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Chapter 12: Sorting Hat

Peter Pettigrew was the worst kind of person immaginable he was best friends with Harry's father, Serius Black, and Lupin. When Harry's father cast a spell on his family to stop Voldemort from finding them the spell required him to tell one person where they were and only that person could share it. He trusted Peter to be his secret-keeper but, he was a coward and immediately betrayed them to Voldemort and faked his death. Getting Serius arrested for the crime and the Potters killed.

Erik had to hold himself back from smashing the rat right there and now. He would definitely expose him but, he had to wait three years for Serius to break out of jail so he wouldn't change history too much.

Ron saw Erik looking at his rat "Oh that's just Scabbers he's my family pet, been alive for over ten years. Just another hand me down from my family he's supposed to go to the youngest."

"Don't you have a younger sister" Harry asked?

"I do her names Ginny but, she hates the stupid thing says he creeps her out."

"I agree he is an ugly bastard" Erik said while shooting a glare at the rat.

"He is a bit wonky" Ron admitted "missing a finger no idea where he lost it.

Harry ignored their conversation and was more interested in the new candy he found.

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans they can't actually be every flavor, right"?

Ron overheard Harry talking to himself "Well they say every flavor but, it's only nearly every flavor. There's chocolate and peppermint, and also spinach, liver and even tripe. My brother George swears he got a bogey flavoured one once!"

Harry opened the package and took out a bean to try "Toothpaste flavored not bad" he said.

After trying one of the beans Harry turned his attention to the other candies, after all he didn't want to eat any bogey flavoured ones.

"These aren't real chocolate frogs, are they" Harry asked while opening another package and seeing a small brown frog hop out.

"No It's only a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 myself."

"They're basically just Baseball cards" Erik said before grabbing out and catching the chocolate frog that was about to jump out the window."

"Bad luck for him they've only got one good jump in them to begin with. By the way what's Baseball?"

"It's a muggle sport" Erik told him.

"Oh, like Quiditch."

"Hey I got Dumbledore" Harry showed them excitedly.

Ron took the card from Harry "Nice, I got about 6 of him."

"Hey, he's gone!" Harry panicked after getting the card back from Ron.

"Well, you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?" Ron said as grabbed Scabbers who squeaked in protest."Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?"

"Yeah" Harry agreed was excited to see more magic.

"Ron cleared his throat "Ahem. Sun-."

Before Ron could finish his spell a girl with bushy brown hair bursted into the room interupting him.

"I'm sorry but, has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost his."

"Sorry, no toad here just an ugly nine toed rat and a baby bird" Erik told her.

"A what" Ron questioned.

"Your not the only one with a pet" Erik said as he took the sleeping Swift out of his pocket.

"Oh my gosh, it's so cute" Hermione couldn't stop herself from running over to see the bird.

Erik laughed to himself girls could never resist cute animals.

"What type of bird is it" she asked.

"she's a Golden Eagle."

"C-can I hold her."

"Go ahead" Erik said handing the small bird over to her.

Hermione held the small bird and petted it's head while it slowly woke up from it's sleep.

"Were'nt you looking for a toad" Ron questioned her?

"Oh, your right I got distracted here's your bird back um-."

"I'm Erik and they're Ron and Harry."

"Wait, Harry as in Harry Potter, holy cricket" she looked at Harry stunned.

"Yes, that's me" Harry responded shyly.

"What, you mean I've been sitting here eating snacks and talking with the Harry Potter. I-Is it true?! I mean, do you really have the. . .the. . ."

"Scar yes I do" Harry parted his hair to show the lightning bolt scar.


"I'm Hermione Granger by the way it's been nice meeting you. See you again at school and if we're lucky we might even be sorted into the same house. Well I've got a toad to find so I'll be going now."

Hermione ran out as quick as she arrived leaving them alone in their cart.

Ron scratched his head and spoke "We'll-."

"Oh right" she popped back in "You have a bit of dirt right, right here" before running off for good this time while Ron wiped his face off in embarrassment.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hours later the trains whistle blew as the train screeched to a halt the doors open and students started streaming out and collecting their luggage. Erik followed Harry and Ron as they excitedly ran outside. As they got outside they heard a familiar voice.

"Right, then! First years! This way, please! Come on, now, don't be shy! Come on, hurry up we don't have all night!

"Hagrid" Harry ran up and gave him a hug."

"Oh, why hello Harry. How was your trip."

"Whoa" Ron looked up at the giant "your huge."

"I am indeed, runs in my family."

"I'm Ron by the way mister?"

" Hagrid, the grounds keeper here at Hogwarts. Oi, I see you over there Erik you get in here for a hug too."

"Um, no thanks I'm not really the type" Erik told him as he tried to run away.

"Ah, hogwash" Hagrid didn't take no for an answer cutting off his escape and forcing him into a giant bearhug.

Erik gasped for breath as Hagrid let go of him vowing to never let that happen again.

"Right then. This way to the boats! Come on, now no time to waste, follow me."

They followed him up to a massive pier that had hundreds of boats lined up on it. Harry, Ron, and Erik squeezed into one boat and started off into the lake.It was an amazing scene the stars were shining in the sky brighter than he had ever seen them before and the massive castle relfected in the lake, while all the students sat quietly in their boat just taking it all in.

It was a short trip but, Erik felt like he would remeber this moment for a lifetime. The moment he started his journey into the magical world.

The boats took them to another large stone pier with a huge stairway leading up to the castle. Standing at the top was Professor Mcganagall she was tapping her fingers against the stairwell waiting to greet the new students.

"Welcome to Hogwarts I am Professor Mcgonagall." She announced herself "in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates in the Great Hall. But before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. While you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup. There are four houses.

