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Chapter 3: Chapter Three

Freya was sat alone in the limousine, waiting for her cue to exit the car and walk the red carpet at the charity event.

Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the upcoming auction and the mystery of who the winning bidder for her date would be.

Despite being used to the flashing lights and camera clicks, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of nervousness about the event.

The limousine driver called out, signalling her turn to make her entrance.

Stepping out of the car, Freya was instantly engulfed in a flurry of photographers trying to capture her every move. She gracefully posed and smiled, becoming a picture of poise amidst the chaotic scene.

As she made her way down the red carpet, she noticed familiar faces among the crowd, mingling with other celebrities and high-profile personalities.

Freya skillfully navigated through the small talk and incessant questions from reporters, revealing just enough to maintain her enigmatic charm without revealing too much of her personal life.

Inside the venue, the atmosphere was electric with excitement. Politicians, celebrities, and famous influencers adorned the space, dressed in their finest attire.

Freya exchanged polite greetings with her acquaintances and made a few obligatory conversations before wandering around to greet both familiar and unfamiliar faces.

However, despite the glamour surrounding her, Freya couldn't shake off a lingering feeling of detachment.

As the night progressed, Freya found herself drawn to a corner of the venue where a beautiful display of artwork was exhibited. Lost in thought, she admired the paintings, seeking solace amidst the dazzling crowd.

It was at that moment that a gentle voice interrupted her contemplation. "These paintings truly capture the essence of beauty, don't they?"

Turning to face the speaker, Freya was met with a tall and well-built old man, his eyes filled with genuine admiration for the art. She couldn't help but be intrigued by his presence.

Smiling, Freya replied, "Yes, they do. I couldn't agree more. I'm Freya, by the way."

The man returned her smile warmly. "Arthur," he introduced himself.


The live broadcast of the charity ball was in full swing, with the news reporter overseeing the entire event and introducing each celebrity and guest as they made their way down the red carpet.

The venue was abuzz with excitement as the attendees showcased their stunning outfits and mingled with fellow celebrities.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the prestigious Athena Charity Auction!!" the news reporter announced with enthusiasm. "We have a star-studded lineup tonight, with famous faces from the world of politics, entertainment, and philanthropy. Let's take a moment to admire the dazzling appearances of our esteemed guests!"

As the camera panned across the crowd, the viewers at home were treated to a parade of glamorous outfits and elegant attires. The live comments section on the streaming platform exploded with reactions.

fast_and_the_curious: "Wow, look at those dresses! So chic!"

HairyPoppins: "I wish I could attend events like this. Jealous!"

Fedora_the_explorer: "Did you see that entrance? Epic!"

username_copied: "Who else is here for Freya? She's a goddess!"

With only twenty minutes left before the auction began, the atmosphere grew even more charged.

People were being escorted to the theatre where the auction would take place. The news reporter continued to interview some of the attendees, gaining insights into their thoughts about the charity ball and the causes they supported.

Oprahwindfury: "Can't wait to see what's up for auction! So many valuable items!"

Suck_my_popsicle: "I'm here to watch my favourite celeb! Go, Freya!"

Good-Samaritain: "This event is for such a great cause. Happy to be a part of it!"

As the anticipation built, the live broadcast switched to show the reactions of viewers at home. The live comments section turned into a whirlwind of emotions.

Pirateking: "OMG! That dress is to die for! 💖"

I-Love_food: "Who else is hoping for a surprise performance tonight?"

Thegodfatherpart4: "Can someone please tell me where I can buy that outfit? I need it!"

Ashley_said_what: "Freya is such a stunning icon. Love her!"

And-they-were-Roomates: "She looks radiant! Can't wait to see her on the auction stage."

As the minutes ticked away, the excitement reached its peak. Viewers eagerly speculated on what items would be up for auction and how much money would be raised for charity.

GuestUser13: "I'm ready to bid all my savings for that one-of-a-kind painting!"

Applebottomjeans: "Come on, someone bid big for the date with Freya!"

GuestUser19: "I can't believe I'm watching this live! Best night ever!"

Finally, the auction commenced, and viewers watched in awe as priceless items went under the hammer, raising millions for charitable causes.


As the auction was just about to begin, the lights in the theatre shut off, and four overhead lights shined on the stage, finally revealing the auctioneer.

She exuded both beauty and professionalism as she introduced herself, expressing her heartfelt gratitude to everyone for attending the prestigious event.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for gracing us with your presence tonight," she said with a warm smile. "And a special thank you to all the generous souls joining us from the comfort of their homes, supporting our cause through the live stream donations. Your contributions are deeply appreciated."

