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Harry Potter: Challenging Fate Harry Potter: Challenging Fate original

Harry Potter: Challenging Fate

Author: ShinXResolve

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.


"Harry Potter, could you please join the other Champions in the antechamber." Dumbledore's words still echoed in his ears.

A black haired teen was leaning against the windowsill with his head between his arms.

"Just my luck," he sighed and looked at his reflection, "one of the worst times to be you Mr. Potter."

A lonely soul traversed the boundless plains of infinity and reached the magical world of wonder.

"Thankfully they didn't notice the change. That would've been disastrous." He looked over his clothes and scowled.

"New clothes are a must," he pushed away from the window, "but let's face the music first."

The darkness and coldness of the corridors towered over him. Portraits judging and whispering.

"Balderdash." The entrance to the Griffindor's dorm opened.

"Here's our champion!" The crowd cheered as Harry walked into the common room.

The twins grabbed the man of the hour and placed him on the table. "Let's bow before the master." Fred started.

"How did you cross the line?" George gave Harry a bottle of Butterbeer.

"We've spent hours trying to bypass Dumbledore's barrier." Fred said.

Harry took a sip and sighed. "Would you believe if I said I didn't do it?"

The twins didn't seem to be listening. Nobody was in fact paying attention to him as the world began slowing down to a halt.

"Congratulations Mr. Potter. Or should I call you by your other name?"

Harry turned towards the voice. "Are you behind all of this?"

The newcomer chuckled. "I'm but a humble messenger." A shadowy silhouette emerged from the corner.

"How deep in trouble am I?" The boy combed through his unruly hair with his fingers.

The shadow came closer to Harry. "Quite the contrary. I'm bearing some great news for you."

"The horcrux is gone and I'm free to leave the country?" Harry prayed it was true.

Laughter filled the frozen in time room and resonated with the walls making it tremble. "And where would be the fun in that Mr. Potter?" The shadow settled in the nearby armchair.

Harry sat at the opposite side of the small coffee table and continued drinking his Butterbeer.

"I'm here to gift some boons to our brand new champion." A misty hand grabbed a bottle of Firewhisky and poured a drink. "Cheers." The shadow let out a fireball from what Harry assumed was its mouth.

"And what can I count for?" Hope filled Harry's eyes.

"First I'll unlock the memories of your predecessor." Harry scowled at that. "What? You want to learn everything from zero?" The shadow sounded amused.

"As if he learnt anything worthwhile during his stay here." Harry pointed out.

"Surprisingly true. Not much happened in the friend department either?" The shadow checked a scroll it took out of it's sleave.

Harry felt that tiredness was slowly creeping in. "So, how can you help me?"

A reddish grin flashed in the boundless wisp of smoke. "Fine, I'll just give you the important memories. Secondly, I'll heal your body. Eyes included."

"That's all fun and nice. But can't you give me something more substantial?" Harry was becoming nervous.

"It came to a coin toss as to which power you will be granted." Shadowy fingers drummed on the countertop. "Alas, someone else will get it."

"Can you stop keeping me in suspense?" Harry wanted to strangle this blot of foul air.

An eerie laugh reached Harry's ears. "So be it." The shadow launched itself and rammed into the boys chest.

"We can't let you be too powerful of course." Was the last thing Harry heard before he succumbed to darkness.

After what seemed to be hours a painful groan escaped a body laying on the floor.

"My head hurts so bad." Harry's trembling body tried to position itself better. "Why is it so quiet?"

The room's occupants were still not moving. Everything left in limbo. Harry pulled himself onto the nearby chair.

"That bastard truly knows how to joke." The boy took down his now turning to dust glasses and combed his hair to the back.

"Such a pity I didn't get a matching sword. Aizen would be terribly disappointed with me." Knowledge of spells and martial arts were engraved on to his mind.

Harry looked around the room and saw a timer counting down. "Just enough to gather my thoughts."

"I have to quickly get rid of that abomination. Thankfully I also got some of his genius." Harry sighed. "What to do?"

As the counter reached zero the sounds of festivity returned to the room. The twins were confused.

"And how did you do this?" Fred asked.

"Magic my fellow pranksters." Harry replied with a grin to which the brothers whistled and laught.

"Didn't have enough fame?" An angry hiss reached Harry's ears.

"Ron? And what seems to be your problem?" He casually asked the incoming redhead.

"You said you won't enter the tournament." Ron fumed.

"And I didn't. At least not personally." Harry replied.

"So you asked someone else to do it?" Ron's face was becoming more and more red by the minute.

"Yes. Professor Dumbledore in fact." The room suddenly became silent.

