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Chapter 4: Meta Powers(part 4)

-->Absolute Vector Manipulation

The power to manipulate the vector of anything and everything. Sub-power of Omni-Physics Manipulation. Ultimate version of Vector Manipulation.

Also Called

All Direction

Conceptual Vector Manipulation

Limitless Vector Manipulation

Metaphysical Vector Manipulation

Omni/Meta/Unrestricted/Ultimate Regokinesis


The user can manipulate the vectors of anything and everything they choose to interact with. Everything perceived by the user is a vector. Their power and skill are in equilibrium, balanced and concentrated, allowing them to perform such strengths behind their outbursts of techniques and skill collaborating with them to manipulate these unfamiliar phenomena.

As everything is considered vectorial movement even beyond the material world, they can manipulate the vectors of magic, quasiphysical energy, quantum level particles and even these scarce energies themselves for precise empowerment.

Applications (General)

Vector Manipulation (Absolute Level)

Applications (Detail)

Existence Manipulation Existence Inducement


Meta Gravity Manipulation Meta Space-Time Manipulation Meta Space Manipulation

Meta Time Manipulation

Omni-Energy Manipulation Bio-Energy Manipulation

Elemental Energy Manipulation

Psychic Energy Manipulation Telekinetic Force Manipulation

Telepathic Force Manipulation

Teleportation Force Manipulation

Transcendent Energy Manipulation Divine Force Manipulation

Science-Magic Manipulation Transcendent Mage Physiology Omni-Magic Esoteric Force Manipulation

Magical Force Manipulation

Reality Warping

Transcendent Scientist Physiology Physical Godhood Formula Manipulation

Physical Plane Manipulation Physical Force Manipulation

Science Manipulation

System Manipulation Butterfly Effect

Domino Effect

Omniverse Manipulation (High Level)Multiversal Force Manipulation Cosmic Manipulation


Almighty Ascension (High Level)Zenith


Absolute Existence

Interaction Manipulation

Limitation Transcendence

Nigh Omnipotence

Omni-Physics Manipulation

Vector Manipulation



May require some level of calculation and intelligence to figure out how the unrecognized and unaccounted information works.

User's manipulation could injure them without precautionary measures.

-->Absolute Will

The power to have limitless willpower. Sub-power of Omnipotence. Absolute variation of Indomitable Will.

Also Called

Almighty Will

Creation's Will/Will of Creation

Divine Will/Will of God

Infinite/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted Will


Absolute Will is unlimited in its scope. Anything that exists can be manipulated, including, but not limited to: matter, energy, causality, emotion, etc. The user can grab hold of creation and twist, bend, sculpt, and re-sculpt it into whatever form that they desire or can imagine. Usually, the power to create something out of nothing is not at most users disposal, as a created universe, multiverse, or omniverse must first be in existence in order for the user to manipulate it. However, the user can twist reality in such a way that they mimic creation to an extent; i.e. projection of realistic illusions and bringing any form of fantasy to life through sheer force of will. So while the user cannot explicitly create, they can manipulate reality and bend rules to grant themselves the power to create, as well as a variety of other existing powers by rewriting their own nature simply by willing it to be so. Though this is unlikely and not the true nature of the power, it can be done.

Concerning the nature of this power, it is seen as the shaping aspect of the construction of a reality. When a supreme being creates a universe, multiverse, or omniverse, this is the power that said being would use to put into order and manipulate the raw stuff of creation. When this ability is possessed by a non-supreme being, said being is often seen as an existential usurper of creation, rather than a deity.

So, to say that this power is limited only by the user's willpower would be redundant, as by nature the user of this power has an unlimited amount of willpower that user can use to whatever effect that they desire. If creation is the blunt instrument of a supreme entity, then this power is the scalpel that fine-tunes all of continuity. To summarize, this power is capable of manipulating creation as a whole without becoming one with it.

Applications (Advanced)

Potential Abilities:

All Almighty Powers

All Enhancements

All Manipulations

All Mental Powers

All Mimicries

All Personal Physical Powers

All Superpower Manipulation

All Superpowers

Applications (Essential)

Basic Applications:

Absolute Erasure - by willing things out of existence.

Absolute Force Manipulation

Absolute Law Manipulation Almighty Law Creation

Absolute Emotions

Absolute Restoration

Aspect Manipulation

Autopotence - can rewrite oneself to be whatever one wills. Omnifarious

Determination Embodiment

Existence Manipulation Creation Manipulation

Meta Power Manipulation

Omni-Manipulation Imagination Manifestation

Omniverse Manipulation - by exerting one's will upon the whole of creation at once.

