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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Home Of The Blues

Now I can explain present day

October 25, 2022

I'm in Aileen's home as she lives in a Lanier apartment as she lived on the second floor.It's about 2:34 pm as I was cooking up some bacon and French fries.I was making both at the same time as I had music playing, I was playing "On The Road Again " by Bob Dylan, it was entertaining.I see out the kitchen window, Aileen walking towards the house as a man somewhat harassing her.It's right below me as I see her struggling to open the apartment front gate door.

"Hey you okay down there ?" I asked as she was me in relief as the man said "aye you fuck off you piece of shit !"

He slurred his speaking as it seemed he was either drugged or drunk out of his mind.I had the bacon out of the pan ad it's filled with it's bacon grease and it was steaming.Aileen finally got in as the man stood outside and said "alright fuck you bitch …" she flipped him off on the way in as he stood outside the building laughing.

I quickly got the pan full of hot grease as I threw it out the window and on to him as I remarked

"Fuck me huh ?- take a bath you filthy fuck !"

It poured all over him as he screeched it felt burning in the moment as he jumped and looked up as I said "I got more if you want some you bitch !"

He was furious but still in pain as he said

"Ahh that fucking hurt you dick …. "

I was laughing as I said

"I got more if you don't fuck off !" I acted it like I was getting more as he was frightened by this ad he stormed off.

I then peaked out the window to see him leave in a hurry, I was dying of laughter as Aileen walked into the home.The song had now changed to "That's All I Am To You " by The Animals.She then scoffed at this as she said "again to the 60s ?" I put the pan back on the stove as I went over and kissed her and replied "oh shut up- you know you like it …"

She put her purse on the couch as she was in work uniform; she was working as a waitress in a diner nearby.

She sat on the living room couch in tiredness as she turned on the tv.I went back to cooking as I was nearly finished, just had three strips of bacon left.I cleaned up fast as I got the batch of French fires out and onto a plate; quick multitasking.I got a rag and cleaned ant grease around the stove area.I now poured out the pot for the fries and put it in the sink as I only had to focus on the bacon.

Aileen was watching Grey's Anatomy as she loved the show; I never was fond of it.I flipped the bacon as the song played so beautifully; I just can't get enough of this band.

"So how was work ?" I asked as she said

"Oh same old shit, being nice for tips and always arguing with this bitch -"

We both said in sync


She smiled and said

"Yes, that bitch always thinking she's the manager like no you ain't- we both work the same job …."

I laughed as she kept going

"This fucking drunk guy earlier in the morning, kept yelling the Murphy family never dies you cunts !, sounded Irish or something….anyways he got into a fight with one of the people in the parking lot -"

She kept talking and talking as I wasn't listening I just focused on her face and way of presenting herself when speaking.I really do love everything about this woman.

"And can you believe the cops started fighting these Murphy guys ..,"

She said this as this did get my attention

"No way, who won ?" She laughed as said

"Obviously the cop, he tased them and -" again she kept speaking but I was hypnotized with her looks.

It was like this for a brief moment as she got up and yelled out

"Sid ! The bacons burning !"

I finally snapped out of it as I hurried over but she got in there faster and got them out of the pan and onto the plate with the others.She turned off the flame and put the pan to clean it fast.

"I really don't know how you'll live without me man .." she said jokingly as I replied

"Well I think I could be doing alright …"

I got the two plates onto the kitchen table as I separated to make it for two.

"Yea we'll nearly burned the house down …" she finished up cleaning as then she washed and dried her hands.

"It was just burnt bacon Aileen, don't think I'm discovering fire here …." I remarked as she went and sat with me on the kitchen table.She felt stubborn at this comment as she saw her plate ready as she started eating.The tv still faced us as she watched and ate as I did too but I was watching her; just can't get my eyes her.

I had began to remember this like it was our third date we had, I remember the order in labels.First was Wendell park, second was Griffith park, third was the movies at the nearby movie theater.This place could care less if you bring in snacks so I went overboard.

September 12, 2022

A 50s looking interior with a modern decor and a vintage sign that had up to date films screening.We we're in the parking lot of the theater as she waited for me inside as I looked through this black trash bag I brought.

"Sid are you sure we can go in with this stuff ?" She asked me as I knotted the bag up.

"Yes I'm sure, I've done this multiple times before .."

