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Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Maki.

Hiroya felt tired after being awake for the entire night executing different ways to advertise his games.

After continuous effort, he contacted a group of selected YouTubers and various site owners.

Getting an agreement with them he spent a total of approximately 50,000 dollars as payment for their advertisement leaving him with $96,000.

It was without a doubt a big spend but necessary if he wanted to achieve quick growth fast.

If everything goes well then he should be able to see results in under a week.

'Now I need to open a sole proprietorship, but the biggest issue is my age, a minor cannot become a proprietor so I am thinking of using my mother's ID.'

The gears in Hiroya's mind started turning as various different ways of starting his company appeared in his mind.

There were all sorts of complicated methods to be used but without a doubt using his mother as a proxy seemed to be the safest.

Suddenly a knocking sound came from the door of his room followed by a familiar voice

"Brother wake up or you'll be late for school!.", Riruru said in a shouting voice while trying to open Hiroya's room door but seeing that it was locked from the inside she couldn't help but pout and shout even louder.

"Hey, you'll be late! get up!"

Taking in a deep breath Hiroya got up from his bed and opened his room's door revealing Riruru's figure in her pajamas.

"I'm awake now go away."

A yarn escaped Hiroya's mouth as he waved at Riruru to leave.


Sticking out her tongue at him, Riruru turned around and quickly ran downstairs.

'I should go and get ready as well.'

Feeling a little sleepy, Hiroya decided to take a bath first before anything.

Walking downstairs he saw his mother mother preparing dinner.

Quitely passing by her he reached the bathroom, holding the door knob he checked that it wasn't locked and opened it in one go.

But the scene inside left him stunned.

As soon as he opened the door Rio's figure wrapped in a bath towel entered his vision, her hair was wet and a towel tightly wrapped around her chest and hips highlighting them and leaving those silky white legs in his full view.


A slightly stupid voice escaped Rio's mouth as her face turned red.

"You forgot to lock the door.", Hiroya said while turning away his head.

"Ah yes sorry I forgot....."

With an embarrassed look on her face, she quickly picked up her clothes and hurriedly walked past Hiroya leaving the bathroom.

'Why is my heart beating so loudly? It's just Hiro...', Rio couldn't help but feel confused as she made her way back to her room.

This wasn't the first time she had walked around the house wearing a towel.

But for some reason as soon as she saw Hiroya a sense of shame appeared inside her mind.

'What is wrong with me.', Touching her face with her hand, Rio quickly entered her room and started changing her clothes.


After a while Hiroya, Rio, and Riruru were ready and left the house making their way towards school.

Along the way, the three of them received different gazes, some of them seemed to target Rio and Riruru but as soon as they saw Hiroya's tall figure walking with them the gazes quickly retracted.

"Hehehe it's like I have my own personal bodyguard!", Riruru smiled in satisfaction while looking sideways at Hiroya.

Rio on the side also couldn't help but nod in agreement, this was the first time she felt such a sense of freedom when walking outside.

Hiroya didn't say anything and just kept walking forward.

After some time the three of them arrived at school.

"Wow look at them."

"Are they siblings?"

"So tall....."

Several whispers reached Rio's mind as soon as she entered the school gate. Making her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, Rio."

Suddenly a dark-skinned girl with a lean figure appeared beside Rio and greeted her while looking curiously at Hiroya.


A smile appeared on Rio's face as soon as she saw her friend.

"Rio who's this?", Michiko asked while looking at Hiroya.

"Ah, this is younger my brother, Hiroya."

"Younger brother?"

Michiko looked at Rio and then Hiroya with a doubtful look on her face, She clearly remembered that her friend had a brother but wasn't that kid short and weak-looking? How the hell did he turn into this?

"Sister Machiko! Do you remember me?", Riruru suddenly interjection.

Listening to Riruru's greeting, Michiko gave a light nod, unlike the new Hiroya she clearly knew Riruru well.

Meanwhile, Rio quickly introduced Machiko to Hirkya.

"Hiroya this is my friend Michiko."

"Hello sister Michiko.", Hiroya greeted her with a polite smile on his face.

"Oh! Yes hello! Hello!", A light passed through Michiko's eyes as she stared at Hiroya's figure, moving her legs she circled around Hiroya as if to look at him from every angle.

"Michiko what are you doing!."

Seeing her friend's abnormal behavior, Rio couldn't help but scold her in an angry tone.

