and over again.
Victor pulls into his driveway and switches off the engine. As he climbs out of the car, he glances up at his apartment, feeling a mix of comfort and anticipation. He walks up to the door, unlocks it, and steps inside. The familiar scent of lavender and cedarwood greets him as he closes the door behind him.
The living room is spotless, as always. A tasteful arrangement of flowers sits on the coffee table, and a soft glow emanates from the floor lamp in the corner. He walks past it, heading for the stairs that lead up to his room.
As he ascends the stairs, he can't help but smile to himself. His room is a testament to his love for all things anime. Posters of his favorite characters line the walls, and shelves are filled with an extensive collection of merchandise. There's a life-sized body pillow of his favorite character from a popular series, and several plushies scattered about the room. He feels a warmth in his chest as he takes in the familiar surroundings.
Victor's room is a spacious sanctuary adorned in a vibrant blue color scheme, creating a serene atmosphere that perfectly complements his eclectic tastes. Adorned with a plethora of anime merchandise and posters, the room boasts a unique charm that intrigues any visitor. Notably, Victor's collection includes a staggering 20 mature anime body pillows featuring women from various franchises, a testament to his discerning preferences that exclude the controversial genre of loli. This deliberate exclusion showcases his adherence to personal boundaries and tasteful décor choices.
Furthermore, Victor's room doubles as a gamer's haven, evident in the presence of a meticulously curated gaming setup complete with a professional gaming chair. An imposing shelf proudly displays an extensive array of games, ranging from the iconic Minecraft and doom slayer series to the challenging realms of the devil May Cry, dark souls, bloodborne, and Elden ring franchises. Adjacent to this impressive display, a diverse collection of intricate gundam models adds a touch of sophistication to the room, accompanied by meticulously painted Warhammer 40k sisters of battle figurines that evoke a sense of epic battles unfolding before one's eyes.
Amidst this captivating landscape, an eye-catching exhibit of rare and prized Pokémon card collections captures the essence of Victor's unwavering passion for collectibles that transcend mere entertainment. It is noteworthy that, despite the prevalence of Western games in his collection, Victor takes pride in his assortment of acclaimed Eastern titles such as the revered persona series and beloved Mario classics, and etc.
But his latest enjoyment of games is gacha games, it's very addictive and as well the the characters are beautifully made.
He enjoyed it a lot.
He looks at his computer and then he shrugs "meh, just for tonight and I'll prepare to go to sleep"so then he turns on his gaming PC.
He then starts making a game
Victor likes to make games since he was a child, though he wasn't able to graduate any programming courses, he is able to learn via YouTube and other free classes.
He finally made a game that he is proud of, and the best part is, it's almost done, just a few more hours of coding and it's good to go. He saves his progress and stands up from his chair, stretching his back and feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. Just then, the power goes out, leaving the room plunged into darkness. "Oh no!" Victor exclaims, realizing that the sudden power outage means his unsaved game is lost.
He tries to remain calm, hoping that the power will return soon. Minutes tick by, and the darkness only seems to deepen. Finally, the power comes back on, but when he turns on his computer, he's met with a devastating sight: his game hasn't been saved, and all his progress has been lost. "No! This can't be happening!" he cries out, feeling a stabbing pain in his chest.
He frantically checks the time, realizing that he's wasted valuable development hours.
"Damn it!" Victor yells, feeling utterly defeated. He slams his fist against the desk, making several anime figurines fall to the ground with a loud crash.
He sighed and then let his anger subsides a bit. He looks around the room and thinks for a moment. "Fuck it I'll sleep"
In the midst of the night, Victor peacefully dozes off and fills the room with soft snores, finding solace and relaxation in the embrace of his cozy bed. His breathing is steady as he enters a deep state of comfort, a tranquil repose that blankets him through the night.