The auctioneer then acknowledged the 15 VIP members who had donated a remarkable $100,000 to be a part of the auction, even though they couldn't be present physically. Their names would shine on the big screen whenever they placed their bids, showcasing their immense generosity.

"Now, without further ado, let's begin the auction!" the auctioneer declared, and the audience erupted in applause.

The first item up for bidding was a beautifully wrapped mystery box, and the bid started at $15,000. Immediately, the paddles were raised, and the bidding war began. The price soared rapidly, reaching $99,000 before it was finally sold.

Curiosity filled the room as everyone wondered what was in the mysterious box.

As the winning bidder eagerly opened it, laughter erupted as they discovered it was a toy car.

The bidder joined in on the laughter, though he couldn't help feeling a twinge of heartbreak for spending so much on a playful plastic car.

The auction continued with a myriad of exclusive and valuable items, from exquisite jewellery to breathtaking artwork.

Each item garnered enthusiastic bids from the live audience and the VIP members watching from home.

kim_chi: "That toy car though! 😂 Hope the bidder isn't too disappointed!"

Bigfootisreal: "This auction is exhilarating! Go, go, go!"

GuestUser2212: "Wow, these bids are climbing like crazy! It's for a good cause!"

iNeed2p: "I wish I could be there bidding, but I'm happy to support from home!"

The atmosphere was electric, and the live comments section was ablaze with excitement and anticipation for each new item. Freya's date was still to come, and viewers speculated on how much it would fetch in the auction.

GuestUser1123: "Who's ready for the highlight of the night? Freya's date!"

FrostedCupcake: "Can't wait to see who wins! Freya's the queen!"

FartnRoses: "The bids for her date will go through the roof, I'm sure!"


As the auction continued, the items brought up on stage indeed became more and more valuable.

Amidst the excitement, Freya sat in one of the VIP booths of the theatre, observing the proceedings with a mix of interest and boredom.

She was enjoying the event but couldn't help feeling slightly overwhelmed by the attention she was receiving from the attendees.

In the midst of the auction, one of the guards at the door approached Freya and informed her that someone wanted to see her.

Upon hearing the person's name, Freya's expression soured momentarily, but she quickly composed herself and agreed to meet the individual, setting a strict time limit of two minutes.

A young man with an air of arrogance entered the VIP booth, flanked by his own bodyguards.

He had the aura of a typical young master, accustomed to getting his way. His gaze landed on Freya with a lustful look, making her feel uncomfortable, but she held her tongue and asked what he wanted.

The man smirked, complimenting Freya's beauty before confidently inquiring about the location for their date once he wins the auction.

Freya couldn't help but scoff, responding firmly, "You haven't won yet, so don't get your hopes up." She wasn't going to entertain his presumptuous attitude.

In response, the young man laughed, displaying an overconfident demeanour.

He happened to be the son of one of the tech giants in Verdia, and he believed that no one in the entire venue, except for the owner of Athena Cosmetics, could match his financial prowess.

The two minutes Freya had granted him had elapsed, and he gracefully left the VIP booth, taking one last lingering look at her body as he departed. Freya shook off the unsettling encounter, focusing her attention back on the charity auction.

PaniniHead: "Did anyone else see that guy? He was so full of himself!"

MasterChef: "Freya handled it well. Stay classy, girl!"

ChopSuey: "Ugh, entitled rich kids are the worst."

MomsSpaghetti: "Can't wait to see who wins Freya's date! It's gonna be epic!"

Meanwhile, on the stage, the auctioneer continued to present exquisite items, and the bidding reached new heights.

Freya's date was still to come, and anticipation filled the air. The young man's confident attitude had left a sour taste in Freya's mouth, but she remained resolute, hoping that whoever won her auction would be someone who she could genuinely get along with for the day.


As the charity auction continued, the excitement in the theatre grew with each passing moment.

Freya sat in one of the luxurious VIP booths, surrounded by an air of elegance and glamour.

She observed the auctioneer expertly introducing each item up for bidding, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and desire among the attendees.

Amidst the bidding frenzy, Freya's mind couldn't help but drift back to the encounter she had just experienced.

As the young man with an arrogant demeanour had entered the VIP booth, his lustful gaze had made her skin crawl.

Freya maintained her composure, exchanging a few words with him, but she was internally seething. The encounter had left her feeling uncomfortable and irked, but she knew how to handle such situations gracefully.