"The headmaster got you into the tournament?" Hermione couldn't believe this accusation.

Harry stood up. "Then tell me who could not only bypass his enchantments but confound the goblet Hermione." The crowd looked down.

"You're a coward." Seamus voiced his displeasure.

"And yet I've defeated an overgrown snake, a couple of spiders and vengeful spirits straight from Azkaban." Harry waved off the boy.

Harry reached the stairs. "And supposedly I've defeated the worst dark lord known to Britain. Let that sink for a while." He continued his walk towards his room leaving an ashamed audience behind him.

"That was so cool." The girls squealed making the boys uncomfortable.

"Did he get rid of his glasses?" Hermione wondered.

"Hmph. Who cares?" Ron bottled down a Butterbeer.


"This is going to be a mess." Harry sighed while reading the Sunday morning edition of the Daily Prophet.

"You have Rita Skeeter to thank for." Fred said.

"A vindictive hag that one." George added.

The article smeared Harry's reputation. Calling him a glory hog. "It seems she got a memo from her owners." Harry looked towards the laughing Slytherins.

Shaking his head in disappointment he continued eating while enjoying the view. The Great Hall was even more grand in person. A remarkable piece of magic and history.

"What are you going to do now Harry." Hermione was worried.

"The same as always. Mooch off my betters." He winked.

The twins laught at her pouting. "Look Gred. It seems Harrikins grew a pair."

The other redhead sagely nodded. "Our work is done Forge."

Harry chuckled at their antics. After breakfast he used his free time to look for his new base of operations, the room of requirements. He reached the famous depiction of dancing trolls on the seventh floor. The door appeared after walking by three times.

"Let's get down to business." He started warming up by stretching and doing the katas of Hakuda. "Running away from the dragon is always an option.

Minutes turned to hours. "It seems I've also been blessed in the stamina department." He wiped the sweat with a towel.

Harry walked up to a couple of dummies."Sho!" A small ball exploded on impact.

"I can work with this." A plan began forming in his head. "The dragon won't know what hit it."

"Where were you today? I've been looking all over for you." Hermione sat down in front of Harry. She wasn't pleased.

"Working out most of the time. Need to prep myself for the unknown." He answered.

That dampened her spirit. "I thought I'd help you."

He looked at his hurt friend. "Well," he drank some water, "I'm going to be learning Accio after dinner. Would you like to join me?" He offered much to her delight.

"Of course. It's always good to be ahead in our studies." She chimed much to his relief.

"Can I join too?" Neville asked timidly.

The girls near them glared at the boy. "Sure Neville." Harry's smile melted their stone expressions.

"Can we also join?" His female classmates asked.

Confused he still agreed to their request. Some younger students also tagged along making a curious sight in Hogwarts. "Am I a hen?" Harry thought when he glanced over his shoulder.

After finding an usable classroom Harry grabbed a couple of random things from the room and transfigured them into pillows.

"Take one and we'll then go through the technical aspects of the spell." He said.

When everyone was sitting he explained how to cast Accio. "Remember to have a clear picture of what you want to summon. Otherwise the spell won't read upon your intent." He cautioned.

How about you show us how's it done, professor Potter?" Lavender's body language made him falter. Which in turn made the girls giggle.

"I'm too young for this." He muttered. "Accio." His pillow lazily floated towards him. The crowd was surprised.

"That was fast." Ginny remarked. "Are you sure you haven't learned it earlier?"

"It seems my magic wanted to impress the lovely ladies in the room." He coughed at their cheering.

The lesson came to an end. Surprisingly many of his classmates were able to pull the spell of in some capacity. Some younger students like Ginny and Colin also made big strides in learning. Harry stayed behind to clean up the mess.

"I'll help you." Hermione's voice reached his ears.

He smiled. "Thanks Mione." Emotions of his predecessor were messing with him.

She stopped. "Mione? Aren't you foward today Mr. Potter?" She smirked at his gobsmacked look.

"With you always." He grinned seeing her blush.

"Should I be worried?" She walked up to him. Care written in her eyes.

"Not at all." He hugged her. "I have you by my side after all."

"Since when did you hug?" She placed her head on his shoulder.

He placed his head on her's. "Thank you for being here." Harry tighten his embrace making their bodies touch even more.

"I'm happy to be here." She quietly replied.

"Oh. So you like being in my arms?" She felt him smile in her hair.

"Prat." She smiled.

They finally broke their embrace with one of them blushing like crazy. "I still owe you many." Harry teased the brown girl before him.

Regaining her composure she shot back. "Continue like this and I'll make you pay."

"Any time." He smiled.


