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Chapter 5: Another One, Network (2)

Author: Black_Evil


I had made up my mind to jump in the face of danger and finally get some sense of all the madness surrounding me–I don't want to keep being passive–but I didn't know what the 'Network' the entity told me about meant or where I could access it.

I could assume since they used the word network specifically, that it was similar to the human concept of the word– a system with multiple lines or channels that cross or interconnect.

But I could also be wrong and it could mean something else; which would make either me or the entity who spoke to me–a certified dumbass. Me for not being philosophical or metaphorical enough to understand, or the entity for speaking in a coherent language but not understanding how to use it.

I had a sneaking suspicion of the former being the most likely.


'I've been trying for an hour to find this goddamn network and it isn't working! What should I do now?! I have already tried every idea I had with my body, I don't know what to do with my mind, and does the Flood even have spirituality?' I tried thinking of every method possible, I wasn't some genius who could solve problems I barely had any idea of, and even my superpower 'Calm Rationality' only lets me think clearly, not make me a big brain boi.


Wait…. I just had an idea–probably a useless, stupid, and utterly anime idea, but an idea nonetheless. I am gonna try it!

'Network, network, network, network, network, network, network, network, network, network, netwo–'

I closed my 'eyes' and focused my mind completely on that word, thinking only of it and its meaning. I was thinking, 'Since nonsense creatures like Orks exist, this should work right?' and while it had a big chance of not working out. What did I have to lose?

I yearned to delve into that damned Network and discover what that motherfucker had to say before punching it, risking my existence in the process. Yeah, I realized I was unreasonably angry at someone or something that had not caused any actual harm to me yet, but my sanity teetered on the edge, and I needed a focal point—a purpose. Without it, my mental state, even with the artificial enhancement, would crumble and collapse. I dreaded the idea of becoming a vegetable more than the prospect of death.

'Hunger' taught me there were things worse than death.

So, as I focused my mind completely on it – chanting it in my head like a mantra – my perception of reality around me froze. It was like a monotone world without any taste or color, as my mind filtered out all stimuli in my vicinity. I was focusing entirely on the purpose of forcing out whatever magical bullshit was inside of me to activate and let me enter the 'network'.

I was brute-forcing it, just like a monkey banging on a metal door with a stick. I couldn't even begin to guess or attempt the password—it was way beyond my cognition. I felt like an animal trying to break into a more 'civilized' world, but break into those doors I did!


I felt like I had just popped into existence as if a nut stuck in a wedge had been sent flying after the pressure exploded, similar to a constipated man finally getting relief—and just like that, I felt as if my soul had 'relaxed,' and the world was all well again. This whole experience was as trippy as it was orgasmic, like a drunken euphoria tricking me into believing I had conquered the world itself!


As if to draw me away from heaven and sink me into the reality I call hell, a voice resounded from a distance.

"Ah, your crude entrance was hardly a sight to savor, yet I commend you on finding your way here for the first time. Most of my kind would have ventured during their early youth, to rid themselves of the euphoria that clouds their perception. But you, my friend, are as much an exception as you are a riddle—a puzzling enigma that defies the norm we are accustomed to."

The voice boomed as it came closer, and I was a ball of nerves, with my senses cranked to eleven to locate the entity. It took a moment before my mind truly escaped the euphoric shock—leaving me with a tinge of regret—to face what was in front of me.

Despite my pre-existent ideas as to what the entity might look like–filled with horrendous and soul-wrenching images–the figure in front proved to be much different.

She—I think—was humanoid, with an ethereal glow emanating from her light-blue skin adorned with gold accents. Eerily so, her humanoid traits gave her an alien but somewhat familiar appearance. Although her body shape resembled that of a human, she had two extra pairs of arms, one on each shoulder and another set below where a human's arms would be. Her eyes were a golden blue; it seemed like a vast lake--or abyss if one stared too long. Despite the extra limbs, which I myself had plenty of, the most peculiar thing about 'her' body was its unnatural symmetry.

It looked robotic and moddelic–if that was a word–as if a master artist wanted to imitate the human form while remaining fantastical and true to their style. Bizarrely, I found it oddly reminiscent of a video game character who I couldn't put my finger on at the moment.

As I looked upon the figure and studied it, 'she' looked at me with a disinterested gaze–but I didn't miss the subtle ways she studied me. I could tell I was being judged and evaluated in a way I wasn't supposed to notice. Was this how all-powerful alien creatures tried to be 'considerate'? Stalking but superficially pretending to be not?

