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Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Weapon For The Reaper

Harry and Fitz arrived on the Maveth through the Monolith portal and looked around the barren planet, the place was completely barren with no sign of life nearby. Harry spoke up, "According to the team that inspected this planet from above, day and nights here are very long and it last close to few months. Simmons came here about 30 hours ago, she shouldn't have gone very far."

"How will we find her?" Fitz asked.

Harry smiled and took out his Elder Wand, "Point Me Jemma Simmons." The wand tip turned toward north east direction, "She is that way."

Fitz looked at Harry's wand in wonder, "Are you sure." Harry nodded in confirmation, "How will we reach to her? She must be very far away."

Harry took out a miniature car model, "By this." With that Harry expanded the car in to a normal size. "I am sure you are familiar with 'TL II', the flying car that can shrink as well."

Fitz looked at Harry and sighed, "Why didn't I thought of bringing it."

Harry smiled, "It happens, now get in. Jemma won't be too far away I hope." Fitz nodded as the two sat inside.

Harry was flying his car above the ground level while searching for Jemma, they were in the air for just about half an hour when Fitz pointed Jemma who was jumping on the ground happily. Harry came down and Fitz dashed out of the car to hug Jemma, both Jemma and Fitz had tears in their eyes. "You don't know how happy I am to see you, I thought I would be stuck here for life."

Fitz gave a teary snort, "I will never let that happen."

The two started snogging right in the middle of nowhere, after some time Harry interrupted them. "Well if you two love birds are done, care to tell us what happened after you came here Jemma."

Jemma and Fitz parted with a blush on their face, Jemma asked. "Do you have some water?" Fitz nodded and gave her a water bottle from his bag, once she finished drinking the full bottle she replied to Harry's question. "When I came here I decided to stay where the portal dropped me in hope that someone will come to rescue me, I didn't have anything with me except my phone which had no signal and I was stuck here. I stayed there for 24 hours, a complete day according to our time but none came. I became very thirsty so I was searching for any source of water and that's when I saw your car. How did you come here by the way?"

Fitz went on to explain how Harry bought Ruth who found about the history of Monolith through her Psychometry powers, Fitz told Jemma how they found out about the Inhuman sent here into exile to this planet called Maveth. ". . . then I came here with Harry through the Monolith to get you?"

"So, there is a dangerous Inhuman leader here and many have come here throughout history and none have returned back." Fitz nodded so she continued, "I never thought that my first time outside earth would be in a planet like this, how are we going to return?"

Harry answered her question, "One of my Space Ship is headed here right now, it will be here in about a day but until then we have to take care of the Inhuman that reside here. If HYDRA wants to bring back this inhuman then it's better to take care of it here only."

"How will we find this Inhuman?" Jemma asked.

Fitz answered, "Harry can cast a spell that gives direction, that's how we found you."

Harry interjected, "There is one problem with that, I don't know what that Inhuman is called or his name so the Point Me spell won't work for this. From the scan results my team collected, there is a ruined city like structure here so we will search there but first you need to eat something."

Fitz nodded, "Yeah, you haven't eaten anything for so long."

Harry miniaturized his car and took out his tent, once the tent was set Harry spoke. "Now let's get inside."

Fitz frowned, "I don't think we three will be able to fit in there."

Harry grinned, "Believe me, the tent is big enough for three of us." With that Harry went inside.

Fitz and Jemma followed Harry unsurely but once they were in they were completely shocked, the tent which looked so small from outside was like an apartment in inside. "Wow." Jemma said while looking around.

Fitz agreed, "Yeah wow, I would have never thought of something like this. Why don't you sell this Harry?"

Harry frowned, "I never thought about it actually, I will do that after returning back to Earth."

Harry led the two to a dining table where Fitz took out a tiffin and gave it to Emma who started gulping everything in it hungrily.


Fortunately for Harry, he didn't have to go in search of the Inhuman as the Inhuman came to them. Harry felt someone near the wards he erected outside the tent, "Someone is here." Harry told both Fitz and Jemma, "Be careful and treat whoever it is as a threat."

The three of them walked out of the magical tent to find a man with a white pale face, a skinny body and an outfit with a NASA symbol on it. "Who are you?" Harry asked with a voice that gave out nothing.

The man replied, "I am Will Daniels, I came here through the Monolith with my team through a NASA mission but we were not able to return back. There is something here that killed all of my team and I am the last survivor, who are you three?"

Fitz was about to reply but Harry stopped him and then looked at Will Daniels, "You are very interesting, I can tell that you are telling the truth but you are lying as well. Who are you really?"