"That guy's entitled attitude was insufferable," Freya mumbled to herself, frowning as she remembered the encounter. "He thinks he's so invincible just because of his family's wealth."

She hoped there would be someone in the auction who could outbid him and win the date with her.

Freya had never been one to seek attention from men who only wanted her for her status and looks. She longed for someone who would appreciate her for the person she was, beyond the glamorous facade of her celebrity status.

As the auction progressed, Freya's thoughts wandered to her friends.

She wondered if any of them would be at the event and if they would be willing to bid for the date.

While she had been reluctant to ask for such a favour, she couldn't deny that she would feel much more comfortable spending time with someone she knew and trusted.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of a familiar face among the sea of guests.

Freya knew that whoever won the auction, whether it was a friend or a stranger, the proceeds would go to a noble cause, and she was committed to making a difference with the charity ball.

On the stage, the auctioneer presented a breathtaking piece of art, and the bidding quickly escalated to impressive amounts.

The atmosphere was electric, with a mix of excitement and friendly competition. Freya's heart skipped a beat as she realized that her auction date was drawing closer.

"I hope someone amazing wins the bid," Freya whispered to herself, her fingers slightly trembling with nervous anticipation. "Someone who values me for who I am and not just my fame. It would be wonderful to spend time with someone genuine and kind."

As the auction proceeded, Freya held onto the hope that the right person would emerge, someone who would make the charity ball an unforgettable and meaningful experience.


The next item that was introduced sent a hushed wave of astonishment through the entire venue.

Gasps and whispers spread like wildfire as the spotlight illuminated the priceless artefact displayed on the stage—a sword with a rich and storied history.

The auctioneer's voice took on a reverent tone as she described the sword's provenance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to witness a true masterpiece of craftsmanship and history," the auctioneer began. "This extraordinary katana is said to be one of Masamune's legendary swords, an iconic figure in Japanese swordsmithing.

Forged by the master himself, it has been carefully preserved over centuries and is now presented to you for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Goro Nyudo Masamune or simply 'Masamune', is the name of one of the world's greatest swordsmiths. Born circa 1260 AD, Masamune's life and death dates are not certain, like many other parts of his career and his contemporaries. He came from a coastal region south of modern-day Tokyo, known as the Kanagawa Prefecture and was active in the Kamakura period of Feudal Japan.

Masamune is believed to have studied the art of swordsmithing under the guidance of Shintogo Kunimitsu (whose life dates are also unknown but believed to also be from the 13th to 14th centuries). 

Kunimitsu is regarded as a master swordsmith himself and is thought to be the original developer of the Soshu style of Japanese swords. Goro Nyudo Masamune is famed to have taken the Soshu style to its height of excellence.

Malamute had Forged 61 katanas in his lifetime, all of them of the highest of quality, but very few do not know of one of his very first creations and stated by one of his apprentices to be one of his most proudest works."

Tenkū no supurittā!!! or roughly translated to Sky! splitter of heavens! It was said that the moment this sword was completed the heavens itself split in two.

Freya, among the captivated audience, was in awe at the sight of such an invaluable piece of history.

The sword's intricate design and flawless craftsmanship seemed to hold an allure of its own, leaving her and the others in the theatre entranced.

For a moment, she forgot about the previous encounter and was fully absorbed in the moment, appreciating the gravity of what was being presented.

The bidding for the legendary sword commenced, and it quickly escalated to an astronomical sum.

People from all walks of life, celebrities, business tycoons, and history enthusiasts, all joined the fierce bidding war. The auctioneer skillfully orchestrated the tense atmosphere, allowing participants both present and online to participate seamlessly.

As the price soared higher and higher, Freya found herself holding her breath in anticipation.

The excitement was palpable, and everyone in the theatre seemed to share the same sentiment—that they were witnessing a piece of history changing hands.


The atmosphere in the auction hall crackled with excitement as the legendary Muramasa sword was unveiled.

The live comments section was flooded with astonishment and admiration as viewers marvelled at the priceless artefact on display.

Among them, Adrian felt a strange connection with the sword, as if some dormant energy within him responded to its presence.

His eyes were fixed on the screen, and as the bidding began, Adrian's heart rate quickened. He knew he had to have this sword, not for its historical significance, but for the unexplainable bond he felt with it.

The bidding started at half a million dollars, and within seconds, it skyrocketed to seven figures.

"$700,000!" someone called out.

"$900,000!" another voice chimed in.

"One million dollars!" a determined bidder proclaimed.

