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Chapter 2: Narnian and Prophecies

Late March and early June is the special time of the year as Devon's countryside, grazing and beautiful hills are experiencing the best time of the year. 

The beautiful breeze constantly flowing through the shimmering hills, creating a pleasant and tranquil atmosphere, in turn nourishing every inch of this greenish land with water, which is wilted by the song of the wind. 

Compared to the remote and desolate highlands of Scotland, the climate in Devon in the southeast of England is alive and nurtured by nature. Everything can be appreciated and enjoyed without much trouble, Devon has a rustic method of transport that is pleasant and the long history makes this place no worse than the urban side of England. 

Without a doubt, having a residence here has become a beautiful reality for many Europeans who live their lives away from the new technologies and everything that shackles people today. 

The endless greenish terrain that extends to every corner of this land, quiet villages without the annoying urban noises experienced in the city, farms so peaceful that there is no need for a shepherd to look after his flock, where residents know and trust each other, an ideal place where families live happily and carefree is just a taste of what this place has to offer. 

It can be said that Devon is not noted for its modern structures, cloud-busting high-rise buildings or shopping malls where the finest and most expensive clothing abounds with impertinence. This is not a place where you can find hotels or hospitals, auditoriums of fine music or cinemas of entertainment. 

In Devon, you can find houses with a somewhat rough exterior appearance, but fine and elegant inside. Each of these structures enjoys antiquity that can be considered a unique place where people can live. Writers, poets and painters can enjoy strolling through this endless greenish countryside, and lonely people of any social class can create their ideals as they please without being judged. 

These particularly picturesque old cottages, castles and towers that have been maintained over the years, even if they do not seek the attention or curiosity of others, Devon will always attract the attention of tourists and locals who come from far and wide. 

But there is one thing in particular why tourists abound at this time of year, and that is because in Devon there has always been a magical legend about the mysterious golden mansion. 

Don't be impressed when you hear gilded, many tend to relate it to gold or quality paint. No, it is not very luxurious, even the title of abandoned mansion is moot seeing that the old paint is not weather-beaten when someone comes across that mansion. 

The special reason why people talk about this mansion is only because the opinions of the locals and the tales that the residents in Devon share with them are very contradictory, achieving that every time they visit this wonderful place a completely different story is told to keep the tourists happy. 

Although the residents of Devon do not seek attention, the tourists buy their bread, cheese and milk. The locals for their part bring important trades that help the livelihood of many families with special needs that are only available in the city. 

Many of those who visit this place insist that this mansion was not built to boast of luxuries, others say it is a mansion where a huge Lion lives, some have seen ghosts and it is a place where it is difficult to find people. 

There are numerous tales that could be considered quite idealistic, the mansion can be searched by strangers every morning without fail but ultimately without success. 

Shepherds who go out in the morning, young people or children who go out to run in groups, if they are lucky enough, can fully see the estate of this mansion with statues of fantastic animals, eagles as big as tigers, mice with stone swords and even dragons that are spread in statues of different sizes all over the mansion. 

These people who have seen the mansion estate claim that that place was definitely not abandoned or devoid of people, many say that an elderly couple live there and are very kind to all who pass by their door. 


These old people living in the magical mansion were very old, but the years do not seem to keep them from living normally and unaided, although most have never actually seen them. 

Those lost children who claim to be helped by a huge Lion who speaks the human tongue, shepherds who were fed by the elders or groups of people who invited them for a cup of tea are harshly denied.

That mansion that was a lonely, magical place with numerous legends has become something normal for everyone. Over the years, an old man would come down from the mountain to buy bread or milk, this old man sometimes drove a horse-drawn carriage and other times an antique car that was hard to see in this place. 

But what makes this mansion a magical and mysterious place is that for decades some neighbors have claimed to hear noises of a Lion or see the same old man walking without the years having affected him in the least. 

The mysterious old couple goes for a walk from time to time, both have lived alone for years and rarely interact openly with people. 

But these stories are something locals hear and don't believe, tourists learn and are intrigued. Other Devon residents who have never seen the elders say there is no such thing, making it even clearer that this mansion was magical and possibly did not exist. 

But those who hold this opinion also solemnly believe that, in fact, sometimes there are rude and disturbing lights coming from a hill, everyone can see the path leading to the mansion when their thoughts are not focused on it and rush past the place, and in turn this same path disappears if people deliberately look for it. 

