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Chapter 55: Ch 55: Fighting, ear-picking, and the unchangeable, sometimes binding.

Author Notes: "Before I knew it, my story's favorites have exceeded 1000. Thank you very much for your continued support. Once again, I express my gratitude."



With a startled cry, the slender figure soared through the air. Without even attempting to break the fall, she landed on the paved ground, prompting applause from the onlookers.


"Are you okay?"

While Milk groaned, clutching his arm, Moore, still holding onto his slender arm, asked with concern, making sure there were no serious injuries.

"...Big bro, you're strong in fights."

"---Well, was that really a fight?"

─It was just a simple hip throw.

Moore, taking a break from his vacation, had dropped by the Cafe Sweetie, the outpost of the newly constructed cafe, for some pastime. He wore his usual attire ─ a short-sleeved black shirt with two identification cards hanging from a ball chain around his neck. The base personnel, mostly mass produced Nikkes, had already bought coffee from the vending machine and were taking a break.

The reason they used vending machines remained a mystery, but the person minding the store on the opening day was Milk, who had a baby face, which was both a characteristic and a secret complex for her.

Although she was supposed to be minding the store, customers could buy coffee from the vending machine, so she seemed bored. To kill time, Moore had somehow ended up in a fight because, according to her, Milk thought he looked strong.

Moore had only come to check out the place on the opening day, but he couldn't fathom how things had escalated like this, especially when Milk urged him to come out quickly, and the situation turned into a fight.

As soon as they faced off, Milk thrust her vertical fist, which Moore dodged. He grabbed her right arm, launched a punch with his left hand while passing his left arm under her armpit to grip her belt, and effortlessly tossed her, rotating her in mid-air. It took only a few seconds.

The mass-produced Nikes, who had gathered to observe, clapped in admiration of his skill, but the suddenly thrown Milk could only stare in disbelief.

"Seriously, how the hell could you throw a Nikke , ma !? This doesn't make sense!"

"I don't think there's a significant difference in weight between us. Nikke might be slightly heavier... never mind."

Moore pulled up Milk, whom he had tripped, holding onto his slender arm. He was about to mutter something without much significance when, for some reason, he received piercing glares from the observing mass-produced Nikkes. Sensing the atmosphere, he wisely decided to keep quiet.

It was the right decision, needless to say.

"...It's a bit late to try to cover it up, don't you think? By the way, explain what just happened, big bro."

"...I'm curious about something. Why 'big bro'?"

"Huh? Because you seem like a big brother, obviously."

Milk looked up at him as if to say, 'What kind of obvious thing you ask for?'

There was certainly no mistake about the blood relation. In that case, it might be a term of endearment. Moore realized it was futile to dwell on it and decided it was best not to care. At least it wasn't an insult directed at him.

"...Can you do a proper breakfall?"

"I can manage, but... Oh? Are you actually going to teach me?"

"I'm just telling you."

Milk's face lit up with a smile. That was fine, but Moore still had doubts about whether she had really mastered the art of breakfalling.

After all, even the basic of basics, the hip throw, which he had just executed ─ a fundamental move in hip and throwing techniques ─ had caused her to fall without being able to perform a breakfall properly.

"─Commander! Is it okay if I record a video? I want to use it for reference in combat!"

"...Hm? Ah, sure, go ahead."

One of the mass-produced Nikes casually raised their mobile device, and Moore nodded in approval. With permission granted, other base personnel also pointed their mobile device lenses at them.

Despite being under the scrutiny of the public, the lesson went on. The setting changed from the mat to the softer ground, and they promptly began.

"...I'll throw you more slowly than before. Get the feel for it. The hip throw involves putting the opponent on your waist and throwing them all at once. ─Grab their arm with one hand. Use the arm you've wrapped around their back to grip their belt. Next, rotate your body while pulling the opponent's waist close to you."


"The crucial point here is to position your waist lower than your opponent's. Sink your hips. Bend your knees a bit..."

"Incredible...! Big bro, are you okay? Aren't I heavy?"

"...Milk is light, huh."

Moore and Milk had a significant height and body size difference. Moore, playing the role of instructor, slightly bent his knees, pulled her toward his waist, and then straightened his knees again. Instantly, Milk's body lifted off the ground. Not only Milk but also the mass-produced Nikes watching and recording couldn't help but gasp in admiration."

"Milk looked up at him as if to say, 'What are you spacing out for?'

"Once you're up, throw while rotating. That's the sequence. Understand?"

"...Sort of."

"Good. Let's practice. Try it on me."

Moore encouraged Milk to put her feet on the ground and execute the move. She nodded slightly, confirming the newly learned technique, and grasped the belt around Moore's waist with her slender hand.

