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Chapter 14: Flying and Blackmail

(Extra chapter today and maybe another one tomorrow but, then no chap until friday.)

After dinner they were brought out into a field on the side of the castle everyone was seperated into group and arranged into lines facing each other. Erik's group ended up opposite the Slytherin group and Malfoy was there acting like he was the most important person here. Harry and Ron were in a face off with him and Erik decided to just ignore him.

"Good evening" an older woman with short grey hair walked out and adressed the class. "My name is Madame Hooch and it is my job to teach you how to fly."

"Good evening, Madam Hooch" everyone greeted her.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. Now first things first pick up your brooms."

All the students bent down and grabbed their brooms.

"What are you doing" Madame Hooch yelled "that is not how you pick up a broom! Sigh, everyone drop your brooms it looks like I'm going to have to teach you the propper way to pick them up. First you come up to the side of your broom, next you stick your hand out above the broom, and finaly you speak in a clear and loud voice UP."

The broom on the ground flew up into her hand "Now you try."

The sound of hundreds of students yelling up filled the air with very few of them getting it to work. Erik watched as Harry's broom flew to him on his first try and then to Draco who succeded not long after and looked at his smuggly because he got it first.

Erik kept trying and managed to grab it on his third try and couldn't help thinking that Harry's really was suited for flying getting it on his first try.

"Ahh" Ron screamed pain as his broom smacked him in the face and Hermione over in the girl's group didn't seem to be having much succsess. Ten minutes later everyone managed to grab their brooms and it was time to move on.

"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end."

He cautiously sat on his broom not sure of how to control it and was suprised at how comfy it was, It felt like there was an invisible seat under him.

"Now when I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady and hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . woo."

Erik gripped his broom tight and jumped. The broom held him in place for a moment before he touched back down on the ground and couldn't help but, laugh out loud. Even though he had been flying with Hagrid before it was a completely different feeling to be controlling it yourself.

While he was enjoying the moment a scream caught everyones attention. It was Neville who was spiraling higher and higher into the air.


"Mr. Longbottom where are you going" Madame Hooch yelled!

"I don't know" Neville sceamed "someone help me!"

"M-M-Mr. Longbottom Mr. Longbottom look out your going to crash!"

"Huh" Neville looked forward and realised he was about to hit a wall?

Neville crashed into the stone wall with a sickening snap and Erik wasn't sure if it was his broom or his bones. Neville fell 15 meters(45 feet) straight down and caught his robe on statue knocking him out. Nevilles robe slowly ripped and he fell straight to the ground bouncing of a torch and landing with a sickening thud.

Everyone was silent as Madame Hooch sprinted over to Neville, even Erik who knew that Neville was fine felt a little sick in his stomach.

"Everyone out of the way" Madame Hooch yelled "Come on, get up!"

"Whe-where" Neville muttered?

"Oh thank god" Madame Hooch sighed as long as he wasn't dead they could save him. She picked him up in her arms and turned to the class "Everyone is to keep their feet FIRMLY on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, Quidditch."

While Madame Hooch was running off with Neville Malfoy picked something up from the ground it was Neville's Remembrall. He laughed loudly getting everyones attention.

"Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat ass."

Most of the Slytherin students laughed as Harry gritted his teeth and stormed up to Malfoy.

"Give it back" Harry screamed at him.

"Let me think about that ah, no I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." He hopped on his brom and flew up above the school "How about up on the roof?"

Harry sqeezed his broom until his knuckles turned white.

"What's wrong Potter a bit out of you reach?"

"That's it" Harry jumped up to follow Draco into the sky.

"Harry, no! You heard what Madam Hooch said you'll get expelled! Besides, you don't even know how to fly." Harry completely disregarded her and flew up even higher."What an idiot" she spoke under her breath.

Harry was now high in the air floating across from Draco "Give it here, Malfoy, or I'll knock you off your broom!"

"Is that so" he sneered?

Harry charged at him prepairing to keep his word but, Malfoy was far more experianced with his broom and easily dodged his attack and threw the Remebrall as hard as he could.

"Whoop's my hand slipped" he laughed.

Before he even finished his sentance though Harry was already zooming of towards the Remembrall. He pushed his broom to the limit trying to catch it. Everyone held their breath as they saw Harry fly closer and closer to the castle walls. Right before crashing Harry managed to catch the Remembrall and force himself to stop banging against a nearby window almost shattering it.

All the students cheered and ran towards Harry as he flew back to the ground and circled around him.

"Good job, Harry!"

"That was wicked!"


Malfoy who was still floating more that 6 meters(20 feet) in the air secretly smiled to himself. He knew that Harry would try and catch it that's why he threw it at Professor. Mcgonagall's office. She definatly saw him and would come down to expel him now all he had to do was wait and watch the show.

Unfortunatly for him there was one person who wasn't focused on Harry. It was Erik, Malfoy had pissed him off and he finaly saw a chance to get back at him. He was standing at the back away from the crowd and held a fist sized rock in his hand. While everyone was still busy he carfully took aim and launched the rock towards Malfoy.

It flew threw the air locked onto it's target and hit the tail end of his broom while he was condecendingly clapping his hands. Draco wasn't prepaired and when the broom suddenly moved below him he fell to the ground screaming.

