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Chapter 4: 03 - The Unforeseen

"Wah! The guy from yesterday!"

Unsubconsciously, I jerk up from my seat and pointed the tall guy that I saw yesterday.

The two men gaze at me with confused faces. Suddenly, I sense myself being coated by shame. I shut myself up and lowers my head.

"S-Sorry . . ." I mutter, enough for them to hear me.

Ahh! It's really embarrassing! Stupid! Stupid, me!

"What do you mean, lass?" I hear the owner of this shop asks me. "Do you know him?"

I look at him with a flustered expression. I nod my head once, returning my look to the blonde guy. His confusion grows bigger as his thin eyebrows are knitted closely.

"Really, huh?" The man named Shimada-san says. "How?"

"Yesterday," I say sheepishly, keeping my gaze to him. Though not looking at him from eye-to-eye. "I saw him yesterday. R-Remember?"

I sense his confusion more, an eyebrow of him is lifted up. "Sorry. I don't remember anything."

Immediately, my lips curve in a surprised reaction as though my cheeks blushed. "But . . . I'm certain that you saw me yesterday!" I complain almost shouting.

"I don't know." The four-eyed guy snaps uninterestedly. "Maybe because I don't remember those people whom I do not care about."


Of course, he shuts me down. And of course, I don't know what to react.

I sigh with a facepalm. It's pointless to talk to him. I admit, I had the slightest hope to find my way back to the house without bothering anyone, at the moment that he came here. And then again, my poor little hope is now crushed just because of his sick attitude.

"Now, now, Tsukki, don't be rude on her." The guy that has an antenna on the head scolds the snappy guy.

"Wait, was that rude?"

He's asking that?!

"Ah-ha-ha . . ." The antenna guy only chuckles wearily. "Yeah. That's not the way to talk to a lady."

Inside of my head, my inner subconscious melts and my eyes twinkled like stars. Wah~ This guy is a gentleman! Opposite to him.


I hate him already.

"What now, lass?" Shimada-san inquires me. "You're saying that you saw this guy near your house?"


"Great timing, boys." Shimada-san declares with a wide smile, putting his hand on his hips as a sign of 'I'm saved'.

Like what I thought. I'm a great bother. Blame my stupidity.

"By the way," says Shimada-san again, "you guys are earlier than usual. No practice?"

"Yes, Shimada-san." As I can recall, this guy is Tadashi. "Midterms are near, and the school is prioritizing our studies. That's why no club for a week."

"I see, I see. So, can you walk her to back to her house?"

"I'm sorry, Tsukki." Tadashi states first with an apologetic look, "I have practice with Shimada-san, so . . ."

"Today?" the eyeglasses guy asks, "You said it yourself that exams are near."

"Yup!" he replies shyly while scratching the back of his head, "I have decided to give my best for the team, that's why I'm putting extra effort for it. I'll catch up with our lessons later."

The four-eyed guy didn't respond and make a ′whatever′ look.

"Then . . ." Shimada-san prompts, "Shall you do the honor?" and asks, pertaining the Tsukki guy.

"Tch." the Tsukki guy faces me with an annoyed frown. "Why are you even here?"

"Eh . . . I, ermm . . ." I feel the heat reaches my face once again. It's so embarrassing that I got lost for words.

"You see, she lost her way." Shimada-san filled in for me. "Since you're going the same way, why not just go home together?"

Go home together? Sounds so awkward and wrong in so many levels.

Tsukki sighs. "Fine. Let's just get this over with." He turns his heels and starts walking.

I don't know how long but I catch myself staring at his back as he exits the place. He's kinda cold.

"He's not a bad kid. You should follow him now." Shimada says, snapping me out of my daze.

"Y-Yes. I'll be on my way. Thank you for your help." I bow politely.

"Take care," Tadashi says with a closed-eye smile.

"Thank you," I smile back and turn around to go out. Not from afar, I sighted him walking at a slow pace.

"Wait, Tsukki!" I call after him and start jogging.

When I finally caught up with Tsukki, he moves his head sideways to my direction, looking irritatedly at me.

I return the look with a questionable expression. "What?" I inquire, shrugging.

"What did you just call me?"