"That's right. Due to the height difference, Milk, you don't need to bend your knees too much. Try throwing me as is."

"Got it... Hey, big bro, you're surprisingly heavy."

"...Am I?"

Although it wasn't a great burden, Milk, feeling his weight exceed that of an average adult male despite his appearance, let out a slightly surprised voice.

Nevertheless, Milk was indeed a Nikke. Despite his weight of 130 kg, she effortlessly rotated moore's  frame while firmly placing his on her waist before throwing his tall body onto the soft ground.

As he fell onto the earth, Moore consciously distributed the impact, landing on his elbow, shoulder, back, and then his hip while executing the breakfall. He quickly rolled into a standing position, lightly patting the dirt off his clothes.

"...I can be thrown so easily."

"However, throwing techniques alone won't dominate an opponent... More precisely, it's not that it can't be done, but it won't necessarily achieve the goal. Except when dropping someone headfirst... That's a different story."

"What do you mean?"

"...It's faster to show you than explain."

Throughout this series of lessons or training, Moore's enthusiasm seemed to catch on, and the mass-produced Nikkes gradually joined the practice. They had undergone numerous combat training sessions using firearms, but training in hand-to-hand combat and martial arts appeared to be a refreshing change for them.





...On another day, someone or multiple individuals among the Elysion Corporation's mass-produced Nikkes shared a part of the training video in the company's group chat. Eventually, the CEO's attention was drawn to it, and she watched it with great interest. But that's a different story altogether.




"It seems to have been well received."

"Yeah, thanks. I didn't expect everyone who was free to participate eventually... Never thought I'd end up instructing them on knife techniques, either."

Returning to the base command headquarters and taking a quick shower, Moore, despite being on vacation, began his work. His job mainly involved going through reports from the mass-produced Nikkes on guard duty, checking the resources, fuel, and ammunition in storage. If there were shortages, he would send requests for supplies to the command headquarters. It was a relatively straightforward task.

As he neared the end of his work, Rapi appeared in the commander's office. Carrying a mug cup placed on a tray, she approached him, acknowledging the impromptu training effort and placed the freshly brewed coffee on the desk.

Taking the cup with gratitude, Moore sipped the steaming coffee. Unmixed, just the way he liked it.

"...Rapi, you're on vacation. You didn't have to go through the trouble..."

It was a bit late to say so, especially after accepting the coffee. She was on vacation; there was no need for her to do such chores. Moore didn't have the inclination to burden her with tasks like a servant or a guard.

"I'm doing this of my own accord. Besides, Commander, you're on vacation as well."

"...Well, that's true, but... You're allowed to go out to Ark if you want."

"I don't have any particular reason to go out."

Rapi calmly stated the truth, making Moore wear a slightly puzzled expression as he continued sipping his coffee. For some reason, he felt like the members of the squad had become exceptionally good at bickering and retorting lately. Well, maybe they were always good at it.

"You're on vacation, Commander. Perhaps you should take some time off and go out?"

"...Time off, huh..."

"Yes. Perhaps you could visit your family?"


Rapi had merely suggested it casually. Humans, after all, have an innate tendency to return to the place where they grew up or a place where they feel a sense of belonging, like their parents' home.

She had merely suggested it based on that knowledge, but Moore's face contorted as if he had bitten into a bitter bug. His forehead displayed three deep vertical wrinkles, acknowledging her words. It seemed like she had touched upon a sensitive topic.

"...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up..."

"No, it's fine. Don't worry about it. ─By the way, have you heard from Anis and Neon?"

It was indeed a sensitive topic. Rapi returned a nod, recognizing that Moore had changed the subject before the atmosphere soured further.

"Yes. They sent a message in the group chat a little while ago."

"...I didn't notice."

Moore opened his mobile device, taken from the pocket of his camouflage digital camo pants, and checked the message. It had been posted half an hour ago. Apparently, it was right around the time he had started working. Perhaps he had been too engrossed in his work to notice.

"...Seems like things aren't going smoothly."

"Yes. They said they would provide a verbal report once they return to the outpost base."

"...I wish Anis and Neon could take a break as well..."

"Both of them are acting voluntarily. You didn't order them, Commander, so please don't worry about it."

He understood what she was trying to convey, but he found it hard to accept. Moore closed his terminal tablet after confirming various details, gripping the coffee cup while rising from his seat.

Moving slightly, he settled onto the sofa, crossing his legs as he sipped the coffee. He lit a cigarette, holding it in his mouth, using an oil lighter to ignite it.

"...You all don't get overtime pay for working beyond our hours..."