I mean, humans did it all the time, but when an alien did it, it felt a lot more... invasive not to mention the fact that this entity, who appeared in the form of a humanoid female, could so easily take control of my body and, by further conclusion, my mind.

As I gathered my mind and thought carefully of what to say first, I found myself rid of–mostly–my vitriol anger. I felt calm again, just like the first time when I gained 'Calm Rationality'. But this time, it felt more natural than the all-encompassing cold my superpower left me with.

As I gathered my wits, I began the 'introductions'.

"I have some conditions before we talk."

I declared, half-serious and half-expectant to be refused. But to my surprise, 'she' nodded.

"Indeed, I shall abide by your request. Know that I am unable to provide answers that may bring harm to "us" or disrupt the delicate balance of causality. Such inquiries lie beyond the bounds of what can be disclosed."

I didn't understand, I demanded–no, asked for clarification. Gosh, this place makes me feel pathetic for being angry. It's as if a parent softly chiding their child for being a whiny brat, rather than someone suicidally enraged.

"What do you mean?"


I spoke, for the first time of my own will, in the last day or two, with a normal cadence. It surprised me how much I had come to miss my human vocal cords in my time as a proto-gravemind and my short time as a Gravemind. I couldn't speak as the former and the latter sounded irritating with all the gurgles and sounds in between. I had decided to speak physically only when necessary.

"We share one body, one consciousness. But you, being undisciplined, mustn't uncover forbidden secrets. Such knowledge may lead you to act against forces far beyond your reach, and that would harm us all in the long run. As for causality, it maintains cosmic balance—every action has a rightful consequence. Speaking, acting, or even thinking about certain matters can break causality. For instance, if you reveal someone's future, you or they will suffer the consequences. This disrupts the natural order, introducing needless chaos, and in severe cases, even risking your demise."

Okay, that gave me a ton of more questions to ask. But I didn't like how that meant 'You're too stupid to be careful, and the universe doesn't like those who like to fuck around and find out.' Which makes sense but ruins some of my plans to troll people in 40K.

Imagine what I could make Ciaphus Cain do if he was in the same timeframe as me. That shit would be hilarious even for an ancient sentient super viral space-magic cancer like me.

But first, I had questions to ask, questions that burned inside me the moment I had transmigrated to this shit-hole.

"I understand. My first condition is that you tell me who and what you are. Secondly, explain what 'Hunger' is and what you meant by me being destined to be eaten by it. And finally, what is this place?!" I spat my words out in a flurry. I wanted–craved to get answers, my sanity depended on it and I couldn't delay a moment longer.

"Ah, intriguing indeed. Before revealing my true nature and identity, let us initiate by acquainting you with the vast expanse of the Network."

She said, suddenly floating as if there was no gravity or restraint on her movement.

(I had decided to call the entity 'she' until I learned more about it)

"Follow me."

She turned her back to me, floating at a moderate speed, allowing me to run and catch up. Honestly, I wasn't even that shocked anymore; the number of surprises equivalent to flashbang after flashbang that I had experienced in the last few days had dulled me.

"How can I float as well?" I asked, filled with curiosity, as my preconceptions of this place following the laws of physics went out the window. Why was I even thinking this place would make sense? I feel stupid now for not getting the memo yet.

"Just think that you can," she said so without even turning her head.

"Ah, of course."

Soon enough, I was also floating. I had seen and done enough bullshit to not freak out or overthink myself anymore. I was wrong, I did adapt to this new reality.

She turned her head back and said with a somewhat appreciative tone, "Indeed, I find it commendable that you have shed the confines of your previous limited understanding of the universe. Embrace the vast expanse of knowledge that awaits you."

"This will be beneficial as you would encounter spectacles even stranger to the likes of myself."

I didn't reply, just tilted my head in acknowledgment. I honestly couldn't believe I could be surprised any more than this–

–I take that back

Traveling with her and lost in thought, I hadn't realized we had already reached our destination. And oh boy, was it a sight to behold.



A tree…..


It was far more than just a tree; it was a majestic marvel that defied earthly comparison. Towering to heights possibly reaching kilometers, this awe-inspiring structure appeared to be sculpted from magic itself rather than mere wood—it was likely so. Radiating a dreamy haze of purple-blue accents, the tree emitted a mesmerizing glow, casting a surreal light across the dark expanse of the surrounding 'sky.' Its branches reached out endlessly, spreading out like cosmic tendrils, while its roots extended far and wide, creating an intricate network that spanned the entire realm.