I peer at my left side, "Uh, Tsukki . . ?"

His irksome grows wider as he facepalms. "I don't know why but I feel so annoyed calling me that."

"Why, Tsukki?" I feign an innocent look. I just want to annoy him more.

It is just an imagination, but I think I saw a black shade renders on his face. Ah, he's easy to annoy. I want to laugh at his expression, but I keep it to myself.

"You're annoying," he grumbles with a sigh.

"Why, though? Doesn't Tsukki is your name?"

He lets out a breath and composes himself. "What's that? You got that to Yamaguchi?"

"Yamaguchi?" I ask, tilting my head. Then Tsukki continues walking, so I follow him.

"Ah, the guy with an antenna on his hair."

"Eh? Tadashi?" I state with a bright smile.


"Ah, that's right. He always calls you 'Tsukki', so I thought that your name is Tsukki."

"Sheesh . . ." he sighs again. "Your accent is annoying."

I purse my lips. "T-Then . . . what is your name?"

I sense that he's eyeing me, and I did the same. Boringly staring at me, he averts his eyes to somewhere.

"Kei." he utters, "Kei Tsukishima."

"Ah . . . Kei." I mutter, nodding in redundancy. "I'm Lorraine."

"I'm not asking."

As if on cue, a vein pops on my cheek. "Yeah. Nice to meet you, too." I say sarcastically, gritting my teeth.

He doesn't reply, but I catch a glimpse of his smug look.

Gee. He got me there.

Then everything goes silent. The only thing that I can tell that the atmosphere became dead. So awkward. What an awkward silence. It is so silent that you could hear the tapping sound of our footsteps.

We are just walking. And I'm just following him.

I yawn. I guess it should be like this. I mean, we are not that close. Not to mention that we have just met a little while ago.

Also, come to think of it. His surname is Tsukishima?

"Hey, Tsukki . . ." I call him, preventing myself to laugh.

"Tsk," he clicks his tongue, "Will you drop that name? It sounds annoying."

"So what do you want me to call you?"

He stares impassively at me first, and then slowly narrows his eyes. "Just don't talk to me. I'll appreciate that."

In no time, I stop on my tracks and leave my mouth open. I blink how many times. It's all written on my face that I'm dumbfounded.

Really. What a kind person. So kind that I'll be on tears.

After I recover from his rudeness, I close my mouth. I collect some air to my system and slowly puff it out. Okay, okay. I won't talk anymore, if that's what he wants.

Seriously, I should have silenced myself right from the start. And yeah, I'm on the mood to be sociable, but in my most appreciated moment, I failed just like that. Okay. Just how sad. What's wrong with me, huh? Why is he snappy at me?

I don't know. And I don't want to think of it.

Walking . . .

Walking . . .

Walking . . .

Meh, how boring.

I steal a fast glance at Tsukki then return my look on the ground. He's just looking forward while his hands are hidden inside of his pocket, walking silently. I mentioned that he's kinda cold. Yes, he has the cold aura and I-do-not-give-a-matter attitude.

Well, it's not like I care at all, but I was extremely hurt because of him, and that is why it matters to me.

Anyway, I'll just forget about it.

I move my sights to the sky. The sky is still bright and blue and full of clouds. Ah, it looks so pretty. Small things like this can make me feel happy.

"Hey . . ."

Suddenly, I hear him talks that causes me to stop on my tracks. I arch my head, gazing at him. "What?" Asking him with a low tone.

He's just looking at me boringly. "We're here."

With his announcement, I quickly look at the place. Familiar street, houses, and everything. "You're right! We're here!" I declare and hurriedly go to the front of our house.

I'm about to enter the gate when I remember that I need to tell him something.

"Hey, Kei." I call, turning around. "Still . . . I'm thankful for your help." I say to him, and even though I didn't notice, I give him a grateful smile.

When I realized that I'm smiling, I feel so embarrassed and immediately whirl my body opposite to him. I run fast, reaching the main door. Darn. I was smiling. I usually don't smile in front of people. Maybe I was really grateful. Ah, well, never mind.

I open the door with a sigh. I never knew that getting lost would be tiring. As I enter inside, my eyes catch someone sitting on the couch.

