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Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Plotting

Time Unknown 'Watch Tower, Outer Space:

The league members where gathered and sat around a large oval shaped table with all their gazes fixated on the three guests who sat at the far end of the table. These where of course the members of Leviathan. Harley was carefree despite the tense atmosphere and even leaned back into her chair and set her feet on the table.

Dr.Veritas sat elegantly with her chin resting upon her right hand. Arias seemed to be carefree as well as he just sat their relaxed in his chair but in actuality he was in deep in thought. He was quietly listening to a faint lovely voice in his mental space.

'Ari how did you know they would agree to the terms of the truce so easily? From what I can observe they seem prideful and unbending. My first thought was fear which is what most beings would feel when faced with someone more powerful than them but all I sense from these beings is caution,curiosity and pride still'.

Arias remained quiet on the outside while he too expressed his thoughts to Àpeiro.

'To be honest Àpeiro it was a gamble, you can never be really sure how someone will react. Batman is a very smart man, he most likely agreed to this truce so he could better monitor us and try to find out our weaknesses if any in the process, basically he thinks he he's in control'.

Àpeiro listened to Arias's words carefully before adding on.

'I see. Oh it seems they are ready to break the silence , I'll leave you be for now'

The lovely voice began to fade after saying what Arias thought was playful remark.

'Huh? seems at least one of us is growing in more ways than one. But I can't really relax till I know I won't need to worry about the league pestering me. Antagonizing them would be a waste of my time as I doubt they'd give up easily if I directly become a threat. Unless...'

Arias inwardly sighed before turning his attention to the members of the league as the meeting began.

"First I think some introductions are in order, you already seem to know of all the members of the league so I think if this alliance is to work out you need to tell us exactly who are"

As he spoke Superman had his eyes on Dr. Veritas who had defeated him during the carrier rescue. The other members nodded to his statement in unison before turning their gazes towards the trio at the far end.

Harley decided to go first and stood up facing the members of the league.

"Harley Quinn at ya service or if you wanna be formal about it Dr.Harleen Frances Quinzel. I was born o-".

Before she could continue Batman cut her off.

"We already know everything there is to know about you Harley no need for an introduction".

Harley simply shrugged and sat back down.

"Fine. Not like that's creepy or anything."

She said sarcastically while putting her feet back on the table.

Dr.Veritas stood up next. Most members of course recognized her already, she was after all the mysterious genius billionaire scientist who seemed to come out of nowhere. Batman tried to trace her origins but it was like she didn't exist before publishing her theories and ideas.

"My name is Dr. Shay Veritas , I come from-"

Dr. Veritas summarized her origins and achievements from prime earth leaving out only the part of betraying Kara and finishing with how Arias rescued her from the anomaly that brought her here. Since she came from a different earth, there was very little anyone could do regarding information about her.

Her beauty aside what really caught people's attention was her achievements which reflected just how much of a genius she was.Just as Dr.Veritas was about to take her seat once more Superman spoke.

"I guess I owe you a great deal where you come from. Thank you".

Dr. Veritas let out a smile before shaking her head.

"Seems you're still the same even here Kal-El". After speaking she sat back down and turned to Arias, as did everyone else.

Arias let out a small sigh before standing up while all gazes where fixated on him.

"My name is Arias Adriel, I do not remember most of my origins, one day I just seemed to exist. Darkness was the only thing that surrounded me almost endlessly. When I finally found a way out from it I ended up here".

Arias statement caused puzzled looks from even his teammates as this was the first time he properly talked about his origins. However, Àpeiro couldn't help but comment on Arias's introduction.

'I'm not sure wether to be flattered you chose to use my origins or upset that you used it as your cover story'.

The lovely voice inside Arias's mental space returned to complain. Arias however explained his reasoning.

'You did say we are one so your origins are my origins right?'.

After giving an answer that would make even the soviets proud. Àpeiro could only 'Hmph!' before her presence went as quick as it came.

"And what is your goal?"

Asked the ever investigative Batman. Arias responded almost immediately with confidence.

"To find my purpose".

Questions where asked and answered for the next 30 minutes then after it was finally over Batman stood up to speak.