The numbers flew like sparks as the sword's value soared higher and higher, each bid met with adrenaline-fueled responses from the crowd.

The tension in the air was palpable, and everyone held their breath, wondering who would claim this prized possession.

The arrogant young man, still brimming with confidence, raised his hand, pushing the bid past the three-million-dollar mark.

Some potential bidders hesitated, unsure if they could compete with such a substantial offer. But just as it seemed the young man was on the brink of victory, the large screen overhead flashed a new bid—a staggering four million dollars.

Gasps echoed throughout the theatre, and the room erupted into a whirlwind of excitement and chatter.

The anonymous VIP bidder had dramatically upped the stakes, surprising everyone, including Freya, who was watching from the comfort of her VIP booth. Her eyes widened with curiosity, wondering who this mysterious bidder was.

Adrian, feeling the magnetic pull of the sword, couldn't contain his desire to possess it any longer.

His hand shook with anticipation as he mentally debated whether to enter the bidding fray. After all, with the wealth at his disposal, he certainly had the means to compete.

"$4.2 million!" Adrian finally declared, his voice clear and resolute.

The crowd fell momentarily silent, taken aback by the bold move. A bidding war ensued as the young man and Adrian continued to raise the stakes, outbidding each other in rapid succession.

Each bid sent adrenaline coursing through their veins, driven by the intense desire to claim the Muramasa sword.

As the bid crossed the five-million-dollar threshold, the young man hesitated for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. However, he quickly regained his composure and raised his hand once more, prompting the bid to reach even greater heights.

"$10 million!" the young man declared with determination.

Freya, watching the intense duel unfold, couldn't help but admire Adrian's persistence. She had no idea who he was, but his tenacity intrigued her.

In the end, the battle for the coveted Muramasa sword came to a gripping climax. The young man hesitated, seemingly at his limit, while Adrian took a deep breath, knowing he was about to make a significant decision.

"$10.5 million," Adrian proclaimed, his heart not making any waves at all.

The room held its breath as the auctioneer declared, "Going once, going twice... Sold, to the gentleman in the VIP section!"

The gavel came down, and cheers erupted from the audience. Adrian had secured the Muramasa sword, the priceless artefact he felt an inexplicable connection to.


As the live viewers witnessed the exhilarating bidding war between Adrian and the young master unfold, the comments section exploded with excitement and amusement.

Quailandduckeggs: "OMG, this is better than a soap opera!"

Avocadorable: "I can't believe the rich kids are going at it like this!"

Just-a-harmless-potato: "Adrian vs. Young Master: The Battle for the Legendary Sword!"

abductedbyaliens: "Grab some popcorn, folks! This is better than any movie!"

Actuallynotchrishemsworth: "Lowkey rooting for Adrian! Go, new guy!"

Nachocheesefries: "I'm team Young Master, but Adrian's got some serious guts!"

PaniniHead: "Who knew a charity auction could be this intense?"

Meanwhile, the young master's face displayed a mix of frustration and determination.

He wasn't used to someone challenging his dominance, especially in matters of wealth. However, the unexpected contender, Adrian, had thrown a wrench into his plans.

The live viewers didn't hold back in their commentary on the young master's attitude:

Chris_P_Bacon: "Can someone tell Young Master he's not the centre of the universe?"

LtDansLegs: "He's acting like he owns the place!"

Hogwartsfailure: "I bet he's never been told 'no' before!"

Nuggetz: "Imagine being so full of yourself."

baby_bugga_boo: "Can't decide who's more arrogant, Young Master or his hair gel!"

As the bidding escalated to astronomical heights, the audience couldn't help but marvel at the sheer audacity of the two bidders.

fartoolong: "Ten million dollars for a sword? I can't even afford a sandwich!"

UFO_believer: "I'm broke just watching this."

HeresWonderwall: "Any of y'all wanna loan me a couple million?"

It's_A _Political_ Statement: "Who needs a sword when I can't even afford rent?"

just_a_teen: "Adrian's got money to burn!"

Bread Pitt: "Is this what rich people do for fun?"

While the bidding was intense, the humour in the live comments kept everyone entertained:

LOWERCASE GUY: "Does the sword come with magical powers?"

DroolingOnU: "I heard the sword can slice bread and make julienne fries!"

Couldnt_Find_Good_Name: "Maybe the sword will bring eternal good luck!"

DosentAnyoneCare: "Plot twist: The sword is actually a lightsaber."

GuestUser3455"Imagine someone using the sword to chop veggies for dinner."