"Anis and Neon wanted to act regardless of that, Commander."

"...I appreciate their dedication, but..."

─His conscience pricked at him. He murmured softly, exhaling the purple smoke from the cigarette held between the fingers of his right hand, while gripping the coffee cup with his skillfully engineered left hand.

Was Moore's mind still tangled in thoughts about the Heretic encountered in the previous mission, the shock of discovering her true identity as a Heretic? Or was it the concern about the presence of an insider? Perhaps there were other worries lingering within him. Regardless, Rapi couldn't help but think that these thoughts weren't particularly healthy. She kept her eyes on Moore, who had left the stub of his cigarette in the ashtray, and activated her functions.

She checked his condition, at least physically, but there didn't seem to be any issues. Naturally, this function couldn't penetrate his psychological state. Mental well-being was beyond her capabilities.

Various factors burdening his mental state overlapped, and memories of past commanders who had succumbed, breaking under the pressure, suddenly surfaced in Rapi's mind. She had seen commanders who, driven to madness, pressed the muzzle of a gun against their temples and pulled the trigger.

Lifeless pupils, dilated, scattering fragments of skull, hair, and white brain matter around them. It was easy to label them as weak, but...

While pondering this, Rapi picked up a small box containing Moore's few personal items, which was kept on a shelf in the corner of the commander's office.

Seeing her actions, Moore wore a puzzled expression. As she sat down next to him, she lightly tapped her own knee, indicating her intention.

"...What is it?"

"I was a bit curious about your ears."

"You don't need to go that far..."


He understood what she was trying to do. The stainless steel earpick she held in one hand was the obvious evidence.

Nevertheless, confessing his emotions openly would be embarrassing. Though he didn't show it on his face, feeling that emotion at his age was only natural.

He tried to find a way out, but Rapi's action was driven by good intentions. It would be awkward to outright refuse her kindness.

In the end, she urged him by patting her knee. He had no choice but to give in.

With a sigh, he nodded, placed his mug on the desk, and lay down, exposing his left ear to Rapi.

"Could you move a little higher?... Yes, that's fine."

It seemed easier to just comply. Moore moved his head closer to Lapi's thigh, relaxing his body. Rapi, her gloves removed, pinched his outer ear with her fingertips, and the cold sensation of the stainless steel rod being inserted into his ear canal made Moore narrow his eyes.

"You've been neglecting it, haven't you?"

"...I won't deny it."

Seeing the earwax collected on the tip of the stainless steel earpick, Rapi frowned. It seemed inevitable. She sighed before beginning to remove the accumulated earwax.

Fortunately, it didn't seem too stubborn. It came off easily.

"Commander, I've seen various commanders before."

At her sudden words, Moore's cheek twitched slightly. But that was the extent of his reaction. Sensing that he would listen quietly, Rapi wiped the tip of the earpick, which was carrying the removed earwax, with a tissue and inserted the stainless steel rod back into his ear canal.

"Heroes who save humanity. Commanders who are blinded by their symbolic significance and neglect their lives are not uncommon. The same goes for Nikkes... I've seen many commanders who, burdened by various hardships, perish in fleeting senses of duty and illusions."

His predecessor, the young officer who had been the squad commander, presumably had a character with a strong sense of justice and passion. He had risked his life for the sake of humanity's desperate desire, even if he couldn't extend that same sentiment toward the Nikkes. At the very least, he had sacrificed his life for the aspiration of humanity.

Moore, while quietly undergoing the ear cleaning, turned his exposed left ear to Rapi's words. Perhaps he had already stepped into the realm of unavoidable death, much further than those commanders.

He didn't fear the death even Nikkes would likely dread. Or perhaps, at the moment when that time came, he would calmly accept his fate. That was the premonition Rapi had.


"...But I don't want that for you."


Perhaps it was because of that premonition. Words inadvertently escaped her lips.


Moore reacted to the words that escaped his mouth. Rapi, questioned, forgot even the earpick, searching for the right words to say.

"...I feel differently for you. I don't know the reason... but you're different. That's why... I don't want you to die."

Rapi couldn't find the right words to express this "feeling." But it was certain that she, herself, refused the disappearance of the individual known as Shaw Moore from this world, forever.

"...Do you want me to give up? To stop fighting as a human being?"

"...I don't know either. There are times when I think that way about myself. But... there are also times when I want you to fight alongside me."

After much thought, finding the appropriate words remained difficult. She had no choice but to reveal her true feelings. Well, at least the outer ear canal was now clean. Rapi acknowledged this and urged him to show the other ear.

Moore, lying on the sofa, turned his body, exposing his right ear to her this time. He was facing Rapi's abdomen.

