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Haikyuu Dreams Haikyuu Dreams original

Haikyuu Dreams

Author: Kagome_Kuroo

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Kageyama x Reader

Dream Come True

(Y/N) and Kageyama both went to Kitagawa Daiichi and were classmates since first year in middle school, they became close friends and everyday both started to grow feelings for one another.

It was almost your graduation day, the most dreadful day for you. It's not only the day when you'll have to live with your cousin since both your parents were going abroad because of your father's work but also your last day with Kageyama. You and Kageyama will both attend different schools, Him enrolling to Karasuno because of the famous Coach Ukai and You enrolling at Aoba Johsai because of your cousin.

*Graduation Day at Kitagawa Daiichi

"Tobio! Let's take a picture together" (Y/N) smiled as she ran to Kageyama.

"Do we have to (F/N)?" The setter sighed as he sees you running towards him with a smile.

"Of course. It's a very special day for the both of us. Plus I want to have a picture with you since this is the last time we'll be together" your smile faded at the last part. He was confused at first then he remembered that both of you are going to different high schools.

"Then let's get it over with" with that response, you pulled him by the arm and took a picture. "One more Tobio"

"(F/N)! We're going now" you heard your father shout as both him and your mother were waiting for you by the gate. "Just a minute dad!"

You faced Kageyama again "I hope we'll still stay as friends even if we're not together anymore Tobio. Always remember that if you got any problems, I'm always here to listen to you. Ok?"

Kageyama nods his head and hugs you tight. You hugged him back and pulled away. "I'll see you around Tobio!" And with that Kageyama stares at your retreating figure fading away. Missing his chance to confess to the girl he likes.

* In the present time in Karasuno *

Kageyama walks towards the gym for practice and notices Hinata run towards him with full speed, Kageyama being very competitive with the ball of sunshine also runs with full speed until they both reach the gym.

"It's my win Kageyama" the ball of sunshine brags at the frowning setter.

"Yeah yeah let's warm up and practice our quicks again" Kageyama says as he started to warm up at the side. Hinata responds with a simple nod of the head and starts warming up as well.

"Gather around! Sensei has an announcement to make" Sawamura shouts. As the members gather together. Takeda Sensei smiles and started his announcement.

"Aoba Johsai requests another game with you guys. Since the last game we were the ones who requested. Now I think it's fine to have a practice match with them now that we have Asahi and Nishinoya in the team" the teacher smiles at the ace and the libero.

"Ha? Another game they say? Bring it on! We'll win again!" Tanaka says as he takes of his shirt and waves it around.

"Tanaka urusai" Ennoshita says as he rolls his eyes at the wing spiker. Both Sawamura and Sugawara looked at each other and nodded.

"Then sensei we accept the offer. May we have the details?" The captain looks back at Takeda Sensei.

"We'll have the game at Tuesday next week. We have classes so we'll leave right after. It's just 1 game with them. I'll arrange for the bus after this" Takeda sensei finishes and smiles at the team.

"Ne Kageyama, We'll get to play a game with the grand king again." Hinata whispers to Kageyama with a smile. The setter only nods his head, lost in his thoughts.

"I hope I get to see Kagome there. The last time we had a game she said she was absent because of a cold" Kageyama's thoughts were stopped by the captain telling them to start with practice.

*After practice*

" Ne Ryu you won the game last time right?" The libero asks the wing spiker.

"Yes we did. I can't wait to see their losing faces again." Tanaka laughs and faces Nishinoya "now that we got you and Asahi-san back I think we'll win again"

"Wooooooh! I can't wait for Tuesday" Hinata shouts as he was hit by the setter. "Ow Kageyama what's the big deal?" "You're noisy" was Kageyama's response. The pair began to fight again.

"Are you guys finished? So I can close up" Yamaguchi asks. They both nodded and went out the door. "Captain says he'll treat us meat buns. So hurry up" Yamaguchi says as he jogs to where the team is waiting for them.

*Fast forward to Tuesday at Aoba Johsai*

"Shoyo I heard from Ryu that you vomited in his crotch last time you went here" Nishinoya laughs as Hinata turns red from embarrassment.

"T-tha-that was before! Let's please forget about that" Hinata stutters as Nishinoya and Tanaka laugh at him.

"Hey that's enough. Come on guys. Daichi will get mad. We're going to the gym" Sugawara says as he walks toward the team that went on ahead.

Finally arriving to the gym. The teams greeted each other and the Karasuno team went to the lockers to change there clothes and to warm up.

"(F/N)! Come here for a bit" the coach calls you as you just arrived to the gym. "Yes coach?" "You'll be the one in charge of the scores today. We're playing Karasuno" you nodded your head and went to the score board.