"It's unbelievable they still haven't thrown you out." Draco Malfoy's sidekicks sneered at Harry.

"You can try. Let's see if the goblet's power will take your magic away for interfering with the champion." Harry's comment made the blond even paler.

"Hmph. We'll see who'll have the last laugh." The Slytherins headed towards their corner.

"Is that true Harry?" Hermione asked concerned.

"Who knows?" He winked making the Griffindors laugh. Only Ron was acting sullen.

"Show off." The redhead scowled.

Harry heard his supposedly best friend's remark. "You know I would've never lied to you Ron. Not after all the things we've been through." He gently smiled.

Unfortunately he still wasn't ready to make up with Harry. "Why does he have to be so stubborn?" Hermione commented after their friend left them behind.

"Are we talking about the same person?" He chuckled as she smacked his arm.

"Did you write to the dog star?" She offhandedly asked.

"Hedwig was pissed with me." He showed her a couple of scratches.

"She's to gorgeous for her own good." She replied.

Harry smiled. "That she is."

The Care of Magical Creatures was an eye-opening experience. "Barmy." Dean commented.

"I'm actually impressed. But I don't want to know the details." Blast-ended Skrewts in Harry's opinion were cursed.

"Feisty little buggers. That's probably the manticores side." Neville added.

"Divination's next." Harry sighed. "Do you think it's too late to join something else?" He asked the crowd.

"You can't do this to us." Parvati complained.

"Yeah. Don't take away our eye candy." Lavender added making the girls nod in agreement.

"I think it's a wonderful idea. Let's ask Professor McGonagall." Hermione ignored the booing.

"Since when did you become so cunning Granger?" The gossiping duo had wry smiles.

Blush painted Hermione's face. "I'm just worried about his education."

Harry distanced himself a little from Hermione. "They say its always the quiet ones." He laught at her deadpan face.

"Weren't the Champions exempted from taking classes?" Someone said.

Gears began to turn in Harry's head. "Don't even think about it." Hermione pinched his arm."

"Since you've damaged the goods you have to buy them." Harry jokingly said. Making the twins roar.

"If you don't want to then we can take the problem off your hands." Katie Bell wiped her tears.

"Bullies, all of you." Hermione stabbed her food in indignation.


Harry decided to visit Professor McGonagall instead of going to Divination.

"Shouldn't you be in class Mr. Potter?" The stern woman scrutinized the boy standing before her.

"I'd like to terminate my membership there permanently." He sat in front of her desk. "I'd rather focus on more tangible things than reading tea leaves."

Something resembling a smile appeared briefly on her face. "You find pleasure in giving me extra work, don't you?" A similar face flashed in her memories.

Harry nervously scratched his head. "It's unfortunate that I've made such a mistake."

McGonagall put down her quill. "Did you choose a subject?"

"I'd like to take Arithmancy. Runes if its possible to take both." Harry answered.

The elder woman wanted to sigh. "You do understand the amount of work you have to make up Potter?"

Harry grinned. "I won't disappoint you Professor."

She shook her head. "I'll inform both respective teachers. Is that all?"

Harry thanked McGonagall and left her office. "Since I have some time I'll go train some more."


"I don't understand why we all thought Potions were hard." The sound of falling cutlery engulfed the Griffindor's table after Harry's statement.

"We lost him. Fred." George looked scared out of his mind.

"If this was a prank then we give up Harrikins. Give our adorable four eyes back." Fred mourned the death of their friend.

Neville still couldn't comprehend today's lesson. "How were we able to make a solid potion?" Heads turned towards the boy.

"You're exaggerating." Hermione brushed him off.

Parvati interjected. "Then how do you explain why Snape didn't fail them?"

"Maybe the slimy git was an imposter?" Ginny said.

Harry raised his hand to calm his mates down. "I just didn't play into his games. What else could he do?"

"Maybe. But Draco Malfoy's exploding cauldron was the best part." Lavender said with glee.

"Finally the wanker got what he deserved." Ron remarked with a gloating smile.

"What happened to your glasses by the way?" Ginny asked.

Harry forgot about them. "They were so old they disintegrated."

"How are you able to see then?" Angelina asked.

"Who knows? Maybe magical puberty healed my eyes." He winked.

"That's nonsense." Hermione huffed.

He turned to her. "In for more teasing?" The girl muttered under her nose in response.


"Being invisible is a blast." Harry was on his way back to the dorm after a late night session.

He reached for the Marauders Map and checked if someone was nearby. "Good night there stranger." Harry heard a whimsical voice behind him.

A young blond girl was skipping towards him. "Hmm. That's strange." She reached her hand towards him to which he sidestepped silently. But her eyes seemed to follow him.

