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Chapter 4: A new body

"Here is your room." Benjamin opened the door for Loki. "Feel free to refurnish however you want. Dinner will be served in 2 hours. I'll come and get you then."

He left the room, leaving Loki alone for the first time since her arrival.

Her room was large, had a private closet and door leading out to a personal porch on the backside. Her room itself was in the north corner of the mansion. The walk itself took around 40 seconds from the central entrance.

She walked over and took a peek inside her closet. It was a small room filled with many dresses and fancy clothing. The different attires were folded on shelves or hanged along the walls. Inbetween some clothing she could see a full-body mirror. Eager to see her new body and her body figure she walked up to it.

"Wow!" She said as her entire figure appeared in the mirror. She turned around and inspected every part of her new body. She admired her womanly features and clear skin.

A wide smile spread on her lips as she puffed out her chest and walked out of her new closet.

She was very happy with her new appearance and she figured it probably had to do something with how she had maxed out all of her attributes.

She was now very eager to try out the rest of her stats. She climbed up on her queen-sized bed. She sat down cross-legged with ease.

*Previously, just sitting like this was hard.* She did a couple of stretching exercises which she had learned after attending a yoga class in her previous life.

*Holy shit! I'm flexible! This must be the agility stat huh?* She thought back to the different attributes.

*Let's see. There were eight different attributes, four for the body and four for the mind. Those for the body was:





These four were the stats that would strengthen my body. They are all pretty self-explanatory. I reckon I should try them out.*

She climbed out of her bed and looked out on her private porch. There were high walls of vegetation surrounding it, blocking anyone from seeing in or out. There was no furniture on the lawn. Making the area feel very empty. However, it didn't bother Loki very much.

She quickly took off her dress and climbed into some sweatpants and a baggy hoodie. She also took off her socks and shoes.

She walked out barefoot onto the central part of the lawn.

*How could I try out these attributes then? They all probably mix somehow. Testing them separately would be hard. I guess I'll just do some movements.*

She took a step back and did half a cartwheel, stopping on her hands. Her feet were now reaching for the sky and her hands were buried in the grass.

She lifted her right hand from the ground, standing only on her left hand as she started doing handstand pushups.

*This was easy* She thought as she lowered her feet to the ground and stood back up with a red face.

She did a couple of more movements before she headed back inside.

*There seems to be nothing that I can't do.* Her face was dressed in a wide smile and she felt her confidence growing a bit. *This body is the best.*

After quickly cleaning her feet in the bathtub, she climbed up in her bed again.

*Let's see, the four attributes for the mind was:





I guess it's pretty hard to try these out. For starters, I don't even know what perception and charisma are. I guess that the reason I can even remember the attributes is thanks to my raised intelligence level. But I don't know how I should try the other three out. What do they even mean?*

She placed her head down on the pillow, staring up towards the white ceiling.

"Where is that stupid God when I need him," she said with a small sigh.

She thought back and went over the things that God had mentioned why they were chatting in his office.

"Magic huh?" She whispered to herself.

*Wait!* She sat up again. *That must mean that at least one of the attributes is magic related right?*

She crossed her legs again. *That must be either perception or intelligence.*

*I remember how I read about these different cultivation methods in novels back on earth. Maybe something similar exists in this world?*

She sat in a comfortable position and closed her eyes. She used to meditate when she was stressed and she, therefore, knew the basics of meditation.

Her breathing and heart rate slowed down. She could hear her heart pumping blood through her brain. She went through her body. Part by part, scanning every limb to the limit. A couple of minutes passed


She felt nothing magical about her body.

*I guess it won't be as easy as I had hoped. Well, doesn't matter. I'll found out eventually.* She thought. *Guess I'll wait for the dinner then.* She placed her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.


Loki woke up from her slumber. wide awake and her eyes locked on the door.

*What is this feeling?* She thought as she felt something heading her way.

It was an indescribable feeling. Somehow, she knew that someone would come through her door at any moment. She felt no danger or discomfort, she was instead strangely calm.

A second later, she heard three firm knocks on her door.

She crawled out of her bed, headed towards the door and opened carefully. Outside stood Benjamin, as bored-looking as ever.

"Dinner is ready. Put on whatever clothes you like. I'll take you there once you are ready."

"Right," Loki said while rubbing her eyes.

She walked into her closet and looked took a look at the different clothes that folded neatly on the shelves trying to figure out to wear.

After trying out some different outfits she realized that all of the dresses and clothing were all in her size.

*I guess God had some kind of impact on this.* She thought.

Loki picked out a black dress decorated with golden flowers. The dress covered both her arms and reached down to her ankles.

When she was done, she stepped out of her room and let Benjamin lead the way to where the dinner would be served.

They walked along the long hall, passing many rooms in the process. After a short walk in silence, they reached the dining room.

The food was already served and her two new adoptive parents were waiting. The second they entered the room, however, they got quite.

"Please take a seat," John said as he gestured towards an unoccupied chair at the short end of the long table. "We have a lot to discuss."

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