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Chapter 15: Chapter 15 - Scream

The sounds of the straps breaking echoed throughout the room. The scientists still tried to hold her down despite not being strong enough.

"Ara're still trying?" Y/n lifted them all at once and threw them, making their body collide with the walls.

The head of the scientists gasped as he looked at Y/n. Y/n had horns on her forehead that were f/c.

"Yes! This is it! She's perfect, everything we wanted. Those monsters will surely like this. We have to hurry and report it." the head of the scientists grinned.

The scientist looked around and realized that his comrades have fainted and some were in critical conditions, some were injured, and some were bleeding heavily.

Y/n looked at the name tag of the head of the scientists who nearly injected all of the fluid inside that syringe into her. Robert was his name.

"Report it?" Y/n muttered as she saw Robert holding a clipboard and running to the exit.

"Hey, Robert." Y/n called out as she looked at Robert dead in the eye as she approached him.

All the other scientists have fainted from their back colliding with the wall and it left just Robert.

"Where are you going?" Y/n asked as she looked up to face the man with brown messy hair and his glasses weren't even properly on.

"That doesn't concern you, 24194. But I'm going to report it to the higher-ups on how this experiment was a success." Robert said with joy in his voice, it pissed Y/n off. Robert began attempting to open the door.

"And who the hell gave you permission?!" Y/n yelled as she picked him up and threw him at the door making him break through it.


"The screaming stopped." Vincent said as they continued to look at the door, feeling uneasy.

"Something happened. Maybe she fainted?" Norman guessed as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Probably, but that time..." Barbara looked down as she thought about how Y/n said something about turning into one of them. They were really worried.

"And who the hell gave you permission?!" they heard a voice yell before a man burst through the door.

They looked inside the room and saw a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes that shone brightly but in an unsettling way. The thing that really popped out was those f/c horns.

Inside the room with her were possibly 6 dead bodies, she still wore a tank top with camo pants and combat boots from her training since she didn't get time to change.

"Y-y/n?!" Norman stuttered as he looked at the girl who didn't have any sparkles in her eyes. Instead, her eyes had no more life in her eyes.

༻✦༺ ༻ 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤༺ ༻✦༺

"Norman, I have a hunch again." Y/n announced as she leaned her back against the wall.

"Really? What is it this time?" Norman asked as he looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"I have a feeling that I'll go crazy. If that ever happens, use that time to escape with everyone." Y/n said.

"Go crazy? From what?" Norman asked.

"From training, experiments, or when I'm sleeping, I don't know. I just have a feeling that it will happen soon." Y/n replied.

"What's your reasoning?" Norman asked as he looked at Y/n.

"Nothing, really. I just feel it. You have the preparations, don't you? We're ready with everything, right?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah. All we need is the right time." Norman replied as he now looked away from her.

They were talking in a private area where no one will be able to hear them.

"Norman" Y/n called out. Norman hummed in response, waiting for her to say something.

"When I go crazy, that's when you escape. That would be the right time. Think about it, while I'm going crazy, the others will focus on me and only me. So, they won't know that all of you are escaping. Isn't it a perfect plan? Don't you get it?! I'm here going insane while you guys are escaping. You have to hurry and change the world. " Y/n looked at Norman with eyes that looked similar to when Ray confessed he was the traitor.

"What do you mean by 'You have to hurry and change the world'? You're not coming with us? Y/n, don't be reckless. You're coming with us!" Norman grabbed Y/N's wrist.

"You're so sweet, Norman. I'll go with you but..." Y/n paused as she patted Norman's head while smiling.

".. that depends if I'll still be alive by that time." Y/n removed her hand from Norman's head. Norman looked at her with wide eyes.

"Go to that location Smee told you about. Bring everyone with you. I'll try to catch up." Y/n said as she removed Norman's hand from her wrist and she started walking away.

"Y/n!" Norman called her making Y/n stop walking as she turned around.

"When will it be? The time you go crazy?" Norman asked.

"I don't know...but be ready. It's gonna happen soon." Y/n said before walking away again but this time she actually left.

༻✦༺ ༻ 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 ༺ ༻✦༺

"Everyone! We have to escape now. Now's the perfect chance" Norman yelled as he started running and gathering everyone and they started escaping.

Every guard started running to where Y/n was, leaving no one to protect the gate.


"Y-you..." Robert looked at Y/n with shocked eyes. Y/n looked at him with eyes that sent shivers down his spine.

"Hmm?" Y/n hummed as she took a step closer to Robert who took a step back.

"Wh-why are you doing this?! I created you, didn't I? You shouldn't treat me like this! I'm your master and you should be following my rules. I'm the adult and you're the kid. Didn't you learn that when you were in the farm? You should respect adults!" despite what Robert said, it was clear that he was scared.