Even out of sheer curiosity of the same intriguing stories that are created over the years, residents of the town near the mansion often chase some people who are dressed strangely. 

Everyone knows that the mansion must also be somewhere up the hill, and the elderly couple were the kindest kind of neighbors they could imagine when they happened to meet them. 

What was interesting about this was that the people talking about this place could be described as a bit eerie and somewhat frightened. With exaggerated words, expressions and tones of voice, they would explain to the audience, who were still not satisfied with other versions of the magical history of the mansion, that some accounts are very false. 

Many even argued to the people that the government, the police or someone should investigate this place thoroughly because unexplainable things were really happening. 

The narrators of these beautiful stories had expressions of curiosity, severity or mystery. Some narrated how they inexplicably lost consciousness while approaching the mansion grounds and some that they unintentionally stumbled upon the estate. 

One old man said in a raspy tone, saliva coming out of his mouth and mashing his beard but that didn't stop him from continuing with his own version of the story: "Was that really an accident? It doesn't matter! If they get to that ground, some will avoid it or go back to a place they originally didn't have to be." 

"Yes, I can swear in the name of the white witch. Once we are near the magic mansion we can close our eyes for a few seconds, and then open them in a different place." 

Was it really a dream? 

No matter, it was what they said, many had regained consciousness the next day and had a basket of apples on their chest. 

There were stories of how some people discovered that their grandparents and great-great-grandparents had accidentally met those two old men, meaning their actual age was outrageous to decipher. 

Still, everyone agrees on only one thing and that is that that mansion is really attractive, but it is simply because everything makes it indicate that it is a haunted mansion, full of both mysterious and creepy atmosphere, and there are two old monsters living in that mansion for who knows how many years. 

Even if a lot of bad stories tend to make people lose all confidence in the end. Whenever the story is really good, there are numerous farmers and shepherds who drunkenly shout and swear to God that they saw a dragon near the mansion, and this wave of impassioned storytellers soon after drown in the bursts of laughter from the crowd.

At this time of the year, most of the above views are considered interesting stories during many families' trips and at dinners every night, this is the most important topic everyone talks about whether it is foreign tourists or distant locals. 

But as time goes by, there are more and more legends full of suspense, as a result, there are many tourists watching in the hills and discussing from afar, but not many people are willing to actually approach this place where the haunted mansion is supposed to be. 

But now, the mansion, which has been the headline of hundreds of stories unknowingly for a long time, is actually in a state of tension and depression.

The garden that once glimpsed many statues of different sizes and reflections, was replaced by a dark and gloomy color that contradicts everything magical about this place. 

In the depths of what seems to be a basement inside the mansion, there was a lake not so big or small, next to it a tree with large old roots that glowed from time to time in a golden color that illuminated the surroundings with magical spores, and at the moment a kind of circle was still flickering with intensity around the lake. 

The letters written in the form of a circle surrounding the lake were unknown, a language that was hidden for thousands of years and now those who know it are hidden in the dark, and those who practice it are only old men in search of an illusory dream for them. 

When the last word of that unknown language was written, a magical scene happened around the lake, a kind of golden mantle danced with the sound of crickets. 

The roots of that old tree lit up and the whole basement seemed to come to life, pulsating with magical colors from time to time. This lake soon after slowly turned a golden color, creating a scene that is rarely seen. 

At this moment, the cellar door suddenly opened and an old man with goat's feet peeked out. He held a rather heavy old book that was difficult for him to hold with both hands, looked at the color in the lake and walked steadily towards the old tree. 

If this old man were seen by anyone outside this mansion, they would be petrified because he was a Faunus, a magical creature from Narnia that supposedly had become extinct more than five hundred years ago. 

But the movements of this goat-footed old man were precise, with intelligence and apparently carried a unique purpose in each of his actions. His eye color was brown, his skin color was white and half of his lower body was covered with thick brown fur. 

Upon reaching the lake, the old man leaned forward and looked at the color the lake water was taking on, which seemed to be slowly bubbling to the surface and upon finding that all was well he sighed in relief, he took a few pages of the book in his hand with his fingers, his brown eyes slid along the page, walking back and forth around the lake, glancing at the old tree every so often. 

