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Chapter 1: Lord

"Hey, Li Wei, if you could have one wish, what would it be?" 

In a particular dorm room, Li Wei sat flipping through his history book, jotting down important notes on the paper. He heard his roommate's question, but he didn't bother to turn around as he replied. "I'm going the erase the existence of the school and make myself rich."

He continued to study, his weary face betraying his exhaustion. While his roommate enjoyed his day off, playing games and relaxing, Li Wei felt compelled to work. His strict teacher had given him a poor grade, and if he didn't improve his grades soon, he was in trouble.

After a few minutes passed, Li Wei didn't hear his roommate's response. Normally, he wouldn't have cared much, but the lack of movement or sound from behind was unusual. His roommate was usually lively. Setting aside the book, he turned around and scanned the room, lifting his gaze up and down, then looking left and right, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Wang Jun?"

Dead silence enveloped him until, faintly, a mechanical voice reached his ears as if struggling to communicate from a great distance. A sense of unease crept into Li Wei's heart. He rose from his seat, the urge to investigate overwhelming him. As he leaned down to peer under the bed, a strange sensation washed over him. In the blink of an eye, he found himself standing in a place of pure white, devoid of any familiar surroundings.

"What is this? Where am I? Wang Jun! Wang Jun, I'm not playing a prank on you. Return me this instant, or else I'll call your girlfriend and tell her you're cheating on her!"

Li Wei repeated his roommate's name. Deep down, he knew it was unlikely for a normal student to orchestrate something like this without him noticing. They seemed beyond ordinary pranks, Wang Jun need cutting-edge technology beyond his comprehension to do something like this, but the reason he called Wang Jun was because he wanted to hope this was just a prank, a comforting thought for his anxiety that slowly rose inside him.**

After his last words echoed into the void, a sudden burst of bright light illuminated the white space. As Li Wei's eyes adjusted to the sudden brilliance, three characters materialized before him. At first, confusion clouded his expression, but then a glimmer of recognition sparked in his eyes, quickly transforming into surprise as he realized that he knew the character before him.

'You have been chosen as Lord. As Lord, you have the privilege of choosing your starting race before proceeding. Keep in mind that selecting your race is irreversible, so please weigh your decision.'

Li Wei's gaze lingered on the holographic screen, his astonishment growing with each passing moment. As he examined the three figures displayed before him, he recognized them instantly.

The first was a young man, resembling Li Wei but with a striking handsomeness as if he were divinely blessed. This figure possessed pointed ears and flowing white hair, unmistakably an elf.

Next to the elf stood a human, identical to Li Wei, in appearance. It was uncanny how alike they were, down to the smallest detail.

Finally, beside the human stood a member of the green race, its muscular physique dwarfing even the most dedicated gym-goers. With tusks protruding upward from its lower jaw, this figure was unmistakably an orc.

"Is this what I think it is?" Li Wei mumbled, his eyes glowing with a mix of excitement and anticipation. These feelings had died down after he started college, but now they resurfaced. He was familiar with this situation because he had read countless novels to pass the time. And one of the ideas from those novels was exactly like the situation he was currently in.

And then he realized the authenticity of his surroundings. Everything he saw and heard was not a dream. He even tried to pinch his cheeks, but the sensation assured him that this was real. He looked around, although he already knew there was nothing to see. His concern about his roommate lingered in the back of his mind, but he pushed it aside temporarily when a new screen popped up.



Elves, revered as the children of the forest, are beings of ethereal beauty and timeless grace. Among the myriad creatures that inhabit the natural world, elves stand out for their unparalleled prowess in archery and finesse in combat. Their slender forms and agile movements make them formidable opponents, capable of swiftly navigating through the densest of forests with ease. Gifted with keen senses and sharp eyesight, elves excel in long-range battles, their arrows finding their mark with deadly accuracy. Yet, beyond their skill in warfare, elves possess a deep affinity for nature, drawing strength from the ancient trees and whispering winds of the forest. With their connection to the earth and their mastery of the bow, elves remain guardians of the wild, defending their ancestral lands with unwavering determination and timeless wisdom.

