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Chapter 83: 83. Chad Healer Achievement Unlocked

Happy added ingredients as he pleased, but he tried his best to appear as if he knew what he was doing and that it wasn't all just random work. He tried to follow a few instructions he had learned when it came to various ways of using some of the ingredients. Such as crushing, peeling, or chopping—he did those parts properly.

For one hour, he kept pouring some things in and then stepped back. But he didn't say anything and just focused on coming up with something more as he felt dissatisfied. At first, he thought of his blood but then gave up as he had no plan of making it into a drug to be used around the world.

At last, after an hour, he began stirring and adding even more ingredients, from a Dragon's tears to a Zombie's breath. He did it all—sure, it was very expensive, but money was the last thing he cared about.

Happy repeated these actions for a few hours. Waiting, pouring, and stirring, the cycle went on until ten hours had passed. Lord Greengrass was already nodding off while sitting on a chair on the side. But Snape was totally focused and wrote everything down, noting every minute detail. Stirring techniques, direction, speed, time, and ingredients—he understood better than anyone how important even the smallest of things could be.

"We're done!" Happy concluded since he had started to get really hungry. He had initially tried to control it, but eventually, his rumbling stomach began to ache.

Snape and Greengrass walked closer to the cauldron and took a look. There was some slimy, gooey black potion, bubbling from time to time and smelling worse than anything they had ever tried.

"This seems like a poison." Lord Greengrass said.

Happy defended himself. "Don't they say, the bitter the medicine is, the more effective it is? Let's take it to Saint Mungo's and get it tested on some criminals with Blood Malediction. Once it's clear that it works, you can take it, Lord Greengrass."

Lord Greengrass had his own way of traveling. The man left the warehouse and returned to the place where he took the Portkey from. As for Happy and Snape, they just had to walk into Happy's portal, and in an instant, they found themselves at Lestrange Manor.

"Professor, you should be able to apparate to Saint Mungo." Happy said, telling Snape to take him, as people didn't know he could also apparate.

Without speaking much, Snape placed one hand on Happy's shoulder and apparated away to the arrival area of Saint Mungo's. It was a busy building as always, and no one had the time to stop and look at Happy since everyone had some sort of emergency and hurried about.

"I need to meet the chief healer of the hospital." Happy added. "Do you know who it is, Professor?"

"Healer Ruby," Snape replied. "That's the name of the chief healer."

"Then let's go and see her. I'm sure the hospital has a few patients suffering from an advanced stage of Blood Malediction who will gladly take the experimental potion—a glimmer of hope for a dying person." Happy said, following Snape's lead to the administration wing of the hospital to meet the Chief.

It was a big building, made even bigger on the inside by the use of magic. There were various elevators taking people, not just up or down, but also in various other directions. The number of patients that could be treated at the hospital at a single time was in the thousands, and was renowned as one of the finest hospitals in the world.

Soon, they arrived at the office and booked a quick appointment with Ruby Thatcher. By then, Lord Greengrass had also arrived, his breath a little tense. The man must have rushed as fast as possible, in fear of Happy disappearing after making the vow.

"Mr. Lestrange, please go in."

Hearing the assistant's call, Happy stood up and strode into the modest, small office room. It was very simple, like any other office room—a lot of books, a table, a fireplace, and some moving paintings.

He looked at the woman sitting in the larger seat. She was old, evident by the wrinkles on her face. Her red hair was turning white, and her eyes were blue as the sea. However, she had a kind smile that made him feel relaxed.

"What can I do for our hero wizards?" She softly asked.

Happy decided to use the persona of a happy young boy. "Madam, I've made a potion that can cure Blood Malediction. I wanted permission to try the medicine on an advanced staged Maledictus."

Ruby was taken aback because the disease was incurable. It was akin to telling a muggle senior medical scientist that you had developed a cure for AIDS or Cancer. So she looked toward the two accompanying adults.

Snape noticed the doubt. "Mr. Lestrange, refrain from lying."