Outside the mansion the sky was darkening, and every now and then the elder Faun scratched his ears nervously.

From time to time, he would also fall into deep thought and then, as if suddenly waking up, he would take a quick glance at the lake that every now and then a golden drop would fall from the old tree and then continue to sink his head into the book. 

"Let me think about it... Astrology is all right. The time is right and there is enough water ready in the vicinity, the color and the magic is deep enough for the worlds to connect..." 

The old Faun had already shifted to the other end of the lake, observing the various anomalies going on, muttering and tugging at his short red scarf with a bit of irritation. 

The door opened again at this point, and a woman, Faunus, walked slowly towards the old man with a ring dangling from a necklace. 

"Tamus..." There was deep concern in the green eyes of the old woman who belonged to the same magical race as old Tamus. "We've been delving into the records for many years.... Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. You really should take a break. You haven't slept in a week, we're not a hundred years old like we used to be, we're too old." 

Old Tamus raised his head, sighed and looked at the old woman with complicated eyes. What caught his attention was her smile so encouraging of her partner, so he reached over and took the dark green ring in her delicate hands. 

"I can't stop myself, astrology has told me that midnight will be the best time to perform the ritual. My dear, you know we can't make mistakes, maybe this is the one and last chance we have to save Narnia... For Aslan, we must do the best we can."

The elder Tamus took the dark green ring and looked at it carefully, if he was correct, this green ring was the one that granted the wearer the ability to bring it from one world and it was one of the broken gates to be able to leave Narnia since hundreds of years ago. 

"We only have this one chance..." 

Giving the ring one last glance, Tamus sighed longingly. Tossing the book to the floor, he gently held his wife's hand. He did his best to straighten her somewhat crooked back, with a reassuring look on their face, and his hands next to his wife's shared their mission. 

The old woman named Brigitte smiled helplessly and patted Tamus' back comfortingly with her other hand. 

"I always believe in you, dear Tamus.... We have done so many things together over the last hundred and fifty years, and you have always been reliable and serious about our mission that we swore to Aslan back then." Brigitte gently held the older Tamus' stubbly, cold hand. 

"If we manage to connect the gates, it is only a matter of time before we can return together with everyone to our true home. This was our decision. No matter what, in the end I will always be by your side no matter how many more years have to pass." 

The lake let out a dull hum, and Tamus' pupils reflected the golden light emitting from the lake, showing a much brighter glow in this dark basement. Recovering from the shock, he turned his attention to the old tree that was still glowing. 

"It looks like I need to strengthen the spell.... Brigitte, I need you to come repair the surrounding protection of this place. Although it has several preparations in case of emergency, the movements in this place may not be as quiet as we expect." 

"Muggles are a bit of a problem. If there are wizards and they break in, that would be a terrible problem for the future of all Narnians in this world. I especially hate how those damn traitors keep living their lives." 

Tamus sighed softly. 

Tamus knew what he was trying to do and supported this shared wish along with his wife, but he could detect the slight concern in her eyes when she heard him. At this turbulent time, he did not want to cause additional trouble, as if everything else today at this very moment would lose value. 

Tamus hesitated for a long time if the plan was the right one, but clenching his fists he finally made this decision that he had been studying for the past few hundred years. 

He together with his wife gathered their wisdom to prepare, he remembers those springs and autumns where they planned everything so that today would be the day that many were waiting for, they cannot doubt, definitely even if they die now they will not take a step back. 

This situation is special and has been prophesied for thousands of years by the Narnians, who must do everything possible to bring the spark that will end all the coldness of the White Queen. 

The old woman looked at her husband Tamus, nodded and pulled out a long, thin, simple-looking wooden stick-like thing that was under her sleeve. 

At that moment, the old man walked towards the lake, cut his hand and scarlet blood flowed from his palm onto the ground, then he pulled out a curved horn containing a drop of golden blood and walked around the lake as his blood mixed with the lake water. 

Those words he muttered came from deep in his heart. His voice was not too loud, but it came through clearly over the sound of the crickets and the bubbles of the lake. 

His blood left deep marks in the shimmering water, but these left patterns that slowly formed on the water and slowly scattered letters took shape. The rhythm was continuous, but after a while, steam burst into something and a golden stream spread through the cave. 