"So you've returned, Lorraine." It is what I heard first.

I sense my face flushes pale. "A-Ah . . . yes, Mom."

I watch her closes the folder she's reading and then removes her eyeglasses. Mom looks at me with a refined pair of eyes. "Where have you been, anyway?"

"I don't know where exactly, but I'm trying to be familiar with this place."

She only nods. "By the way, I prepared all your things for your class tomorrow."

Now she says it, I notice two boxes on the floor. So I'm going to start my schooling tomorrow? I guess it can't be helped. Staying at home will be boring. And it's unexpected that she's here, though.

"Okay, Mom."

"Also, Lorraine," Mom adds, "I bought groceries, cook something for your dinner."

"How about you? You're not going to eat?"

"I ate already." then she states coldly. "Well then," she says, standing up, "I'll go and get some sleep."

"Understood," I reply, looking down. I can't look her in the eye. Her eyes are intimidating to me.

After that, she leaves and goes upstairs.

Now, now. I lost my appetite. I'm already not in the mood to eat. I know that our relationship is really rotten, but I can't seem to disobey her orders and be a rebel. It's a shame to say, but Mom raised me as a good kid with proper morals and etiquettes. That is why I can't be a bad kid. Although this bond is cold as the winter, she always provides me the things that I need for my daily living. Those reasons are enough to obey her little commands.

I begin to check all the stuff she bought. I will just be going to fix my school supplies.

I can't still believe that I already have a class tomorrow.


Morning . . .

All is prepared, even myself, for school. My new uniform looks so cool. White long-sleeved polo, wearing my yellow vest with a red ribbon, then a black coat. The skirt is gray, and it's kinda short. But I'm wearing thigh-high socks, so it's now fine.

I look myself in the mirror, and I look so normal. A normal person with a small round, slight triangular shaped face; big round eyes with hazelnut color orbs that match the color of my brown eyebrows; a small pointed nose; and natural pinkish thin lips. Yes, I'm just a simple girl.

All right. It's time to go. I grab my bag and put it on my shoulder. When I exit the place, I lock the door well. And . . . done. Mom is not here already. I saw her left the house early, and it's still not sure when will be she going back.

"What would Karasuno High School look like?" I whisper to myself while exiting the place.

As I step out the gate, I pause on walking as I saw Kei Tsukishima leaving his home as well. And in just no time, my expression etches into a slight irritation, mixed with a facepalm and then say, "Geh." in a loud voice.

And what a coincidence! We have the same expression on our faces.

"Y-Yo . . . G-Good morning," I say stiffly.

He just closes his mouth and his face goes back to his usual expression. "So we're going to the same school?" he questions dryly.

"Eh? You also study at Karasuno?" my surprised reply.

"Unfortunately, yeah." and he sighs.

I pout slightly. "What's with that disappointed look, eh?" and inquire Kei, walking towards him.

"Don't mind," Kei answers uninterestedly and starts walking.

"Gee," I mutter to myself that only I could hear.

And again, we continue walking. At this time, I'm beside Kei. Not like yesterday, I was behind him. He was sure a grouch to me at that time.


"Yo?" I respond.

"You sure didn't wait for me to leave home, did you?"

I give him a confused look, "What do you mean?"

"What I'm saying is, that you actually waited for me to leave home, hoping that you'll walk with me on the way to school. For someone who's a newbie like you, I'm sure that you would get lost easily." A long explanation of Kei.

"Huh, wow." I scoff, "You sure have high hopes, huh, Tsukki? Assuming that I waited for you? Don't make me laugh. Of course, I know the way to school!" And I tell him proudly.

"Heh. Really? Then tell me how."

"Okay, then! I tell you." I reply back, "Just go straightly, then take the first left turn, to the high slope. Continue walking ahead, go to left and then a right turn where the downslope is."

"Oh . . . I'm surprised that you know."

"Of course!" I say with a smirk. "I'm a genius, y'know, Tsukki~" and laugh mockingly.

"Haven't I told you that not to call me that way?"

"Well, the same goes for you." I tell him, "I did tell you my name, didn't I, Kei? Don't just 'hey' me."

