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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Your not Welcome here so fuck off

(Great Harbor of Lonely Light, Lonely Light, Iron Islands, Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Urrigon Redjoy POV)


Well shit.

Of all the batshit crazy and stupid fuckers to come to his port it just had to be Euron the Crow's Eye.

But Euron was not gonna step foot on Lonely Light. Or rather if he did his life was forfeit. The Law was clear, if an Ironborn was exiled never to return came and stepped foot on anything within the boundaries of Ironborn Borders their life was forfeit.

It might get him sent straight to Hell but he'd gladly kill Euron if it meant a cleaner war. Besides...Euron was a Child Molester. That alone was just cause to take his head. Thrall children could be molested freely, but molesting any Ironborn Child especially your own kin was considered a death sentence worthy offense.

Trouble is he couldn't do jack shit unless he stepped on the Dock. Euron's ship had a dozen Scorpions trained on it, but Urrigon wasn't willing to fire until Euron disembarked.

He wasn't willing to because in all honesty would anyone else be able to sleep peacefully and soundly in the belief Euron died with his ship?

Euron is probably the only one who would survive that if only to give his would be killer a death by heart attack or sheer terror.


''Beloved Nephew!'' Euron calls out swaggering down the gangway to the dock.

''Your not welcome here, so fuck off.''

''Don't be like that Nephew. We're family.'' Says Euron Dramatically.

''No, we aren't.'' Raising his hand he flicks his wrist and the Scorpions fire. Furthermore arrows hit Euron in his legs, having been fired from crack Archers.

''Your memory is bad Crow's Eye. You were exiled never to return on pain of death. You were safe until you stepped foot on my dock. Lonely Light is Ironborn Territory, that includes our harbor and docks. In the name of Balon Greyjoy, Son of the Sea Wind, Lord Reaper of Pyke, and the Last King of Salt and Rock, I strip you of all authority and privileges as an Ironborn and Sentence you to die.''

''I demand A Trial by Combat!'' Says Euron.

''Technically you have no leagal authority or right to invoke that. However, you are a stain on My Father's Honor. Therefore you and I will battle to the death, and the site of that battle will be the ruins of Grey King's Hall.'' Says Urrigon.

''You would be a Kinslayer?'' Euron asks with a wolfish grin.

''You stopped being a Greyjoy long before you were exiled...and in any case, I am LORD REDJOY!!!!'' Urrigon declares as his worldview begins to darkne and fade away.


With a crash Urrigon awoke on a coldsweat. He gingerly approached the table drinking some sea water before he began trying to make sense of what he dreamt.

He dreamt of Missandei and her dreaming before he confronted Euron.  What happened next was a mystery.

But the interpretation was clear enough.

Euron wanted something, because why else would he risk returning so much sooner than in Cannon? His visions had long been attributed to the Drowned God, in fact the Younger Priests called him The Man with the Grey King's Eyes. For he saw visions with distinct clarity, and throughout his formative years underwent daily drownings.

This vision changed matters, unfortunately it didn't make them any easier. But it did give him an opportunity to take advantage of.

''Guards!'' Urrigon barked causing his Four Guards at his door to enter.

''Get the Maester. The Drowned One has spoken, and Lord Balon must be informed.


(POV Shift: Asha Greyjoy)


She was unable to stay in Pyke much longer, her pregnancy was becoming dificult to hide. She knew in her heart that the father was Urrigon, especially after he practically gelded her last lover.

Qarl had the misfortune of being nicknamed Qarl the Maid. Something that would stick for his remaining lifetime.

The two got into an argument regarding her, which quickly escalated into Urrigon having Qarl tarred with Pitch and put in a Feather dress before being strung up and hung by his ankles from the mast of Uncle Victarian's Flagship Iron Victory. At first light after cleaning up ad best he could, Qarl had quickly demanded an honor Duel to first blood to reclaim his dignity.

Sadly for him as a Lowborn Bastard of Salt Son Ancestry, the Law favored Urrigon. Urrigon was a Salt Son true, but he had been both legitimized and recognized as a Lord and Captain in his own right. Qarl was a Deckhand at best.

Urrigon swiftly accepted but only on the condition that if Qarl lost he would  never be allowed to Captain an Ironborn ship unless Urrigon allowed it.

Qarl accepted and swiftly lost as Urrigon drew blood from Qarl's crotch. His Cock had been severed within seconds of the Duel starting.

Later she'd learned from Qarl that Urrigon had intimated he'd deflowered her. Effectively goading him into the fight.

When Asha confronted Urrigon he didn't deny it, and after a couple slaps and punches she was on the floor being mounted by Urrigon.

That was when the child had been conceived.

And honestly Urrigon was the only person she could reliably get moon tea from without a risk of word getting out.