As I stood before this ethereal behemoth, I felt an overwhelming sense of wonder and insignificance. The sheer scale and grandeur of this enigmatic tree left me breathless as if I had stumbled upon a portal to a world beyond comprehension. It seemed to transcend the boundaries of nature and reality, existing as a bridge between the tangible and the ethereal. I couldn't help but be drawn to its mysterious allure, captivated by the secrets it held and the stories it silently whispered through its luminous embrace. The very air around it hummed with ancient energy, hinting at the profundity hidden within its enigmatic core. This was no ordinary tree; it was an embodiment of cosmic wonder and mystique, a symbol of the boundless possibilities that lay in the unexplored realms of existence.

When I first came to the network, I had momentarily noticed the sky shifting weirdly but never paid attention to it; but now I realized that those weird shifts were the result of the branches spanning thousands of meters above. Though it was a bit strange that all the light was only focused on the center, with the branches far out barely even shimmering.

"This is the center point of the network, facilitating its interwoven connection–Yggdrasil. No matter how often I've seen it, I am still profoundly awed by it." The entity said, even she seemed mesmerized.

"The Network, or what we call the Cogniverse, serves as the hub for communication among my kind. It once served as a cradle for nurturing our young and connected us as a tribe no matter how far apart we were in the vast universe. This was one of–if not the–our greatest cosmic constructs." She said wistfully, oddly reminiscent of someone lost in nostalgia.

"In this realm, our minds and souls are unshackled from the limitations of the physical world, granting us the ability to envision and achieve whatever we desire. It is for this reason that your anger has dissipated." She directed her gaze back to me once more, acknowledging the transformative effect of this profound experience.

How did she know–of course she did! I was just a mortal man without any capability to restrain my thoughts or discipline my mind to fool other humans, much less whatever this entity was.

She continued to say, "Within this realm, all are subject to the unfiltered truth. Emotions are laid bare, words spoken without restraint and thoughts exposed without concealment. You, despite your anger, did not genuinely desire to be consumed by it. Instead, you are bewildered and fearful, prompting your primal instincts to react as if driven by an external force."

"The Cogniverse has ensured you feel only what you genuinely desire to feel. Thus, your anger dissipates but your frustration remains."

"That... makes sense, but then who are you? What is your species, and are you the same as 'Hunger'?" I was slowly starting to make sense of this place. It was like the internet but infinitely more powerful, with science and magic so complicated that it would make my world's most advanced science look like a preschool project. The complexity and intricacy of this place were beyond anything I had ever known, and I couldn't help feeling like an ant trying to understand a world so much larger than me.

"I am what you'd call a Precursor." She said with a pregnant pause. Her eyes, staring at me, bored a hole through me.

"But I am not exactly one, more so like a fragment instead. I am only a piece of the puzzle that made up the entity who used to be me."

Then... I asked a question.

"So you aren't real?" I don't why I asked that, or what that even meant. But if I let myself believe for a moment–I could have sworn 'her' eyes widened for a millisecond.

"NO! I'm real, just as you are, main consciousness!" She yelled in vehemence.


PLEASE READ NOTES: I was pretty hesitant to write this chapter (revising it multiple times because I felt inadequate, even now I don't like it soo much) because I feel that I am doing way too much exposition so early on and foreshadowing a plot that could only be fulfilled at the end-game stage of the fanfic. I don't know why, but I couldn't help but cook myself a plot that could--probably would--be hundreds of chapters later in the future.

I apologize to people wanting the fun to just get started and MC to start fighting and all that, I understand that 5-6 chapters of exposition soo early can be irritating. But I made a choice, and I am going to stick with it.

But worry not, the fun will start soon; when we finally get to designing and mass-producing Flood bioforms and from there get into the thick of horrifying warfare with the flood. I am going to research how I should approach the horror of what the Flood does to its victims.

Graphic descriptions, horror, thriller, and mystery (as everybody starts shitting buckets realizing how dangerous MC is) galore; the 40K setting is just waiting for the next apocalyptic event after the Fall of Cadia!

ALSO!!!!! PLEASE GIVE ME SOME REVIEWS! Thank you and goodbye!

Also, don't forget to comment on how you feel about this fanfic and what I could do to make it better! I'm a newbie and I'm writing this to improve.

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