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Chapter 9: Positioning yourself

The kitchen of the Burrow was a cosy hub of activity, though its modest size seemed stretched to its limits as a group of visitors entered. Amidst the hubbub, Mr. Weasley sat at the centre, engrossed in the pages of the Daily Prophet. A splash of red hair marked Ginny Weasley, the youngest member of the Weasley family, who busied herself nearby.

Ginny's cheeks flushed crimson as she caught sight of the main visitor, Harry Potter. Harry, in turn, feigned obliviousness, attempting to divert his attention elsewhere.

"Ciaran, please, have a seat. I've yet to offer my congratulations on your appointment as a Hogwarts professor," Mr. Weasley gestured warmly, setting aside his newspaper.

As the group settled around the cramped table, the atmosphere became notably snug.

"It's a tad crowded in here," Mr. Weasley remarked, a hint of embarrassment colouring his cheeks.

Mrs. Weasley, bustling about the stove, appeared to pay little heed to the conversation, though a tell-tale flush betrayed her awareness.

Ciaran smiled genially. "No worries at all. I find the hustle and bustle rather invigorating. Solitude can be rather dull."

Turning his attention to Harry, Ciaran inquired, "And what brings you here, Harry?" Though he was privy to Harry's circumstances, courtesy dictated a feigned ignorance at this juncture.

"Professor, you know me?" Harry seemed taken aback initially, then realization dawned – indeed, he was a prominent figure in the wizarding world.

"Harry's fallen into a bit of a scrape, Professor," Ron interjected, unable to contain himself. "All thanks to Draco Malfoy..."

"Ron!" Mr. Weasley interjected firmly, prompting Ron to fall silent, chastened.

Ciaran Frémont, though privy to the underlying situation, refrained from disclosing sensitive information to outsiders.

"Ciaran, Harry encountered a house elf named Dobby at his relatives' home. Due to Dobby's use of magic, the Ministry of Magic deemed it a violation of the 'Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards Act.' Consequently, Harry received a warning from the Ministry's Legal Enforcement Division – your former department," Mr. Weasley explained.

"Dobby serves the Malfoy family. He warned Harry against returning to Hogwarts, likely part of Malfoy's machinations," Fred added.

"Furthermore, Harry was confined by his relatives," Ron appended.

"We intervened to rescue him," George chimed in. "Using Dad's car..."

"Ahem!" Mr. Weasley cleared his throat pointedly, prompting George to mumble an apology.

Ciaran Frémont inwardly chuckled. Mr. Weasley's penchant for Muggle contraptions was well-known, having tinkered with countless devices during his tenure at the Office for the Prohibition of the Abuse of Magic. Certain items had even found their way into the family's possession, courtesy of Mr. Weasley's expertise.

However, Dobby's warning to Harry Potter wasn't without merit, though the Weasley twins attributed it to Malfoy's machinations. Intervening in such matters required delicacy, especially for a newly-appointed Hogwarts professor with limited magical prowess.

"Shall we warn Harry and his companions to exercise caution at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters?" Ciaran suddenly recalled. In the original timeline, Harry and Ron's escapade at the platform, thwarted by Dobby's magic, had necessitated a daring flight to Hogwarts in Mr. Weasley's enchanted car.

"Let it be. Dobby is resolute in his efforts to deter Harry. I lack Dumbledore's influence or the Malfoy family's sway to dissuade him," shaking his head, acknowledging the limitations of his authority. House elf magic operated on its own peculiar logic, beyond the purview of even seasoned wizards.

Dobby, though present, remained silent, bereft of any viable solutions. After all, Harry and Ron had successfully reached Hogwarts in the original timeline.

The prospect of Voldemort's diary, Ciaran mused, was cause for concern. Though he harboured no inclination towards dark magic, meddling with Voldemort's artifacts risked unintended consequences. The potential for fatalities loomed large, especially given Myrtle's tragic demise during Voldemort's initial reign of terror.

Avoiding entanglement in Voldemort's machinations was prudent, Ciaran reasoned. Identifying the source of Force points held the key to bolstering his abilities, rendering a direct confrontation with Voldemort unnecessary.

While he remained vigilant regarding matters pertaining to himself or his loved ones, Ciaran resolved to exercise discretion. Subtlety, he realized, was paramount in navigating the intricate web of fate.

As for the Malfoy family, their illustrious lineage and considerable influence within the wizarding world were undisputed. Dobby's allegiance to the Malfoys underscored their standing, though the Weasleys' lack of a house elf hinted at their comparatively modest stature.

"Malfoy's up to his old tricks, no doubt," Fred asserted confidently.

"Professor, Draco Malfoy, the Malfoy heir, also attends Hogwarts. He's in the same year as Ron and Harry, albeit sorted into Slytherin House," George elucidated, ensuring Ciaran Frémont was apprised of pertinent details.

Feigning comprehension, Ciaran nodded sagely.

Glancing at Ginny, Ciaran offered a smile. "Will you be joining Hogwarts this year, Ginny?"

Voldemort's diary, Ciaran noted, represented his first Horcrux. Lucius Malfoy's surreptitious placement of the diary in Ginny's possession served dual purposes – disposing of incriminating evidence while undermining Dumbledore's authority. Ginny, unwittingly ensnared, willingly played into Malfoy's hands.

Though intervention was tempting, Ciaran recognized the dangers of disrupting fate's delicate balance. Despite his foreknowledge, he resolved to tread cautiously, offering subtle guidance to thwart Malfoy's schemes without arousing suspicion.

Ginny's affirmative response elicited a smile from Ciaran. Despite her vivacious demeanour, Ginny's innocence rendered her susceptible to manipulation. It fell upon Ciaran to shield her from harm, ensuring her unwitting involvement in Voldemort's resurgence remained averted.

As dinner progressed, Ciaran subtly imparted cautionary advice to Ginny, instilling a sense of vigilance without arousing undue suspicion. Though fate's machinations remained inscrutable, Ciaran Frémont resolved to navigate its intricacies with prudence and foresight.

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