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Guess We're a Party Guess We're a Party original

Guess We're a Party

Author: Zetro_1

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Triple Kill (Valor)

Valor woke up from his uncomfortable bench and got ready to do a quest, to hopefully find a softer bench. He finally ended up deciding to do a quest since all the benches were wet. He headed towards the Phantom Heel Guild to find a quest that he could do himself, so he could earn some money. The guild doors were wide open, as people used to kick the door so they decided to always keep it open. Valor walked in and looked at the quest board, not interacting with anyone until he noticed that every quest was too much for only one person. Most people avoided him since they found him annoying, but there did seem to be one party that would take on a quest with him. 

    "Hey Valor, over here!" Hope, one of the only people that actually put up with Valor, called him over. Destiny was next to two boys: Hunter and Hayden were playing around with some basic spells as Valor started to head over to the group. He considered these people his friends and trusted them to do quests with him. 

"20 boar hides…..yatatata…..bring back to town…..20 silver coins…..3 quarters the size of an average adult…..southwest forest….alright got it." Hunter finished reading the quest form, as they geared up and set off. It was noon when they arrived at the entrance of the forest. Valor thought that Destiny and Hope didn't seem to like the forest very much as they stayed behind the party. Meanwhile, Hunter got his axe out as he brought out his sword to start killing off boars, but Hayden accidentally burned the hides, while fighting some, so they needed to find some more boars to hunt. The sun went down, so they decided to set up camp for the night since most of them were pretty tired from all the hunting.

    As they began to settle in for the night and Valor began to fall asleep first. Valor wakes from hearing an explosion, as he turns to see the commotion, but finds Hunter in the motion of slamming his axe through Valor's neck. Luckily, Valor had his sword next to him, which allowed him to just barely block the incoming attack from Hunter. 

"Why did you try to cut off my damn head!?" Valor jumped onto his feet, as the rest of the party surrounded him. Bloodlust in their eyes, Valor began to scurry away, since he wasn't confident in taking on four people at once at this moment. While he was running, Valor ran into a hooded boy, as they both fell to the ground and scurried to get back up. 

"Hey look there's probably a murderer after me, so would you be so kind as to help. Please," Valor looked behind , and saw another boy slightly shorter than the two of them catching up to  that Valor had just bumped into.

"What did you do to him? Why is he after you?! Name's Valor by the way!" Valor looked at the approaching boy.

 So  responded, "Is now a good time for introductions? A murderer is going to kill us. It's Jay." Valor took his sword out of its sheath, as Jay opened a book that exuded magical energy. 

"Yeah I should tell you that I'm being chased too….by murderers" Valor saw a bead of sweat drop from Jay.

"PLURAL?! Oh no… this won't go well…" the two ran out of the forest, in a random direction, to an open prairie. Jay began to ready a spell, as words from his book lit up.

"'s do or die….and I'm really not feeling the die part!" Valor gripped his sword tightly.

"Maybe we could talk this out…"

    "Murderers man…..murderers plural!" 

    "Well maybe if we give them gold or something?"

"I slept on a damn bench last night! I don't have that kind of money!"

"Okay… uh maybe I can bluff my…. I mean our way out of this."

"I'm helping you out man! Our! OUR WAY OUT!"

"Ok ok ok…. well maybe we can get your murderers to kill the murderer chasing me and escape."

The two began to hear footsteps coming from the forest "Well, here they come, let's test out your bluffing."

"Hey so can we talk this out," he said with a nervous smile. The 5 of the murderers looked at each other as the unknown one distanced themself from the party of 4.

"Maybe we can sway one of them over," Valor whispered to Jay.

"So what if we get the one by himself, turn it into at least a 3 vs 4."

"Well go on and try."

"Oh ok, so…" he said while taking his hood, "although you just tried to kill me, these guys over here have better loot, so what if we killed them."

"Are you seriously trying to win over a stranger to fight….and in front us?!" Hayden created a small fireball in his hand.

"Shut up no one's speaking to you!" Valor scolded him.

"Says the homeless we picked off the street," Hope laughed at him. 

"I sleep on a bench, because I want to!" As they were talking Jay began to use [Illusions] to make it appear as if Valor was swinging from behind them. The four looked behind them and jumped back attempting to dodge, as Jay sent [Fireball] directly to them. Valor seeing that they were distracted rushed in to attack Hayden, so they would lose their long range attacker. The unknown person rushed almost as if to attack Valor, but finished off Hayden instead.

"Well guess we're the murderers now," Jay said dully.

"Doesn't matter, law of the jungle." 

As the two made a brief conversation, the three of them screamed, "HAYDEN NOO!!" They lunged at Valor to kill him, knocking him back. 

"Damn that hurt!" Valor got up and ran back into the fight.

"You alright man," the unknown person said, his voice sounding similar to a male.  Valor nodded, cracking his head which hurt him slightly. 

"Target the one in the back," Jay said. "Think she's a healer."

"She uses mostly buff and debuff skills, but she does know some basic healing spells." Valor informed them, before rushing in to attack Hope, as the unknown person followed his lead. Jay used a wind spell to knock the other two away. As he muttered something to himself. With a wave of the person's hand two wolves were summoned to distract the other ones, as Valor's sword got an orange glow from his skill, [Heat Blade]. Hope got stabbed in the heart, as the light from her eyes went away, Valor went to attack the other party members.

The two of them screamed as they knocked off the wolves and ran to Valor trying to kill him, but the person pushed Valor out of the way, taking the hit for themself and got knocked back slightly. Valor grabs his sheath from his back and activates the healing ability to heal the person of his injuries as a thank-you. The person smiled at Valor, as he charged with his knife in front of him ready to stab one of the two. 

Hunter with rage picked up his axe and used, [Strength of the Hunt] as his stature seemed to double in size about to slam Valor with an axe. Valor got knocked into the ground, as a crater formed under him which only grew as Hunter kept the assault coming. Jay who had appeared from nowhere as the others were fighting punched the Hunter in the stomach activating the ring he had on. Valor could feel the attacks stop as he looked up to find Hunter paralyzed, which gave their mysterious helper the opportunity to strike. Destiny looked terrified from her murdering party being massacred, so she decided to run into the forest to not get killed by the three. 

"Shouldn't we have killed her too," Jay asked, as the mysterious person began to loot the bodies.

"Loot first, ask questions later." Valor joined in to see what they had.

"So are we going to give these guys an actual burial?"

"No" the mysterious person said, as he began to put the bodies on top of each other.

"Whatcha doing over there?"

"Sacrificing the bodies"

"Oh yeah, I do that sometimes." Valor grabbed a body to sacrifice, which didn't bother the mysterious person since Valor killed her.

"So… anyways…. I guess we should talk about how we aren't going back to the town."

"Yeah she probably asked for help and people are most likely coming to kill us. Since we're in the same boat….let's be a party and adventure all around." Valor proposed.

"Ok," the two agreeded.

"But first, what's your name?"

"Leon and yours?"

"I'm Valor, that guy over there is Jay."

"We are going to talk about the murdering thing later, let's try to sleep first in a safe place." They all ran from the burning bodies into the forest.

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