Meta Probability Manipulation - by exerting one's will to bring any possibility imaginable. Meta Variable Manipulation

Origin Manipulation

Reality Restoration

Reality Warping

Selective Transcendence - by willing oneself to transcend their own limitations. Almighty Ascension

Subordination Manipulation - by exerting one's will over the will of others in an absolute fashion. Mind Control/Vocal Mind Control Population Control

Universal Irreversibility

Willpower Manipulation Ambition Manipulation

Willpower Aura - user's infinite will is strong enough to manifest as an energetic aura.


Omni Distortion


Absolute Change

Absolute Fusion

Absolute Separation

Author Authority

Indomitable Will

Meta Art Manipulation



Totality Embodiment

Transcendent Consciousness



Willpower Embodiment

-->Absolute Wish

The power to grant any wishes. Form of Nigh-Omnipotence. Absolute version of Wish Granting.

Also Called

Absolute Desire Manifestation

Limitless/Unrestricted Wants Manifestation

Perfect Wish Granting


Users can grant/receive any unrestricted and perfect wishes without any limitations: no resource needed, no condition required, no limited number, no delays for use/reuse, and no exception whatsoever.

They can grant very vague or even inconceivable/impossible wishes that will always come true no matter what, as the power will automatically make up for the user's personal limitations when granting those wishes.

Also Called

Absolute Desire Manifestation

Limitless/Unrestricted Wants Manifestation

Perfect Wish Granting


Users can grant/receive any unrestricted and perfect wishes without any limitations: no resource needed, no condition required, no limited number, no delays for use/reuse, and no exception whatsoever.

They can grant very vague or even inconceivable/impossible wishes that will always come true no matter what, as the power will automatically make up for the user's personal limitations when granting those wishes.

-->Affinity Manipulation

The power to manipulate affinities. Sub-power of Superpower Manipulation. Variation of Power Source Manipulation. Opposite to Aversion Manipulation.

Also Called

Affinity Control

Empowerment Control/Manipulation


User can manipulate affinities/empowerments, thus changing what a person or thing's power or attributes are linked to. For example, this can change one's affinity to fire to one of water, or change how much stronger or weaker they may get when they are empowered by something.



Affinity Change

Affinity Creation

Affinity Detection

Affinity Field Projection

Affinity Negation

Affinity Replication

Attribute Manipulation



Concept-Dependent Immortality

Domain Warping


Personal Affinity



Concept Manipulation

Conceptual Lordship

Elemental Manipulation

Emotion Manipulation

Enhancement Manipulation

Environment Manipulation

Existential Manifestations

Meta-Concept Manipulation

Immaterial Manipulation

Object Manipulation

Power Manifestation

Power Source Manipulation

Principle Manipulation

Superpower Manipulation

Symbolic Power Manifestation


Users of Meta Power Immunity/Omnilock are immune.

Will not work on Omni-Empowerment.

May manipulate only certain types of affinities.

May not work on some people who are resistant to change in their affinities.

May be limited to oneself or others.

-->Almighty Absorbing Replication

The ability to absorb/replicate anything without limit. Combination of Omni-Absorption, Omnifarious and Almighty Replication. Advanced/Ultimate version of Absorbing Replication.

Also Called

Absolute Absorbing Replication

Meta Absorbing Replication

Omni-Absorption Replication

Supreme Absorption Replication


The user can absorb anything including concepts like probability and general mathematics; space-time and reality, and dimensions into themselves and replicate all the properties, characteristics, and features along with everything associated with it. They can even be recombined, deconstructed, and synthesized to produce entirely new properties to replicate.

This is the greatest automatic offense/defence since the user can absorb probabilities to ensure their victory, absorb anybody's pure existence along with manipulating that essence so it can assimilate and empower the user, absorb the embodiment of knowledge gaining access to information that allows them to defeat all opposition, the user is even able to absorb events and replicate/recreate them in another time/space and potentially gain Unity by merging with the concept of existence itself for as long as they want.

Based on the concepts and data absorbed, the user can shapeshift their existence to conform to the limitless combination of properties, characteristics, and features imaginable allowing them the ultimate expression of Freedom.


All Absorptions

Absolute Attack Absolute Defence

Reality Consumption

Absorbing Replication Absorptive Entity Access

Evolving Absorbing Replication

Remote Absorbing Replication

Omni-Absorption Almighty Replication Omni-Customization Omnifarious

Solid Merging Transmutation Remaking


Absolute Existence

Concept Manipulation

Dimensional Entity Physiology

Mathematics Manipulation

Meta Probability Manipulation




Reality Embodiment


-->Almighty Ascension

The ability to ascend to a limitless state of power and achieve virtual omnipotence. Advanced form of Self Transcendence and Zenith. Not to be confused with Nigh-Omnipotence Bestowal.