"You're more composed. Less Nargles and Wrackspurts fly around you." She praised with an angelic smile.

He took his hood off. "Aren't you cold?" She didn't have shoes on. And a thin blouse wasn't the best option within the medieval castle. It was chilly no matter the season.

"You get used to it." She replied.

He shook his head. "You understand I won't let this be?" She looked down.

Without asking he pulled her into a princess carry. "But not today. I'll show you my little secret." He winked.

She glanced at his green eyes. "My dad has to agree to our elopement."

Harry chuckled. "You're lucky your pinchable cheeks are too far."

She looked confused. "But your hand is close to my bottom?"

He was amused. "I fell straight into that one. Didn't I?"

"Who knows." She dove into the crook of his neck. Her breath tickling him in the process.

"I'm definitely keeping you around Ms?" He asked.

"Luna Lovegood." She looked up. "You want to be my friend?"

Harry smiled in return. "We already are." He patted her head.

A soothing giggle reached his ears. "Thank you Harry." She grabbed his robes tightly.

He strengthened his grip. "It's all going to be okay from here. That's a promise." His eyes flashed with determination.


"Did you see the Ravenclaw's table. Something must have happened." Dean whispered.

"Look at Flitwick. He's ready to spill blood." Seamus said.

"They found out about the bullying, my sister said." Parvati added.

Lavender said with shock. "I'm astonished how long it took for them to get busted. Apparently they did it for two years."

"Why no one did anything before?" Someone asked.

"The school doesn't have a good track record with bullying. No matter who does it." Harry calmly said.

Alicia nodded. "True. Even some of the staff engages in it." They thought about Filch and Snape.

Harry sighed. "It just shows how brittle the whole system is." He looked towards his friends. "Even the tournament wasn't able to curb this behavior."

"And now we're a laughingstock in their eyes." Ginny pointed towards the Slytherin's table. The Durmstrang students were currently laughing at the whole situation.

"The snakes are even more green then usual." Ron said with some mirth.

"At least the French can't be more disgusted with us." Neville noticed the Beauxbatons students weren't paying attention to the scandal.

"Don't worry. They'll gossip about it in their carriage." Lavender and Parvati weren't happy with this outcome.

"Can I join you Harry." Harry saw Luna behind him.

"Of course. You're always welcomed here." He smiled.

The socially blind girl calmly sat down on Harry's lap. "I told you to sit down, not to give everybody a heart attack." He grinned at her puzzeled look.

"That's odd. Girls in my room said boy friends like it." Without missing a beat she began eating.

"Not that kind of boy friend Luna." Ginny blushed.

"You can get off now." Hermione raised her brow at the girl's unconventional behavior.

Luna tilted her head to the side. "He'd have agreed if you had asked." She returned to her meal leaving a blushing bushy mess behind.

"Can we adopt her George." Fred asked his handsome twin.

George looked towards his better half. "Let's not enrage the gals more." He pointed towards the glaring female population.

"Trouble incoming." Neville shivered seeing who was coming.

Snape with his bellowing cape showed up. "Already using your privileges Mr. Potter?" He said with a sneer.

Harry turned to face his Potions teacher. "I'm just comforting a traumatized young lady." He patted Luna's head to which she hummed in delight.

Snape turned his attention to the blonde. "And why are you here Ms. Lovegood?"

She blinked. "Am I not allowed? The rules only mention sitting with your house during the opening and ending ceremony."

"As expected of an journalist's daughter." He scowled. "However we don't allow public signs of affection within these walls."

"Aren't the broom closets in the walls?" Fred whispered to George.

"Right you are my fellow broom dweller." He whispered back. The girls nearby blushed.

"Unfortunately all good things have to come to an end." Harry placed Luna between him and Neville.

"I understand. Next time I'll prepare some Notminders." The crowd was confused what she meant by that.

"Don't think you're getting scot-free. Detention for a week." The man said.

Harry shook his head. "I'll consult Professor McGonagall about that."

Snape scowled and left the Great Hall. Loud cheers erupted from the Griffindors.

"How did you do that?" Students asked.

"That's amazing Harry. You need to teach me that." Neville eyes shined.

Hermione on the other hand wasn't as happy. "He won't leave it like this."

He patted her on the shoulder. "I'll manage. But all of you need to look out." That shut down their enthusiasm.

"At least he can't tower above us with points." Some first year said.

"Just remember to ignore his tantrums. He can't do anything to endanger you." Harry looked towards the staff's table. McGonagall sighed in relief while the headmaster's eyes twinkled.

ShinXResolve ShinXResolve

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