"Sorry sorry.....", Michiko apologized in embarrassment while stealing a few more glances at Hirkya.

"You...let's go!", Rio suddenly grabbed Michiko's arm before pulling her towards their class.

But then as if she remembered something, Rio suddenly stopped and looked back hesitantly at Hiroya.

"I'll drop by in some time, remember you can always message me if you need it.", Hiroya calmly assured her giving Rio a sense of confidence.

"Okay, Hiro..."

Making up her mind, Rio turned around and dragged her confused friend with her to their classroom.

"Hey Rio did something happen?"

"I'll tell you later..."

Seeing Rio and Machiko moving away, Hiroya also turned around and started moving towards the staff room as he first needed to report to the teacher before he could attend classes.

"You can go ahead Riruru, I'll meet you in class."

Riruru and Hiroya were in the same class, but as he needed to meet the teacher he would need to go through a long detour.

"Ok, brother!"

Riruru waved at him before leaving.

Arriving at the teacher's room, Hirkya entered through the door and his gaze landed on an old man sitting at a corner organizing his work desk.

Walking up to the old man, Hiroya greeted him politely.

"Good morning teacher..."

"Yes, good morning...Student? Did you need anything?"

"Yes sir you see..."

Hiroya took out his medical certificate and started explaining the situation to the old man.

While Hiroya was busy talking to the old man, he failed to notice that not far away a woman in office clothes with long black hair kept staring intently at his face.

'N-no way! W-why is he here?!", Tskuami's heart started beating like crazy as she kept staring at Hiroya's side face.

'He's a student? A student!?'.

Using her cubical as a defense she sneakily observed Hiroya's figure.

'I never thought I would be able to meet him again....'

Tsukami bit down on her lower lip, her eyes shook a little as the memories of that day were clearly imprinted in her mind.

His towering figure beat the villains to a pulp, saving her, hugging her, carrying her back home...

Her hand grabbed her chest as she started chanting in her mind.

'Calm down.....calm down.....', Taking in a deep breath her gaze shifted to the old man Hiroya was talking to.

'Isn't that Yoshida-San? I remember he teaches 9th grade.....'

Then a sudden feeling of realization hit her.

'No he in 9th standard?'

Her eyes started spinning in circles, remembering her previous embarrassing behaviour.

'I-I tried to seduce a kid? I a teacher t-to a student?!?'

Her mind started hurting as various moral obligations kept slapping her in the face, She even started imagining police officers coming to arrest her.

Then she suddenly saw Hiroya take out his phone for a moment and frown.

'Did something happen?', Tsukami wondered as she looked at the sudden change in Hiroya's expression, then she suddenly saw him turn around and leave.

'Oh no he's leaving!'

With a quick reflex, Tsukami quickly pulled her head down hiding in her cubical.

She didn't raise her head till she heard the sound of the office door closing.


Heaving a sigh of relief she slowly raised her head and looked straight at teacher Yoshida with shining eyes.

"Yoshida-San can you please tell me about that student just now?"

"Teacher Tsukami? That student who just left? Ah, it's hard to believe but he's...."

Senior teacher Yoshida continued with an incredulous look on his face under teacher Tsukami's eager eyes.

'Let's check up on sister Rio first.', Hiroya thought as he made his way to the upper floor.

Meanwhile in sister Rio's class.

'Hiro come quickly!', Rio shouted in her mind while looking at Maki who sat in the back.

Currently under the horrified gaze of the entire class, Jokatsu one of Kazuo's minions was tightly pressing Miko's head against her desk with a lewd look on his face.

"Tsk you still dare to come to school.....", Jokatsu whispered in Miko's ear.

Jokatsu took in a deep breath, smelling the pleasant smell made his lower body become hot.

The day before was clearly imprinted in his memory, Kazuo slowly stripping down those two b*tches and playing with them as he pleased left a deep impression on him.

'That is power, that is strength!'

The display of dominance made Jokatsu understand what he really wanted in life.

That is why today when Kazio suddenly told him to do as he pleased with Maki today, Jokatsu couldn't help but feel elated.

Kazuo even told him that since their homeroom teacher left his job yesterday, today no teacher will be present to take their first lecture.

And so as soon as Kazuo entered the class, his gaze first landed on Rio, but then he remembered Kazuo's words.

'You're only allowed to play with the mute.'

Although Kazuo has a more youthful and slim body, Jokatsu had to admit that he liked Maki's bigger proportions just as much.