"My daughter has Blood Malediction, Madam. I would like to see if the cure works." Lord Greengrass added.

Ruby hummed with a nod and focused back on Happy, "Can I see the potion first?"

"Of course." Happy handed her a vial.

Ruby opened the cap and looked at it closely. She smelled it and wrinkled her nose as it did smell really bad. The texture wasn't very convincing either, with its black color. But could she just deny two Order of Merlin recipients? There was no reason for the two to pull pranks or such mischievous acts.

"We do have a patient on his deathbed. His body has turned into a hairy mess akin to that of a bear. It won't be long before he turns into an animal as well. If this can work for him, I believe it can work on anyone." Ruby said, rising to her feet. "Because Professor Snape also vouches for this, I'm inclined to give it a chance. Please follow me."

Happy beamed with joy and followed the woman cheerfully. They again went into the elevator and arrived at the special care room where rare cases or violent patients were kept. In the case of the Maledictus, he was both.

"His family abandoned him, so he has no family to take care of him or object to our experimental treatment. Moreover, he has no need to reject—he has already consented to voluntary death." Ruby added a few more details as they arrived.

It was a well-guarded wing, with guards stationed at regular intervals outside various doors. They went into the room with the healers and nurses whenever the door was opened.

Happy shrugged and was ushered into a softly lit room, with moonlight coming from the window. A man lay strapped on the bed, from his hands to his feet. His entire body was full of hair, from his face to his hands, and even his nose had changed shape to look similar to a bear's.

"Just feed it to him, Madam." Happy instructed.

Ruby walked closer and flicked her wand. Instantly, the man's jaw opened wide while screaming profusely, his eyes looking bloodshot. But Ruby, as if it was a normal daily occurrence, poured the content of the vial into the patient's mouth and forced him to drink all of it.



Soon, the mouth closed, and the man calmed down. Ruby stepped back and asked. "How long before the effects appear?"

"Should be a few days," Snape remarked.

"It's instant." Happy exclaimed, opposing them. "Look, the hair on his body is shedding so fast."

Heads quickly turned to look at the patient. It was magical. The excessive hair on the man's body was falling out with force, as if someone was pulling them apart. However, the man didn't scream.

"I-It's working?" Ruby wondered.

"It's working!" Happy was astonished.

Right before their eyes, the magic happened. The patient's body began to emerge from the fur, pink as the hairs were pulled away. His complexion began to change soon after, and at last, his face was clear.

Ruby rushed close to the patient and checked his body. His heart and pulse were fine, so she proceeded to take a blood sample from the man to have it tested for Blood Malediction.

So engrossed in her work that she didn't even look at Happy and the rest before darting out of the room to get to work. It was the middle of the night, but she cared too much to wait. Meanwhile, Happy, Snape, and Greengrass were left with the patient in the room.

"It worked?" Greengrass asked.

"It appears so," Snape said.


Just fifteen minutes later, Ruby came back, but this time she was panting, and behind her were at least a dozen more men and women healers, all shaking with excitement.

"Professor Snape!" Ruby came forward and grabbed Snape's hand. "This is the greatest invention of the century! You cured the incurable!"

Snape awkwardly pulled his hands back, "It wasn't I, Madam Ruby. The entire potion, from the inception, was developed by Mr. Lestrange."

"Mr. Lestrange?" Ruby and the rest stared at the young boy; It was unbelievable.

But, with the ancient Lestrange name a part of him, although it was hard to believe, they forced their minds to accept it—Of course, a talented man of such a noble family would be smart—they had to think that.

Ruby grabbed Happy's hands. "It works, Mr. Lestrange—The potion is beyond magical—it's as if it was made by Merlin himself… Mr. Lestrange, how did you do it? What ingredients did you use?"


Happy just smiled, keeping his mouth shut and eyes looking at Snape.

'My dear brooding professor, I hope you wrote down everything because I don't remember anything—what the hell did I even put in it?.'


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