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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 "The Fiery One."

A gigantic creature sailed under the clouds, its reflective fins and feathers mirroring the starry sky. Its wings were the size of an entire building, its black eyes watching a child stalking it from above. The kid raced behind wearing only white slops fastened around his waist with a pale blue sash. His bare feet splashing in puddles gathered from the rain, his gaze glued to the divine creature as he ran across the street.

The city was covered in gold, from lanterns illuminating the majestic roads to the domes of the palace of Nõv Aeoss.

The boy dismissed the stairs leading downwards and toppled over, smacking his face right on the marble. Bystanders gasped at the sight, they rushed for help when he jumped up, reassuring them with a bloody grin and immediately rushing forward more enthusiastic than before. The bird landed on top of a nearby building, when it saw the boy rising, it dashed to the sky with a shriek.

But the child was stopped once again. His body was lifted in the air as a transparent force field engulfed him. He whined, struggling to break away, the warm force was familiar and it always meant trouble.

"Raziel!" He gave a distressed shout.

Calm steps sounded on the stone brick pavement, a youth paced slowly with hands clasped behind his back, his expressions visible as he got closer to the child. He was not much older than the other, yet his rich attire made him look more mature than he was. He shook his head in a scornful way and his copper-red curls fluttered, then he made a spiralling motion with his finger. The child twirled once and screamed as he was suspended in the air upside-down, his head directly across the other. The pale blue eyes twinkled, watching the kid suffer at his hands.

"Running away again?" His mouth curved in a chilly smile.

The boy trembled at his tone. "No, I didn't, I swear! I was just chasing that bird… It stole, um, my cinnamon bread! Yes! I was in the garden eating and waiting for you when that stupid bird took the bun from my grasp. Such audacity! I had saved the half for you, but it got stolen, so I, um… had to get it back."

The wild bird shrieked and flew away like it was hurt by the claims made against it. Raziel stood with a hardened expression. "Haven't I told you what happens to those who lie?"

Frey remembered the story he had been told countless times. It had caused him disturbing nightmares at nights.

"They are gobbled up by the Reptilians," he said with a heavy heart.

Raziel burst into laughter and dropped the boy to the ground. He whined and glared at the older with big glossy eyes, pouting. The youth crouched down and lifted him in his embrace, Frey did not struggle, instead, he wrapped his arms around his shoulders and buried himself in the crook of his neck as the flowery scent of his hair comforted him.

"Don't try to escape from me, little cub. I will always find you, no matter what."

It was the time of the year when the kingdom of Pyrsa was especially bewitching. Late spring. Not due to the lovely, scorching weather or the rainbows caused by lasting rainfalls. It was the season of the most important holiday of the year. The festival which took place in the capital city Al-Nasima, where the citizens had been planning for the night of the event for months. The night of the last full moon of spring.

The reason for the celebration was the God who helped the emperor Salman the Great reclaim the nation from the Empire of Darosea. In addition to that, the ruler had successfully vanquished many tribal invasions throughout the eighty years of his reign. People felt at peace since the persistent attacks were subjugated time and again with the support of their guardian deity.

The tales of the Heavenborn were particularly popular at this time. Occasionally, a clueless kid would ask why the lead performer of the play held a wooden mug and an elder nearby would begin to tell a story, where once the Great God and King Salman were celebrating their victory with a feast, when the defeated side decided to invade the camp. As they were under attack, the God was too drunk to find his sword and slaughtered hundreds of raiders holding just a beer mug.

The children's eyes sparkled upon hearing the wild tales. Their admiration grew more as they thought the god resembled common people in a lot of ways.

That same God was laying in satin sheets, on a large bed, at the king's palace. He had just woken up when a man in black robes stormed in the room.

"Is there something you wish to tell me?" Soared Yuan.

Frey looked at him, his gaze then turned back to the ceiling. It was round and colourful, decorated with ethnic drawings of animals and human shapes. He noticed the shape of a naked woman holding a basket full of fruit and wondered what the use of that drawing was on a bedroom ceiling.

"It's nothing to worry about," he said.

"Are you losing your powers? You were passed out for hours… Is it because you have been far from heaven's for too long?

"Nonsense." He let out a deep sigh. "I was simply tired."

Yuan sat down next to him, frowning. He plucked a few berries from the platter of fruit next to the bed and tossed them in his mouth.

The palace residents had panicked when they were visited by two Gods out of the blue. Their panic grew more when they saw the dragon King carry the unconscious Heavenborn like a sack of potatoes. In mere seconds they had accommodated him in the biggest room of the palace. The royal physicians had been called, but they could not possibly treat an immortal from another realm. So they decided to provide him with necessary services and wait for him to regain his senses.

Frey suddenly jumped from the bed, nearly giving the other a stroke. His mouth fell open as he sputtered. "I nearly forgot it! That man, we have to find him!" He grabbed Yuan by his shoulders.


"The one at the marketplace, I couldn't hear his thoughts. Humans are unable to block me out, you know that!"

Yuan looked at him unamused. "Were you not powerless and tired?" he said, "he did not have much going on up here anyway," he pointed a finger at his temple.

Frey groaned in exasperation, he released the man and headed towards the window.

The view from the palace was marvellous in any direction. It stood high up on a cliff, overlooking the town's boisterous harbour. Buildings were decorated with long blue ribbons hanging across the streets, granting a luminous appearance to the capital. A seventeen feet tall statue of a man erected at the centre of the town, its marble surface glistened in the sun like it was sopping of oil. The man's physique was robust, his left arm raised, gripping an elegant sword. His other hand clutched a miserable creature by its hair, dragging it at his feet. A golden plaque was attached at the centre of the pedestal, big letters carved upon, shaping the phrase 'The Fiery One'. Yellow flowers climbed upon the base of the monument and enveloped the square in a musky fragrance.