At the same time, some viewers were genuinely impressed by Adrian's determination and audacity:

Thanoslefthand: "Okay, Adrian, I see you flexing those millions!"

severusvape: "I didn't know we had a ninja billionaire in the house!"

MelonSmasher: "Adrian's like, 'I will have this sword at any cost!'"

In the end, as the gavel fell and the auctioneer announced Adrian as the winner, cheers erupted from the live viewers.

ElfishPresley: "Congratulations, Adrian!"

WustacheMax: "You did it, new guy!"

OneTonSoup: "Way to go, underdog!"

Bud Lightyear: "That was epic!"

And, of course, the inevitable comparisons and speculations couldn't be avoided:

fatBatman: "Adrian is the real-life Batman."

kentuckycriedfricken: "I bet Adrian secretly has a Batcave."

SaintBroseph: "What's next? Adrian vs. the Joker?"

As the auction moved on to other items, the viewers couldn't help but look forward to the next unexpected twist.

They had been thoroughly entertained by the Adrian vs. Young Master showdown, and they knew there was more excitement to come.

And so, as the auction continued, the live viewers eagerly anticipated what surprises the night still held.


The young master's frustration over losing the sword was still palpable, but he quickly reminded himself that the sword wasn't the primary reason he had come to the auction.

It was the chance to win a date with Freya Oakley, the woman who had captured his attention for so long. He had planned to impress her with his wealth and charm, and now was the perfect opportunity to do so.

As the auction continued, he kept a close eye on the bidding for the date with Freya. His determination was evident as he raised his hand confidently each time the bid went higher.

He was determined to outbid anyone who dared to challenge him for the opportunity to win her heart.

Freya, in her VIP booth, was gracefully composed as she interacted with the camera crew.

She knew the importance of making a good impression, not just for the winner of the date but also for her fans and supporters.

Her smile was radiant, and her charm was undeniable as she waved and blew kisses to the camera. The audience, both at the venue and in the live stream, was captivated by her beauty and charisma.

The young master's eyes never left Freya as the auctioneer introduced her as the next item.

He was confident that he would be the one to win the date, and he was already planning how he would make the most of their time together.

Adrian, watching from home, couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves.

He knew he had the financial means to outbid anyone, but he was also aware that he needed to make a memorable impression on Freya.

As the auction for the date with Freya Oakley began, the atmosphere in the venue was charged with excitement and anticipation.

The young master, fueled by his desire to win the date, was determined to outbid anyone who dared to challenge him. He raised his hand confidently each time the bid went higher, determined to make a grand impression on Freya.

"800,000 dollars!" he declared, his voice loud and unwavering.

"900,000!" came a bid from another eager suitor, sitting a few rows away.

The young master's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand again. "1 million!"

"1.2 million!" someone else called out, not willing to back down.

The bidding war escalated, with several men in the venue vying for the chance to win Freya's heart. The young master was relentless, refusing to be outdone. He kept raising his bids with unwavering determination, as if winning this date was a matter of pride.

"2 million!" he announced, his voice tinged with both excitement and a hint of arrogance.

"2.5 million!" countered another bidder, eager to prove his worth.

The young master clenched his jaw, his competitive spirit pushing him to go even further. "3 million!"

The audience watched with bated breath as the bidding continued, each man in the venue trying to outdo the other.

Freya, who was in her VIP booth, had heard that the young master was involved in the bidding, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at his audacity.

"He really thinks money can buy anything," she mused to herself, slightly amused and exasperated by his determination.

( AN-Well...most of the time it can.)

The auctioneer, impressed by the enthusiasm of the bidders, encouraged them to keep going, aware that this date with Freya was a highly sought-after item. The bids kept rising, and the excitement in the venue was palpable.

"4 million!" the young master declared, raising his hand once again.

The other suitors hesitated, seemingly hesitant to go any higher. But then, a new voice chimed in confidently, "10 million!"

The young master's eyes widened in surprise, and he turned to see who had dared to challenge him. It was a wealthy businessman, known for his lavish lifestyle and extravagant spending.

Undeterred, the young master smirked and countered with, "11 million!"

The bidding war continued, with each man trying to outbid the other. The atmosphere was charged with tension and anticipation as the bids continued to climb higher and higher.

"12 million!" the businessman declared, determination evident in his eyes.

The young master hesitated for a moment, but then he raised his hand once again. "12.5 million!"

Freya, watching from her VIP booth, couldn't help but find the whole situation amusing.