"Ara ara, and who are you to tell me what to do?" Y/n took another step towards Robert who took a step back for he was for sure terrified of what he had created.

"Master?" Y/n asked.

"Th-that's right! I'm your master and you're my pet. So be a good pet and behave and follow my r-rules! Or you'll receive grave punishment!" Robert threatened.

"I don't give a crap on who you are or what you are. What I do know is that you're a greedy human who wants others to see you in some almighty position even if you're not close to it. You're nothing but a scared little kitten who thinks they're a huge scary tiger. You don't scare me and I don't care what you'll do. But.. " Y/n paused.

She took a step forward and Robert took a step back, his back finally colliding with the wall.

"What I do want you to do is scream." Y/n grinned.

"H-huh?" Robert tried to grab any object that could possibly be used as a weapon. His hand made contact with a glass shard from the broken door.

"Scream for me. Scream as I break every single one of your bones like what you did to me. Scream as I stick syringes all over you. Scream as I take off your fingernails one by one. Scream as I slit your throat. Scream as I take your eyeballs out. Scream for me." Y/n placed her hand on her cheek as she grinned.

Robert grabbed the glass shard and threw it at the girl who immediately caught it between her index and middle finger.

"Oopsie" Y/n looked at the object that was thrown on her. She glared at it and then glared at Robert who was now running away.

'I have to call the higher-ups! I have to get away to ask for backup!' Robert thought as he ran to the hallway and hid behind a wall.

"Are we playing tag now? You know I used to love tag! It was really fun being chased around. The excitement every time the 'it' passes by you. But, the excitement being the 'it' this time is..." Y/n paused.

"Hello...This is Robert from experiment room no. 24. The experiment has gone on the loose. Requesting for back up immediately." Robert whispered into the walkie talkie.

"Room no. 24, I believe 24194 is being experimented in there. Please tell me the situation" before Robert can answer a glass shard grazed against his cheek.

"Being 'it' sure is exhilarating!" Y/n exclaimed as she now appeared behind Robert. Robert started running once again.

"You better be scared~" Y/n sang as she followed Robert slowly.

"You better be afraid~" Y/n sang as she watched Robert go in a room and lock himself in there.

"Now that the beast is out of her cage!" Y/n yelled as she kicked the door broken.

"Find you!" she yelled as she grabbed Robert's arm and twisted it.

"Scream for me. Let out your scream. I know you want to, don't hold back." Y/n said as she grabbed Robert's leg and pulled it, making him fall.

He resisted the urge to scream, refusing to give in to Y/n. Y/n grinned again and twisted his leg.

"Eh, why are you not screaming? I guess you're not that weak. Don't worry, I'll make you scream." Y/n whispered as she twisted every finger of his making him finally scream.

"That's right, scream more! I want to hear you scream." Y/n snapped his neck and he suddenly stopped moving.

"Oopsie, I didn't mean to do that. It's just the urge was irresistible after hearing you scream. It felt so right!" Y/n let go of Robert.

"Robert? Are you still there? I heard a scream, back up is coming, hold on just a bit!"

Y/n snapped her attention to the walkie talkie that was in Robert's hand. She grabbed it.

"Robert is long gone now. It doesn't matter how many obstacles you throw in my way. I'll kill every single one of them." Y/n said before crushing the walkie talkie with her bare hand.

Y/n then realized that this was some kind of weapon room. She smirked and loaded herself with some guns and an ax.

"So this is 24194, I heard she's a premium good with some of our blood in her. I'll have fun devouring you." Y/n turned around and was met face to face with a demon.

"She really looks tasty" another demon appeared behind the first demon.

Y/n smirked and jumped on the face of the demon. She grabbed her pocket knife and stabbed the weak part of the demon, its eyes.

The demon then died and she stood on top of its body.

Now that was left is the other demon. She smirked and grabbed her ax and threw it, aiming for its eye but it managed to barely dodge and he grabbed it.

"You're annoying. All of them managed to escape because of you." the demon said as he held the ax that Y/n threw at him.

The demon then threw it at the girl. Everything started going in slow motion. Y/n started thinking that this was her Agility test and she managed to dodge the ax which she saw as an arrow.

"'re good but really stubborn an-" before the demon could continue, Y/n had appeared in front of his eye with such speed.

She grabbed her pocket knife and stabbed its eye, blood squirting on her clothes.

Y/n had blood all over her clothes and some blood on her face but most of it was on her hands, but she didn't care about that. She started feeling the urge to kill more of those demons.

"Stop right there!" she heard. She halted and turned around to see a man with dark skin and white hair that had black streaks on it.

"Stop what you are doing or we'll have to shoot!" he yelled. Y/n averted her eyes to his name tag. Andrew.

Anger started to build up inside of Y/n as she recognized the name of the man. She clenched her fist.

