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Harry Potter Short Stories Harry Potter Short Stories original

Harry Potter Short Stories

Author: Daoiste9YKMm

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Plant

Harry the black haired and green-eyed boy stood in front of the greenhouse. How he hated this place , something always went wrong and today, they were supposed to work with something really dangerous. The Venomous Tenacula plant. It was known to wizards far and wide that this was the plant you didn't want to step in front of. Its many arms would wrap around your chest and slowly get tighter. It would never kill its victim, but still, it proved to produce a lot of trauma to those it came in contact with. It was more mentally then anything. Knowing his luck, Harry wasn't wanting to go to Herbology but was forced by Hermione who lectured him on end. Patted on the back by Ron, Harry walked into Greenhouse 3. Ron and Hermione were right behind him. Harry found 3 empty seats and sat down. His fingers shook violently while his head spun, he really didn't want to be here today. Ron sat down and didn't say anything. He gave a quick glance over at Harry and noticed his friend shaking and trembling. He also noticed that his friend was unusually pale. Ron tapped Hermione on the shoulder and Hermione looked over to see the deathly site of Harry. She nodded her head rightly over at Ron and gave a quick, "What did you do" glance. Ron shook his whole head like a mad man. Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Harry are you alright?" Hermione asked. Harry looked over and nodded. He was afraid to speak, he felt sick to his stomach. The worry was getting to him. Hermione looked down and lifted her head, she was about to ask another question when she was rudely interrupted by Draco who had sat across from them.

"Hey, Mudblood, are you ever going to fix that bushy hair of yours? It looks as ugly as your family," Draco said with a snort of laughter. All the other Slytherins joined in and cupped their hands to their mouths to stifle their laughter as Professor Sprout walked in. Her hat sat centered on her head and her hair was coming out the sides.

"Hello Class," Professor Sprout said

"Hello Professor," the class responded. Professor Sprout nodded her head and turned around. She turned around and started to rummage through a box that was behind her. While she rummaged through the box that was next to the door, Harrys heart hammered. He didn't know why but yelped when a small hand landed on his shoulder. He turned around to see Hermione who asked him if he was ok. All Harry could do was nod, he felt like throwing up his breakfast. Professor Sprout turned around at last and held up a apron. The apron had a few layers of cloth and a sheet of metal on the front. Malfoy let out a loud snort of laughter. Professor Sprout pretended to not have noticed.

"Ok Class, these aprons are for your own good, if the plant scraps you, these aprons will protect you." Professor Sprout looked everyone down and Harry felt himself shaking more, he didn't know why he was so scared. The Professor put everyone in groups. Ron and Hermione were with a few other Gryffindors and Harry was with Neville and a few Slytherins. Luckily, those Slytherins weren't talkers. They gave nasty glares every now and then, but they never muttered a single word. Neville asked Harry to go over and grab a few pots but Harry saw that the pots were near the huge plant. Harry held back his fear so he wasn't seen as a coward. He walked over and reached down to grab the pots on the lowest shelf when one of the huge Venomous Tenacula arm came and wrapped around his waist. The arm pulled back and Harry dropped the pots and go dragged away to a nearby corner. He was in such a shock that he didn't make any attempt to get out or scream. Neville looked back and saw that Harry wasn't there and yelled when he saw Harry in the Tenacula arm, Harry was unconscious. Neville quickly ran back and tried to shake Harry awake but failed.

"HARRY! Hermione, Ron get over here!" Neville screamed with all his might. Hermione looked up and saw Harry, she screamed and ran over. Ron followed. She grabbed Harrys arms frantically and pulled back, Harry remained stuck. Tears started to stream down her face.

"Professor Sprout! Help please!" Ron shouted but to everyone's surprise, Professor Sprout was not in the classroom. A few Gryffindor's ran out and tried to attempt to find her. After learning that Hermione's strategy didn't work, Ron grabbed one arm and Neville grabbed the other. They both leaned back and pulled with all their strength. After 10 minutes, Hermione started to sob and was very fed up.

"You stupid plant! Let go! Harry can't breathe!" The plant didn't lessen its pressure.

"Stupid Mudblood, talking to the plant wont work! There's only one spell that will let him go, luckily for you, I know it. Move aside! Can't believe I'm about to save stupid potter!" Draco responded behind them. Ron and Hermione along with Neville were hesitant. Ron straightened up and stood in front of Draco.

"Yeah right, how do I know you're not trying to curse Harry?" Ron asked with a look of concern and fear all mixed into one.

"because stupid Ron Wesley, if you didn't notice, Harry doesn't have much time, your just gonna have to trust me."

Ron didn't move, he stood frozen in time and space. "Well Wesley, I offered my help, if you don't want it, that sucks for you and potter," Draco responded. He had a amused look on his face. Ron moved but felt very uneasy, then again, Harry didn't have much time left. Draco moved close to Harry and said a indication of a spell. The arms immediately let go and Harry lay sprawled on the floor. Hermione ran to Harry and set his head on her lap. Harry woke a dew minutes later, all he knew was there was pain everywhere. Blurred faces were around him, he heard some saying his name. Harry closed his eyes in hopes that the pain would disappear. Ron knelled down next to Harry and stroked his hand. Professor Sprout came in minutes later and saw Harry's head on Hermione's lap. Harry's eyes were closed, and his breathing was irregular. Ron was next to Harry, stroking his hand and Neville and Luna were next to Hermione, standing. Her Venomous Tenacula plant was torn to shreds, its arms were sprawled everywhere on the floor. Some Slytherins were laughing and trying to cover up their laughter while the Gryffindor's had their foreheads etched with worry.

"Wha Wha What happened?" Professor Sprout managed to ask, her face was red, and her ears were basically steaming. A shaking Neville walked over and asked her to calm down. Professor Sprout seemed to only get madder . "Longbottom do not tell me to calm down! My precious plant is in ruins and there is an unconscious student back there. So of course I'll be a little mad. This wasn't supposed to happen." Professor Sprout took a huge breath of air and didn't say anything else. Draco stepped forward and crossed his arms, he had a large scowl on his face.

"Sorry Professor but who may I ask, LEFT the classroom for about 20 minutes, maybe more."

Professor Sprout was astonished, how dare a student talk to her that way. She held her anger back, she knew it wasn't wise to leave the students along but yet, she still did. Dumbledore would not approve, to be honest, she was quite disappointed in herself, but what was done, was done. "I'm sorry Draco I am a teacher at Hogwarts and I have stuff to do."

Draco scoffed. "You're a teacher for crying out loud! I guess not being with your classes when there's a plant back there that nearly killed a student is normal, I'm sorry Professor but I beg to differ."

Professor Sprout couldn't keep her eyes off Draco. She felt guilt and anger tearing her piece by piece. She sighed and walked back to Hermione. She knelled down next to Hermione. Hermione was messing with Harry's hair. "How is he?" Professor Sprout asked. Hermione looked down. "I think he's going to be ok," she replied. Professor Sprout nodded her head and Hermione shook Harry awake. He awoke with a start. He sat up trying to catch his breath that came in short, shallow breaths. He laid back down and held on tight unto Ron's hand. Professor Sprout moved closer to Harry.

"Harry are you alright?" Professor Sprout asked with a tint of worry. Harry nodded and tried to stand, he leaned on to the table and Ron helped him sit down. Harry was pretty much out of it the entire class period. Professor Sprout looked at Harry who attempted to put dirt in his pot but failed, spilling dirt all over Neville who simply laughed. The professor sighed and said, "That kid's luck will never come."

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