As the old man completed a circle, his footprints suddenly closed, bursting with a dazzling glow, spreading scarlet lines, and countless ancient symbols leapt into the air. "I, Aslan's most faithful follower, ask you to send the brightest light to end the cold war and build the passage back to Narnia..." 

Tamus shouted those words with an ancient feeling, he wiped his nose, smelling that smell of steam and gold. As he slowly watched his wife, the old woman flicked her wrist slightly. 

"No human without magic or with it should ever set foot in my domain.... Protego!" 

The air seemed to grow restless and an invisible power slowly swept through the surroundings, and a bluish-breasted bird in the glowing old tree, which seemed to be frightened by what was happening in the surroundings, suddenly shuddered, let out a chirp and flew away.

The old woman holding the wooden stick and looking extremely concentrated turned around, and the little blue-breasted bird flew to her shoulder, her feathers were trembling and she seemed to find it hard to control herself in this situation.   

"You must not be afraid, today we are about to change the present and future..." The old woman turned her head and looked at the little bird, who still looked frightened. 

"It's time Brigitte! Our time is up." Tamus in the distance called out to his wife anxiously. Hearing this, the old woman hurried off again. 

In a moment, deep in the lake, a kind of portal began to open, connecting the world with a completely unknown world where that spark seeking prophecy of the Narnians. With the water portal, the tree reacted and seemed to know what was happening. 

The bright moon in the sky above the mansion had already moved towards the heads of the two unconsciously, Tamus met the old woman and took her hand, the two staggered towards the center and reached the edge of the lake that at this moment had created a pillar of golden steam. 

The interesting thing about all this was that it was an unknown magic that connected a different world that possibly very few knew about to the world in which Tamus was reciting the ritual. 

The ring at the bottom of the lake that was the cause of this anomaly continued to glow and the magical dust in the air began to touch the surface of the tree, all evil or dirt in the world seemed to have completely disappeared from this basement as the water continued to evaporate. 

The wave of golden heat and the increasingly strong draft forced them to close their eyes. The old woman Brigitte began to wave the long stick in her hand and a beautiful transparent bubble surrounded them both. The old man nodded appreciatively, fumbled in his arms and slowly pulled out a silver dagger. 

He looked at the old woman, who was rarely serious, the latter looked deeply at him and nodded slowly. 

The old man resolutely stabbed the dagger into his palm, and the blood flowed immediately, breaking through the invisible barrier of the heat wave unhindered, dripping into the churning lake creating a scarlet vortex. Tamus let the blood flow for a moment, and when he saw that all was complete, he pulled out the dagger while a pained expression was reflected on his face but this didn't stop him from turning his head to meet Brigitte's worried eyes beside him. 

"It's today or never Brigitte..." The old man smiled trying to remain calm and took out a vial containing a healing potion as his hands shook. 

The wound on his hand touched the contents of the medicine, making an eerie, piercing sound. The old man frowned slightly and then that tension quickly relaxed him. 

"Brigitte, if this is the one, we'll see each other again in a few years, it will all be like a big dream." 

The old woman grabbed the dagger straight and did the same. The old man closed his mouth in anguish and quickly applied the medicine to Brigitte's hands after he was done with the process. 

The two fountains of blood condemned themselves into a portal as the golden water in the center formed an egg of sorts. When it emerged from the depths of the something, the basement walls were pressed down hard, large craters formed and the shield Brigitte had created could not withstand the force.   

"Tamus, this force is not something I can resist!" Amidst the startling roar of a Lion, the figure of that God that every Narnian dreams of seeing at least once appeared in front of the elderly's figures. 

That Lion who was known as Aslan looked at his faithful followers, lowered his gaze towards the lake and let out again a mighty roar. And as if his roar had the power of creation and destruction, everything seemed to calm down and that ritual stabilized.   

"Aslan, father of all, your most loyal servants bow before your greatness." Tamus looked at Aslan in water form and the tears in his eyes could not be contained. 

"There is no need for you to kneel my sons, your prowess and bravery in completing the first steps of this prophecy are worthy of my admiration. You have done well, I am sure it will all pay off and your efforts will be rewarded." 

"We, all of us, have waited a long time to return to Narnia, our home. The White Witch has turned many of your children, her ancient and dark magic has kept them asleep for hundreds of years in stone." 

