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Chapter 5: Chapter 5 The Stranger

Oren and Cain waited for the man to meander across the clearing toward the cabin. The stranger, dressed all in black including his dirt covered duster, reined in his horse a few steps before Oren. His face was trail-worn but not unpleasant, "Forgive me, but I didn't realize the node was occupied." He said in a low, slightly raspy, voice.

"It is, state your business, Stranger." Oren said. He knew that since the man knew about the node he must be a wizard or some other person sensitive to magic, not a good person to have around a Diabolist.

"I need to get cleaned up and my horse needs feeding and we both need a good night's rest. We have been traveling for quite some time." He gazed around, "This is still a free zone, isn't it? I have just as much right to it as you."

"The grounds of his Earth Node are neutral, that hasn't changed," Oren said, "but we claimed this night already. You will have to move on until we leave."

The stranger leaned forward on his saddle horn, "Surly you're joking. Have you been outside lately? A storm is blowing in from the west. I would be much obliged if you would let me have a quiet corner to bed down at least."

"That depends on what business brings you this way, friend." Cain said.

The stranger eyed both Knox and Cain while stroking his day old beard. After he finished evaluating them, he took a breath to speak, "I have been following a Diabolist. Do you boys know what a Diabolist is?"

Cain acted offended, "We're standing in an Earth Node. What do you think, Stranger?"

"What does she look like?" Oren asked.

"Blonde hair, average build, blue eyes and a dimpled smile. She is very attractive to boot, which I suspect makes her a particularly effective Diabolist. She goes by the name Loril."

"Why are you after her?" Oren asked.

"That's my business, friend." The stranger said.

"Well, the way I figure it, if you want your quiet corner tonight, it's my business too." Oren said.

"Knox, I just realized you didn't get my clothes from…" She trailed off when she laid eyes upon the stranger.

"Actually. I have taken care of the loss." Cain said, "There is a new trunk in the cabin. I guessed at your size but there should be something there you can wear." Cain's voice trailed off as he cut his eyes at the stranger.

The stranger rested his hand on his sidearm, "I think you have some explaining to do." He said to Oren.

Oren began to mumble a disarm spell. He was careful not to provoke a fight by putting his hand anywhere near his gun.

Loril, clasping her white dress close to her stepped up, "Stop it, the both of you." She moved toward the stranger, "Isiah, I told you to stop following me. I will be fine. I can take care of myself. I don't need a protector."

Oren's thoughts went to a jilted lover or jealous patron, "The girl has spoken stranger, she doesn't want you here. I guess you won't get that corner after all."

Loril spun to face Oren, "Of course he can stay if he wants to. I don't want him to follow me but he is welcome to stay."

"I don't get it." Cain said, "Who is he?"

"He is Isiah Ravencroft," Loril said, "My big brother."

"Flesh and blood?" Cain asked.

"We had the same mother and father so yes, flesh and blood."

Oren let the spell he was preparing drop, "You could have led with that information, stranger."

Isiah shrugged off the comment.

Loril went to her brother. "I thought I told you to go back home."

"I was but I heard something in the saloon of one of the small towns on the way that changed my mind. When I got to Summerville just after the commotion you caused, I realized it was true. There is a wizard hunting you."

Loril cut her eyes toward Oren.

Isiah followed her gaze and drew his pistol.

Oren held up his hands, "Easy friend, I'm one of the good guys. Surely you knew what I was when you entered the Earth Node."

"Put that away." Loril insisted.

Isiah holstered his weapon, "I figured but it's hard to know for sure in this place."

"We weren't hunting her," Cain said. "At least not stalking her like a doe in the forest. We fully planned to ask her to help us."

"Save your breath, Cain." Oren said, "He knows better or he would have used that six shooter."

"These two don't meet the description I was told, it's true. They may be wizards too but I don't think they're the wizards I heard about." Isiah said.

"I can handle myself." Loril reiterated.

"I know you can but the way I hear it the wizard who hunts you is a ruthless scoundrel. The rumor is that he was married to a Diabolist and she was taken by another wizard with impure intentions. By the time he caught up with them the wizard had killed his wife and their unborn child."

Oren took out his pipe. Isiah put his hand on his sidearm until Oren showed him he was retrieving a simple tobacco pipe from his pocket. He put the pipe to his mouth and struck a match, lighting the tobacco left in the bowl, "I have heard this story too only the man wasn't a wizard. He was some kind of brilliant scientist from back east. His wife was indeed a Diabolist, unbeknownst to him, and there was a wizard that did take her against her will but I doubt that even the most evil of spell casters would kill someone so valuable to them as a Diabolist. That would be tantamount to a farmer burning the crop he planned to use to sustain him through the winter, or a thirsty man pouring his canteen out on the desert sand."

"True," said Cain, "that would make absolutely no sense."

Oren took a puff, "Still, I do believe something happened because this supposed scientist is rumored to be real and hunting down Diabolists. However, I have been in these parts for quite some time and all I have heard about this fiend is rumor and conjecture. There is no evidence he even exists and it's even more unlikely that he is anywhere near here. I would have heard if someone like that was operating around here."

"Why would he kill Diabolists and not wizards?" Loril asked.

"You mean you would think he would be after wizards since one killed his wife?"

"Yes, actually."

"From what I hear about him, he will kill both but he kills the Diabolist so the wizard will suffer as he has suffered. Many wizards fall in emotional relationships with Diabolists. In their case it's even worse because they lose more than a pathfinder to magic."

"You might want to talk to some folks around here then," Isiah said. "The rumor is that the man is close.

Oren discounted what Isiah said with a wave of his hand, "One can't simply roam the countryside killing women. There would be wanted posters and lawman combing for him, even way out here in the west. I wouldn't go believing rumors, son."

"The law doesn't have a clue as to who he is or why he's killing. He operates in the shadows and kills in the night."

Oren chuckled and then took another puff of his pipe, "I think Cain and I still have some wooden stakes."

"You make fun but I am not going to take any chances with my sister's life."

"Your sister is well protected," Cain stated.

"Still, if you two don't mind too much, I would like to stay close to her until I am satisfied she is in no danger."

Cain shrugged at Knox. Knox looked to Loril.

"It won't hurt to have him along for a while," Loril said.

Oren thought for a moment, "All right, on one condition. We will meet with Abigail Stanton tomorrow.

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