"Karasuno? Isn't that the school that Tobio is in?" You pondered. You were snapped back to reality when your cousin, Issei Matsukawa calls for you. "Yes Issei-nii?" "(F/N) I left my towel at home. Did you bring an extra?" (Y/N) laughs at her cousin and nods " yeah. I brought an extra since I know you're very forgetful."

"You know Matsun, when I look at you and (F/N)-chan, you don't look like cousins at all" Oikawa says as Hanamaki nods in agreement "yeah. You look like lovers." You laugh so hard the whole gym looked at you. "Do we really act that way? That's what Kindaichi told me too" you answered with a smile on your face.

"If I were you, you'll give me a chance since I've had my eyes on you since you started being our manager" Oikawa says with a smirk in his face "No thanks Captain. I already have someone I like" Oikawa was curious to who their manager likes, as he was about to say something Iwaizumi told them to gather since the game will start in a minute.

You smiled and told them good luck. As you turned back to the score board to prepare for the game.

*In the Karasuno side*

Nishinoya sees you by the score board and says " woooh! A female manager! Isn't she a beauty Ryu?" The libero nudges and whispers to the wing spiker. Tanaka looks at the side and gapes at you.

"She is on par with our Kiyoko-chan!" He shouted surprising the whole team. "Oy! Don't point at her, That's rude! Now enough! do your stretching. The game is about to start in 5 mins" Sawamura warns the duo.

Kageyama looks at where his senpai is pointing and with that he gapes and whispers the name of his close friend in middle school. Hinata looks at Kageyama and then looks at where he's looking.

"Do you know her Kageyama?" The middle blocker asks. Kageyama just nods and starts warming up.

*Back to your side of the gym*

"(F/N) we'll start in 2 minutes!" Coach reminds her. "Hai coach. Everything is ready" she responds with a smile. The coach nods and went back to the bench.

When you're about to turn back to the score board you hear a deafening shout "Kagome give me a good luck kiss!!" Oikawa rushes towards you pushing Matsukawa aside with his arms wide open ready to hug you. Your eyes were like saucers as you ran towards Iwaizumi that is having a drink with Hanamaki "Iwaizumi senpai! Help meeeee!" He turns to you and glares at his Captain and childhood friend "that's enough trashykawa or I'll beat you up!"

You hid behind Hanamaki while Matsukawa jogs to where you are "oy Captain even if you push me aside she still won't kiss you since she says she'll only kiss the one she likes" Oikawa pauses and backs away slowly from Iwaizumi. "Okay Iwa-chan so please don't hit me" you and Hanamaki sigh.

Oikawa pouts as not only did he receive q glares from Matsukawa but he also got hit by Iwaizumi. " You laughed and thank the Vice Captain for "saving" you from the advances of the playboy captain.

"Everyone the game is about to start!" The referee calls both of the teams to the court. As the game is about to start you saw someone, well not just someone but your close friend and the one you like standing in front of you.

"Tobio?" You whispered as if on cue he looks at you and waves a little. You smiled and waved back. As the game started you were in awe as you see Kageyama and Hinata's combo. You were shocked but happy at the same time knowing what happened to him during your middle school.

*After the game, with Aoba Johsai winning*

You waited for Kageyama by the gate hoping that you get to talk to him even if it's just a little. You missed him so damn much. You may exchange emails everyday but you still missed him since the last time you met was still the day of the Graduation. Debating whether to hug him or just call out to him. You were surprised when you felt arms wrapped around your waist.

"What the?!" You turned around and saw Kageyama holding you tight. "I missed you Kagome." He whispers in your ear. You can feel tears fall one by one as he pulls away and swipes away your tears.

"I missed you too Tobio. We've been to busy to meet up for these past few months" you responded as you wrapped your arms around his waist. He smiled and kissed you on top of your head. Oh how he missed your scent. He wished that this moment would never end. He finally decides to confess to you.

"Ne (F/N), i really like you. No, love you. Will you go out with me?" Kageyama looks at you straight in the eyes waiting for your answer.

You looked at him shocked and happy at the same time. You kissed him at the lips and said "yes Tobio. I've always loved you too" he hugged you so tight and you heard him say "I'm glad you said yes (F/N)" you just smiled ane hugged him back tears escaping your eyes.

As the team wondered why their setter suddenly ran after he finished changing, a panting Hinata bursted into their locker.

"K-k-ka-kageyama is hugging a crying girl!!!!!" The ball of sunshine shouts. Before Sawamura even had the chance to say something, being the nosy senpai they are, Tanaka and Nishinoya ran outside to see what their Kohai ment. Sawamura just sighed and the team followed them.