The man grinned, "So you are an Inhuman." Sand like particles came out of the man's hand and headed toward Harry but Harry quickly created a shield to stop it. The sand like particle retreated back to the man's hand. "Interesting.

"So, you are the Inhuman that was sent here from earth huh." Harry said analysing the man, "It looks like your power is to possess and control someone."

"I can do much more than that." The man said with a grin.

Harry quickly interjected, "really, well then you won't mind sharing what you know with me." Before the Inhuman could do anything, Harry dived inside it's mind with a Legilimency attack. What Harry found in there was interesting to say the least, the name of this Inhuman was Hive and he was one of the first humans that Kree tested on. He was a parasitic Inhuman capable of infesting and possessing the bodies of dead humans and controlling other Inhumans through a hive mind, fearing his powers Inhumans with the help of few humans sent him to Maveth through the Monolith. Maveth used to be a growing planet with nine big cities and were very advanced technologically, Hive made the people in this planet fight among themselves and turn this green planet to a barren wasteland. Hive wanted to go back to earth and turn every human to an Inhuman the same way he became an Inhuman, he had taken over everyone that has ever came to Maveth but was unable to find a way out of here.

Hive stumbled back and clutched his head in pain after Harry came out of his mind, "What did you do to me?"

Harry took a deep breath to settle the information he got from Hive's mind and replied, "I was strolling through your mind and what I found was quite exciting to say the least, an Inhuman that has the power to control all Inhumans. The Inhumans made the right decision when they sent you here Hive, what you did to this planet is a proof of that."

Hive glared at Harry, "I will kill you."

Harry laughed, "I'm sorry because you can't kill me but I can definitely kill you, Avada Kedavra." Harry casted the Killing Curse so fast that Hive get no time to comprehend what's happening, in a blink of an eye life was snuffed out of Hive and the body of Will Daniels fell down to the ground lifeless. To make sure that no trace of parasite remained Harry burned it completely with Fiendfyre.

Fitz looked at the ash that used to be Hive and said, "That was overly anticlimactic, we were not even needed."

"Why did you kill him so quickly?" Jemma couldn't help but asked.

Harry replied, "Because Hive deserved it, there was a reason that the Inhumans that were under him betrayed him and sent him here. This planet was not as barren as it looks now, it used to be a beautiful planet with nine big cities. The inhabitants of this planet were very advanced technologically but Hive used his powers to made them fight each other, you can see what's the state of this planet now."

Jemma and Fitz looked at Harry I shock, Fitz spoke up. "Wow, a single Inhuman that can make an entire race go extinct and make a lively planet go barren. We should be thankful then that he never came back to earth otherwise today Earth would have been similar to this planet."

Harry shrugged, "Maybe, well our Inhuman problem is rapped up and now we just have to wait for the Space Ship."


After returning back to Earth Harry destroyed the Monolith completely and made it so that not even it's ashes remained, due to this all other small pieces of Monolith that four HYDRA members had also got destroyed much to their shock. Monolith was a dimensional portal and the barrier by the three Space Ships around the earth won't be able to stop the Monolith, the barrier was god enough for Space Portals but not the dimensional ones much to Harry' annoyance.

The other interesting news he got was about the Inhumans from the moon, from what he gathered Black Bolt brother staged a coup and as a result of their fight, Black Bolt had to come to earth with all the Inhumans from the moon. This was a good news in one way as now Harry won't have to care about Inhumans on the moon but it also came with another bad news. The government was now aware of the Inhumans and they were trying to find Inhumans and capturing them, Harry would have taken the matters in his own hands but Coulson was already on the job so Harry decided not to interfere for now.

Two more Space Ships were finally up and running around the earth and Harry with Tony activated the pure energy barrier around the earth, Harry also added a few magical wards to the barrier with different purposes. The magical wards were designed to act like a shield in addition to the barrier but most importantly it would take care of the Global Warming problem which was really becoming one of the greatest problem in today's world.

Harry was about to return back to earth when he saw Tony fiddling with the system of one of the new Space Stations, "Hey Tony, what are you doing?"

Tony turned back toward Harry and then looked around to make sure that they were alone, "I am adding one of my AIs, MONDAY to this Space Station."

Harry frowned, two Space Station which were under his control had an AI named Angel but the third one was not supposed to have an AI as it would be partially in control of UN. "Why would you do that? You do know that this Space Station will be under UN control as well, right?"