As Victor peacefully drifts into slumber, the tall and solitary figure, identical to the mysterious entity that previously observed him within the confines of Victor's workplace, mirrors his actions and materializes near his residence. This enigmatic presence, adorned in a pristine white suit, boasts a head resembling a sizeable diamond, aloft upon its towering 8-foot humanoid frame. With an air of tranquility, it strides purposefully through the entryway of Victor's home, seamlessly and literally phasing through the solid door, and methodically surveys its surroundings with deliberate movements, taking in every detail with a slow and deliberate gaze that hints at unknown intentions.
It proceeded calmly through the living room, its gaze eventually drawn to the staircase that spiraled upward towards his private sanctuary. Without a hint of hesitation, it silently made his way towards the stairs, each step taken with a deliberate grace that echoed in the stillness of the house. The eerie figure, devoid of any discernible features on its diamond-shaped head, moved with an eerie fluidity, giving off an unsettling aura of motion without true presence or emotion.
As it reaches towards Victor's room, it then phases the door once again as it sees the man, Victor himself, snoring comfortably and hugging Ahri's body as he sleeps soundly.
as the diamond head of man in white suit walks towards his comfortable bed and stares at him intensely, it does not have eyes nor a literal face as it has an aura exuding as if staring at Victor, which Victor can feel the uncomfortable feeling of the unknown entity.
Victor moves around on his bed as he tries to sleep; however, he cannot shake the feeling of someone being watched. He decided to open his eyes. Slowly, he then fixed his eyes as he saw the diamond head floating on an 8-foot-tall humanoid body. It was a moment for him to process as he then widens his eyes.
He suddenly became aware of his predicament as he attempted to let out a scream "AAH-mphhh!?!?!?" only to find that his voice was muffled by the entity's tightly placed, chilling hand. The touch was unnervingly cold and unyielding, reminiscent of a solid piece of rock or a hard metallic surface, which clamped down over his mouth, effectively silencing any attempts to cry out in alarm.
His eyes roll down, and he sees that the hand that is covering his mouth calmly is literally made of diamond as well, a clear translucent blue rock hard hand covering his mouth, his heart reaching heights of confusion, panic, and fear all at the same time. As his eyes roll back to meet the faceless diamond, floating on the tall humanoid body, as it then motions his other hand, raising it and putting its finger on its supposed place where human lips are supposed to be, and a voice echoed in all around, echoing like a melody as their voices all say, "Ssshhh, Be Not Afraid."
"Mpphhh!?!?! mhp!!! mph!!!" but Victor keeps trying to scream despite being covered by the entity's diamond hand.
With a gentle touch, the figure uses its other hand to delicately cover Victor's eyes, ensuring that he cannot see. Softly whispering into Victor's ear, it starts to speak in a soothing tone, "Once you awaken from this slumber, prepare yourself to witness a world that has transformed beyond recognition, where every sight and sound will be new and unfamiliar."
It's a weird and puzzling phrase that Victor couldn't focus as he tried to flee, but somehow his body wouldn't move, only his struggling head as he couldn't see due to the diamond hands. He can see but is not clear; he can see everything blurry due to the diamond hand's translucent blue-like color, and it continues, "Embrace slumber, and witness your innermost desires materialize before you."
With that, the body of Victor did not move. As the diamond head entity floated on the tall humanoid body in a white suit, it then started letting go of its diamond hands, only for Victor. What was left was the skeleton of Victor.
Its duty has been finished, it then turns around and phases through the door out of his room and through the door again, exiting the house, and it walks calmly through the night as it then vanishes into thin air.
"Damn! Did I die!?" Victor exclaimed in disbelief. "Fuck! FUCK FUCK!"
His frustration echoed loudly in the dim room as he bellowed, "First, the lights abruptly go out, leaving my painstakingly created game unsaved!"
Adding fuel to the fire, he ranted, "Then this stupid Diamond Freak like motherfucker kill me!!??"