I replied as I got out of the car and took a breather as I waited for Aileen to get out.She sighed as she got out and locked all doors with her keys.

We started walking in as she muttered " this is so stupid" I held the door for her like the gentleman I was as she got the tickets out on her phone.We got up to the booth as they scanned our tickets.

"Okay, auditorium 5, all the down to the left …"

Said the employee as we walked by her, I played it off calmly as it wasn't out of the ordinary.

We walked inside as this night that chose was playing a throwback; it was showing E.T.

We got up to our seats in the back, S12 and S13.

"This is fun ain't it ?" I asked her as the movie is starting up soon.Her small embarrassment and disappointment went away after getting to our seats as she began to smile.

I got the bag open as I looked at afar I brought; a box of chocolates, four sodas, some potato chips and some cookies.The lights dimmed as the night was starting to be in my favor.

As the film played, we were devouring the food as I turn over to her going in the chocolates.She ate them like she'd just gotten her sense of taste.She jokingly said "cough !" A bit loud as she snapped open the soda can; it was hilarious.She drank a sip as she got back to a quick combo of potato chips and chocolates.I couldn't believe to be so mesmerized at a person eating I had my eyes of the screen for minutes now.I only turned back to when people started laughing.

I looked back at the screen as I laughed along, Aileen slowly put her head on my shoulder as I felt comfort.I gave no care to the movie now I just had a small love for these little moments.Back to present time, I see her eating that burnt bacon in such barren resilience.I still smile as I smiled then but I don't understand how such things can give me joy.

"Hey you gonna be okay tonight, imma go to work at 9…" she asked as I said

"Yea I'll be fine, why ?"

She shrugged as she continued to eat, this confused.The room was left silent yet her chewing was obnoxiously loud.

"Hey can you keep that- keep that down a bit …" I said softly as she was confused and asked

"What you do mean, me eating ?"

I sighed as I can see how that sounded redundant; "yes we'll kind of it's just a bit loud …."

She had a surprised look as that eyebrow piercing jumped; "oh well I apologize for being human …"

She ate in a louder and aggressive tone as I feel bad and annoyed.

"No no- it's not what meant- hmmm; I'm sorry…forget I said anything …."

I said as she remarked

"Oh I hope do …"

She was glued to the tv as what she said really touched me, I felt deeply impatient.I sighed in disgust as the room remained silent again.

This was the rest of night just pure silent, when we went to bed in our room it was nothing but her on her phone and me on mine.It's not the phones fault because we usually talk to each other show each other funny videos but not tonight.We're both too stubborn to give up this little game.

November 1, 2022

A week passed as I sat in the living room as I had a beer in hand.I watched ChinaTown as I hear yelling and banging in the room; I know what it is.Aileen is arguing with me on this as she makes a mess in the room and curses me out.I don't think she understands that the mess she makes and things she breaks is the all in the comfort of her home.

"I mean you really ain't shit you little pussy !" She yelled as she had the bedroom door open so I could hear her louder.I don't get itched by the comments but I just hope she doesn't

"I mean Christ what would your parents think …!"

There it is, she did it; she sparked the debate.I got up as I nonchalantly slammed the beer bottle at the kitchen wall.She heard it and jumped but she didn't change her angered attitude.I walked towards the room as she noticed and quickly looked the door on me.

"What's the matter now, you wanted this; you want have a god damn screaming match !" I yelled as I started banging on the door.

"Go away !" She yelled as I replied

"Why, why would I go, didn't you want this ?"

I said in a soft voice as she unlocked the door I mean Christ why is so idiotic to this.I opened it as she let out a little yell as she ran to the corner of the room as I jumped.I got up close to her as we we're face to face, the heavy breathing took up the silence.

You can hear the tv from the living room as she said laughingly "go ahead, hit me ….hit me-" I got my hand and put it over her mouth to muffle her.I was angry I really was but I didn't release.

"I told you multiple times, don't you talk about my parents- ever !" I yelled this a she jumped but I kept her still.

"You're not worth the energy it takes to slap you …" I said as I let go of her and walked out of the room, I punched the wall aside us on the way out.

She dragged herself down on the floor as she started to cry as she yelled out

"Get out of my house !" I ignored it as I laughed at that thought.I went into the kitchen to get another beer out of the fridge and went back to sit on the living room to continue watching the film.