Tony waved off his hand and continued his work, "I know Harry, that's why I am doing it. The UN are going to use all the five Space Ships from here according to the agreement made and I just want to keep an eye on what they are doing, MONDAY will just monitor everything from the shadows and if he finds anything well then he can report back and take control over the whole Space Station."

"Not a bad idea, but make sure that MONDAY remains hidden until needed."

Tony nodded, "I'll make sure of that. By the way, will Thor be able to enter through the barrier?"

"Yes, he will be able to enter." Harry answered, "Thor can come only through the Bifrost, I added an exception for Bifrost in the barrier which can be removed if needed to."

"Huh cool, Point Break haven't come back since he left after the Ultron episode." Tony said as he completed adding the AI Monday to the Space Station system. "From what I heard, he and that Jane Foster broke up or something."

Harry snorted, "I have heard about it too, the word is Jane dumped him. By the way, how're things between you and Pepper?"

Tony smiled, "Good actually, I have bought a big cottage in a remote place for the both of us. She is happy that I don't go out in my suit much often, I have to say that I am feeling less stress as well. But I heard something exciting, I heard that you were having a relationship with your MD and secretary at once. It's one of the hot news now a days and the amount of speculations that has been going on is mind blowing, so is it true?"

Harry smiled, "It's true all right, I am in a three way relationship with Emma and Betsy and believe me I have seen the speculations you are talking about, they are very funny and nearly blew my mind with their outlandish claims."

Tony looked at Harry with a dumbstruck expression, "Huh, I didn't know that you were a Womanizer. Looks like you learn something new every day, still god luck with handling two women as I am having difficulty with just one."

Harry snorted and replied back, "What can I say, I am very talented."


"Hello Harry, I called you to give you a good news."

Harry was in his office signing in some papers when he got a call from Coulson, "What is it Phil?"

Phil replied in a happy voice, "Ward recruited the son of previous HYDRA leader Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker, Werner von Strucker to join in his new HYDRA. Werner is young and sloppy so we were able to track him down to the house of Gideon Malick, Malick is the one funding and operating the ATCU which were given the task of capturing Inhumans. I was able to convert the head of ATCU Rosalind Price to our side after she saw what was being done in ATCU, Malick was capturing Inhumans and experimenting on them. In a joint operation we confronted Malick and luckily for us Strucker and Ward were there as well, this time we didn't capture them rather we took them out of the equation but in the fight, Rosalind was shot and she died on the spot."

"So, HYDRA is gone for good?" Harry asked hopefully.

Coulson answered, "I don't know Harry, HYDRA has a habit of following their code 'Cut down one head and two shall take its place'. There is a probability that there are still some HYDRA agents left in hiding but I am sure we'll flush them out. The ATCU is completely shut down and all the Inhumans they captured are under our care now, I met with the president in secret and convinced him that we are not a terrorist organization and there are no traces of HYDRA left in SHIELD. The President has agreed to remove the terror organization stamp from SHIELD and help us from shadows, he instructed me to work in shadows for now like SHIELD was meant to do."

Harry sighed with relief, "That is good news indeed, you won't have to hide anymore in fear of getting arrested. Start gathering the old SHIELD intel's and start expanding SHIELD, the crime rate has gone very high after the fall of SHIELD and you need to take control of it."

"I know, even New York streets are not safe anymore and even the Hand have start operating here. There are few superheroes that are fighting against them and I am going to help them out, I have already put Daisy and Mack on it."

Harry nodded, "Good, take care of that problem and also make sure that the knowledge about Inhumans is not made public."


"I am in need of your help King Bora, I hope you'll listen to what I have to say."

Harry was back to the dimension of dwarves and was currently standing in front of their king, Edwin Bora. Bora spoke up, "You are our friend Hadrian James Potter, please tell what you need from us and we will do what we can."

Harry smiled and asked, "Do you know about the dwarves that left with Odin when he step foot on Earth?"

Dwarf King Bora nodded, "Yes, unfortunately we don't know what happened to them."

"Odin helped the dwarves to create a forge in space and it's called Nidavellir, they are the one who forged Thor's hammer Mjolnir from a rare metal called Uru."

Dwarf King Bora said in confusion, "We have never heard of a metal called Uru."

Harry nodded and replied, "It's because it's not available on earth nor it can be created through alchemic procedure, the Uru metal is found in Space in the heart of a dying star. Uru has similar properties as Mithril but it is million times more powerful than Mithril, it has the power to be a weapon like the legendry Mjolnir of Thor."