"Ah, right. Lorraine, isn't it?" he asks in a boring tune.

"Right," I reply and grin at him.

And then again, we continue our way to the school. I'm not sure if we talked that much, but we've arrived at Karasuno not noticing how many minutes we spent to reach here.

As soon as we enter the school ground, it's like I felt a new atmosphere. Uwah . . . I'm sure it will take time to be used to this new environment.

Students are still outside the classes. And there are different types of student. Looking at the side, there's a group of men that look like bullies. Checking the corridors, friends, lovers, or loners are there. What a lively school, I would say.

Kei and I both enter the building where the lockers are. And some students are looking at me. Oh, darn. How awkward. I feel so out of place here!

"Kei . . ." I call him, ignoring the questionable gazes of the students.

"What's it?" Kei says as he changes his outdoor shoes to indoor ones.

"Do you . . . perhaps have a minute?"

Kei frowns, trying to understand my situation. "Well . . . I guess I have." he answers while looking sideways.

"Then, can you please lead me to the faculty room?"

"All right." and he concurs as he starts to saunter. "Come on."

I only smile at myself and follow him. Later that morning, Kei shows me the room. "Many thanks to you," I tell him with a small grin.

"It's nothing." it's just his simple reply and then he turns back. "Then, I'll be going."


So then, I'll mind my business. I need to go here, just to confirm my class. I knock on the sliding door first and then enter the room. "Good morning," I address shyly.

The teacher on the front notices me that fast, "Oh, good morning, too." and greets me back.

I smile at her, "I'm the transfer student, ma'am."

"Really? Nice to meet you! I'm Amagi Koyama, your new teacher!"

Oh, I meet her already. Observing her, she's on the '20s. Young and energetic one. She's also thin, and not that short. Actually, I'm taller than her.

"Well, come on. Homeroom is about to start." Miss Koyama invites me and then we leave the room.

Since she knows where's the location of my section, I'm just following her. And now, I can feel the real nervousness. What would my classmate look like? Are they going to like me? I hope my section are not delinquents. I'm being anxious about that part. Well, I'm fine if I'm in the lowest section. What matters is how will I learn.

And then at long last, Miss Koyama stops in a certain door. It means that we have arrived. The thumping on my heart beats louder.

Oh, my gosh. Here it comes.

"Relax, there." My teacher pats my shoulder. "I'm going to step in first, then I'm going to call you, okay?"

I force myself to smile at her, "Yes, ma'am."

When she's inside the room, I waited for a minute before I was called. I calm myself, inhaling a good amount of air and let it out slowly. Okay. I'm ready.

Slowly sliding the door, I step inside. I keep my gaze straight, making a calm and easy look. Facing the whole class, I scan all the students' faces. It took me by surprise when I peer at the guy looking outside. He's not even paying attention.

How unexpected. I'm in the same class as Kei. So, if Kei is here, then Tadashi is here also.

Tadashi catches me looking at him, so he smiles immediately. I grin at him, too.

I feel relief now. It's so nice seeing familiar faces here.

"Introduce yourself." My teacher prompts with a welcoming smile.

I nod once, "My name is Lorraine Yukizome, nice to meet you all." and bow like Japanese people usually do.

"Whoah. You're half-Japanese?" Some of the students chant.

"Ah, yes. My father is Japanese, while my mother is American."

"So, Lorraine," Miss Koyama says, "I heard you were from America."

I hear my classmates' astounded utterance.

"Y-Yes," my fast reply.

"Can you tell us about studying abroad?"

"It's not that special, though."

"Okay. Then what's the reason why you transferred here? There are lots of opportunities in another country."

"Well, it's my mom's decision," I answer. Of course, I'm not going to tell them that I transferred because of business matter.

"All right, Yukizome-san, you can sit on the vacant seat, in front of Tsukishima-kun's seat."

"Okay, ma'am," I say as I move forward to the vacant seat.

Kei watches me walk. I can read his stare. He's saying, "What's this? We're in the same class?"

I only purse my lips and shrug my shoulders. It's an unforeseen happening. I don't expect this as well.

"Okay, now!" Miss Koyama declares, "I'm starting the homeroom."

Heh . . . How boring. Class already.

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