Her yells and pleading just disappeared as all I could see is the scene of Jack Nicholson getting jumped by two guys as one pulls out a switchblade.You May wonder why Aileen is so mad and why she goes out of her way to make others mad.Well tonight's reason was I don't give enough attention which I can fully understand if she didn't have such a flirtatious attitude.

Yesterday we went to a bar with a friend couple she knows as we were seated and having a good time.She does her usual limit of two shots and she's done and I do my usual of four shots and two more for good luck.

"You guys should really look into an air fryer …" said her friend Janice.I hated these two, oh good old Janice and Ross; such a saint of a couple.Bullshit, Ross always had that generosity in life and Janice always had that bitchy attitude.I don't I know much about only that they knew Aileen in high school and have been friends every since.

What I found odd which Aileen said to me before we got to the bar is her and Ross dated in high school but separated on good terms and a week later Janice swoops in and gets with him.Such an odd thing, her best friend gets with the guy she was just with; I don't know why she's tell me they dated but she did.Maybe she wanted a reaction out of me but I didn't care much of it now.

While we drank and conversed I could see Aileen giving Ross this look.The type of look that could get you killed if it ends well.The conversation changed to talking about kinks which I found interesting.

"So Ross you still into choking ?" Asked Aileen randomly as it made Ross choke on his drink for a minute as Janice laughed and answered for him.

"Ha, yea …." She said as she showed her neck a bit to see marks of his hands.The two laughed and gave a small giggle as Ross felt embarrassed.

"I mean it's nice but it's not like the shit you'd be into Aileen, you crazy bitch- No offense …"

Janice just couldn't keep her mouth shut as Aileen looked uncomfortable as I was curious and asked "what is she into ?"

The room felt unsettled as Ross looked uncomfortable as well as I could see he knew.

"Aye it's not business to say man just know, invest in candles or some good deodorant to get rid of the smell ….hehe …" when Janice said this I kept trying to wonder what it was as I noticed Ross give a little laugh.Aileen felt annoyed as she said

"Alright just drop it, let's forget about that okay ?"

I pushed it as I said

"Na what we were just getting go something exciting come on, what is it ? I'm interested now …"

They all laughed as Aileen is laughing out of embarrassment

"Oh my god, I'm really living my worst life right now " said Aileen with a smile as I said

"What it can't be that bad, I don't kink shame man …"

Janice then said

"Well how about this Sid, you say yours and maybe she'll say her huh ?"

Janice looked at Aileen as to see their reactions looked confused.I felt disturbed by this now as I don't really have such a weird kink or I don't see it as weird.

"Uh, okay ….but you promise you'll say yours ?" I asked as she nodded her head.I Leaned in closer around the room as I cleared my throat,

"Alright….I'm- I have an….I have get aroused towards clowns…." This made them laugh as Aileen seemed shocked.Aileen smacked my arm as I was stunned,

"You weirdo …" she said laughingly as Ross asked

"Clowns, I mean what about it attracts you ?"

I felt annoyed at Ross's presence but I showed pity to his question.

"Well I don't know, probably the makeup and how they act is what gets me, I don't know just seems hot…"

This made the two ladies laugh as Ross actually felt fascinated at this.

"Well now you know what to do Aileen …" said Janice as they laughed even more as I asked

"Okay now what is yours, come on you said you would ?"

Aileen looked to try to dodge the question as Janice and I somewhat pushed her to admit.

"Okay okay !….and don't look at me weird please, I try not to let no one know ….."

I was on the edge of my seat as she said one word which still sticks with me now.

"Vomit …." I never heard something do grotesque yet so mysterious, and I mean mysterious in the sense it's a mystery that someone could feel some type of way for such a disgusting satisfaction.

" You said Vomit, like puke …." I asked as she kept repeating, "yes " to each thing I'm about to ask.

"Like getting puked on ?"

"Puking on someone ?"

"Like liquid and solid vomit ?"

She laughed at each as she kept answering it with yes and I just was more baffled.To what I found out a few days later from Janice is Ross broke up with her because of this.

"Alright a third shot sounds nice right now …" she said as she called upon the bartender for another.

"Alright that's your last okay honey ? " said Janice as the another round was brought.