Bora eyes widened in shock, the prospect of a metal much valuable than Mithril was mindboggling for him. "How can we get this Uru my friend?"

Harry kept a straight face but inwardly he was jumping with joy, he needed full support of the dwarves for what he wanted to create and the way Bora was reacting was definitely a good news for Harry. "That's where I need your help King Bora, I want to make a weapon that is beyond anything else ever created, I want to make it by combining Adamantium, Vibranium and Uru, I want this weapon to become the Elder Wand. I want some of your best workers to come with me to Nidavellir where we could convince the dwarves there to build my weapon in a joint venture and also rekindle the relationship, I am sure we can make them agree to share the Uru with us."

Dwarf King Bora stared at Harry for a long time, the prospect Harry gave definitely interesting and profiting but he wasn't fully sure, Harry saw this and started to give Bora the detailed properties of Uru and he also elaborated on the weapon he wanted to create. Bora was completely sold, the prospect of getting Uru and creating most probably the most dangerous and most powerful weapon in the world was really making him giddy in excitement. "I have decided to agree to your proposal friend Hadrian, I'll join you for the journey to Nidavellir forge with my best craftsmen in your Space Ship. I want to take about 100 dwarves with me on the journey, will it be a problem?"

Harry smiled and quickly replied, "No, it's not a problem. My Space Ship is capable of taking more than 200 people at once so there will be no problem. Please prepare for the journey and I'll have the Space Ship prepared for our journey."

Bora nodded and stood up and nodded, "I'll go and inform every one of my decision, you are welcome to stay and dine with us until we are ready to go."

Harry bowed, "It'll be my pleasure."


Dwarf king Bora decided to increase the number of dwarves joining him by 50 after all it was not everyday the dwarves get a chance to go to Space, Harry decided to take them to Nidavellir in his personal Space Ship the 'Death Star'. Death Star was the fastest Space Ship in comparison to every other Space Ship that Harry had and with it's Vibranium and Adamantium body, it was a force to be reckoned with. The journey from Earth to Nidavellir only took about 24 hours but when they reached Nidavellir they were completely shocked by what they found.

The Nidavellir forge was completely shut down with no sign of dwarves in it, Harry quickly scanned the forge and found only a single life sign.

Dwarf king Bora walked near Harry as he was staring at Nidavellir, "Friend Hadrian, this doesn't look good."

Harry nodded, "Yes, something bad happened here and that too very recently. There is only a single life sign in there and I am not sure if it's a dwarf or not."

Bora frowned, "We should go and inspect what happened here."

"Yes, you should come with me. If it is a dwarf then I may need you to placate him or her." Harry told Bora, Bora nodded and called for 10 of his best warriors to join him and Harry. Harry with Bora and his guards left the Death Star in the Black Phantom and travelled to the Nidavellir forge, when they reached there they found the forge looking rusty and completely abandoned. Fortunately, they didn't have to search for the single living being which was on the forge as a giant man with dwarf like features jumped in front of them, both hands of the giant dwarf were cut off and he was hearing a prosthetic.

"Who are you?" The giant dwarf asked.

Before Harry could reply Bora stepped forward and spoke in Latin, "I am Dwarf king Edwin Bora, who are you?"

The giant dwarf stared at Bora in shock, he replied back in Latin as well. "I am Eitri, the Dwarf king of Nidavellir. Are you from our home planet Earth?"

Bora replied back, "Yes, we came here with friend Hadrian to meet the dwarves whose ancestors left Earth with Odin. What happened here?"

Eitri sighed, "Thanos, the mad titan."

Harry frowned as he asked, "Thanos was here?"

Eitri nodded, "Yes, he forced me to create the Infinity gauntlet that can hold all six Infinity Stones but. Once the gauntlet was ready he killed every dwarf residing here except me, he cut off my hands so that I could never forge anything again."

Harry frowned, if Thanos had the Infinity gauntlet then he will be starting his quest for the Infinity stones very soon.

"I don't know who Thanos is but I do know this, nothing can stop dwarves from forging something that they want to." Bora told Eitri, "You may not be able to forge without your hand but the knowledge is still in your mind, I will have my dwarves help you to use that knowledge."

Eitri smiled, "I am thankful for your decision to help me king Bora, what do you need from me?"

Bora replied, "Friend Hadrian here is the Peverell heir, he informed us about the metal Uru."