As the bidding for the date with Freya continued, something unexpected happened that sent shockwaves through the venue.

Adrian, who had been quietly observing the auction from his home, decided to join in the bidding. The young master's eyes widened in disbelief as he saw Adrian's name on the bidding screen.

"What is he doing here?" the young master muttered, his arrogance giving way to annoyance.

Adrian's bids were measured and strategic, and every time the young master tried to outbid him, Adrian would calmly raise his bid by the minimum amount of ten thousand dollars.

The tension in the venue was palpable as the bidding war between Adrian and the young master escalated.

"13 million!" the young master declared, determined to prove that he was not backing down.

"13.01 million," Adrian countered, his voice steady and composed.

The audience in the venue and the viewers on the live stream were laughing at the unexpected turn of events. The comments section was flooded with amused and surprised reactions.

Ghostfacegangsta: "Wow, this guy is not giving up easily!"

Ironmansnap: "Adrian vs Young Master round two! This is getting intense!"

The auctioneer, accustomed to handling high-stakes bids, expertly conducted the back-and-forth between Adrian and the young master, each bid met with anticipation from the crowd.

"13.5 million!" the young master declared, his jaw clenched in frustration.

"13.51 million," Adrian calmly responded, his resolve unwavering.

The bidding war continued, and the atmosphere in the venue crackled with excitement.

Freya, who was still in her VIP booth, couldn't believe what she was witnessing. She had no idea that Adrian was even part of the auction, and she found herself intrigued by his determination.

"He's not like the others," she thought to herself, a small smile playing on her lips.

The young master, growing increasingly irritated, pushed his bids higher and higher, determined to outbid Adrian.

But each time, Adrian met his bid with the minimum raise, refusing to back down.

"18 million!" the young master declared, his eyes narrowed with determination.

"18.01 million," Adrian replied calmly, his focus solely on winning the bid.

The audience in the venue and the viewers on the live stream were engrossed in the battle of wills between Adrian and the young master.

The comments section was abuzz with excitement and amusement.

desperate_enuf: "This is getting ridiculous!"

Rambo_was_real: "Adrian is a force to be reckoned with!"

churros4eva: "I can't believe I'm rooting for a bidder in an auction!"

The auctioneer could sense the tension and excitement in the room, and she expertly played up the drama of the bidding war. The bids continued to climb higher and higher, and the young master's frustration grew with each round.

"25 million!" the young master declared, his voice tinged with desperation.

"25.01 million," Adrian replied, his voice unwavering.

The audience gasped at the audacity of the bids, and the young master finally threw his hands up in defeat, realizing that he couldn't outbid Adrian.

"I'm out!" he declared, his pride wounded but his determination still evident.

The audience erupted into applause as Adrian's bid of 25.01 million dollars was displayed on the big screen. Freya, watching from her VIP booth, was both amused and impressed by Adrian's tenacity.

"Who is this guy?" she wondered, her curiosity piqued. Suddenly the image of the man she had met last week and had spent the night with popped into her head but then she shook those thoughts away.

'There was no way that was him. It would have been great if it was though.' She thought with a sigh.

Meanwhile, in another Vip booth the man named Arthur, who Freya had gotten acquainted with chuckled.' Looks like the young miss didn't need my help after all.'






After the auction came to a close, the auctioneer congratulated Adrian on winning the date with Freya.

"Congratulations, sir! You have won the coveted date with the beautiful Freya Oakley. She will be in contact with you shortly after the auction to arrange the details."


As the auction moved on to other items, Adrian's mind kept drifting back to the upcoming date.

There wasn't anything else that seemed as exciting as winning the date with Freya. He chuckled to himself, finding it amusing that even a pair of lingerie had caused a bidding frenzy among the attendees, though he thought they were a bunch of perverts.

Back in her VIP booth, Freya felt a sense of relief that the auction was finally over. She was grateful for the generous donations and the success of the event, but she was also eager to relax and unwind after a long night.

The auctioneer concluded the event by expressing her gratitude to everyone for their participation and support.

"Thank you all for coming tonight and for your generous contributions to this wonderful cause. We couldn't have done it without you. We look forward to seeing you all again in two more years!"

As the lights came back on in the venue, Freya stepped out of her VIP booth and made her way through the crowd, graciously accepting the congratulations and compliments from well-wishers and acquaintances. Despite the exhaustion.


Meanwhile, in Adrian's apartment, he sat back on his recliner with a smile on his face. "Looks like I need to get ready for a date," he said to himself, his heart beating a little faster with anticipation.

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