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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 A smooth First Transaction

After a flash of blue light, Lane appears with his schoolbag on his back on a small town street devoid of people and imagined zombies.

Ryan looks around curiously at the town, which is barricaded by various debris. At the end of the

road, in the middle of the town, a house with a yard was clearly visible, and there seemed to be

movement inside.

After checking the system, Ryan quickly knew that the house was the destination. With that in

mind, Ryan took a deep breath, pulled out his bag and held the sapper shovel in his hand. He spread his legs toward the house.

There were plenty of barricades, but they were clearly aimed at the oncoming zombies, and as an

11-year-old, Ryan easily slipped through the gaps in the barricades, making his way toward the

house in the center of town.

Near and even on top of the barricades, there were dozens of disentangled zombies. It appeared

that there had been fighting there before. Fortunately, there were not many fallen zombies

scattered to block the road. It only took Lane a moment to steer clear of them.

Just ten metres or so from his destination, Lane noticed that the gap between the two barriers of

the last obstacle in front of him was blocked by a fallen zombie, while the rest looked like a long


Ryan was just about to move forward to remove the zombie when he noticed that although it was only halfway up, its head was still there.

Zombies in the game can only be counted by turning around, think of here, Ryan broke out a cold

sweat behind him, fortunately, he did not discreetly step forward at the first time, this half of the

zombie is likely to be unable to move without the lower half, so here waiting. If you rush to move

up, maybe your brain will become a zombie's breakfast.

Knowing something was wrong, Ryan was prepared. Fortunately, he had everything he needed in

his backpack. He poured the oil from a windbreak lighter onto the bandage, then found a long stick with a split end, wrapped the bandage around it and lit it. He ended up sticking the torch directly into the zombie's head.

As expected, the zombie was seriously injured and ready to wait, in the torch poke up the moment, the zombie began to grasp with both arms, trying to attack the torch injured his people.

But after Ryan impaled his head with a long forked stick and pushed the other end diagonally into

the ground to form a solid triangle, it became clear that the legless zombie would not be able to

escape the flames and hit Ryan.

Over time, as the flames dwindled, the zombie could swing his arms less and less. Eventually the

flame dies down and the zombie stops moving.

Ryan poked the zombie in the head with a stick, and the head snapped off, before the body was

reduced to black ash. Ryan was taken aback by this, only to remember that burned zombies in the game turn to ash.

This must have been the first monster he'd killed, Ryan thought. Unfortunately, the system wasn't

an upgrade, and nothing was left but ash.

After passing through the barricade, Lane finally stood at the door of his destination. He raised his hand to ring the doorbell and heard a jingling sound coming from inside, as if someone had

stumbled and knocked over something.

The door opened, and a middle-aged man with an iron pot on his head was standing there with a

baseball bat.

"Did the zombie ring the doorbell? Where is it? Come out."

"Sir, I'm a human being, and you need to look down."

The man looks down at Ryan, who also notices that the man's eyes are of different sizes, revealing a sign of mental disorder. This should be the game's plant scientist, Mad Dave.

"Come on in, boy, the zombies have been lurking in the shadows ready to eat our brains." Dave

reached in and pulled Ryan in. Then he closed the door.

"I should have known it was a human. After all, if a zombie knocked on the door, my precious plants wouldn't be unresponsive."

'That's right,' he said. Dave led Ryan into the living room and sat down. "I don't think this is a good time for a kid traveling alone. What are you doing at my door?"

Ryan was a little uncomfortable with this direct style. After thinking about it, he decided to tell it

like it is. "I'm a store owner and I heard you have some amazing plants here, so I'd like to trade with you."

"It doesn't sound like a reasonable reason, but Dave's plants tell Dave that you're telling the truth."

Dave answered from the sofa, loosening the soil in a pot of sunflowers.

"But my things are incredibly expensive. What do you pay for them from me?"

Ryan reached into his bag and pulled out a taco and hot sauce.

"I thought I might have what you need because I thought it would be hard for people to see some

industrially processed food in this bad situation. And I might be able to go to a lot of places and

meet a lot of people and maybe find some plants that have never existed in the world before and

we can help each other in the future."

Dave quickly grabbed the tacos and hot sauce. "Oh my God, tacos, hot sauce, I haven't seen that

in ages, not since the damn zombies laid siege to town. Unfortunately, it's not quite what I wanted, but it's better than mashed peas every day."

"All right, kid." Dave looked at Ryan as he put down his stuff. 'I admit I'm a little tempted by your

shipment, but you can only replace these with three basic plants. This is my concession in exchange for your being the first outsider in a long time and your suggestion of future cooperation. Otherwise I would just give you a plant."

"Thank you, Uncle Dave." Ryan looked at the list of plants Dave had given him and said, "I'm ready. Sunflowers, pea shooters, and sunmushrooms, please."

When Dave heard Ryan's request, he took out three bags and handed them to Ryan with a key.

"Oh, you're smart enough to know that even a big garden needs to start with the basics," he said.

This key belongs to our neighbor. He didn't listen to me and got his brain eaten by a zombie. You

can come over there next time and you won't have to run so much."

No sooner had Lane taken the items than the sound of the system came out of his head.

Ding Dong --

Shopkeeper you have completed the first transaction task --

Obtain a micro growing base (neighbor's yard), up to ten plants per week for each of three species


Free Plant vs. Zombie World, this world shuttle has been fixed for Dave's neighbor

You can now return to --

Ryan and Dave say hello, go out the back door of Dave's yard into the next yard, and then choose

to return.

Dave looked through the door and saw a blue flash as Ryan disappeared. "Sure enough, Dave now has a different kind of customer. Maybe the end of the zombie war is in him. All right, Dave needs to get lunch ready. Fresh tacos today. They're great."

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