Eitri stared at Harry in shock, "Peverell, are you the wielder of Deathly Hallows?" Harry in reply showed all of the three Deathly Hallows, Eitri stared at the three Hallows for a long time. "I have heard stories about you from Odin, he told me about a boy named Hadrian Potter a descendant of third Peverell brother who united the three Hallows. It's a pleasure to see you, the Master Of Death."

Harry smiled and replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well King Eitri. I came here to ask for your help, I want to forge a weapon."

Eitri sighed, "The forge is not working anymore, it has become rusty. I can't build anything even with help without restarting the forge."

Harry smiled and walked away a bit, he brandished his wand and started gathering magic for his spell. "Reparo." A wave of magic ran through the whole forge and started mending every broken piece, all the big machinery slowly and slowly started up. The whole forge was powered by the power of a star and in just a few minutes the whole closed and rusty forge was up and running like new. Harry turned back with a grin on his face and asked Eitri, "So, what do you say now?"

Eitri looked around the whole forge which was fully shut down a few moments ago, Eitri turned back to Harry and bowed. "I am thankful for what you did for me, tell me what kind of weapon you want and I'll make it."

Harry had a smile on his face as he replied, "King Bora has agreed to let his best craftsmen to work with you for my weapon in exchange for Uru, they are very well versed in magical enchanting that I am sure you will find useful. I want a weapon that is the strongest weapon ever created or would be created, I want you to add it to my Elder Wand."

Eitri nodded, "I have enough Uru to share with King Bora in exchange for his help or we can bring it from a nearby dying star. I would love to make you your desirable weapon but the Elder Wand is much more than a weapon, it is a Deathly Hallow with essence of Death in it."

"Elder Wand does have the essence of Death in it but you don't have to worry about it, I can put more of Death's essence in the new weapon. I want the Elder Wand to be able to change into a metallic Staff or a dual Sword or a single Sword as per my wish, I want the metal to be a combination of Adamantium, Vibranium and Uru."

Eitri thought about what Harry said then asked, "I know that Vibranium and Adamantium are on Earth and they are very rare and powerful, it is possible to have the Elder Wand do what you desire with just those two metals so what will you need Uru for?"

Harry grinned and took out a box from his pocket, he opened the box and showed its content to Eitri. Eitri fell back in shock while staring at the content of the box, Harry smiled and said. "I want these to be a part of my weapon, it will be completely hidden but I want to be able to use it just like I use my magic."

"You are right, this will be the most powerful ever to be created and I would love it when you use it against Thanos." Eitri turned toward Bora, "If you would call your craftsmen we can proceed on our work." Bora nodded and looked at Harry, Harry transmitted a massage to the Death Star for the dwarves to come and join them in the forge.

Harry stayed in Nidavellir for more than three months with the dwarves as Eitri with the other dwarves worked on creating his weapon, the weapon was truly one of a kind and thus it took a lot of time to design it. Once Harry finalized the design details Eitri proceeded to create the weapon which Harry decided to name it the 'Magnus Reaper' which meant the Great Reaper.

Once the process was complete, Eitri presented Harry the Elder Wand which now had a pure silver colour coating on it. "This is what you wanted friend Hadrian, your new weapon the 'Magnus Reaper' is ready, it just need the essence of Death to stabilize it." Harry took the wand from Eitri and the moment he touched it a swirl of black coloured energy surrounded Harry and he disappeared.

Harry felt the surge of power as he touched his new wand, the power of death that was inside him started oozing out and surrounded him completely, when he opened his eyes he found himself standing in front of Death. Harry smiled and showed Death his new weapon, "Hello Death, what do you have to say about my Magnus Reaper?"

"An apt name for the master of death, the Great Paladin. You have changed one of my Hallows to one of the most powerful and dangerous weapon in existence, it's truly a piece of art and even I can feel the power oozing out of it." Death spoke as it took the Magnus Reaper from Harry's hand and started putting some of its essence in the Magnus Reaper. Death gave the Wand back to Harry, "Now it is complete."

Harry took the Magnus Reaper in it's wand form and felt the perfect balance that was now a part of him, just with a single mental command the wand changed into a long silver staff, Harry proceeded to change it into the single and dual Sword forms. "I am not very good with handling staff and swords but I have a feeling that I'll be needing it in the future, in this universe or next."

Death nodded, "It's power is beyond any other weapon in existence master, treat it carefully." Harry nodded and made the Magnus Reaper disappear, "You should head back, the dwarves are looking very worried after your disappearance."

"You are right, I'll see you later Death."

Death smiled, "See you soon master, until then toodles."

Harry laughed as the blackness covered him and sent him back to Nidavellir.

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