She was experiencing bloodlust. She was bloodthirsty. You can tell if you look in her eyes.

"You...what the hell did you do to Phil? You touched him, didn't you?" Y/n controlled herself from pouncing on him and taking his eyeballs out.

"Oh, Phil...that kid from Grace Field. I guess you could say I paid him a little visit and we ha da little chat." he smirked which made Y/n glare at him as she couldn't fight back the urge anymore.

Y/n opened her eyes and looked around. There she saw a man lying down with a pool of blood surrounding him.

Y/n gasped as she ran over to the body. She recognized the hair and didn't even bother. She just kicked it hard enough for the body to collide with the wall before she left.

"Don't touch my children ever again." Y/n warned before walking away from the lifeless body that laid on the cold floor.

More and more demons came at her and just like what she said in the walkie talkie, she killed every single one of them.

When she killed every one of them, she felt satisfied and her eyes started to turn back to normal.

Y/n looked around and realized that she was on top of a pile of demons. She smiled and started skipping to where Norman and the others should be.


"Minerva, how about 24194?!" Barbara asked as she ran, following Norman.

"She'll be fine. She'll be right behind us soon enough." Norman replied as they had finally reached the location.

It took 4 days to get there. They all panted from all the running and carefully entered.


"Boss, it seems that 24194 has not arrived yet." Vincent informed and suddenly the door burst open.

"Boss! Someone just arrived and they're bleeding. She's in the infirmary." Cislo said.

"I'll be there right away." Norman said as he stood up with Barbara and Vincent following behind, with Cislo leading the way while running.

When they arrived, a girl laid on the bed as her clothes were drenched in blood.

"Vincent, grab a set of clothes. Cislo, prepare a meal for her. Barbara, get a room ready and make sure to prepare a bath for her." Norman instructed.

"Yes boss!" they yelled before running off to do their tasks given by their boss, Norman.

"Y/n..." Norman checked her pulse and sighed in relief when he felt a response. (A/N: whoaa that rhymed lmao)

"N-Norman? Is that you?" Norman heard a hoarse voice ask. He looked at Y/n's face and saw her looking at him.

"Y/n! You're alive. You're so reckless." Norman scolded, making Y/n giggle but then she started coughing.

Norman quickly grabbed a cup and filled it with water. He ran back and gave her the glass. She drank it slowly.

"Boss, I'm back!" he heard them yell. He turned around and looked at them with a serious expression.


After Y/n has eaten, rested, and bathed, she heard a knock on her door. She opened it and it revealed Norman, Barbara, Cislo, and Vincent.

"Y/n, do you mind letting us in?" Norman asked. Y/n opened the door and let them in.

"What do you want?" Y/n asked as she leaned against the wall and stared at Norman.

"What happened in the Λ7214? When you arrived you were drenched in blood." Vincent answered for Norman. Y/n remained quiet.

"I...I killed them all." Y/n confessed as she looked at her hands that were ones covered in blood.

"Y-you what?!" Barbara gasped as she looked at Y/N's petite figure up and down.

"I killed them. Even those scientists. I killed the demons and scientists." Y/n replied.

"So you killed some demons and some of our kind?" Cislo asked for confirmation.

"Our kind?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, you know humans and stuff" Cislo replied.

"I'm no longer human." Y/n answered as she removed her hood and she revealed her horns.

"I have some demon blood. I can't be considered as a human. They injected some demon blood in me, they injected fluids to make me stronger to be able to withstand demon blood." Y/n explained as she started playing with her hair.

"No, you're still the same" Norman retorted. Y/n looked at him with one of her eyebrows raised.

"Me? A human? How can you say that?" Y/n asked as she scoffed but inside, she wanted to believe she was still human.

"You may not be human anymore, but you're still the same girl I know." Norman patted Y/n on the head, just like what she did whenever Norman was sad or when he woke up from a nightmare.


"Hey, Ruthless! Want a bite?" Barbara offered as she showed her a chunk of demon meat. Y/n glared at it and looked at Barbara.

"You're telling me to eat that? No, thank you." Y/n declined her offer and looked away.

Y/n had acquired the nickname 'Ruthless' because of her fighting style whenever they destroy plantations.

The other people who she had rescued along with Barbara, Cislo, and Vincent, knew her as the "Hooded Savage".

"Hey, aren't you heading out to help Hayato and Jin? You know, with the rescue mission." Vincent asked.

"Yeah, I am. We're going to head out in about 10 minutes. Guess, I'll get going. Bye-bye." Y/n waved before leaving the room.

'Norman didn't say anything about my mission. Apparently, I'm just going to assist them and they'll do most of it.' Y/n thought as she walked to her room.


(A/N: Eyoo! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you read the manga then you know where you're heading to. Anyways, that's 2942 words for you. Peace out!)

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