He land on his shoulder and started crying everyone in class turned to him stunned unable to believe that he had actually fallen too. Right at that moment Mcgonagall ran outside.

"What is going on!"

"Potter knocked me off my broom" Malfoy screamed.

"That's a lie" Harry rebuked "ask anyone here."

"Did he knock Mr. Malfoy off" she asked?

All of the Gryffindor students agreed and told her he didn't while all the Slytherin students stood ther quietly. Even though they wanted to support their own it was obvious that Harry had nothing to do with this. Mcgonagall scanned the crowed looking for anyone who looked suspicious but, came up empty handed.

"All right" Mcgonagal said as she went over to Malfoy to check his condition. He winced in pain as she squeezed his arm." Your entire right arm is shattered along with part of your collerbone. It will take at least 3 months to heal."

She took out her wand and cast a spell on him to numb his pain before standing him up.

"You two come with me" she grabbed Harry and Malfoy and pulled them behind her.

Once they were gon Erik couldn't stop a huge smile from showing on his face, it felt amazing to make Malfoy suffer like that. Unfortuneatly for him his happiness didn''t last for long because he saw Hermione stomping towards him with an angry expression.

"She can't know it was me can she? I made sure no one was looking."

She came towards him and grabbed his collar and pulled him away.

"Your the one who caused Malfoy to fall aren't you?"

"What do you mean? How could I have caused him to fall I was way too far away from him to do anything."

"I don't know but, seeing that big smile on your face earlier you looked like someone who was enjoying their handywork."

Crap Erik though "So I hate that guy can't I be happy he was hurt? Did you look at Ron he was even more excited than I was."

"I still think it was you."


"Call it a womans intuition."

He wasn't really sure how to respond to that "I-"

"It doesn't really matter if you did it or not but, if you don't do something for me I'll tell everyone that you did do it. And then it wouldn't be very hard for the teachers to get the truth out of you."

Erik was completely at a loss "W-what do you want from me?"

"So you did do it."

" . . . Yes."

"If you don't want me to talk you have to teach me the rest of your spells."

"But, I already said I would teach you" Erik was confused.

"I have been reading the books you gave me and something feels off. Its completely different from any other kind of magic I have seen before. I went to the library and checked the Alchemy section and there is nothing there that is even remotely close to what's in those books.

Not just that either even in the books you gave me it feels like something is missing. Like even if I mastered everything in those books I still wouldn't be able to create one of those seals."

"How could you have figured all this out already I only gave you those books a few hours ago!" Erik was astonished.

"I'm right then."

After agonizing over it in his mind for a moment he gave in."Fine I'll teach you."

"Yay" Hermione jumped.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Meanwhile with Harry, Mcgonagall had led Malfoy and him to the infermery.

"Hello Ms. Pomgrey" Mcgonagall greeted her "We have another injured one."

Madame Hooch who was still tending to Neville nearby looked over in shock. "How did Malfoy get hurt?"

"He fell off his broom" Mcgonagall sighed.

"What!" Hooch was enraged "I specifically told you not use your brooms."

"It's not my fault" Malfoy defended himself "Potter knocked me off my broom plus he was flying too!"

"That's a lie!"

"Quiet you two" Hooch screamed "now Mcgonagall can you please explain to me what happened."

"Before that Madame Pomfrey can you please take care of Mr.Malfoy my pain killing spell could ware off any moment know."

"Of course" she replied taking Malfoy and laying him down in bed.

"Now" Mcgonagall continued "I was in my office filling out paperwork when I heard a comotion outside. I looked out the window and imagine my suprise when I see Mister Potter flying towards my window at full speed chasing after something. Luckily he managed to catch it and avoid crashing but, I knew I had to go outside to get to the bottom of what had happened. So I headed out and as I was exiting the castle I saw Malfoy falling from the sky. I ran over to heal him and brought him here."

Madame Hooch looked at Harry in anger "Did you knock him off his broom!?"

"No, I swear I've no idea why he fell" Harry pleaded.

"It's true I don't think he had anything to do with the fall. Mr. Potter was already on the ground surronded by his fans when I came outside and saw Malfoy falling."

"Then why did he fall?"

"No idea but, if I had to guess he wasn't holding on properly and was caught unawares by a gust of wind."

"How do you want to deal with this" Madame Hooch sighed.

"Well normally this kind of thing would call for a double expulsion but, I doubt Draco's family would allow him to be expelled and as for Mr.Potter I have something else in mind for him."

"Alright you can leave I can handle everything here" Hooch told her.

"Very, well come along Potter."

"Oh, wait" Harry Ran over to the unconcious Neville who was resting in a nearby be and put the Remembrall in his uninjured hand.

Watching this Mcgonagall smiled and walked out of the room with Harry not far behind. She led him to a classroom he hadn't been to yet and politely knocked on the door.

"C-c-c-come in" a voice sounded from within.

The went inside and saw Professor. Quirrell is inside holding an iguana on his arm in front a class of older students.

"Oh h-hello Professor. Mcgonagall what can I d-d-do for you."

"Hello Professor I came here to borrow Mr.Wood for a moment?"

"O-of course Oliver lad get up and follow Misses Mcgonagal please."

Outside Mcgonagall introduced them "Potter, this is Oliver Wood."

"Hello" Harry introduced himself.

"Mr. Wood I believe I have found you a new Seeker!"

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