"I don't know, I need to know if I am doing the right thing..." The elder Tamus held his wife's hand and under the intensity of the atmosphere, they both shared their excitement and joy to be conversing with Aslan. 

"You will not make mistakes if you act with your heart, your decisions are part of your life and you have fulfilled what many have expected... My dear children, I have always been watching you and the time will come when you will see me again the way you know me, don't forget that I am also in your world..."

Aslan in his water form let out a roar, that roar seemed to shake the space and make all the magic present in the lake. Aslan's blood mentally mixed with the thing that was forming in the water egg. 

In front of his eyes, all the beautiful golden solutions finally rolled and rushed into the golden egg, turning red, white, transparent and turning golden again, jumping and fluctuating rapidly. Fierce waves emerged from the hot surface, slowly converging into a solid mass. Immediately, as at the moment when a trapped animal dies, there was an earth-shaking roar. 

A golden light shone before the eyes of the old couple, as if the sun had fallen into the lake with a burning flame. 

And when everything seemed to be at its peak, the two could see nothing more. 



To travel to the magical world built by infinite imagination must be the dream of many people. But where magic is born with the purest piece of imagination is in children, children trapped in the body of adults. 

But they should know that time travel as a baby is not a very fun experience. 

When a college student suddenly discovered that the lake he was fishing in began to open up into a kind of whirlpool his whole canoe spun around with that anomaly that should not be happening on a small lake. As he was struggling between holding on tight to the canoe and looking for a way out of his situation, there was a loud explosion where the water completely covered his view. 

In this state, he was still aware that he could not swim. 

When he awoke, he found himself naked and lying on his side in a golden lake, surrounded by golden branches and the water surrounding his body as if it were a cocoon. This golden water flowed all over his body and when he thought he could not breathe, he discovered that this was not the case, feeling that this was all magical and very disconcerting. 

He thought he must look foolish at the time to think that this could all be part of a process known as death, because he was too scared to think that right now he could have died or been in that process. 

Then, if he realized that he traveled from a portal created by a magic ring, the first discovery he saw was something truly terrifying: He seemed to have shrunk in an alarming way. When it tried to move its little legs, its tiny arms and legs felt stimulated by the golden water covering its body. 


Stunned by the afterglow, the elder Tamus fell to the ground. Hearing the faint sounds coming from the lake, he couldn't help but rejoice for a moment, with infinite joy blooming on his old face, his hooves dragged on the ground and with a leap he rushed to help the elder Brigitte to his side. 

"Brigitte! Wait, listen, listen! Listen!" Elder Tamus stammered a little from excitement, wiped the water on his face and then gently slapped his clothes on his body. 

Brigitte touched her hand, but her face was also full of joy. She grabbed the elder Tamus who opened his arms and was about to pounce into the lake but she stopped him. 

"Are you crazy, Tamus? That temperature is not something you can stand." Brigitte visualized the water in the lake slowly ceasing to pulsate with magical lights and the last bubbles disappeared as she finished her words. 

"Oh yes, yes, yes, I'm so old and confused Brigitte..." Tamus rubbed his hands together and stumbled in towards the lake and pulled out a bluish potion, and after emptying the contents into the lake it began to emit a cooling sound, and the temperature began to drop. 

Old Brigitte approached the lake cautiously, looked at the baby struggling in the small bubble of water and couldn't help but smile sadly. This child had been called by her ritual, this one had been snatched from somewhere in her world to fulfill the prophecy in this place. 

The slowly cooling lake caused a stimulation in the baby's actions and he sneezed wrinkling his little nose, releasing a bubble of golden water. 

"Look at this little guy!" 

Elder Tamus ran forward excitedly and pushed the old woman aside so that she would not obstruct his path, and Brigitte staggered and stared straight ahead at her with a dumbfounded expression, Elder Tamus looked at her in embarrassment and made an apologetic sign. 

"This child is very different from those sons of Adam and daughters of Eve, this child carries the blood of our creator, Aslan, with that blood he will be able to use the most complex of magics and fulfill his destiny." Saying this, Tamus could not help but smile and said, "We succeeded, now all Narnians in this world will be able to free themselves from the curse of the White Queen and return to Narnia."

"We won't be able to stay with him for too long, but we'll be around long enough to raise him until he can tell right from wrong..."   