-Starting stats

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 15

Constitution: 10

Perception: 15

Will: 10

Intelligence: 10

Mana: 100

Spirits: 15

-Special Units


Guardian Treants

Stonebark Treants


Wild Wing Eagles

Elf Farmers (with Elk)



Humanity is often hailed as the jack of all trades, excelling in a multitude of skills and pursuits. Among their many talents, humans are particularly renowned for their mastery of both magic and the sword. Their adaptability, resourcefulness, and versatility have enabled them to thrive in diverse environments and circumstances. Human intelligence, combined with their innate talent for magic, grants them a distinct advantage in both long-range and close-quarters combat. Whether wielding a blade or harnessing the forces of magic, humans have proven themselves formidable warriors on any battlefield.

-Starting stats

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 10

Perception: 10

Will: 15

Intelligence: 15

Mana: 150

Spirits: 10

-Special Units





Sky Knight

Human Farmers (with horse)



Orcs, known for their formidable strength and fierce demeanor, are often regarded as the warriors of the wild. Among the many races that inhabit the lands, orcs stand out for their unparalleled prowess in combat. With their muscular physiques and savage instincts, orcs excel in close-quarters combat, wielding weapons with terrifying proficiency. Their resilience and endurance make them fearsome adversaries on the battlefield, capable of withstanding tremendous punishment before succumbing to defeat. Despite their reputation for brute force, orcs also possess a deep connection to nature, often drawing strength from the earth itself. With their primal instincts and indomitable spirit, orcs continue to leave their mark on the world, forging their path amidst the chaos of battle.

-Starting stats

Strength: 15

Dexterity: 15

Constitution: 15

Perception: 15

Will: 10

Intelligence: 1

Mana: 50

Spirits: 10

-Special Units

Satyr Witches




Wyvern Riders

Orc Farmers (with wolf


There were only three choices given, yet it was difficult to pick one. Each race had its advantages. Li Wei thought about it for a moment.

Elves have higher dexterity and perception compared to others, indicating a focus on agility. They also possess higher spirits, but I'm not sure what that means. As for the special units named for each race, they must be servants or units forming an army. Humans excel in both magic and combat, while orcs lean more towards physical prowess. The special units likely represent the armies they can command. That must be it.

Li Wei thought about it for a few seconds, his eyes glancing back and forth between the elf and the human. He didn't particularly like or hate orcs, but Li Wei was born in a world where aesthetics were rich, and he preferred the appearance of the handsome elf and the regular human version of himself. The orc, on the other hand, didn't appeal to him.

Of course, Li Wei didn't base his decision solely on appearance. He considered their advantages and disadvantages. Humans were masters of magic and combat, so in terms of overall battle prowess, the other two races fell far behind. Elves excelled in magic, while orcs were formidable in combat. However, since Li Wei was still human and felt a sense of familiarity and connection with his race, he chose to be human.

"So, how do I choose?"

With no one answering his question, Li Wei felt confused. He shook his head and thought of the holographic screen like a smartphone. He clicked on the human race.

'You have chosen the starting race of the Lord – Human.'

'You will receive the stats and special units and also gain your new talent. Note: Talent is randomized. You may gain a weak or strong talent—it all depends on luck.' 

The space around him suddenly began to twist and warp until it was enveloped in complete darkness. Li Wei's expression shifted, and then a light appeared. The light grew closer and wider. He didn't know if he was falling or flying toward the light, but all that filled his mind was the urgent desire to reach it as soon as possible. 

"What is that?" Li Wei exclaimed, shocked. Out of the corner of his eye, in the darkness, an eye opened. A chill ran down his spine. Before he could see its whole appearance, he was already thrown out from the darkness.

FuelbyRamen FuelbyRamen

This is the first novel I will ever create. I know I've made many mistakes, but I'm just a poor newbie author. If you enjoy my novel, stick with me until the end of this journey.

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