With an incredulous tone, he continued, "I mean Come on! I didn't even have the chance to confess to my childhood neighbor next door! Although, in hindsight, she was already taken by someone else, which is just my luck."
As Victor's soul slowly felt itself being pulled towards what he perceived as the afterlife, a mix of emotions and thoughts flooded his mind. "How ironic," he mused to himself, "here I am thinking I could have been the best game developer, yet fate seems to have different plans in store for me." Reflecting on the unpredictability of life, a wave of bittersweet sadness washed over him as he remembered about his older sister giving birth to a baby girl, which he was supposed to visit her by tomorrow. The news of the new addition to his family brought a sense of longing to hold his niece and share in the joyous moment. Amidst his contemplation, a faint prayer escaped his lips, "God, if you are listening, please watch over my family in my absence," a heartfelt plea for their well-being as he prepared to embark on the journey ahead.








Or was it?

He wakes up and looks around, seeing his same shut-in room, the anime figures display and games, and all his body pillows are the same; even the body pillow he is holding is still on his arms, hugging it.
"Oh, thank god, it was a dream." He then stretched his arms, stood up, and looked at his PC, "Going to play so Honkai Star Rail for a moment."
He then turns on the computer, only to see nothing—his games, his "homework" folder, nothing, simply nothing.
"What!?!" Victor exclaimed as he searched through his computer. "My dailies! My login bonuses!?"
None.... Simply none.
"NOOOOOO!" Victor kneels down, slamming his fist on the floor.
"Huh?" Victor stops crying and then looks back at his PC. 
[Entertainment software installation complete]
"What the hell??" Victor looks at his PC, confused, and raises his brow.
"What's going on?" from the games he downloaded all gone to suddenly having software installed on its own? His life gets weirder and weirder.
But as he tries to get a hold of what is happening, he then stops what he is currently thinking as he then hears a phone ringing, and he looks at his phone, and it's his older sister. He decided to check up on her sister first, turns on the call, and then puts his phone in his ear. "Yo?"
"Don't "yo" me, when will you visit?" Her voice of her sister sounds like a mature woman, as usual, as Dave chuckled nervously.
"Ah, sorry, sorry, I'll be there, okay? This afternoon, okay?" Victor reassures his sister.
"Ugh, well, you better hurry. Mom and Dad got here first, then you, and turn on your camera. We don't meet face-to-face now a days, so at least show your face on the camera!" His sister's voice irritated through the phone.
"Ok! Ok! Jeez..." Victor turns on his phone, then turns on his camera, and then sees her sister on his phone looking grumpy, with her orange hair trailing on her neck.
"Look, I promise I'll be there this afternoon, but umm, can you give me a moment? I'll visit you this weekend, I promise!" Victor told her to reassure her again, and his sister sighs deeply.
"Okay, just visit, okay? My baby girl must meet her uncle, got it?" She said with a poker face as she then slowly smiled. "Alright, take care, Vikky." The call ended, and Victor sighs.
"Well, that's that." Victor stood up and then opened his window, thinking of having some fresh air for a bit.
But once he opened the window, he just saw what he thought was a peaceful neighborhood, now but an almost sci-fi-like city. "Yo! What the heck!?!" 
"Victor looks around, but the streets are cleaner than usually, and cars he has never seen, or at least not that slick and supposed not to be like that, he looks around in awe and then shakes his head, and then he goes back inside his room and then scratches his head with both hands, "What is fucking happening?"
But he then realized what the strange entity said, and he picked it up quickly, stopped scratching, and then gasped a little, "No way."
He then quickly looks over his computer screen and then quickly searches for and types "games."
As he then presses enter, almost there are no games that he knew existed; it's a weird way to confirm it, but thenhe takes another test again and then presses search and type all the anime and manga names, even films and movies of eastern or western. Non was shown in the search, as if it hadn't existed.
"No fucking way..." Victor finally confirmed it. "I'm in a parallel world?"




To be continued....
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