"I understand why you refuse to believe an Empyrean could be scheming against humanity."

The dragon King now munched on an apple, he coughed as he heard the boy's claim.

"Frey… Blaming us without investigating the matter is rather narrow-minded of you. There is no indication in the first place that man's abilities were gifted to him by a God. A lot of mortals these days practice magic. For all we know, there is a spell which enhances a human's body and mind. It is still unclear to us what men are capable of."

Frey rolled his eyes. "Quit hiding your head in the sand. Those so-called sorcerers are just a bunch of charlatans, humans don't have potential for magic. You know that yet you're still trying to rationalize the situation."

The dragon King smiled. "Listen to me, although I do enjoy your creative ways of reasoning, it is better to think wisely. But say you are right, how would a God benefit from such alliance? What could a human possibly offer a us in exchange of heavenly power."

The boy rested at the sill of a window, his leg swaying in the air impatiently as he stared at the sun tucked away in a blanket of clouds.

"You are doubting me," said Yuan.

"Why would I ever doubt you, I can read you like an open book. Would you ever let me in your head if you had dark secrets?"

Yuan was the only God who had never tried to conceal his thoughts from him. He was not apprehensive of his ability and did not distance himself like everyone else.

"Who knows," he answered, "would you deliver me to the Holy Council if I ever betrayed Heaven? If I betrayed you?"

Frey smiled. "Why are you asking me such thing? You know the answer."

A faint sound of knocking came from the entrance, distracting the pair. The dragon King opened the door and his eyes met with a slender woman. She was dressed in a loose tunic reaching the floor, the airy material was adorned with traditional patterns of every colour.

"Pardon my intrusion, your Eminence. I was requested to inform you of Lord Salman's return. His Majesty was notified of your health and wishes to see you directly." She said with her head lowered.

Frey dashed to the doorway and exchanged a few words with the servant.

"Sal came back. He wants to see us." He stated and swiftly pushed Yuan out of the room.

The duo followed the handmaid in silence as their steps resounded through the hall. The glazed tiles were situated in an exquisite fashion, creating astonishing geometric motifs. The walls were decorated in the same patterns, stretching up to the arched ceiling. The palace was refurbished after the king's enthronement eighty years ago, affirming the start of a new period. As the nation grew wealthier by heaven's blessings, the traditional architectural style became more significant, denoting the cosmic symbolisms and the bond between humans and the Empyrean realm. Shortly after, the empire was well-known for its momentous cultivation despite the traumatizing impact of invasions from the surrounding tribes.

The handmaid paused to the side as she bowed her head. The dark wooden gate opened with a thunderous noise, revealing an enormous room. At the centre stood a throne, embellished in jewellery and quilted with amber velveteen. An old man rested at the steps of the dais, his jowly face covered in bruises, strands of silver and black were plaited in a long, messy braid. A good amount of muscle and veins were visible through his thin skin, his sunken eyes focused on the lion laying idly beside him, stroking his mane with fondness. The creature growled and leaped towards Frey, his pale fur waved gracefully as he knocked the boy to the ground and pressed his head on the stone floor with his paw.

"Ow, ow, Asfrid! I'm sorry! I won't leave you again. I promise!" Groaned Frey. He had pleaded for the king to keep Asfrid in the vanguard, if not him. Fortunately, Salman had accepted his proposal, the lion himself had the strength of a hundred soldiers and had crushed the skulls of their enemies as easily as one crushed an ant.

The heavenly creature now watched the boy squirm and stuck his nose in the air. After a moment, he released him and swaggered about in disdain. Salman laughed.

"Your feline companion has just the same temper as you, sprout." The king gave a bitter laugh as the youth ran up to him.

"Don't forget that I am still older than you." Joked Frey. "I learned about the battle, I'm glad that you're safe."

Salman made eye contact with the dragon King and bowed his head.

"Why certainly, contrary to you. It seems even Gods are not invulnerable."

He was right. The Gods were not as invincible as humans made them up to be. But the king did not have to know that now.

"I'm fine… what's more important, Sal, I saw the aftermath. How did their small corps overpower three thousand soldiers?" Frey asked.

The elder lowered his head as he limped towards the throne. He sighed, propping his bearded chin on his hand.

"I admit my decision to leave you behind was wrong, there is no need to point it out."

The boy was silent.

"The Vulzan warriors… they were uncontrollable. As if evil possessed their bodies, like frenzied beasts incapable of feeling pain. If I did not know any better, I would think they were… non-human."

Frey's brows knitted in a frown, he wanted to shout at him, to blame him for not allowing him to fight, but the man had regretted his choice, and he could not watch him suffer any longer. He glanced at Yuan who was taunting the lion in a playful manner. Asfrid laid unbothered, ignoring the man's provoking attempts.

"I encountered someone similar as well… Our duel was quick, but he was capable enough to fight against me. Had it not been for his inferior blade, he might have wounded me."

The king's eyes flashed. "Where is this individual now?"

Frey hesitated for a minute, wondering if he should involve the king in the heavenly matters. "He was killed by his own fellow. That man might still be in town," he said finally. "Send the Lancers in his pursuit, we cannot let him get away." Frey whistled to Asfrid and strode towards the entrance. The lion dashed to his side and disappeared into the hall with his master.

Robin_Sensei Robin_Sensei

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