So he went straight for Maki who was silently taking out her textbook and stood before her.

Sensing his presence Maki slowly turned her head, but as soon as she saw his face, her eyes behind her glasses started shaking, then she silently lowered her head.

'Ah this feeling....', Jokatsu felt his face heat up as he rested his hand on top of Maki's head making the mute girl tremble nonstop.

'Is truly wonderful.'

With a strong force, he directly smashed her against the wooden desk creating a loud voice attracting the attention of the entire class.

Not paying any attention to the different looks the surrounding students were giving him, Jokatsu carefully observed Maki's back then his gaze landed on her lifted hips hiding behind her long skirt.

"Mute you actually like this don't you.", Jokatsu said as one of his hands went inside Maki's skirt making the girl struggle and try to push away his hand from her head.

But it seemed useless as Jokatsu increased his strength even more, pushing her face against the desk.

"Or else why would you keep coming to school..."

Jokatsu's heartbeat fastened as his hand grabbed a soft round surface.

His hand started moving around carefully feeling the smoothness completely different from anything he had ever felt before.

"Hey stop that...", Michiko tried to intervene but Jokatsu's crazy glare startled her making her quietly sit back in her seat.

'Why doesn't anyone say anything....he's just one guy....', Machiko asked in her mind while looking at her classmates who kept silent, and most just turned their heads away from the scene as if not wanting to be a part of it.

But it's not like she doesn't understand, it's because she understands Kazuo's terror just like everyone else that she feels even worse.

The reason no one stopped Jokatsu was that he was Kazuo's Minion and anyone who went against Kazuo had a terrible end.

"Rio.....", Machiko turned towards her friend for comfort, but seeing Rio's shaking body shocked her.

"H-Hiro will c-come... I-I've messaged him.", Rio said in a trembling voice while tightly holding onto her phone.

Seeing Rio's current state greatly shocked Machiko making her wonder just what happened in a single day to change her friend so much.

"Tsk tsk what a nice ass.", Jokatsu commented as he pinched Maki's hip and suddenly moved his finger between the partition between them.

'Is this...', Jokatsu gulped loudly as he felt a warm feeling coming from between the crevice of Maki's hips.

Suddenly Maki who seemed to have given up struggle weakly used her hand to try and push back Jokatsu's arm touching her private place.

'This bitch.'

Feeling her weak resistance not only did not anger Jokatsu but even made him feel a sense of exhilaration.

'I know! I should do that just like Kazuo.'

He remembered the scene of the two girls crying and begging Kazuo to stop as he took off their clothes in front of them.

With a strange light passing through his eyes, Jokatsu roughly grabbed Maki's underwear and directly pulled it down to her knees in one go.

Seeing the pink color of the underwear vaguely visible from her long skirt, exited Jokatsu.

Moving his head he saw tears falling out from Maki's eyes, her silent crying and shaking body only made him feel more and more intoxicated.

"Let me expose you in front of the entire class....."

Hearing his words Maki's eyes started shaking like crazy as she tried to turn her head towards Jokatsu, her lips started moving desperately as if trying to convey something.

For some reason, Jokatsu was able to read her lips.

Please no.

'She's begging?'

A wide smile appeared on his face as he grabbed the helm of her skirt and started slowly pulling it up.

Feeling the movement behind her, even more tears started coming out of Maki's face, She couldn't even turn her face towards the desk to hide her shame as Jokatsu's hand tightly held her in place.

Feeling his hand reach her hips, Maki closed her tear-filled eyes and stopped resisting as if giving up completely.

Seeing what was about to unfold, Rio tightly closed her eyes and held her hands together praying loudly in her mind.

'You told me to have faith in you...'

'So please....'


Suddenly she felt some movement from her side her side.

Turning her head and opening her eyes she saw her friend Michiko poking her side with her elbow.

"Look", Michiko said while pointing ahead.

Rio thought her friend had gone crazy and wanted her to look at Jokatsu's atrocities but seeing her surprised face Rio nervously turned and looked ahead.

And her eyes brightened as soon as she did.


Jokatsu forgot to breathe as he felt a terrifying presence envelop his body.

Without any warning strong arm was placed on his shoulder and through the corner of his eye Jokatsu saw Hiroya's calm face looking down at the unmoving Maki.

"It looks fun..."

As his heavy voice entered his ears, Jokatsu saw Hiroya turn his head towards him and continue.

"How about I join in?"

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