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Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Hidan opens his eyes and starts to stretch. He felt energized and ready to go. He decided to experiment on himself. He remembered his nails growing out and thought it was weird and definitely needed experimentation. He looked behind him and saw the girl with her back against the wall sitting down, still asleep. He remembered her ninja-style and noted how she had a ton of ninja tools.

He knew she wasn't rich with her dressing and the way she carries herself but she was definitely well off. If she saved up for all those ninja tools then he severely overestimated the intelligence of Konoha ninja. If what he was thinking was true, then he could have a blade by the end of the month. He got up and walked towards her.

"Hey, sweetcheeks. Get up." Tenten slowly woke up trying to gauge her surroundings. Her eyes shot open and she quickly jumped and tried to run. Hidan however, grabbed her with one hand and threw her to the end of the cave.

"Leave Me Alone!" Tenten yelled, tears in her eyes from remembering the night before.

"Look, if you do what I want, I'll let you go."

"Why should I believe you?!"

Hidan sighed. "Well, if you want a chance of getting out, you're just gonna have to."

"What do you want?" Tenten said covering her body even though Hidan has seen and touched all of it already.

"Well, I want you to forge me a new blade. You can do that right?"

Tenten slowly nodded her head. She was happy that she had a chance to get out, even if small.

"Good, I'm going to show you what it looks like."

Hidan held up a hand sign and earth started to come out of the ground. It started to slowly spin around until it dropped, showing Hidan's old blade.

"I'll have to make some dye so you know the color but that's the shape. You can do that right?"

Tenten nodded her head again. "I'll need a forge. I'll also need metal and a hammer."

Hidan knew where to get those things. After all, he stole the katana he used from a blacksmith.

"Yes, don't worry about that, now come one I have to get some stuff to eat."

Tenten got up and walked behind Hidan as he slowly walked out of the cave. He went towards the forest looking for something to eat. He looked behind him and saw the girl was not looking at him. He went a little towards the left and picked up some herbs.

"Down the hatch!" Hidan stuffed the herbs in Tentens mouth and she quickly fell asleep. It was a weaker version of the poison he used to know out her teammates. It would be enough so that when needed, he could feed her so she doesn't die.

He picked her up off the ground and walked deeper into the forest. He occasionally fondled the girl because it felt good. A few minutes later and he spotted a bear. Hidan has been looking for this bear for a long time. If he wanted to he could've been found it but he never had the time. He put the girl down and rushed the bear. The bear, having not fought many times since just its presence was enough to ward off animals and there being no prey that could fight back, had weak reflexes.

Hidan grabbed the bear by its neck, hopped on top of it, and with one swift motion, cracked its neck. The bear dropped to the floor and Hidan dusted off his hands.

"That'll last for a few days. Can't wait to have some bear cuisine."

Hidan picked up the bear and hung it over his shoulder. He walked up to Tenten and hung her over his other shoulder and walked back to his camp.

A few minutes later and Hidan emerges from the forest and walks up to the waterfall. He walks in and sees the boar is awake. He quickly does some hand signs and sets up a campfire that can cook this bear. He lets the boar out of the cage and places the bear on a pole he created for the campfire. He does some hand signs and makes a knife sharp enough to skin the bear. He quickly skins it and lights up the campfire. He places down the girl as she starts to stir awake.

Tenten wakes up and sits down. She already knows there's nothing she can do and can only hope her friends come to save her. As the bear finally finishes cooking Hidan cuts up some pieces for everyone and creates something else. The idea just came to him but it would be extremely helpful later on.

Tenten, not being familiar with what he created asks him what it is.

"Rapist, what is that?" Tenten was extremely curious because she loves new things.

"It's a smoker, you'll see what it does later." Hidan not caring in the slightest about the title because it was true. He's been called way worse things and simply lost care for simple things like that long ago. He did when he first came here but he guessed that it wore off eventually.

Tenten looked to her left and saw a massive boar. Her eyes widened and she continued to eat not wanting to continue to bother Hidan in case he decides she should die. Hidan got up and looked at Tenten.

He watched as she fell asleep after she ate all of her bear meat. It was easy for Hidan to sneak some more herbs into her food seeing as she couldn't perceive his speed and she wasn't looking at him. He doesn't understand why she would eat the food he made but he guessed it might be because he cut it in front of her and ate it.

He picked her up and walked out of the cave. He was about to go head towards the village when he remembered he didn't put the meat into the smoker. He quickly did that and told the boar to wait there and protect the meat. He walked out of the cave again and started to head towards the village.

'Based on how much time has passed, I can assume there is ninja already patrolling the village. I'll have to be careful to not attract attention. I don't want a blood trail leading to my camp. I quite like the place.'

Hidan sped up to try and get there quickly so he doesn't waste time. A bad habit from his time with Kakazu. A few hours passed and he made it to the village. He was correct seeing a few ninjas roaming around the village and some with dogs. He thanked himself for going crazy and bathing in blood or else he would've been caught by now.

He went towards the blacksmith at breakneck speed so he wouldn't be caught. He needed to go in and out, quickly and efficiently. He had eidetic memory in his last life, and though he didn't have it in this life, he did have a good memory. He vaguely remembered where what he was looking for was.

He went in, grabbed everything he needed by wrapping it in an earth jutsu, and quickly took off so as to not get caught. He rushed through the woods trying to get to the camp as quickly as possible so he doesn't waste any time.

He walks into the waterfall and breathes a sigh of relief. IF he would've had to kill he would've had a blood trail straight to his camp. Then he would have to spend a lot of time trying to relocate and that was so needless and just not fun. He dropped the girl on the ground and released the forge and other items from his earth jutsu. He made sure there was enough metal for his scythe and that's it, so if she had any extra left he knew she would be lying to him.

Tenten again slowly woke up and saw the forge and everything she needed in her vision. Her eyes turned to hammers and she seemed to get ready to forge when she remembered her predicament. She wiped away a stray tear and hardened herself to get ready. She knew he would most likely not let her go after she did this but maybe if she did a lot of things, he would let her go? She would at least try and stay alive until her friends come and save her.

"Get to work girl. The quicker the better." Hidan said. He needed his blade if he wanted to fight better. He didn't train in unarmed arts he trained in sword arts and he needed his sword.

Tenten slowly nodded and arranged herself a little forgery in the back of the cave. She lit up the makeshift furnace threw in some metal. When it was hot she grabbed it with the tool, put it on the anvil, and raised her hammer.


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