I was still processing what I've heard about my dream girl as we each got a shot in a our hand.Ross went for a toast as he said

"To discovering …." We all cheered to that as I we all took our drink and I just couldn't stop looking at Aileen.I guess there is a catch to love and I can't explain how insane such pleasure can expand.

Play along with as me as we get back to present time.

I slept slowly on the couch as I awoke to Aileen standing in front of me with a Kitchen Knife in hand as she was breathing rapidly.

"What are you doing darling ?" I asked as I kept my cool to rattle her.

"I don't like you anymore …." She said as I asked

"What are you talking about, of course you do …"

She kept shaking her head slowly as she cried out

"No I don't, I don't- I want you out !"

She yelled like a siren and I felt more awake; I got up as she jumped and aimed the knife at me.

I slowly approached her as each step made her back sets until she couldn't no longer.

"So I don't leave….what you gonna do- kill me ? Stab me ?" I asked as she was pushed against the wall now as I was two feet away from her.She still aimed it as I approached slower.

"You're crazy !" She said as I laughed and back away when I see her raise the knife higher.

"I'm crazy, you're the one with a knife at me and I'm crazy; does that sound normal to you ?"

I asked as she walked up to me now, I can't lie I was intrigued.

"You know how insane you look right now, I mean look in the mirror- see what crazy is …" I said as I pointed at the mirror framed to the wall of the living room.She looked as she shook a bit, I see my chance to disarm her as she got her eyes off me and let her guard down.

I pounced as she reacted too slowly, I got the knife of her as I threw it into the kitchen.

"Ahh !" She yelled out as I tackled her slowly to the ground.You hear the thuds and the groaning as she tried to fight back now.I let her have her little slaps on my face and scratches as I got her hands and had her tamed for the moment.

"Baby….baby !….just stop right now please … baby please …. " I said as she was very upset as I added on,

"Look look just breathe, now breathe Aileen….you know I love you …"

She started to breathe slowly as she said it back,

"Oh, I love you too… I love you too …"

I laughed as she laughed,

"What you say ?" I asked as she repeated it,

"I said I love you …"

We started to make out as we kept repeating it,

"I love you I love you I love you …"

We got up as I carried her to our bedroom as we kept repeating those three words; we meant it too.

I threw her on the bed as she giggled and said

"Come on now !" I jumped on her as I felt such a rush from this, I felt so alive.I could've been stabbed right now but instead I'm fucking the shit out of her.We both share groans and moans as she whispered

"Ohhh, vomit on me…" I was confused at the request as I asked "ahh, what ?"

As motion kept going she said it again but louder,

"Oh vomit on me !, ahhh …." I stopped as I got her off me.

"The fuck !" I reacted as I got off the bed and lifted my pants and boxers back up.She was furious and laughed as she said

"Oh what happened to not kink shaming you hypocrite…."

I was appalled at the thought as I said

"I'm not shaming I'm just not gonna play along….I think I got to get used to it ….can't just rush into it ...."

She was laying on the bed and I felt so destructive as she gave a deathly look.Those damn eyes getting me again as I quickly lowered my pants and boxers again as I said

"Alright, let's try it …" I pounced on her again as she giggled even more.

A minute went by as I asked

"So how do I do it… ahhh …."

Each thrust was even more questioning as she said

"Just vomit on my chest- come on baby just do it …."

I felt disgusted but I just went for it, I put my fingers down my throat but I gagged.She quickly got both her hands on my face as we locked eyes; I was hypnotized.

"I love you baby …" she said as my jaw dropped for a moment, she took her shot.

She quickly put three of her fingers down my throats as I quickly let out a little puke.I missed and vomited it on her sheets.

"Oh god you missed …" she said as I was shocked and said "oh fuck …."

She then grabbed my face as she said

"That urge is free now, let it out- come on I know you gotta vomit some more…give it to me …."

She wasn't wrong.

I stopped myself from it as I let it burst out I vomited all over her chest and even some or her neck.I quickly apologized as she was loving each moment of it,

"No don't, oh I love it all …..I love you !"

I felt the friction gripping more as I was about finish, I tried to pull out but this woman was keeping me locked in.

"Give it to me all now ….."

I let out a groan of relief as she let out a cry of joy, I finished.I laid on top of her as our climax had ended and I felt disgusted with myself.

"Oh that great …" she said as we just laid there like two animals resting.

"Oh….goodnight …." She said jokingly as we both fell asleep in that moment.

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