Gryffindor the brave.

Ravenclaw the Intelligent.

Hufflepuff the Honest.

And Slytherin the Noble.

She was about to continue when a shout came from within the crowd and a small boy ran out.

"Trevor" he yelled before running up to her feet and scooping up the toad that was hopping along the stairs.

"You might be?" she questioned him.

"I-I'm Neville Longbottom."

"Longbottom hmm, I knew your parents. Be sure not to dissapoint them."

"Y-yes ma'am and sorry for interupting you" he ran back into the crowd not willing to meet he steely gaze again.

"You all should wait here the sorting ceremony will begin momentarily."

Professor. Mcgonagall left them alone and as soon as she left a blonde boy with slicked back hair walked up the stairs flanked by two large followers.

"Is it true then, what they were saying on the train.Has Harry Potter really come to Hogwarts."

"Harry Potter" all the students gasped annd then started whispering amongst themselves as Harry tried his best to hide between Erik and Ron.

"This is Crabbe, and Goyle" he said motioning to his two lackies "and I'm Malfoy. . .Draco Malfoy."

"Pfft" Ron stiffled a laugh.

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, dirty clothes? You must be a Weasley."

"And what if I am" Ron growled.

"Nothing it's just that some wizarding families are better than others" Malfoy shrugged.

"You!" Ron scream ready to charge at Draco but, was held back by Harry.

Draco looked over at Harry and noticed his scar "Potter you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." He said while extending his hand for Harry to shake.

Harry wanted to slap his hand away but, was pushed away by Erik.

"Who are you decide is the wrong sort" Erik questioned him?

"You are" Malfoy examined Erik.

"I'm Erik . . . Erik Asher" he said trying to mock the way Malfoy introduced himself.

Malfoy not caring continued "Asher, Asher nope I can't recall a wizarding family by that name. Which means you must be a Mudblood" he sneered.

The word Mudblood didn't mean much to Erik but, Malfoy's face seemed to irritate Erik in all the wrong ways. He was about to show Malfoy what a bad idea it was to insult him when Harry butted in.

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks"

Malfoy wanted to continue insulting them but, he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Professor. Mcgonagall giving all of them a death stare.

"We're ready for you now" she coldly smiled and all of them clenched up afraid of getting in trouble.

She then lead everyone through the castle to two large doors that led into the Great Hall. Where four long tables were filled with hundreds of kids waiting to begin this years feast. The room was filled with an uncountable amount of floating candles that hung under the transparent ceiling the relfect the stary sky.

While they were in awe of the room Hermione came up to their side."It's not real, the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."

Professor. Mcgonagall turned around to face them and spoke again "All right, will all of you wait here, please? Before we begin, Professor Dumbldedore would like to say a few words."

Everyone turned and looked at the faculty desk at the front of the hall where Dumbledore stood up to adress everyone.

"First I would like to thank all of you for coming here to take part in a wonderful year at Hogwarts. Now I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. To the first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr.Filch has asked me to remind you all that the 3rd floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you."

Dumbledore sat back down and continued his meal.

"That wasn't much of a speech" Erik whispered to Harry."

Professor. Mcgonagall now standing up on the stage spoke to the first years "When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Now first on the list is . . . Erik Asher."

Erik stood frozen there for a moment before hurrying up to the sorting hat.

"It's alphabetical I should have guessed I would be first" he thought to himself as he sat on the chair waiting to be sorted.

Mcgonagall softly placed the hat on his head and backed away.

"Hmm, now lets see where do you belong" the hat whispered in his mind."Oh my you have quite a few secrets on you don't you Mr. Asher."

Erik swallowed hard when he heard that hoping that the hat knew hoe to keep it's mouth shut.

"Now which house is good for you . . . how about Ravenclaw I can see you past, your mind, your library. You love learning and would fit in well their."

"No" Erik told him.

"No Ravenclaw? then how about Hufflepuff I could see from your past that you have donated quite alot of money to charity. No Hufflepuff wouldn't be able to handle you, your destiny is too strong. What about Slitherin then?"

"Slitherin I'm not a pure blood wizard how could I go there?"

"Haha, true you aren't a pure blooded wizard but, your lineage is as pure as it gets."

"What do you mean?"

"I believe they were called the Uchiha? If they were not considered pure then no one is."

"No I don't want to join Slitherin it has to be Gryffindor."

"Gryffindor hmm, well you do have a bit of bravery but, while you are indeed brave there is a seed of fear in you I can feel it. It has been there since you killed that werewolf you are afraid to die."

"So what if i'm afraid to die who isn't? I have already experienced death once and when I die again in this life I want it to be as an old man and not at the hands of a monster. I will become strong enough to protect myself and everyone I care about and to do that I believe that Gryffindor is where I should be."

"oh ho ho, touched a nerve did I, well fine then you shall be placed in GRYFFINDOR" he yelled out causing everyone in the Gryffindor house to cheer.

The rest of the sorting ceremony happened as it was supposed to with Harry, Ron, and Hermione also joining Gryffindor. They went and joined him at the table where they sat there silently until everyone was finished being sorted and Mcgonagall walked back up to the stage.

"May I have your attention, please" she then motioned to Dumbledore who stood up and spoke.

"Let the feast begin!"

A mountain of food appeared in front of them and everyone happily dug in. Ron's brothers all went over to congradulate him and Ron itriduced them to everyone.

As they were eating Harry leaned over to Percy Ron's oldest brother still in Hogwarts and asked him.

"Say, Percy, who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?"

"Oh, him that's Professor. Snape he's the schools resident potions master. He is also the Head of Slytherin house as well as a right jerk. Man's been after Quirrells job for years."

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