As they were approaching the 2 second years, they can practically see Kageyama hugging a girl that is hugging him back. The expression in Kageyama's face was the first to the team, he looked so content.

"Wow the king really has a girl wrapped around him" Tsukishima says quietly. "That's a shock. I never knew Kageyama had a girlfriend" Sugawara adds as the team looks at their teammate. "isn't that (Y/N) from Aoba Johsai?" Hinata asks his senpais. They just nodded and Sawamura replied "yeah, it's their manager"

Oikawa, Matsukawa, Iwaizumi and Hanamaki were approaching the Karasuno Team curious of what they were doing hiding behind the bushes.

"What are you doing?" Iwaizumi. Too shocked of what was happening in front of them Sugawara just points to the spot where Kagome and Kageyama are. As the 4 third years looked at where the Vice captain of Karasuno is pointing. What they saw shocked them. You were crying and Kageyama was hugging you.

"What the?! Oy Tobio-chan! Get away from our precious manager" Oikawa shouts as he rushes to where the both of you are. You both jumped apart after hearing the loud voice of Oikawa. You were suddenly pulled back by Oikawa as he glares at Kageyama.

"What are you doing Oikawa senpai?" You asked him. He just looked back at you and turned back to Kageyama "I'm protecting you from him. He made you cry didn't he?!" Oikawa was angry, no, furious that he sees your tears not stopping. He grabs Kageyama by the collar and shouts "what did you do?!"

Both Karasuno and the 3 third years rushed to their side. Iwaizumi pulling Oikawa away from Kageyama and you being pulled by Matsukawa. Karasuno took a defensive stance as they all were protecting their teammate from any harm.

You looked at what is happening and finally it sank in. "You got it all wrong senpai! Tobio didn't make me cry. I mean he's the reason but also it's not him who made me cry" you explained. "huh? What? I don't understand" Matsukawa looks at you confused.

You sighed, pulled your hand from Matsukawa and went to Kageyama's side and kissed him. Everyone had eyes wide open and gaping at the scene in front of them. You pulled back from the kiss and smiled at Kageyama.

"This is what I mean. Tobio asked me out and I said yes. I was so happy that I cried. He is the person that I liked since I was still in middle school" you explained to the group. They just stared at the both of you making you uncomfortable.

"So that means that you were crying because you were happy not hurt?" Hanamaki says as you smiled and nod your head. Iwaizumi sighs and hits Oikawa at the back of the head "look at the scene you made trashykawa" the setter just pouted and said in a small voice "I just wanted to protect (f/n) she's like a sister to me"

You smiled at your team and turned to Karasuno team and bowed down "Gomenasai for what just happened. It was a misunderstanding in our part. I hope you'll let this slide" Kageyama also bowed his head to the 4 third years and apologized.

" raise your head kagome. It's alright. We understand Oikawa just wanted to protect you. " Sawamura says with a smile on his face. You raised your head and thanked him.

"Oooy! The bus is here everybody let's pack up and go back" Takeda Sensei yells. Followed by answers from the team.

Before you went back to the 4 third years you placed a kiss on Kageyama's lips again and smiled "this is really a dream come true" Kageyama blushed and answered "yeah. I'm glad my wish came true too" you both looked at each other and smiled. "I'll call you later (f/n) he told you as he walks back to the bus.

You nod and walk back to a pouting Oikawa and Matsukawa. "What's with you two?" Oikawa just looks at you and points at Matsukawa. You looked at your cousin waiting for an answer, he sighs and answered "we just can't believe you got yourself a boyfriend. We didn't expect it to be Karasuno's setter"

"They were just scared that you'll transfer schools (f/n) don't mind them" Iwaizumi says as Hanamaki laughs at both of his friends that were close to crying. You sighed and thought "they may be tough at the court but they really are softies"

You hugged the both of them and said "you know I'm not leaving this team even if my boyfriend is in another school right?" You laughed at their silliness. "Now let's go back. Coach might be looking for us"

As the bus of Karasuno passes you. You waved at Kageyama who's by the window waving at you too. You blow him a kiss and he turns red, you can see his senpais teasing him. As the bus fades from your view. You thanked God he gave you a chance to meet, confess to him and thanked him for giving Kageyama a team that cherishes and believes in him.


So that's the end of my story. I know it's a long one but I hoped you like it. 😊

(Y/N) - your name

(F/N) - first name

Japanese words:

Gomenasai - sorry

Senpai- someone older than you

Sensei- teacher

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