At that moment, the baby finally managed to get his hands on the edge of the water bubble, so that he could barely stick his head out. He looked at the two old men in panic and was stunned for a while, then forced himself to look away from the two half-goat old men, shook his head curiously and felt that this was something mind-boggling. 

In an instant, the surrounding light seemed to dim and the old tree lost its light in silence. The old man and the old woman turned their heads together and saw the boy with a pair of dazzling golden pupils, a dazed and helpless expression on his face, looking around, traces of magic on his body and golden water glistened everywhere. 

The Narnian elders looked at this child who possessed the blood of Aslan and a destiny that defines the future of Narnia and in turn related to the magical world. 

On this day, Alex Aodhan was born, possibly an orphaned son of a lost family, where his blood is so rare that it is hard to find in this world, but so special that his power could manifest all the powers of this world as a future wizard who should not have existed in history. Who years after being summoned by two Fauns, would be stripped of those memories and abandoned in an orphanage where he will have to bear his fate. 

At the same time, in a small village so old that only rats and dark wizards could pass through, homeless villagers returning late would pass one building after another. The shack was so ordinary that everyone seemed to ignore it, and on several occasions the fence gate was narrowly missed. 

But inside, the lights are brightly lit, filled with an atmosphere of joy, and it feels as if all the joy and brightness is gathered here. A beautiful lady with blues and snow-white hair fell to the floor, filling the room with a dark coldness. 

In a crystal of ice, her body was reflected before disappearing completely in a burst. A dwarf picked up a dagger of white crystal, stone or some similar material and quickly left the hut with a dark look on his face. 


About a year later, there were two people sitting opposite each other in an inconspicuous corner of the Hog's Head Inn in Hogsmeade, Highlands, Scotland, Great Britain. 

"So will I be able to teach at Hogwarts?" 

"Hmm, that I'd have to see..." The old man with the long beard, round glasses and noble look tried not to voice his thoughts. 

Suddenly, the eyes of the woman with gathered glasses became intent and her subsequent words left the old man with the long beard stunned. 

"Albus, the only one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord is coming! Born of those who have defied him three times, he will come into the world at the conclusion of the seventh month.... And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have a power the Dark Lord knows not of..... And one of the two must die at the hands of the other, for neither can live while the other is alive.... The only one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord shall be born at the end of the seventh month..." 

At that moment, a black figure was visualized by the sharp eyes of old Dumbledore who at this moment was being chased out of the Pug by the owner, just as he was about to take action and chase after him, the woman abruptly stopped him. 

"Albus, leave Severus alone, you can let him go, he will tell the Dark Lord, but there will still be hope of redemption for him. I saw it in my vision, he is important, you must not change him, you really must not..." 

Dumbledore was about to get up from the table and dismiss Trelawney, but she stopped him. Dumbledore could feel it, there was something surrounding the witch in front of him. 

"Wait, wait a minute. I want to tell you, I seem to have found something wrong? I can't predict that now. But I've already seen something very important..." 

At that moment, Trelawney's glasses cracked, the glass fell to the floor but that didn't stop her words. 

"There is another person who came from far away and was born in July. He does not like battles, but he will hardly lose when he meets an opponent and that is destined for; he is a child of the light and the Lion, but he always hides in the dark." 

"He can see the past and the future, as well as cause and effect. But he does not know his own future, which will take him to a cold and bitter place." 

"Trelawney, you look a little tired, you can go rest and we'll see you later." Dumbledore tried to soothe that witch with kind words that few could refuse.

But Trelawney didn't think like the others, she stood up and looked at the old man with the long White beard and said, "Albus, I'm not tired at all, I'm fine. Don't interrupt me." 

"Albus, be careful...the final battle between the Dark Lord and the one who has the power to subdue the Dark Lord may be intervened, for the invisible child is coming. The Dark Lord will be stronger and more terrible with his new ally, this ally lives since ancient times and awaits his rebirth under the cold of winter.... Though those who will oppose them will also receive help from the light in the darkness. But many men will be driven through misery by searching for that lost door."

"But Albus, have you ever imagined what hell is like?" 

"Hell is gold and the door is the new world where magic can thrive." 

Albus' eyes flashed with surprise, then he stroked his beard before silently pondering what those words meant.

SrCuervo SrCuervo

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