And he'd already left for Lonely Light, the Journey to which alone amounted to two months if the whether was good and it was long advised against for Women to take Moon tea to abort a pregnancy at any later than two months.

Asha wasn't a fool, she knew that Urrigon detested Pyke and refused to sleep with her at Pyke. So by leaving her without an available source of Moon tea with no questions asked he was punishing her for putting their secret relationship at risk.

Of course she was admittedly still carrying the baby just to spite him back.

But now she had no choice but to sail for Lonely Light on the pretext of joining Urrigon for a Raid. The Black Wind would go but not under her command.


(POV Shift: Aeron ''Dhamphair'' Greyjoy)


A Raven came.

Urrigon Redjoy had spoken of a new vision.

Euron was coming.

He asked permission to invoke a trial by Combat and take Euron's head.










There was not a day that went by where he didn't regret not having had the foresight to properly recognize the boy as his son before renouncing everything and everyone in his life to serve the Drowned God, especially considering his prophetic visions. This regret was only further enhanced with the knowledge that the whelp detested Pyke, which by all the laws of Westeros and the Ironborn Priesthood he had a Strong Claim to.

Urrigon had all the hallmarks of a Great King. A Brilliant Strategist, Expert Administrator, Cunning Whisperer, and Blessed Acolyte. His mind was especially quick, genius level. His body was stronger than most, both in its vitality and physical strength.

His strength was estimated to be as strong as at least ten Umber Men, if not stronger still. His vitality left him highly resistant to Illness and injury, and in the rare instances he did sustain an injury or fall ill it was a quickly solved matter.

His skills in Battle was by far his greatest asset. He was a Genius among geniuses. He was an expert at reading the terrain, flanking an enemy, and Organizing his men. He was also an expert Duelist.

His daily drownings marked him as especially pious. He always Drowned himself first before making a sacrifice.

All these separately marked a key Council member, all of them together marked a Great King.

Even Balon could see it, if his drunken bemoaning of a Greenlander turned Son were any sort of indication to go by.

But Euron needed to be dealt with, and who better than the Next Great King of Salt and Rock?

Theon had spent too long amongst the Greenlander's. Though admittedly his faith was likely unchanged. Say what you will about the the Northerners and their Forest Gods, but at least they don't expect anyone they met to instantly worship there God's and if someone doesn't then they don't try and convert them.

It was that understanding of boundaries in faith that made any truly pious Ironborn have some respect for the Northerners.

And Euron was as blasphemous as they come. House Greyjoy would have been better off if only someone had haf the foresight to have killed Euron in his cradle.


(POV Shift: Balon Greyjoy)


Victarian's Scowl was matched by his own.

''How sure is the Whelp? He's never been wrong before, but this needs total certainty.'' Balon asks Aeron.

''More sure than he said he'd like to be. Euron is coming back, but for what is anyone's guess. Urrigon says he'll stop at Lonely Light, and asks permission to have Euron detained and transfered to Old Wyk for a Trial by Combat within the ruins of Grey The King's Hall.'' Says Aeron, no less happy about his childhood abusers impending return than his two older brothers.

''Greyjoy blood runs in all of us, but Urrigon severed familial ties when we named him Redjoy. Aeron, does the Faith agree there will be no stain of Kinslaying?''

''Yes.'' Says Aeron simply.

''Then it falls to you Victarian, have the site prepared and inform the chief Lord-Captains of the impending summit to soon be called. When Euron comes I want all the Isles to see the man who removed the sword that is our brother from our arrest.'' Says Balon dismissing his brothers as he did.

Urrigon Redjoy...

Balon didn't like much, but he liked his nephew, he was everything Balon's own father Quellon hadn't been and much much more.

There was one fault that Balon saw in his nephew. The babe he'd put in Asha's Belly. Though uncommon, it was typically a Salt Daughter who married a Son of Rock and got a babe in her belly, not a Salt Son to a Rock Daughter.

They liked to think no one else knew, but Balon knew and had known for several years. He hadn't caused a ruckus over it because he needed to know whether or not Theon was more Tree Fucker than Ironborn after his sojourn in The North as Lord Stark's esteemed guest and ward.

If Theon proved more willing to pay the Gold Price than the Iron Price then at the snap of his fingers Urrigon Redjoy would be next in line for the Seastone Chair and a Driftwood Crown and a victory over Euron would go a very long ways into supporting his claim in the Kingsmoot that would take place at Balon's death.

The only question in Balon's mind was whether or not Urrigon Redjoy was a Kraken to the bone and not just in the blood. After all, only a Kraken would truly rule the Ironborn, be it Greyjoy or Redjoy, both were Blood, but the question was whether or not they were blood, flesh, and bone as well as just Close Kin.....

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