"...I won't die so easily. When that time comes, I might die easily, but at least I won't die that easily."

"Yes... That's right... Somehow, I want to believe your words."

"However, I'm aware that I might die easily. The moment I look away, I might truly be gone."


This was his kind of joke. Despite her wish for him to exercise some restraint, once he stated that he might die easily, it should function as a "promise," as far as Rapi was concerned.

"...There's one more thing... If I may be selfish..."

"...Coming from you, that's unusual."

Feeling a slight surprise from him, Rapi sensed a subtle nod from him on her thigh. In response, she stopped cleaning his ears and spoke up.

"...I asked you once before. 'What do we look like to you?' Do you remember what your answer was?"


"...'You look like humans. I can't see anything else.'"


It was a conversation they had shared when Rapi, injured on a mission, had completed her body exchange at Elysion and reunited with Moore on the day she was assigned to this outpost. Both of them remembered every word they had said.

"...Has your answer from that time and your current feelings changed?"

"...Rather, you all appear more human to me than before. Is it unlike a commander operating Nikkes?"

His question, tinged with hesitation, undoubtedly held a mindset far from that of a typical commander, considering common sense.

Rapi felt the same way, but Moore asked the question, and her answer didn't come immediately.

"...No, I think it's still you. Maybe that's why... I want to express my selfishness to remain just as it is... I want you to stay the way you are."

"...Humans are creatures that change. Appearance, thoughts, preferences..."

"...I understand. But... I find myself wanting you to remain as you are now."


He was human. With time, he would naturally age, and his beliefs would change too. Rapi knew well what kind of person Moore, who had fought alongside her, was.

He didn't fear or flinch at Rapture.

Despite losing limbs, his fighting spirit never wavered. He continued to face the enemy and fight. It wasn't just worry; it was more of a kind of envy. She didn't know where this immense fighting spirit and determination came from. Perhaps his underlying kindness was connected to it. His expressions might not be rich, but she could sense his consideration and kindness every day.

Ideally, he, a human, shouldn't participate in combat. But that wasn't what he wanted, and she felt his determination.

What would be the end result of this path he was taking? Surely, he would continue to fight, even if he had to burn his own body. Even if he was crushed and transformed into a prosthetic body, he wouldn't stop fighting.

The future was uncertain. However, the possible sight of such a change surfaced in Lapi's mind and then disappeared.

Even if that happened...

"Please move forward toward your wish. I want to witness it. I want to see what changes your steps will bring to this world."

Like a stone cast into the water creating ripples, would there be some disturbance in the world? Would that disturbance bring change?

At that moment, she couldn't help but feel that he would be at the center of that change.



"In the midst of that change, if your feelings remain the same, if your way of viewing and judging everything from your perspective doesn't change... Anis, Neon, and I will protect you until the end."



Rapi herself hadn't expected to say such things one day. Deep down, she felt a slight tremor, but it wasn't unpleasant. Because, surprisingly, her voice was soft, softer than she thought.

"...Understood. I promise. There's a saying that a leopard can't change its spots. I have confidence that I won't change."

"...Wasn't that phrase used in the sense of 'not changing in a good way'?"

When Moore let out a wry smile, Rapi, too, couldn't help but smile bitterly.

She resumed cleaning his ears, gradually removing the accumulated dirt until they were clean.

This time came to an end. She felt an inexplicable sense of attachment to this moment, even though it was the end.

"It's done."



Realizing there was no response, Rapi gently peeked at him, finding him asleep with faint snores.

He might have been tired. After all, he was mimicking instructors while dealing with Nikkes, who were different in terms of basic physical abilities and agility.

He would probably wake up in a while. Until then, Rapi placed the earpick on the desk and gently stroked his shortly trimmed black hair.

"...Ah... but..."

He had promised. Moore had promised he wouldn't die so easily.

However, eventually, surely, the moment would come when he would die easily.

When that time came, would he accept it calmly, or would he struggle? The former possibility was highly likely.

But surely, it would be terrifying.

When his whole body lost its strength, his vision was enveloped in darkness, and even his hearing became distant. In that moment when he was sealed in eternal darkness, what would he think?

She didn't know what kind of end Moore would face.

However, at that time, she felt an inexplicable desire – she wanted to be there for him, just like this.


Author Notes:

"It's almost Christmas, isn't it?

I don't experience lonely Christmases since I live together with my fiancé (no bragging intended).

As for ear cleaning, my fiancé does it for me (no bragging intended).

I often end up falling asleep (no bragging intended).

—Even when the end comes, I just want to be seen off by the person I love."

NikkeSimp NikkeSimp


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