Also Called

Absolute/Almighty/Meta/Omni/Ultimate/True/Perfect Zenith

Final Evolution

Self-Imbued Godhood


The user can ascend and gain virtual, true raw or achievable omnipotence surpassing cosmic entities, deities, supernatural beings and many other forces by using several means to achieve unparalleled power, becoming a metapotent or at least a nigh-omnipotent being.

Note: The user of this ability may never be originally nigh omnipotent, therefore achieves that stage of power via several other means like: Absorption, Consumption, Sealing, Fusion, Spiritual Ascension, etc.

Forms of Ascension

User may achieve this power by using several methods such as:

Absolute Change - By changing oneself into an omnipotent being.

Autopotence - User rewrite themselves into a being of absolute power.

Absolute Storage - Absorb, contain, seal, trap or lock limitless amounts of power inside the users body.

Absolute Will - User wills themselves into a higher level of existence.

Absolute Wish - By wishing for omnipotence from a wish-granting being/item.

Almighty Borrowing - Borrow the powers and status of absolutely any being.

Almighty Object Fusion - Fuse with a certain object that grants omnipotence.

Omni-Power Replication - Replicate the powers and status of absolutely any being.

Causa Sui Physiology - User is self-created being thus can create themselves to possess omnipotence.

Complete Arsenal - By acquiring every possible and impossible superpower.

Cosmic Symbiosis - Become omnipotent by being a host of a specific entity.

Deification - Gain omnipotence by acquiring a godly status.

Eternal Evolution - Evolve into a transcendent state beyond all other forms of being.

Imbued Godhood - Be powered by a specific supernatural source.

Knowledge - Become omnipotent using the knowledge of magic, science or even divine knowledge.

Meta Power Manipulation - By creating omnipotent powers or rewriting existing powers.

Meta Summoning By summoning an object or an entity that can give you omnipotent powers.

Perfection - Gain omnipotence by achieving the ultimate state of flawlessness.

Possession - By possessing or trapping a nigh omnipotent being inside user.

Power Bestowal - By an omnipotent being bestowing nigh-omnipotence onto another being.

Selective Transcendence - By transcending the unique boundaries such as do not possess/possess or able/unable.

Soul Absorption - Absorb many souls to achieve god-like power.

Steal or Kill - By killing a powerful deity or stealing its power.

Self Origin Manipulation - manipulated ones own origins making so their always had omnipotent powers

Unity - By becoming one with absolutely everything.

Willpower or Inner Power - Ascend through sheer force of will becoming nigh omnipotent.

Zenith - Rare cases when one transforms into the most powerful being in all of living existence. Anyone with this condition however has to be someone of great power already.

Applications (General)

All Manipulations

All Mental Powers

All Meta Powers

All Mimicries

All Physical Attributes

All Superpowers

All Transcendent Powers

Applications (Detailed)

Certain Omni Powers Absolute Ability Derivation

Absolute Force Manipulation

Absolute Transcendence

Absolute Will

Author Authority

Boundary Manipulation

Causality Manipulation

Concept Manipulation

Complete Arsenal


Logic Manipulation


Omniverse Manipulation Existence Manipulation





Universal Manipulation

Physical Godhood

Psionic Godhood

Transcendent Physiology Autopotence Absolute Condition

Absolute Immortality

Absolute Invincibility


Flawless Indestructibility

God Mode

Higher Consciousness





Blood Transcendency

Cyber Ascendancy

Death Transcendence

Divinity Divine Combat

Divine Presence

Ethereal Manipulation


Miracle Performing


Supernatural Manipulation


Old/New God

Transcendent Cosmic Entity Physiology Cosmic Entity Physiology

Self Transcendence Ability Transcendence

Origin Transcendence


Absolute Potential

Ascended Physiology

Collective Entity Physiology

Composite Deity Physiology

Concept Embodiment


Superpower Evolution

Unstable God

-->Almighty Borrowing

The power to temporarily borrow the powers of others on an almighty scale. Sub-power of Almighty Ascension and Meta Power Manipulation. Ultimate version of Power Borrowing. Variation of Almighty Replication.

Also Called

Almighty Ability/Power Borrowing

Almighty Swipe


User can temporarily borrow the powers/status and/or skills of any/every entity/object in existence and use it as their own, gaining not only all their abilities and power levels, but the status of the borrowed entity/object as well.


Absolute Existence

Action Link

Almighty Ascension

Demonic Power Absorption

Divine Power Absorption

Meta Power Transferal

Power Sharing



Enhanced Power Borrowing

Meta Power Manipulation

Nigh Omnipotence

Power Borrowing


May have a limited distance.

May require physical contact.

If the target dies, the link to their powers may sever before normal limit.

By borrowing the power of an entity/object and gaining its status, the user may be forced to obey some restriction imposed by a higher being.

Borrowing the power of an omnipotent being won't make you more powerful than it and even so the user can only do so with the being's consent.

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