"Since we're going to be allied for sometime I have a proposition for you Arias. A while back we formed a team completely made up of our protégés. I want to offer you a place there as a co leader, who knows this may be the purpose you're looking for. It should help since you are not that much older than them."

Arias feigned ignorance when asked his age. Dr.Veritas had estimated he was around 17-21 earth years possibly. Arias smirked inwardly at Batman's offer.

'He makes it sound like he wants to help me but he simply wants those protégés of there's to keep an eye on me while also keeping me away from the league and their matters. The co leader thing is just a formality because he can already guess I won't take orders. And should I refuse it will contradict my earlier statement regarding my goal. Hahahaha...well that's Batman for you.'

Seeing as arias was thinking about it Batman continued to speak.

"You are of course free to take your own missions, you're not bound. The terms of the truce are to not interfere with how you do things within limits of course".

'No need to make it sound sweater that it is Bruce. Although not how I would have liked to keep the league busy as project New Haven proceeds, this will work just fine. If I showed to be too strong then they'd pull all stops to get in my way which would affect my project. But by agreeing to a truce, it shows them that we may not be able of facing them all together. It's best to let them continue to think like this for now.'

After pretending he was contemplating the offer for a bit he responded Arias responded.

"I accept the role, like you said could be my purpose so why not. It'll also be nice to make some friends maybe".

Arias showed a bright genuine smile which Harley and Dr. Veritas didn't think possible. But knowing his ways, they both didn't show any reaction to it. Batman nodded then turned to Dr.Veritas and Harley.

"As for you two they ar-".

He was cut off by Dr.Veritas who began to speak as well.

"No need I already have a focus. As you may already know am currently overlooking the construction of New Haven island a Sanctuary for metas/aliens to live and learn without having to worry about being kidnapped, experimented on or judged by society and as for Harley she'll be assisting me in the project so you need not concern yourself with us. Should you need my assistance that is something you'll have to ask Arias first as we already have an understanding in place between us."

And with that the meeting had come to an end.After giving Arias a designation which grants access to league comms and zeta-tubes he told them when to expect him to check with the team and left with Harley and Dr.Veritas back to the Citadel via warp rings.

"Batman are you sure that was a wise decision".

Wonder Woman feeling uncomfortable with the choice voiced her worries to which Batman explained his reasoning and it was slightly different from what Arias had initially thought.

Batman reasoned that they did allow many members into the league with only just a background check and he further reasoned that although his way of fighting was brutal none of them could say they have never badly injured a foe to which no one argued. He ended by saying it was better to have him on there side than against , he already knew there identities and showed his very capable in a fight and most importantly if what he said about Darkseid is true they'd need all the help they could get.

Meanwhile Back at the Citadel Arias told Harley and Dr.Veritas to start gathering residents for New Heaven island and give those capable management roles. Dr. Veritas agreed and said she'd start recruitment of residents as soon as possible before construction of the main building was complete. Before walking away she explicitly told him she expects him at the grand opening with a speech ready as a co founder of the island. Arias could only sigh as he watched her walk away dragging Harley along with her who only yelled "See ya later Sir!" Before they went down to the labs.

Left on his own Arias's thoughts wandered and he soon heard the ever so familiar voice in his head comment what she thought.

'She chose to sound vague over what relationship you two hold to give the league a zero chance of trying to offer something better than whatever your understanding ensues while also showing you her loyalty towards you. You where right about this woman's value Arias, her capability to think of the best possible route in mere seconds is truly impressive'

Àpeiro's lovely voice in his mind commented.

Arias let out a small chuckle before shaking his head.

'I'm more impressed by how you're able to read people and situations so easily. Despite your origins, it's impressive all the same. You are really unfathomable I sometimes forget just how amazing you are'

Àpeiro's tone sounded slightly upset as she replied to Arias.

'You forget that it is no longer just me but "us" no longer just I but "we". Whatever achievements I gain are yours as well and whatever difficulties you encounter are mine as well. come you've never shown me a real smile before?'

Arias was left speechless for a moment before he let out the most genuine smile he's ever showed in this world.

'Sorry you're right I won't forget again and for the record just know that your woes are my woes as well'.

The lovely voice went silent for a bit as if stunned before finally speaking.

"A-and your foes are my foes...."

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