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Chapter 3: Arrival

"Miss Loki, I presume?"

Loki looked at the guy who had just opened the door. Her hand still hanging in the air. Stretched out towards where the door previously was.

She quickly pulled it back as soon as her brain processed what the man had said.

"Ah! Yes, that's me... Ermmm... Nice to meet you." She politely said and made a small bow.

"No need to be so formal Miss. I am the head butler of this residence. And from this moment forward, I attend to you too." He returned the bow. "Please come inside."

He opened the door just enough for Loki to pass through. All while wearing the same, bored expression.

The inside of the mansion was quite large, they currently stood in the entrance area. It was open and vast. On the walls were different paintings and decorations. The insides carried the same color pattern as the outside, white and gold.

In front of them was a pair of stairs leading up to the upper floor. Between the stairs, was a hallway that split in two and spread throughout the entire mansion.

The way the mansion was built, was that throughout the entire building, a single hallway leads to different rooms. It was similar to how schools had long hallways with classrooms on each side.

There were two floors, both were identical in design.

The chance of getting lost was minimal. All one had to do, was follow the hallway. It would eventually take you to the entrance.

"Please follow me, Miss."

While Loki was admiring the open paintings and details around her, the butler had already started walking towards the lower hallway.

She took a couple of quick steps and caught up in a flash.

The walk was short and barely enough time for Loki to find out that the butler's name was Benjamin in a brief conversation. They turned neither right or left while in the hallway but instead walked straight from the hall all the way into the first room.

Inside the room sat a beautiful lady and a man. Both on a couch, sipping on coffee and staring into a large fireplace. The second they heard the door behind them opening, they turned around. Both had dark hair and wore all smiles from the second they laid eyes upon Loki.

First up was the lady. She flew up from her place beside the man and moved swiftly towards Loki.

"Oh, My, God! You are stunning!" She said while closing the distance between her and Loki rapidly. Her curvy figure, white skin, and wine red-dress reminded Loki of vampires from movies.

Loki used to hate watching horror films. She thought that there was no real plot to them, they were only after to scare the one who watched. Vampires, zombies, and werewolves were only a few of those monsters that she wasn't too fond of.

Her first reaction was, therefore, to take a step back.

But it was not enough to stop the strides of the vampire-woman. She embraced Loki in a tight hug and pressed her large breasts against Loki's face, She was quite the bit taller... And bigger.

Loki was caught by surprise by the sudden hug. But she did her best to return the embrace. Not wanting to seem unfriendly.

Their short embrace came to a sudden stop, as the man interfered with his words.

"Please, excuse my wife." The husband walked up from behind. Standing a couple of meters from the two hugging females. "We have been waiting for quite some time to meet you."

"Oh, sorry. If I got to close..." The wife took a couple of steps back until she stood beside her husband, standing straight while hiding her arms behind her back.

Both made a polite greeting before the wife introduced them. "My name is Clara, and this is my husband John."

"My name is Loki, it is a pleasure to meet you both. And I didn't mind the welcoming hug." After all, despite being a girl, Loki still preferred females over males.

"Make yourself feel at home Loki, and feel free to rest before we have a proper introduction at dinner," John spoke while radiating a lot of warmth. His smile was filled with love. "We have prepared you a room."

John himself was adopted as a child. Which was why he knew that it could take quite some time to feel at home after moving in with a new family. And according to his experience, the best way to welcome someone was to give them some space.

Give them some time to absorb and analyze everything that recently had happened. He knew how stressful it could be. He and Clara had discussed this beforehand, and this was the way they agreed upon.

"Yes please," Loki answered.

She was glad to hear that she would be given some time to spend alone. Because just like how both John and Clara wanted to know more about her, she wanted to know more about herself as well. She wanted the see how she looked and how she would move know that she had a new body.

"Benjamin, Please show this Miss Loki to her room." Clara smiled as she gave the head butler instructions.

Benjamin answered with a nod and walked out the door. With Loki following right behind.

They closed the door behind them both. Leaving Clara and John alone in the room again.

The meeting was brief, but they couldn't be happier.

"Did you see how pretty she was?!" Clara turned to John. Her eyes sparkling. "She looked just like a princess!"

"Yeah... She was pretty, but more importantly... How was she?"

Clara had run up to Loki and embraced her for more than one reason. She was of course very glad to see her, but she also wanted to test her body. She squeezed and touched several areas of Loki's back and neck, seeing how firm her muscles were and testing how high her talent for magic.

Clara had been working for the magical department of the military as a surgeon and medic. She had many years of practical experience and knew a few tricks.

She had touched and performed many surgeries on numerous soldiers with a high talent for magic. She could recognize the feeling of mana just from the touch.

The soldiers who came to her was of course wounded, and often they were in such intense pain that they had no control over the mana inside their bodies.

Without control, mana would flow through their bodies was similar to that of someone who was yet to control it. In this case Loki.

A person's mana can, therefore, be felt by another person through their skin. Similar to how one can feel a pulse.

Clara knew how mana flowed and how one could get a rough measurement of a person's magical talent. However, it only works on those who have no control over their mana or on those who temporarily lost it. For example, someone who is injured and in intense pain, or someone who is yet to learn how to control it.

By placing her hand on certain mana veins on a person's body she could feel the mana flowing through it. It would give off a numbing sensation if that person has a high talent for magic. The number her hand goes the higher talent that a person has.

The mana vein she knew about was in the central area of the neck. And while embracing in a hug she gently placed her finger in this spot. Hoping that she would get to try out Lokis talent for magic. They were hopeful that Loki would have a decent talent.

Clara's gaze turned toward her right arm. She had placed her right index finger right we're Lokis hair ended, in between the two large neck muscles. By doing so, Lokis mana will react to the foreign touch and start climbing up her arm. It was a very delicate process.

If Clara wasn't too careful, Loki could be the one who felt a numbing sensation. It required Clara to close her entire mana flow in her arm. However, it was a success.

She showed John her arm which she had hidden behind her back.

Clara's previous smile was gone. "I can't feel or move anything below my elbow." She said while desperately trying to move her fingers.

RfGrandiosa RfGrandiosa

Hope that the last part was understandable. Had some problem writing it.

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